Holy Prison

Chapter 1593: Underworld

"City Lord, everyone is still in a daze, and the specific reasons for them are still being investigated." The Quasi-Holy Powerhouse in front of Chu Feng respectfully said.

Chu Feng said: "Chen Hai, there should be someone here, let a few people come out, let me see."

When Chen Hai spoke, three people in a coma appeared in front of Chu Feng, three people in a coma, one of them was a young woman, the other two, one was a teenager, and the other was only two or three. year old.

The faces of the three people who appeared were all paler, and their breath of life was much weaker than that of normal people, but judging from their weak breathing, they just passed out in a coma and did not die!

"Satan, this **** fellow, actually harmed such a child!" Zhou Wen bitterly, he said that God had penetrated into the body of the teenage child and checked it out, but at his level, he wanted to check it out. I'm afraid it is impossible.

When the two or three-year-old child appeared, Chen Hai was directly holding him. "I'm here" Chu Feng stretched out his hand, and Chen Hai quickly hugged the child by Chu Feng.

"Poor little guy."

Chu Feng stroked the child's slightly frowned brows and sighed in his mind, frowning slightly in his coma, fearing that he might be suffering a certain amount of pain.

"Miao Xian'er, check by the doctor." Chu Feng said in his mind. His consciousness penetrated into the child's body. With his medical skills, general problems can be found out at once, but why is this child? He was in a coma for a short time but he did not find out the cause. "Okay, Chu Feng, you can enter the sacred prison space. Entering the sacred prison space, inspection is more convenient." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng and Tang Ming and Zhou Wen talked about holding the little child and suddenly appeared in the holy prison space. "Miao Xian'er, we must find out the cause, and we must find out a treatment method." Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Relax, as long as it is not a particularly serious problem, the cause can be found based on the level of the current medical institute." Miao Xian'er appeared next to Chu Feng and said, in a short time, Feng Bingning and the others appeared one by one. By Chu Feng's side.


Chu Han exclaimed, his heart was filled with worry. He already knew what happened. It is a good thing that Satan is alive and dead, but if it affects 100 million innocent people, it will not feel good in his heart.

"Chu Feng, the reason has been found out." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and the medical institute was indeed very powerful. It didn't take long for him to find out the cause. If he came by himself, he would not be able to find out in ten and a half months.

"Chu Feng...this little guy has a lack of soul, I will ask the other two to come here to check it." Miao Xianer said.

"The soul of the earth is missing." Chu Feng's expression became ugly. The soul of the earth was missing. This was much more severely damaged than Feng Bingning's heroic soul. Feng Bingning's heroic soul was damaged, if not that part of the heroic soul was in Satan's hands. You can recover on your own, but the lack of earth soul will not recover on your own.

Man has three souls and seven souls. The three souls are the heavenly soul, the earthly soul, and the fateful soul. The life soul master himself, generally, the problem is only the life soul problem, the two souls of heaven and earth are separated from themselves, and the possibility of problems is very low.

However, the possibility is very low, which does not mean that there is no possibility of problems. The effect of heaven and earth soul on life is also very large!

The heavenly soul governs the yang and the earthly soul governs the yin. Without the heavenly soul, a person's connection with the world would completely disappear, that is to say, if they are completely hung up, the resurrection is impossible. To make the heavenly soul disappear completely, this is extremely difficult and extremely difficult, even if Nu Wa was injured and died from the great road, the heavenly soul must have not completely disappeared!

Generally speaking, the celestial soul is only prosperous and weak. If the celestial soul is prosperous, it is very likely that this person will be in fortune at that time, and the speed of training will be much faster, and the connection with the surroundings will be closer, and the strength can be maximized. ! The opposite is true if the heavenly soul is not prosperous. It is very likely that bad luck will be repeated, and it feels that the heaven and the earth are not compatible with oneself, and the strength of ten% can not be displayed.

The soul of the earth governs the yin and reincarnation. When a person is alive, the relationship between the soul of the earth and the soul of life is generally very close. The soul of the earth is not in itself, but it will not leave itself too far away. Even if someone does it, it is difficult to let a person The soul of the earth is too far away from itself. If the soul of the earth leaves itself too far away, people will be unconscious, if they leave too long, they will die!

Generally speaking, the soul of the earth only leaves after death, and leaves with the seven souls and enters the underworld. There are other sayings in the underworld, such as the underworld, the underworld, and the secluded world.

