Holy Prison

Chapter 1577: an examination

"Senior Fengchen, then please be happy, if you resist, I will definitely not be able to check." Chu Feng said.

Feng Chen nodded slightly, and Chu Feng's spiritual sense entered Feng Chen's body from Feng Chen's hand in an instant. At the same time, the sky eye was also opened and scanned. Chu Feng's spiritual sense was just acting, and the result could be checked. It's still the scan of Sky Eye!

The divine sense entered Feng Chen's body and entered the blood vessels. Chu Feng was shocked. Although the separation of the three realms suppressed the power that the strong who entered the lower realm could use, those powers did not disappear or existed in the body. The divine sense did not. When entering Feng Chen's body, Chu Feng could not feel the terrible power in Feng Chen's body. At this time, entering Feng Chen's body, Chu Feng found that the power in Feng Chen's body was too vast!

If the power in his body is regarded as a bowl of water, then the power in Feng Chen's body is equivalent to a huge lake. Fortunately, Chu Feng's concentration is good. Otherwise, he would be lost in front of that huge power. past.

"An indestructible powerhouse, it's terrible! If it weren't for the suppression of the power of the Three Realms, how could I have killed an indestructible powerhouse? I guess people stand still, and I hold Yin Ming and even a hair on their body Can't be cut!" Chu Feng's heart was shocked. There was an arm of an indestructible powerhouse in his sacred prison space, but it was just the arm that was cut down, and his divine consciousness couldn't enter the arm. Clearly, it was the first time that the power of the Immortal-level powerhouse was felt more clearly now.

Feng Chen smiled slightly: "Chu Feng, what's the problem?"

"Senior Feng Chen, no... the power in your body is too vast, I was frightened all of a sudden." Chu Feng said honestly. "You little guy is honest." Feng Chen said with a light smile, "Go on, now the lower realm, blood cannot be controlled, and I can't let them gather, you can only watch it slowly!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly and pressed down the shocked consciousness of his heart and spread to all Fengchen's blood vessels. It took a few minutes for Chu Feng to let his consciousness reach every blood vessel in Feng Chen's body, and his cultivation base was relatively low. People, Chu Feng's divine consciousness can spread to every part of his body at once.

But Feng Chen's strength was too strong. Although he had the suppression of the heavens and the earth and Feng Chen's cooperation, it was not easy for Chu Feng's spiritual sense to get to every place where Feng Chen had blood.

"Miao Xian'er, have you found the Phoenix blood in Feng Chen's blood? Does she take the Phoenix blood as the sage? Is there any problem with the sage." Chu Feng said in his mind.

Miao Xian'er said unhappily: "Is it so fast? Fengman's strength is so strong, there is no more than ten minutes to think about whether she is parasitized. The Phoenix blood is naturally discovered, and it is indeed based on the Phoenix blood. Shengge, I'm checking her Shengge, and instantly check whether there is a problem with other parts of her body."

"If there is nothing wrong with Shengge, isn't it just not being mailed?" Chu Feng wondered.

"In theory, this is the case, but in order to prevent special circumstances, you still have to check it! You can talk to Feng Chen, it will take more than ten minutes." Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng talked to Feng Chen, and Feng Chen's eyes were surprised. She was not surprised for a long time but for a short time. The inspection was completed in more than ten minutes. This speed is definitely not long in her opinion. An indestructible powerhouse, and Chu Feng is only a quasi-sage-level cultivation base, not even a lower saint.

"Chu Feng, are you sure if you just check it like this?" Feng Chen said. Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Senior Fengchen, I own a treasure, mainly because my treasure analyzes whether you are under control."

"That's it!" Feng Chen nodded slightly, "Chu Feng, can you silently detect if a person is under control?"

Chu Feng nodded: "Yes, but my current strength is too low. Senior Feng Chen, you haven't spread the news yet?" Feng Chen shook his head: "No, the truth of the news has yet to be determined. Such important news, if I spread it out only as a fake, the bad effect will be too great."

