Holy Prison

Chapter 1557: Kill

"Two Immortal-level saints." Chu Feng frowned slightly. I am afraid that the Immortal-level saints could not be completely killed. Now if he can't provoke him, he still doesn't want to provoke an Indestructible powerhouse.

However, it wouldn't work if he didn't get involved. In the current situation in the God Realm, if he didn't take some measures, God Chu City would be over.

If Shenchu ​​City is finished, then both the God Realm and the Ordinary Realm will have to fall, and the Holy Realm will be in that state. Shenchu ​​City will definitely not fall. Otherwise, even if he can survive in the future, he can only continue to be a turtle. .

"Chu Feng, are the two of them parasitized?" Yin Qianqian said. Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "Without long-term observation, how can we be sure if it is parasitized? The level of the holy prison is still lower now. People with too strong strength can't be sure if it is parasitized. These three lower ranks Sage, you can be sure that they are all parasitized!"

"All parasitized" Yin Qianqian was startled, "What does it look like after parasitizing?" Chu Feng moved his mind and showed the appearance of the three lower saints.

"You see, the sage of this lower saint is the heart." Chu Feng said that one of the three lower saints showed his heart, "I see these black lines, it's not like the saints who are not parasitized Son of it. This one... his sanctuary is the right hand bone. These black spots penetrate into the bone. Does it look unpleasant?"

"There is also this one. His Sage is one of his own ears. Look at this, a black hemorrhoid." Chu Feng said. "No? That person doesn't have black hemorrhoids on his ears." Yin Qianqian said.

Chu Feng chuckled lightly: "The image you see is what they are now. The eyes don't seem to have any abnormalities. It is very difficult to find abnormalities even with a divine consciousness scan. What you see behind this is the sky eye. It’s a pity that if you scan it, you can only find out if the lower saint is parasitized, otherwise it would be better!"

"Chu Feng, can it be reversed if it is parasitized?" Yin Qianqian said. "This Miao Xian'er, come out to answer the question." Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er's voice rang: "Whether it can be reversed, it depends on the situation. The saint is not that fragile. If the degree of parasitism is not deep, it should be able to be reversed and restored. If the degree of parasitism is deep, then I am afraid of reversal. The probability is extremely low. The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the resistance. If Yin Qianqian, your parents, etc., it depends on the situation at that time, it may be possible to reverse the situation and recover. However, don't hold too much hope, he The time to be parasitic is not short."

"Hope is better than no hope." Yin Qianqian sighed slightly, "Chu Feng, is there anything else? If not, I'm going to practice!"

"It's okay, Yin Qianqian, there is no absolute in everything, as long as you can continue to grow stronger, there is always hope." Chu Feng said. "Yeah." Yin Qianqian said and disappeared in front of Chu Feng instantly.

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "Chu Feng, what are you going to do with the situation outside now? Kill those saints?" "Miao Xian'er, as a girl, you have to be more civilized. The word'do' is you Do you use it?" Chu Feng curled his lips.

"Oh, did you kill those saints?" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng rolled his eyes and said, "Forget it, forget it, when I didn't say it. If it's not a last resort, don't destroy the powerhouse of the immortal rank. If he is killed, he will be resurrected immediately, which is very sad. Ah, other powerhouses of the Immortal rank know this, it is better to be immortal for the time being, let them be jealous!"

"Target, this immortal powerhouse!" Chu Feng said solemnly, "Miao Xian'er, how many bombs can kill him, should you know? Prepare bombs!"

Miao Xian'er said with a smile: "This guy is temporarily checking on those who come over. It is not too difficult to kill him, Chu Feng, I suggest not to use bombs, but to use something cursing, so that it will not hurt the surrounding area. People! One or two pieces can't kill him, but if there are more than ten or twenty pieces, there is no problem!"

"Let him die suddenly. After death, it is best to collect the bones. The bones of the immortal strong are suppressed outside and can recover in the holy prison space. It should be useful!" Chu Feng said.

"Then I'll start." Miao Xian'er was a little excited, Chu Feng's heart was dark, Comrade Miao Xian'er seemed to have some hobbies for killing powerful people.

Outside the holy prison space. "You, can't resist." A cold-faced young man said solemnly, this young man is one of the immortal powerhouses among those saints!

"Yes, my lord." A god-level powerhouse stared at by the cold youth quickly said in fear. Although the young man in front of him does not have the strength of a saint now, he can't bear that kind of lofty aura at all, although behind his back There are also powerful forces, but that god-excelling powerhouse dare not have any disobedience at this time.


