Holy Prison

Chapter 1596: Yin system

The black and white impermanence was slightly taken aback, Chu Jiu's words were really beyond their expectations. "Two brothers, if it is not convenient to say, then forget it." Chu Jiu said.

Bai Wuchang chuckled and said: "This is not a secret that cannot be told, but it is useless if you know it. After a while you leave the underworld, the memory of the underworld will be blurred. For you, entering the underworld seems to be just a dream. You don’t have to record what you see in the underworld. It’s useless. When you leave the underworld, all the things you recorded will be lost!"

A look of surprise flashed in Chu Jiu's eyes, no wonder there was so little information about the underworld, and even if the information left by some people was unclear, the memory and recorded information would be affected when he left the underworld.

"We are just small officials in the underworld, with a meager salary, and we can earn a few hundred Youyuan in a hundred years." Bai Wuchang said. Chu Jiu was slightly taken aback: "So few?"

Hundred Youyuan is equivalent to 10 billion catties of the best spar. In fact, it is not too small for people with a relatively low cultivation base, but the cultivation base of black and white impermanence is not low, and they all have the cultivation base of the Emperor God. A powerhouse of the Emperor God level, only earning tens of billions of catties of the best spar in a century, this is too little.

"The two brothers have some other income," Chu Feng said in his heart.

Hei Wuchang coughed softly: "Brother Chu Jiu, you don't need to ask more about this. Ten minutes is almost here, you should leave the underworld! Otherwise, if you want to leave, you won't be able to leave!"

"Two brothers, this is a little bit of mine." Chu Feng said a black box appeared on the table. "Brother Chu Jiu, put it away and take it away. The things of the Yang Realm are basically not usable in our Yin Realm. You are certainly a sage-level powerful treasure, but we definitely can't use them!" A trace of regret flashed in Bai Wuchang's eyes.

Chu Feng smiled and pressed a button on the top of the black box, and the lid of the black box immediately popped open. "Ah", when the lid of the box was opened, the black and white impermanence were all screams of greed in his eyes. .

In the box is You Yuan, a stack of light blue You Yuan, all of them are one hundred denominations, and the You Yuan in the whole box adds up to one million!

"Two brothers, I want to save the souls of those people in the underworld for some time, and I hope that the two brothers can figure out a way. If they can be rescued, then there will be a little more interesting." Chu Dao He smiled, looking at the black and white impermanence, he suddenly thought of a sentence, money can make ghosts grind, maybe, if Youyuan opens the way, this time the soul of saving those people will be much easier!

"Brother Chu Jiu, I didn't expect you to have You Yuan!" Bai Wuchang exclaimed. "Lao Hei, one million yuan is not a small amount. It is equivalent to our income for one or two hundred years. I was a little tight at the end. These one million yuan is enough for us to be cool for hundreds of years. Will it help?" Bai Yuan Chang said.

"Don't worry."

Hei Wuchang said with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Brother Chu Jiu, this is a lot of money, but if we are found corrupted by the adults above, we will definitely be punished, this"

Chu Feng snorted in his heart. Looking at the appearance of the black and white impermanence, it is strange that they usually did not accept bribes. It is impossible not to find it above. It is absolutely similar to a certain country with one eye closed.

"Two brothers, I understand your difficulties...but, I still want to find a way!" Chu Feng said that another black box appeared in front of Black and White Impermanence, and when the black box opened, there was another million people inside. yuan.

Two million yuan is equivalent to two hundred catties of void stone. This price is not low. Although black and white yuan can often be earned in hundreds of years, they may not be able to save two hundred even for thousands of years. Wan Youyuan, after all, training is a costly thing, and most of their income may be spent on training.

"Brother Chu, let's think of a way!" Hei Wuchang said solemnly, two million Yuan. This fascinated them, and listening to Chu Feng's meaning, there will be no small benefits when things are done!

Bai Wuchang said, "Brother Chu, I don't know how many Youyuans you have? If you want to save the earth souls of those people, it is estimated that some joints need to be opened up. I will just say directly, you need to use Youyuan!"

"As long as it can be saved, money is not a problem!" Chu Feng said with a chuckle. He now has more than 20 trillion catties of void stones in his holy prison space.

One catty of Void Stone is equivalent to 10,000 You Yuan, and those Void Stones owned by Chu Feng are equivalent to about 2 billion You Yuan. It is impossible to smash so many Void Stones in, but save the souls of those people. After going out, Chu Feng, who had smashed in about 100 million yuan, would not feel too distressed.