"Moreover, if so many saints are controlled, if the news is spread out casually, then the abyss will definitely take action immediately. The Three Realms are in chaos, and we need to think about it for a long time! I think of looking for it when I think about it, and see if I can find some. Those who have not been parasitized, it would be best if they could unite."

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Senior Feng Chen, you are right to do this. You can't spread such news casually. Senior Feng Chen, don't know who else attacked you before?"

"Blog Thrall, Jinxi, Luo Yun" Feng Chen said. The two kept chatting. Chu Feng asked about the situation of the holy realm. What Feng Chen knew was naturally to explain to him one by one.

When chatting, time passed relatively quickly. Soon after ten minutes passed, Miao Xian'er's voice rang in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, the test results are out. Congratulations, Feng Chen has not been Parasite! She is strong enough, you can tell her about those things!"

Chu Feng's expression became serious, and Feng Chen said in a puzzled manner: "Chu Feng, there is a problem with my bloodline detection, can I be controlled?" "No, you haven't," Chu Feng said quickly.

"Senior Fengchen, I just want to tell you something. You already know some, but what you don't know is not comprehensive. After listening, don't be too surprised." Chu Feng.

Feng Chen nodded slightly: "Just tell me, I still have some psychological endurance."

"As you guessed, in the previous battles, our universe was defeated, and it was the Abyss universe. Today, most of the strong men in our universe have been parasitized!" Chu Feng said that he knew something about it. Everything has been said. With Fengchen's strength, it is extremely difficult even for an abyssal expert to know her memory, so there is nothing to say to her.

Let Feng Chen know something and get Feng Chen's help. The help of an indestructible powerhouse is extremely important to Chu Feng!

Time passed by, and Feng Chen's expression continued to change as Chu Feng said. After Chu Feng finished speaking, Feng Chen was speechless for a long time.

"Chu Feng, thanks to you!" Feng Chen sighed softly, "Fortunately, you let the three realms separate, otherwise this universe will be full of panic! If the abyss is torn apart and a war breaks out, I don't know how many innocent people die. Although the separation of the three realms cannot completely solve the problem now, some wars will not affect the lower realms!"

"Senior, I am also a person in this universe, and it is right to contribute to this universe," Chu Feng said. "Hey, I thought the problem would be more serious, but I really didn't expect the problem to be so serious!" Feng Chen smiled bitterly, "Now in our universe, there is not much hope!"

Chu Feng nodded silently. This is correct. Even if he has a holy prison, the hope of this universe is not great.

"Chu Feng, I don't know if we can catch some people who are under control, and then ask who is under control and who is not?" Feng Chen said.

Chu Feng shook his head: "Senior, this is useless. Only the top strongest can understand this information. The general controlled saints only know very little information, even two of them They are all controlled, and it is estimated that many people now don’t know that the other party is actually controlled like themselves!"

"For so many years, the abyss hasn't let us know the information. The confidentiality of the information is indeed extremely strict!" Feng Chen said. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "It is true. The Abyss has planned countless billions of years to occupy this universe. Born in this era, we can say that we were born at an untimely time!"

Feng Chen chuckled and said, "Being able to be born is already a gift from heaven and earth. Chu Feng, since you have known about parasites a long time ago, what plans do you have."

"Senior, if I greet the Holy Tribulation in a few hundred years, I plan to cross the Tribulation and become a Holy Tribulation...With my strength, as long as I don’t encounter the Holy Tribulation that is too abnormal, there should be no problem with the Holy Tribulation. When crossing the catastrophe, I need your help from seniors." Chu Feng said that he would have some troubles that he would encounter at that time.

Feng Chen nodded slightly: "Okay, I will definitely pick you up when the time comes. You will give me a drop of blood. With my strength, I shouldn't let you appear directly in front of some people who will lead you. However, in order to ensure safety, it is best to have someone to help then, after all, some people now know that I am in the lower realm!"