"Miao Xian'er, could the Earth Soul be outside and didn't come into this holy prison space?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er shook her head slightly: "Chu Feng, this is impossible. It has not cut off the connection between this little guy and the outside world. If his earth soul is there, it can be sensed. Now, there is no sense."

"No sense at all?" Chu Feng said with an ugly expression.

Miao Xian'er sighed and nodded: "Well, there is no induction at all. His earth soul left the Yang realm and entered the Yin realm without carrying the seven souls!"

"These two people, they are the same!"

The other two were included in the holy prison space, and they were also detected at this time. "Damn it!" Chu Feng said with a gloomy expression.

"Brother Feng, if the soul of the earth disappears and enters the underworld, what will be the consequences?" Lan Wen said, Chu Feng knows more about this, but Lan Wen and the others know less.

Chu Feng said: "The soul of the earth is too far away from itself so that the soul of life cannot be sensed. After ninety-nine and eighty-one days, the soul of life will be wiped out, and people will die!"

Feng Bingning's body trembled, and Chu Han's expression became difficult to look at this time. "Dad... If their earth souls enter the underworld, can they come back?" Chu Han asked.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "It's possible, but it's extremely difficult! There are some legends about the Yin world in the Yang Realm. The nether realms in the underworld, the underworld, and the spiritual realm mentioned on our earth all refer to the yin. Realm. According to legend, it is relatively easy to enter the underworld. After entering it, the ability is also very powerful, changing life and death, and chaos in reincarnation. But in fact, there are no such simple things, longevity, reincarnation, such things are great ways, where is energy Easy to change?"

"In the yang world, very few people enter the yin world while they are alive, and the yin world does not allow heavenly souls to enter. Therefore, after entering the power, the strength is very limited. In the middle of death, then it will die. No matter how long a person enters the Yin world, the celestial soul will not die out, but the longer he enters the Yin world, the more incompatible with his own celestial soul he returns to the Yang world , The strength will be much lower in a certain period of time!"

Chu Han frowned tightly and said, "Dad, what should we do now? Eighty-one days... It's been almost two days. Once more than 70 days have passed, all those 100 million people will die? "

"If the Earth Soul cannot return in more than seventy days, that's the case." Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Are all the 100 million people like this? Make sure that I'm sure!"

To make sure, this is not a difficult task. Chu Feng ordered to go down, and all the 100 million people who had passed out of a coma were sent to the Roman City side.

All the comatose people who came over were tested in the holy prison space. It took only half a day, and the result came out. Some of the hundred million people were not in a coma because of the lack of earth spirits, and some were for other reasons. Those people had nothing to do with Satan's death, but if it could be cured, Chu Feng also cured it.

"Boss, what is going wrong, it is difficult for them to recover?" Zhou Wendao. Chu Feng nodded slightly with a bitter smile on his face: "It's difficult. If they are lucky, they have recovered at this time, then this matter is easy, but they have not recovered yet."

Zhou Wen frowned and said, "Boss, we are all confused by what you said. What is the problem?" "You know a little bit about the Three Souls and Seven Souls, and their earth souls were brought into the underworld by Satan." Chu Feng Tao.

Both Zhou Wen and Tang Ming's complexion changed slightly. There is a good master. They really know a little bit about this. "Boss, if Earth Soul enters the underworld, it seems that it will happen in ninety-nine and eighty-one days." Tang Ming hesitated slightly. .

"The one hundred million people will die." Chu Feng said.

"Boss, why did Satan do to them like this? How did Satan die, their earth souls actually entered the underworld." Zhou Wendao.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "Only Satan knows this. Now that Satan is dead, no one knows what he did." "Uh, Satan won't be dead, right?" Zhou Wendao.

"Satan should be dead. There was such an abnormal situation in the world before. If it hasn't been dead, it would be too unreasonable." Chu Feng said, for the power of destroying the world, Chu Feng is very confident, and a lot of the world is destroyed. The power of even a universe can be destroyed, although Satan is powerful, he is only a second-level immortal powerhouse!

"Xiao Mingzi, there are 100 million people in this space ring." Chu Feng said that a space ring appeared in his hand. "They have family members, and family members want to see them. Bring their family members to Roman City... Haosheng takes care of them. If they don’t wake up after the eighty-one period, give their family enough compensation!"

Tang Ming approached the space ring with a look of shock: "Boss, you don't want to enter the underworld to save their souls"

"Boss, if you enter, I am against!" Zhou Wen said solemnly. Based on their understanding of Chu Feng, I am afraid that Chu Feng really wants to enter the underworld.

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