About one hundred million billion of Void Stones, one trillion catties of Void Stones, if those 100 million people can be made alive in exchange for Feng Bingning and Chu Han's comfort, it will be worth it!

Of course, if you can spend a little less, then it is better to spend less. If you only collect protection fees, Shenchu ​​City will receive two trillion catties of void stones in a hundred years, and one trillion catties of void stones are enough to build. A super battle city!

"Brother Chu, ten minutes is almost up. If you don't leave, our boss, Judge Song Yan, will definitely get news." Bai Wuchang said, "He needs to take care of it."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Okay... Two brothers, I don't know how the position in the underworld is. If I manage, what kind of person I need to manage, I would like to ask the two brothers to give pointers. If you make a joke If it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter if I have trouble, but don’t tire the two brothers."

Chu Feng spoke beautifully, with a smile on Hei Wuchang's face, and the two tacitly put away a black box full of You Yuan. "Old Hei, take out your good tea." Bai Wuchang said, "Brother Chu, there is still a little time before the judge knows that I will give you a good talk."

"Brother Chu, this is a kind of tea from the Yin Realm. It may not suit your appetite, but drinking it is good for you and can make you less disturbed by Yin Qi!" Hei Wuchang said in front of the three of them. A cup of tea appeared.

"Thank you." Chu Feng said as he picked up the tea. The cup was cold, but the warmth of a sip of the tea really made the body more comfortable.

Bai Wuchang said: "Brother Chu, our official position in the underworld is probably like this. In the underworld, there are many impermanences like us, and impermanence is the smallest official in the underworld. Generally, two impermanences govern a netherworld road. There may be other arguments, such as Huangquan Road or something"

"A netherworld road corresponds to an area of ​​the outside world. When people in that area die, they will reach the corresponding netherlands road, and then bring them to the judge above! There is tautou horse noodles under impermanence, this nether road is us I borrowed money to buy, and the money I borrowed over the years has not been paid off. Therefore, we have not hired many cow head and horse noodles. The only few are not now, so you can't see them."

"We are petty officials, and the cow head and horse face are just petty officials. Our powers are all compared with the power of the magistrate in the underworld. The power of the magistrate is much greater. A magistrate can manage dozens of ghost roads at least. There are hundreds of nether roads. Lao Hei’s boss Song Yan and I are a relatively powerful judge, managing two or three hundred nether roads."

"On top of the judge is the palace master. The palace master manages a large area of ​​the underworld, and how much it can manage depends on the individual ability of each palace master."

"The palace lord is the Lord Yama. The palace lord does not necessarily have a saint-level cultivation base, but every Yama king must have a saint-level cultivation base; above the palace lord is the You Lord, and every You Lord basically All have the strength of high-ranking saints, and some powerful You Masters have the terrifying cultivation base of high-ranking saints!"

"In the underworld, trivial matters can basically be solved by the palace lord. Major issues require the presence of the Lord of the Hells, while some particularly important matters require the presence of the Lord of the stars behind the Lord. Almost has the strength of a high-level saint, and powerful stars have the strength of an immortal saint! Very few stars have the terrifying cultivation of immortal saints, such stars will not easily handle things, and they will It's a big deal!"

"Above the stars are several great emperors. The several great emperors can be said to be legendary characters. They control reincarnation and control life and death. If you meet a few great emperors in the sun world, you must respectfully. Otherwise, several great emperors could easily trap the indestructible powerhouses from the Yang world to the underworld! I heard that there are many powerhouses in the Yang world, but very few people come to the underworld. Not many people can go back alive." Bai Wuchang said with a light smile.

Chu Feng said in a puzzled manner: "Two brothers, it sounds like there are not as many powerful men in the Yin world as in the Yang world. It's just a few great emperors, isn't this too small?"

"Brother Chu... the great emperors are only a few, but there are not only a few strong men with indestructible strength in the underworld, and some people are not in the underworld official system. Some terrifying figures and several great emperors That can also be discussed on an equal footing. With the same cultivation level, people with official positions generally have higher status." Bai Wuchang laughed.

"Drip, drip!"

The face of black and white impermanence changed slightly. "Brother Chu, Judge Song Yan Feixun is here, Master Song Yan needs tens of millions of You Yuan to impress. If you want him to help, you need more!" Hei Wuchang said quickly.

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