"Um... it's just that finding someone is not easy." Chu Feng frowned slightly. Feng Chen said: "I will check carefully after I return to the Holy Realm, and I can always find some clues! It really doesn't work. I will get some poison to control a group of saints. If they don't help you attract them, I will take them directly. Their lives! I don't believe that the strong in the abyss are not afraid of death!"

Chu Feng raised his thumbs up: "Senior, strong, this is a good idea! Those Zergs are not afraid of death, but those strong in the abyss, they must be afraid of death, and those who are not afraid of death will not live long!"

"Hehe, what you said is right, people who are not afraid of death will not live long, and they don't have to leave their garden to reach our universe! As long as they are afraid of death, they have weaknesses and can be controlled." Feng Chen smiled authentically.

Chu Feng said: "Senior Fengchen, you can enter my treasure space. In my treasure space, I can use my treasure to give you some healing, but first say, you must control your power and enter my treasure space. After this, your strength will recover. Don't break my treasure space!"

"Can your treasure help me heal and also give me indestructible strength in it?" Feng Chen said in astonishment. The three realms are separated, and there is immortal strength in it. Feng Chen knows the meaning of this is not simple.

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "I did the separation of the three realms. This... I naturally cheated a little bit. Senior Feng Chen, don't you despise me?"

"You kid... I despise what you are doing, don't worry, I will control the power." Feng Chen smiled, Chu Feng hesitated a little bit or put Feng Chen into the holy prison space, let Feng Chen enter the holy prison In the space, this is a little bit dangerous, but taking a little risk can make Feng Chen completely recover within a hundred years, and it will be much safer in the future!

Feng Chen disappeared, and Chu Feng disappeared and entered the holy prison space. "Chu Feng, your space is relatively stable." Feng Chen smiled quietly. Today's sacred prison space is far more stable than the sacred world, but it is much more stable than the gods. The saint can't crush the space here.

"It's okay... Senior Fengchen, this is a simulation of the immortal Phoenix Mountain, do you think it can be restored here?" Chu Feng said in his mind to make Miao Xian'er start the clinic.

The medical institute was activated, and a wave of warmth flowed into Feng Chen's body, and Feng Chen's eyes were surprised: "Chu Feng, this is what you call the treatment of the treasure? The effect is very good! With the treatment of your treasure. With some other treasures for treating injuries, my injury should be able to fully recover within a hundred years!"

"Senior Feng Chen, it will be the best to recover within a hundred years." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Senior Feng Chen, then you can hurry up here to recover. I will go out first."

"Thank you!" Feng Chen thanked him.

"Hehe, you will have to help from Senior at that time, thank you for not having to." Chu Feng said, leaving the small space where Feng Chen was. In another small space, Miao Xian'er suddenly appeared in front of Chu Feng: "Chu Feng, let Feng Chen enter it, is it a little bit risky? If she forcibly scans through the Holy Sense, she can find You have some secrets in it." "Miao Xian'er, if Feng Chen's holy consciousness scans, can you find out?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er nodded slightly: "That's okay. After all, it's in the Holy Prison. In the Holy Prison, it's not easy to hide the feeling of the Holy Prison completely!"

"That's good. There are several more layers of space barriers around Fengchen’s small space. If Fengchen’s holy consciousness passes through the space barriers, remind me! It should be said that she won’t mess around and enter the treasure space of others, holy It's very immoral to scan randomly with your knowledge!" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er said: "Okay, I will remind you in time that you will become stronger soon, when the holy prison level is not high, I am really upset when such a strong person comes in at home!"

"Hehe, I guess it won’t take long for me to untie the canonization amulet to usher in the holy robbery. When you become a saint, you will know the conditions for the sanctuary upgrade. I am also a little bit upset, but I can’t help it. !" Chu Feng said. "I can only endure it... Feng Chen is not bad, she didn't scan randomly with her sage consciousness." Miao Xian'er said.

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