Holy Prison

Chapter 1584: Double Happiness (1)

"Hehe, nothing is fine. If you have, you can only get along well." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "She can't completely become a real human now, but she can already have a human body, and can Becoming the tower master of the domain tower, the holy prison will still be managed by her."

Feng Bingning smiled and said, "Miao Xian'er became our sister. This is great, Feng, why did you choose her? Choosing her, you missed a chance."

"If there is a chance but not a chance, I am completely satisfied with you." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Now this is good, and the eight domain towers have owners."

Song Ye said: "Brother Feng, the eight domain towers have masters, and the third block can accelerate training." "Well, the acceleration is very slow now, and the acceleration is the slowest among you. Qin Ying and Miao Xian'er have just become the masters of the domain tower, and the acceleration is still zero." Chu Feng said.

"Who told you to let all eight domain towers have tower owners earlier?" Lan Wen said with a smile. "How can this be messed up?" Chu Feng curled his lips and said, "Well, let's all enter the domain towers to practice. Eight domain towers have tower owners. After a thousand years, every hundred years will be compared. Once, the one with the lowest fit, spank hehe!"

"Eight to one, you can figure it out!"

"That's it, you want to hit us, don't you want to get mixed up?"

"Sisters, the alliance of our wives is established. The first thing is decided. After a thousand years, whoever has the highest conformity with the tower will have the power to beat Chu Feng, hehe!" Miao Feiying smirked, "Chu Feng It is said that once every 100 years, those who agree will not be able to hold their hands, and those who disagree will raise their hands. Chu Feng, we pay attention to democracy and fairness. If no more than half of them agree, this decision will be invalidated!"

The result was obvious. It was impossible for anyone to raise their hand. Chu Feng's face muscles twitched. This is really too "democracy" for his MA, and too "fair" for his MA.

"Chu Feng, this, I'm sorry. Of the six of us here, none of them raised their hands. It seems that everyone agrees. Even if Miao Xian'er and Qin Ying objected, this decision was passed." Miao Feiying smiled. typical. Chu Feng rolled his eyes: "I voted to veto it, I decided not to pass, and flashed people!"

When Chu Feng finished speaking, he disappeared in front of Feng Bingning and the others. Feng Bingning and the others laughed. "Sisters, don’t be busy going to the Yuta, wait for Qinying and the others to come out, let’s have a good chat, and then we will add Qinying and Miao Xianer to stay with the guy on the peak for a long time. The years, if we can get along well, it will be a blessing to us. If we don't get along well, the long time will be a kind of torture." Feng Bing condensed.

"Family and everything are prosperous. We have been getting along very well all the time. There is no quarrel. We are still relatives compared to our real sisters. But we will have a long, long time together in the future. It is inevitable that a little bit will appear. Contradictions, how to resolve contradictions after they arise, are our main issues today."

Yilian nodded slightly: "This is indeed necessary. If we have conflicts, we should resolve them immediately. Don't let the conflicts accumulate. As long as there is a good way to deal with them, I believe we can always live in harmony. Yes. If we live in harmony and harmony, this family is more attractive to the husband. If we don’t get along, then the husband will have an affair and we can only blame ourselves."

"Let's talk about other things first, Qin Ying and Miao Xian'er are not there yet, after they are there, we will talk about this issue." Miao Feiying smiled.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and Miao Xian'er had a human body, but unlike ordinary human bodies, she can change at will. After the change, her temperament and soul aura almost completely change, that is It is also difficult for Chu Feng to tell.

Before, Miao Xian'er could also change randomly in the holy prison space. After having the body, the difference is that when she can go outside the holy prison to the holy prison, Miao Xian'er will leave a part of her mind to perform. In the management of the holy prison, as long as there is not too much to deal with, leaving a part of the mind is completely enough.

With a body, Miao Xian'er naturally became the tower owner of Domain Tower 1, and Qin Ying also became the tower owner of Domain Tower 2. The two women chatted with Miao Xian'er and the others a lot. I don't know what Chu Feng is.

"Chu Feng, the Holy Prison has been brought to the earth by Number One." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Okay." Chu Feng nodded slightly in the domain tower, "Miao Xian'er, let No.1 handle the outside affairs, mom and dad come to the space of the Holy Prison."


Miao Xian'er responded, and Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu quickly appeared in the sacred prison space, and Chu Feng went out from the domain tower to the sacred prison space.

In the holy prison space, it’s very lively right now. Tang Ming, Zhou Wen and the others are there, Meng Hao and others are waiting for some friends, Chu Long, Shi Yan and Shi Han are also there, and Feng Bingning and their daughters are naturally one. All are there.