At this moment, the cold-faced young man's eyes fell towards the ground in an instant. Before it fell to the ground, a light red flame ignited in the cold young man's body, and the flame just came out. The body of the cruel youth disappeared under the gaze of many people!


The two immortal-level powerhouses were looking for the enemy's traces inside Huangji City. At this time, both of them appeared outside in an instant, and the rest of the saints and many powerhouses in the Huangji Temple were also Surrounded.

The sky was cloudless. In the blink of an eye, a thick cloud of blood appeared over the entire blue sky. The electric snakes danced wildly in the blood cloud.

"Blood clouds are all over the sky, and the saint is falling!" Many people's faces became very ugly, the world has changed, so it is absolutely certain that the immortal power who was still checking everyone just now has fallen!


The Venerable Scarlet Demon was shocked and angry. The person in the dark silently killed a quasi-sage-level person of the ninth rank. At this time, he silently killed an immortal-level powerhouse, although that immortal-level expert was silently killed. The powerhouse now only has the strength of the tenth quasi-saint level. The anger is certain, shocked, the Red Devil Venerable must be shocked, the immortal strong can fall, then, the immortal strong.

If the indestructible strong can also fall, then it means that they may also be killed by the secret strong now. Even if they don’t fall and are killed, they will definitely suffer a lot of damage at that time, and it is impossible to be killed. There is nothing to kill at all!

"Brother Scarlet Demon, be careful." The blue-clothed old man's voice resounded in the mind of Lord Scarlet Demon, "The other party seems to be using a curse technique. The powerful curse power instantly made Ueno unable to resist death... Now It is absolutely impossible for Shangshu to be hurt by an attack of the same level in the Holy Realm, but"

"Brother Lan Dan, thank you for your reminder!" Venerable Scarlet Demon also said in a voice transmission. They are worried here, and the remaining saints are very worried.

Even the immortal-level experts are dead, if they are killed in the gods, they will die! And the people in the dark dared to kill even the immortal strong, how could they not dare to attack them.

The **** clouds in the sky outside were very scary, and the people on the ground were also terrified. In the holy prison space, Chu Feng was also secretly terrified.

The cruel young man was easily killed by cursing outside, but as soon as he arrived in the holy prison space, his holy body showed his power, and the cursing power was immediately dispelled completely.

In the outside world, the cruel young man was only 1.89 meters tall. In the space of the holy prison, that young man turned into a giant beast, looking like a crocodile, but his weight was hundreds of thousands of times that of a crocodile, and his body length exceeded Three thousand meters, every piece of scale on his body is dozens of square meters, and there is a faint light on the scale, which looks indestructible!

Chu Feng stood in front of the giant beast’s head, and the giant beast’s eyes stared at Chu Feng as if he was telling his unwillingness, unwillingness, too unwillingness. His immortal strength actually hung on some small curses. !

"Immortal powerhouse, it's terrifying!" Although the immortal powerhouse is dead, Chu Feng looks at the body of the immortal powerhouse at this time. Chu Feng still feels that he is very careful and trembling, if not He has also seen a lot of saint powerhouses, and if he is the lord of the holy prison, he is probably sitting on the ground as soon as his legs are weak.

"Miao Xian'er, are you sure it's dead?" Chu Feng said. "Coward, don't worry, don't you see the outside scene? The world has changed, it's strange that he didn't die!" Miao Xian'er smiled softly, "Chu Feng, he was parasitized."

Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and nodded slightly: "Being parasitized? Very normal Immortal level strength, and it is estimated that many abyssal experts like it."

"Miao Xian'er, what is his sage?"

"Didn't you see it? His sanctuary is the light red scale on its neck. That is its hardest part and its weakness." Miao Xian'er said, "There is a little black line inside the scale. , This immortal powerhouse has been controlled extremely deeply, it is estimated that it was controlled a long time ago."

Chu Feng chuckled: "It's good to be controlled, this time I didn't kill him wrong." "You didn't plan to let him go by killing him. Even if you knew he was not controlled, would you let him go?" Miao Xian Son said.

"If I knew he was not under control, then I would still consider letting him go and find someone else to start. If I didn't know it, I didn't discuss killing him. He was the enemy!" Chu Feng said as he reached the huge corpse. , Resisting the pressure, Chu Feng Yinming slashed on the scale armor with his hand. There was nothing wrong with the scale armor, and Chu Feng's sword was ejected hundreds of meters away instantly!

A look of shock appeared in Chu Feng's eyes: "What an amazing defense, this master must have been a man of great power back then." "Chu Feng, what do you plan to do with its corpse?" Miao Xianer said.

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