Holy Prison

Chapter 1562: kill

Five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour, one hour!

An hour passed quickly. In the holy prison space, Chu Feng leisurely sipped wine, outside the holy prison space, Venerable Scarlet Demon and some other people were quite entangled at this time!

In the same way, Chu Feng was not in that underground space at all, how could he find anything unusual? Venerable Scarlet Demon and their senses were also scanned outside, but the holy prison turned into dust, even if the Lord Scarlet Demon had the strength of the tenth three-star, they couldn't find it, let alone they still don't have the power of the tenth three-star!

"Brother Chen, half an hour has passed, what's your opinion?" The Red Demon said. "Brother Scarlet Demon, the possibility of Chu Feng being in the space below is as high as 80%. In that case, there is no need for the people in the space below to live. As long as there is no Chu Feng, Shenchu ​​City is not afraid!"

The blue-robed old man beside Venerable Scarlet Demon spoke indifferently, and of course his voice was only heard by the old Scarlet Demon at this time.

"80%... I guess there is also 70% to 80%. With such a high probability, then those little things don't need to live anymore. The entire space below is destroyed. As long as Chu Feng is in it, he will definitely die!" Shen Sheng said. "Listen, everyone, one space must be well defended! In addition, those who provide strength to this seat must not leave the place where they are staying without authorization, and must not refuse to provide strength, otherwise the red demon will be severely punished!" .

"My lord, do you want to?" said a woman. This woman has tenth-order power. It turned out to be the deputy master of Huangji Hall. After Xie Zhen's death, she has become the master of Huangji Hall!

Venerable Scarlet Demon said coldly: "Chu Feng is in the space below. Since he cannot be found, then everyone in the space below will be buried with him!"

Many people in the Huangji Hall were shocked. Some people below had a relatively close relationship with some of them, so let them be buried with Chu Feng.

"My lord, there are tens of thousands of people below, isn't this wrong?" Leng Yueru, the current lord of the Emperor Palace, frowned slightly. "Leng Yueru, you need to know your own identity!" Venerable Scarlet Demon said in a deep voice, "If you pity them, then you enter it yourself and replace one of them!"

Leng Yue was so angry, but on the surface he respectfully said: "My lord, the younger generation just thinks that it will damage the reputation of the adults."

"Hahaha, this seat has always only had a peerless reputation, and there is no great reputation! You follow the orders of this seat, live, and don't obey the orders of this seat, die!" Venerable Scarlet Demon laughed.

"My lord, please, my father is inside!"

"My master and my brother are all inside. My lord, let the people inside come out one by one after checking. They can help the adults while they are alive!"

There are already a large number of people gathered around here. It seems that Leng Yueru’s advice has failed. Many people hurriedly bowed down and pleaded. Now the space below is completely closed. If you attack it frantically, inside All people and objects will become nothingness!

"Shut up to this seat, everyone at the base of the Demon God Blood Array will pay attention, and provide your power with all your strength!" Venerable Scarlet Demon said in a deep voice. "Miao Xian'er, prepare to curse the treasure." Chu Feng said indifferently in the holy prison space.

Miao Xian'er hurriedly said: "Chu Feng, what are you going to do?" "Curse, kill those strong outsiders who are above the lower saints...the three lower saints, lower their strength a bit, and receive the holy prison In the space, there should be no problems, right?" Chu Feng said lightly.

Miao Xian'er was stunned for a moment: "Chu Feng, are you sure? That Red Demon Venerable and the Blue Robe Old Man is an indestructible saint-level powerhouse, killing several saints at once, this"

"The trouble has already been caused, and it's just the same thing. Some guys in the gods are messing with me! Miao Xian'er, curse to kill the red devil and the blue robe. After the old man, he immediately used things like corpse powder for me to see if they could dissolve their corpses! If so, I would like to see how they would be resurrected without the corpses." Chu Feng Shen said.

"Then I will do it!" Miao Xianer said.

"Do it!"

Chu Feng and the others said a lot, but in fact, time has only passed a little bit. Outside, the old Scarlet Demon's beard fluttered, and the blood shadows with the knife formed quickly in front of him, and the blood shadows with the knife spread out. The terrible murderous breath is daunting!

"My lord, spare your life!"

"My lord, please plead!"

