Holy Prison

Chapter 1567: Change quietly

If the number is sufficient, Chu Feng would like to give Menghao and the others a share so that their strength can be improved again in a short time, but there are so many things, there is no way, Menghao and the others can only wait slowly for the aftereffects to pass It will take thousands of years for the sequelae to pass, but it is not very long.

"Boss, just a tuft of little finger, can really make us get rid of the sequelae ten times faster after the forced promotion?" Zhou Wen caught the nephrite jade that Chu Feng threw over.

Chu Feng blanked Zhou Wen and said, "Is the effect of something proportional to the size? If you want a big one, can I give you a large brick?"

"Hey hey, forget it, I think this one is pretty good." Zhou Wenshan smiled, "Boss, where did you get this stuff, can you get some more? In the future, we will forcibly improve it, maybe it can still be used. Come on!"

Chu Feng shook his head: "In the future... don't think about the future. First of all, this thing is extremely difficult to get. I can get this thing because of luck. In addition, after using this thing, your body is also resistant, you think Can I use it again and again? After using it once, don't want to use it again for millions of years! Otherwise, if there are a lot of these things, then there will be a lot of treasures to improve cultivation, wouldn't it be short? In a few years, a mortal can reach the level of quasi-sage level cultivation."

"Boss, ignore the fat guy, this guy is whimsical, haha!" Tang Ming laughed. "Fuck, you are just fantastic!" Zhou Wen stared.

Chu Feng chuckles and said: "This thing is OK after you merge it into your body. Don't care about it. You should be able to get rid of your sequelae within 30 to 40 years. Then you can use the treasure to improve your cultivation. You are now at the elementary level of the gods. With your talents, you should use the treasures well, and it shouldn’t be a big problem to directly rise to the top of the gods. If the peak of the gods is at the top of the gods, it is estimated that it will be difficult! In the case of your outbreak, you should have the strength of the tenth rank quasi saint!"

Tang Ming and Zhou Wen both nodded their heads. Now they have the strength of the sixth-order quasi-sage level when they burst out. If they reach the top of the gods, it is still possible to burst out the tenth-order quasi-sage-level strength, but how long can it last? That's a problem!

"Chu Feng, how about Sister Bing Ning? It's been a long time since I had a chat with Sister Bing Ning, how are they doing now?" Tang Wan said, "Let them come out, let's talk!"

Chu Feng asked Miao Xian'er in his mind. Feng Bingning and the others are not in retreat now.

"Hehe, you really haven't got together for a while. I wake them up, then you will get together." Chu Feng smiled softly. About half a minute later, Feng Bingning and the others were all from the domain tower. When they reached the sacred prison space, Chu Feng's mind made them all appear outside.

"Sister Bing Ning, Sister Yilian"

"Wan'er!" "Han Xiang!"

It was very lively when the women met. "Feng, call out Yin Qianqian too. She has become the tower master of the Holy Prison, and will not reveal the news of the Holy Prison. Moreover, after becoming the tower owner, her breath is protected by the Holy Prison, and she is parasitized. It’s not so easy for her parents to feel her breath."

"Moreover, you have offended so many saints now, and you don't care so much about the news that Yin Qianqian followed you and Yin Xiao knows it, haha!" Feng Bingning said through a voice transmission.

"She came out?" Chu Feng frowned secretly.

Feng Bingning said in a voice transmission: "Feng, Yin Qianqian is actually a good person, except for a little arrogance, and she is not as arrogant as she was at the beginning. She is pregnant with your child, and everyone will meet each other. Can't let the children find out that Yin Qianqian and Tang Ming are not familiar with them?"

"That's true... Then I'll go in and chat with her and see what she wants. Although I am the lord of the holy prison, I can't be the lord of her tower lord!" Chu Feng said.

After talking to Tang Ming and the others, Chu Feng instantly entered the sacred prison space. In the Shenguang City, Feng Bingning and the others were safe outside. Chu Feng was not worried.

"Miao Xian'er, call Yin Qianqian." Chu Feng sat comfortably on the sofa in the holy prison space. "Okay." Miao Xian'er said with a smile.

She may not go if she asks Yin Qianqian to go outside, but she will give her a bit of face when she asks her to come to the Holy Prison Space. Miao Xian'er gave a notice and soon Yin Qianqian appeared in Chu Feng. before.

"What's the matter?" Yin Qianqian sat down opposite Chu Feng and said lightly. "Holy Prison is now in Shenguang City. Tang Ming, Zhouwen, Han Xiang, Tang Wan and the others are here, Bing Ning and the others have gone outside. We gather together, and you go outside together." Chu Feng said.