"Mom and dad!"

"Father, mother!"

Both Chu Feng and Chu Long, Feng Bingning and Shi Yan shouted, and Tang Ming and others greeted them quickly.

"Hello everyone, my family, you are here too." Chu Zhen smiled authentically. "My husband, the Chu family has double happiness, how can I not come?" Shi Han laughed authentically.

Chu Zhen said strangely: "Double happiness is coming? I only know that Lan Wen is about to give birth. Is there any other happy event?"

"Before Lan Wen gave birth to the little princess, Chu Feng was going to marry three wives, and the Chu family had three more daughters-in-laws. Isn't it a happy event?" Shi Han smiled.

"Marry three more wives?"

"Wipe, the boss is hiding it so well, we don't even know!"

"Brother Chu, it turns out that we have come here, and there is still such a level. I don't know where the three newcomers are. It's really good for you to hide it. We don't know at all!"

Tang Ming and their eyes were all surprised, Yin Qianqian, Miao Xian'er, Qin Ying and the others became his wives. Tang Ming, they really don’t know what Yin Qianqian said. Tang Ming, they know some, before Liusao They are all called, they must be married.

Chu Feng patted his palms gently, and the festive music rang. In the blink of an eye, many places in the villa they were in were decorated with lights and festoons. They were very festive and warm!

"Everyone, it's up to the bride, go to the door." Chu Feng smiled and said, his voice fell, and all the people in the villa were outside the door of the villa.

The sound of the salute sounded, and a faint cloud appeared in front of the crowd, and the cloud became thicker when it reached a distance, and the sound of a bird's song was heard in the cloud and mist, which was extremely beautiful.

As the sound of birdsong gradually became louder, the first colorful divine bird appeared in the clouds and mist. The divine bird was very beautiful, but under the stunning grace of the woman standing above the divine bird, it was eclipsed. Shao, the first woman to appear is Yin Qianqian!

Above the sacred bird, Yin Qianqian's clothes and belts fluttered as if he was walking out of the painting. "Everyone, she is Yin Qianqian, my sixth wife, she has been with me before, and there is still my person in the key position, haha, but the wedding has been delayed until now." Chu Feng laughed and introduced.

"Dad, mom, hello... everyone!" Above the **** bird, Yin Qianqian floated down and saluted Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu, then smiled and greeted everyone present.

"Okay, okay!" Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu said again and again, with joy in their eyes. "Qianqian, Feng'er didn't tell us in advance and didn't prepare any gifts to make up later." Mo Xiu said, "Qianqian, are you pregnant with Feng'er's child? How old are you?"

Yin Qianqian's face was reddened, and Chu Feng smiled: "Mom, you are so embarrassed that Qianqian... She has been pregnant for a long time, but it will take a long time for the child to be born. The little guy is in her stomach. It is estimated that it will take ten thousand years to come out...the second one is here."

The second one is Qin Ying, Yin Qianqian is noble, and Qin Ying is gentle, that kind of temperament also makes the colorful divine bird under her look much paler.

Duan San also arrived here at this moment, he smiled slightly, Chu Feng originally planned to introduce Qin Ying to him, but he could see that Qin Ying could not tolerate anyone except Chu Feng at all.

"Dad, mom, everyone, she is Qin Ying, there is no one in the key position, but I will work hard as soon as possible, hahaha!" Chu Feng laughed authentically.

Qin Ying's face was full of shame, but she also quickly saluted Chu Zhen and the others.

"The third one, Miao Xian'er." Chu Feng smiled authentically, and the third divine bird appeared. Miao Xian'er's figure appeared in front of everyone. The most commonly used image of Miao Xian'er is a 17 or 18-year-old girl. The image is not anymore at this moment. She looks like she is in her twenties, with no coquettish color. She looks more pure and refined, as if the flower fairy born in the flower room does not touch all the mundane wishes of the world.

The pink dress on Miao Xianer's body and her reddish face set off, she was absolutely beautiful. "Dad, Mom, I am Miao Xian'er." Miao Xian'er said with a smile, and the pleasant voice made some people around me recover. Three stunning women appeared one after another. Some people here were Some look dumbfounded.

"Hello everyone!" After Miao Xian'er bowed to Chu Zhen and the others, she also bowed slightly to the others present. "Miao Xian'er, okay, okay!" Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu nodded again and again, their faces were full of smiles at this time, "Miao Xian'er, Qianqian, Qin Ying, I will prepare gifts for you at that time." Mo Xiu smiled. Tao.

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