At this time, there are still many people in the Huangji Temple begging for mercy. Some people slapped their scalp forcefully, and their scalp is broken, but they are like this, they can't move the red devil and the blue robe. The old man, I don't know how many lives have died in their hands, their hearts are harder than iron stones!

In the underground space, at this time, many people discovered that something was wrong. They madly attacked the stone walls around the underground space, but the stone walls have reached a terrible state of hardness under the blessings of many powerful people. Attacked frantically, but they couldn't break the surrounding stone layer and leave!

"We are abandoned!"

"Damn, we risked our lives to build a city for the Palace of Emperors, and finally ended up in an abandoned place. It's really eyeless!!"

"In order to kill one person, it is too much to let thousands of us be buried together!"

Many people in the underground space complained loudly, but at this time their complaints had no effect. The old red devil could hear what they said, but he would take care of it.

"My lord, please think twice!" Leng Yue Ruyi gritted her teeth and knelt in front of Venerable Scarlet Demon instantly. "Go away!" As soon as Venerable Scarlet Demon raised his leg, Leng Yueru was kicked out by him for more than ten meters without daring to dodge!

Leng Yue spouted blood, and the expressions of Venerable Scarlet Demon and the powerful saints nearby all changed drastically, and the two middle-ranked saints fell first.

Then, two high-level saints, three low-level saints, and one high-level saint all fell. In the blink of an eye, several saints fell, and the blue sky once again appeared blood clouds, and the blood clouds were extremely rich, like blood clouds. Drops of blood will drip out of it!

All the fallen saints disappeared instantly in the horrified eyes of everyone, and were taken into the holy prison space by Chu Feng. "These two immortal-level old ghosts." Chu Feng was shocked, and the two immortal-level powerhouses died without an instant.


Venerable Scarlet Demon stared, he wanted to return to the holy realm in an instant, but it took ten seconds to return to the holy realm as a god-man, and it was naturally impossible to return to the holy realm in an instant.

The blue-robed old man let out a deep cry, one of his left arm instantly turned into pitch black, a blue light flashed, and the blue-robed old man separated his pitch-black left arm from his body!

Venerable Scarlet Demon reacted very quickly at this time. When the blue-robed old man cut off his left arm, he turned his left arm into a blood-red color, and then immediately cut off his left arm with a knife!

Two voices sounded, the corpses of the blue-robed old man and the red demon veteran fell on the ground, thunderstorms thundered in the sky, blood clouds pressed extremely low, cold moon above the ground was like such a strong man It has also been affected a lot. Only by using skill can you resist the terrifying pressure from the sky. People with lower strength are under less pressure. Under the pressure, many people are pressed to vomit blood. , But no one died!


In the holy prison space, Chu Feng said loudly, some liquid appeared on the red devil and the blue-robed old man at the same time, but what made Chu Feng frowned, the red demon and the blue-robed old man's Most of the corpses were suddenly involved in the cloud of blood and disappeared, leaving only their left arm cut off by themselves!

"Miao Xian'er, take those two left arms, be careful." Chu Feng said. There is no problem with the two left arms. It is easy to let them be included in the holy prison space and into the holy prison. After they were in the space, they were as safe as they were outside and did not cause any trouble.

It's a long story, but in fact, everything happened in a very short time, from when Miao Xian'er used some cursed treasures to curse to the two left arms being collected into the holy prison space in just two or three seconds!

In two or three seconds, what happened was too shocking. Many people in the Imperial Palace were stunned at this time, some were staring at the blood clouds in the sky, and some were staring at the scarlet devil. The place where they disappeared.

The Venerable Scarlet Demon and the blue-robed old man were gone, so naturally the formation they laid out was broken. "Boom!" The violent explosion sounded from the ground. In a short time, many strong men flew out from the ground. Many strong men outside were stunned. The formation behind them was broken. Many people are attacking, and they can naturally break some of the formations set before!

"My lord!" Leng Yueru yelled. She felt that she was very frightened at this time. As a tenth-tier quasi-saint-level expert, she hadn't felt this way for a long time.

The saints have fallen, and, in a short period of time, several saints have fallen, and the two indestructible senior saints don't know if they have fallen.

Even if the two predecessors of the immortal-level saints did not fall, eight saint-level powerhouses fell in just a short period of time. Those are saints, and there may not necessarily be a fallen saint in a hundred million years. Eight fell, plus one immortal powerhouse who fell before, that's nine!

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