Holy Prison

Chapter 1384: Evil spirit

The black spider turned into a girl and hid. It didn't take long for a strong Shura to reach this side and soon found the "girl" who was hiding.

"Can't the creatures in the cultivation purgatory kill each other?" Chu Feng secretly asked, the Shura expert approached the "girl" more carefully, and when she discovered that she didn't seem to be a fake, the Shura expert immediately Attacked!

The black spider is at the pinnacle of the gods. The strong Asura is only the intermediate level of the gods. When the strong Asura approaches to attack, it is destined to be the cup of the strong Asura, and the "girl" becomes black in the blink of an eye. The spider then released the black and shiny spider silk, which firmly trapped the strong Shura!

"Really killing each other." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. After the black spider trapped the Asura expert, he killed the Asura expert in a short time, and then condensed an extremely pure evil spirit in the Asura expert. The beads swallowed, and it was only ten minutes, and the place was restored to its previous state, the Shura powerhouse turned into evil spirits, and the black spider turned into the lovely girl before!

The weak and the strong, Chu Feng witnessed several killings overnight. The black spider succeeded once and failed three times, but it was not bad to survive after three failures.

The night passed slowly, and the black spider quickly left. Chu Feng followed quietly. He had no interest in the black spider, but he was more interested in where the black spider was hiding. The time of the previous day He didn't find any fierce beasts, and he estimated that he would need to spend a long time in Shura Purgatory for a long time. It would be good to know more about this.

The blood day is about to come out, and the black spider moves faster, but the speed is still within the range of Chu Feng's tolerance. In just a few minutes, the black spider has reached a piece of black ground. In a short time, its relatively huge body Melted into the black land.

Chu Feng controlled the skyeye scan, but the black ground was very bullying against the skyeye. After the skyeye scanned it, there was no black spider at all!

"Strange!" Chu Feng was surprised, no wonder the Sky Eye hadn't scanned any fierce beasts before, and now it is clear that there is a fierce beast in the black ground that has not been found!


In order to verify whether there was a black spider in the black land, Chu Feng patted the black land with a palm. The dull voice erupted, and the black spider that had entered before then emerged angrily from there.

The Blood Sun had already come out at this time, and Chu Feng's eyes were surprised. Under the shining of the Blood Sun, the strength of the black spider was actually suppressed a lot.

"No wonder it didn't come out during the day, it turned out that the strength was suppressed." Chu Feng shot, and in a short time the black spider was killed by him. After being suppressed, the black spider was also the top cultivation base of the gods. Feng is now at the intermediate level of the god, and it is completely stress-free to destroy a black spider at the top of the god.

The black spider died, and one of the evil spirit beads it had successfully obtained from hunting exploded. As for its own death, it did not explode the evil spirit beads.

Chu Feng waved his hand, and the evil spirit beads exploded by the black spider appeared in his hands. "Miao Xian'er, scan this thing carefully to see if it is of any use." Chu Feng said in his mind.


Miao Xian'er responded, and Chu Feng quickly hid again. Although the danger of a **** day is much smaller than that at night, you can see far in the day. If you turn around, you might be able to see him from a distance. .

Just after hiding, Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, it seems that you will have more beads like this by then. These evil spirit beads contain pure evil poison. People are harmful, but it is a good thing for Miao Feiying!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up: "Feiying absorbs a lot of evil spirits from such beads, can he reach a quasi-sage level cultivation base?" "Yes, but better quality evil spirits are better. This evil spirit is just An intermediate-level Shura who respected the gods burst out, the quality is not very high, and there are few evil poisons that are useful for Miao Feiying." Miao Xianer said.

"It's fine." Chu Feng nodded slightly, and Yilian had benefited. If Miao Feiying can reach the Quasi-Holy Level by then, if his survival mission is successful this time, then the holy prison will be upgraded, then this Asura Purgatory is simple It is their blessing!

Day, night, day.

The survival mission was three days. Chu Feng changed his hiding place every day, and two dark nights passed, and the day on the third day came quickly.

Far away from Chu Peak, the old Black Mountain demon and Lei Zheng sat facing each other and stared at them, "Lei Zheng, lonely? There are many beauties in my space objects. Among them, there should be the ones you like better, only two. It takes more than seven days to locate the location of Chu Feng, which is difficult.” The old demon Black Mountain said with a smile.

"Old Black Mountain demon, I feel a little bad." Lei Zheng frowned, "I didn't feel that way when I just came in. Now I have a feeling that our actions may not succeed and will fail!"