Yin Qianqian frowned slightly: "Go outside? Is it necessary?" "Qianqian, you always have to know Tang Ming and the others. When the child is born, can't you be unfamiliar with Tang Ming and the others?" Chu Feng directly Explained Feng Bingning's reasoning, "You promised before, and we will give the children a good childhood!"

"There is still a long time before the child is born!" Yin Qianqian said solemnly, "Even if we meet again after one or two thousand years, there is no problem." "There is a problem, I am now a quasi-saint level cultivation base, canonization me It has only been used for thousands of years, and there are still hundreds of years to expire, and the Holy Tribulation may be ushered in by then!" Chu Feng said indifferently.

"After ascending to the Holy Realm, I don't know what it is like. You may not be able to come to the God Realm right away. Therefore, it is necessary for you to familiarize yourself early."

Yin Qianqian frowned slightly and said: "Tang Ming and they don't know our situation. They will be embarrassed at that time, so let's talk about it later!" "Qianqian, what are you afraid of?" Chu Feng chuckled softly, "You don't worry about me eating. What are you afraid of?" "Chu Feng, I am afraid of you? I just don't want to!" Yin Qianqian snorted coldly.

"Don't want me? I don't want me to touch you?" Chu Feng said quietly, "I've touched every part of someone's whole body. When we meet Tang Ming and the others, we are holding hands at most, and we will be in front of our children. There must be some face, holding hands, hugging, it's all normal."

Chu Feng beckoned to Yin Qianqian and said, "Come here, sit here." "What are you doing?" Yin Qianqian raised his brow. "Let's hold hands and try this. You need to get used to this. Otherwise, others will definitely doubt it. Xiao Mingzi suspects that there is no big problem. It's a big deal to explain. But if the child and your'parents' doubt it, it is not good. "Chu Feng said.

"If children doubt their growth, if your'parents' doubt them, what reason do I have to keep you by my side? You don’t think of the time when they call you to their own side, right? In the prison space? You become the master of the domain tower, and you will definitely need to help some outside at that time." Chu Feng said.

Yin Qianqian's face showed hesitation, "It's already like that anyway, just take a hand, there should be no problem, right?" Yin Qianqian secretly said in his heart, on the surface, he was very cold toward Chu Feng, but after so many years, Feng Bingning and her I have said a lot about Chu Feng and have a better understanding of Chu Feng. In fact, Yin Qianqian is not so repulsive to Chu Feng.

In the case of rejection, Yin Qianqian certainly does not want to be held by Chu Feng or something, but if it is not too repellent, Yin Qianqian has actually accepted some things in her heart, otherwise she would not agree to act in front of her children before. Well, there will definitely be some physical contact.

"But come? I'll go if the mountain doesn't come." Chu Feng appeared beside Yin Qianqian in an instant. "Sit farther," Yin Qianqian said quickly, stiffly.

"It smells good." Chu Feng took a deep breath. "Qianqian, if you're scared, you can sit a little away." Chu Feng said domineeringly and directly shook Yin Qianqian's small hand.

Smelling the breath of Yin Qianqian from Chu Feng's body, he stayed for a while. When he lost his most precious thing that day, he could smell the breath of Chu Feng's body very clearly.

"Qianqian, let me listen to the child's movements." Chu Feng said, lowering his hands and approaching Yin Qianqian's abdomen. Yin Qianqian's body just relaxed again became stiff, and with her ability, she could naturally escape, but Yin Qianqian The complex color appeared in his eyes and did not escape. "Qianqian, the little guy is already growing relatively fast ah ha ha." Chu Feng said softly, listening to the thin voice of the little life in Yin Qianqian's abdomen, Chu Feng's voice became a lot softer, anyway, this What's in the belly is his flesh and blood!

"Perhaps, it would be nice to accept him."

Yin Qianqian looked down at the back of Chu Feng's head and suddenly such a thought flashed in his mind. This thought flashed, and Yin Qianqian was taken aback, "Why... how could I think so, this guy is too hateful and has nothing to do with me. In the situation of feelings, he actually asked me for the first time. Moreover, he has several wives, which are obviously a big carrot!"

"But... he had a relationship with me, also to make me become the master of the domain tower tower. I have a relationship without feelings. He just wants to treat Feng Bingning and them better. Although, it is very good for his wife. Bing Ning and the others are pretty good, if they can become sisters, they are also okay."

"I have had such a relationship with this nasty guy, and I can't be with others anymore, maybe it can only be cheaper for him! Others... actually pretty good"

"Yin Qianqian, Yin Qianqian, whatever you think, you just want to talk to others, they might not accept you!"

Yin Qianqian didn't want to think about it randomly, but at this time, he thought about a lot of things in a mess, because thinking of some things, the pretty face turned red unconsciously and faded away a little more charming.

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