"Failure?" The old demon from Black Mountain chuckled, "Lei Zheng, you are like you, the typical pressure is great, you need to find a woman to vent, hahaha!"

Lei Zheng said indifferently: "Old Black Mountain demon, I didn't joking with you, you'd better pay attention a little bit. If you are not doing well, then even if you successfully cross the Tribulation and reach the Holy Realm, you will probably be chaotic and miserable!"

"Lei Zheng, are you serious?" Black Mountain Old Demon said with a stern face, "If you have a hunch, then there is only one possibility. Chu Feng's strength will be improved or will soon be improved! The cultivation level will be improved in a short time. Too much, this is unlikely, maybe"

The old monster of Black Mountain said that the fragment of the jade charm controlled by Shura Purgatory appeared in his hand: "Maybe Chu Feng got the fragment of the jade charm controlled by Asura Purgatory!"

"Yeah." Lei Zheng nodded slightly. The possibility of this is relatively high. In this Asura Purgatory, there is a big difference between having control jade talisman fragments and no strength. Tenth-tier Quasi-Sages were not so easy to kill. Die the seventh-order eighth quasi-sage, but the control jade amulet has a speed bonus!

The speed of the quasi-sage of the tenth order is a little faster. If there is a bonus, the old black mountain demon can attack twice at the same time, but the old black mountain demon can only attack once. The strength is greatly superior!

"If Chu Feng gets the control jade talisman fragments, it is estimated that the jade talisman fragments he gets are larger than ours. Otherwise, you won't feel that way. However, you don't have to worry too much, even if he can get it. How big is the control jade talisman fragment compared to ours? His own cultivation level is not high, and in the city of God, the highest strength is estimated to be only the seventh-order quasi-sage, we are now the tenth-order quasi-sage-level cultivation base!" Demon way.

Heishan Old Demon said that Xiao Jiujiu was upset in his heart, if Chu Feng really got that kind of control jade talisman fragment, he must get it. Like him, Lei Zheng also had such considerations. At that time, he might fight for life and death, but now he is not sure whether Chu Feng is dead. The two are still in a cooperative relationship.

"It feels a little worse." Lei Zheng frowned. His instinct was very accurate. At this time, the three-day survival mission was over, and Chu Feng's holy prison began to upgrade!

The Chu Feng Holy Prison is already at level 11. If you upgrade it again, you will reach the twelfth level. Inside the stone cave, Chu Feng sat cross-legged and practiced. In the previous few upgrades, the Holy Prison always had A big abnormality appeared, this time beyond Chu Feng's expectation, the abnormality was very small, although the light from the upgrade of the holy prison filled the cave, it did not show through the cave!

Every upgrade of the holy prison is a good time for Chu Feng to practice. The upgrade of the holy prison will adjust his body to the best. This is the most important reason why he can quickly improve his strength without any sequelae.

As Chu Feng practiced, a warm current flowed in his body, and his body had a little bit of dark injury. At this time, as the holy prison escalated, the little bit of dark injury in Chu Feng's body gradually disappeared. His body and soul are gradually being adjusted to the best condition.

The body is well adjusted, and Chu Feng's cultivation speed is also increased at a speed that can be felt. When the holy prison is upgraded, the training speed is much faster than usual, but now the cultivation is too high, and the holy prison is basically impossible to upgrade once. Let his strength rise by a level.

One day, two days, three days, Chu Feng was lucky, but in the past five or six days in a blink of an eye, no powerful beasts came to the door.

No, on the sixth night, his luck was probably exhausted, Chu Feng's crown of merit trembled, and he was quickly awakened from training.

"Damn it."

Chu Feng secretly cursed in his heart that it is estimated that it will take two more days to upgrade the holy prison. If you spend these two days in peace, then the holy prison upgrade will definitely be easier here. The holy prison upgrade does not require his active control. But the holy prison upgrade will emit light!

This time, the abnormality of the holy prison upgrade is much smaller than before, but it is only relatively small. The abnormality is still relatively large. If you leave this cave, it is estimated that the light of the holy prison upgrade can illuminate thousands of people. Kilometers!

Time is not day or night. Even a single match is estimated to attract a lot of beasts from a wide range. If there is such a big movement, it will not attract a large number of beasts!

"Miao Xian'er, throw someone away to a far place." Chu Feng said quickly in his mind. He said that the force of the law of space was integrated into the surrounding space with his mind. Chu Feng wanted to use the law of space. The power temporarily restrains those rays of light, but it is in vain. Each point of those rays of light is the power of space, and Chu Feng's power of the law of space was swallowed up as soon as it came out!

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