Holy Prison

Chapter 1610: Pangu Lower Realm

"Well, then wait a few days. If the teacher blames it then, you can say more good things." Zhou Wendao. Tang Ming patted Zhou Wen on the shoulder and smiled: "Sao Nian, Master Pan is your honored master. Are you afraid that he won't succeed if he eats you? Don't worry, the sky won't fall. This is not a big deal!"

Zhou Wen nodded: "Well, I don't want to, drink and drink."

"It's right to not want to. Master Pan is your master and not an outsider. With your current qualifications, how would Master Pan not want you as an apprentice? Even if you don't, that's just plain telling you, don't worry!" Tang Ming laughed With a toast. "What I mean is, let's not talk about this, the boss, the guy, has not yet come back, it is estimated that he was hooked by the underworld female ghost!"


In the Yin Realm, Chu Feng tried his best to modify the Infinite Divine Art. With his current cultivation base, his mental power was extremely terrifying, and the speed of modification was relatively fast.

"Why can't it work?" Chu Feng frowned. He has made a lot of changes to the Infinite Divine Art. According to his estimation, it should be suitable for people in the Yin world to practice, and Luohe has no problem in training. , But just let a few people in the underworld try to practice, it is very painful to practice, and the effect of practice is very poor!

"There must be a problem with the technique, but where is the problem?" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. He entered the domain tower and tried to get a talented person in the domain tower to practice, and there was no problem with the practice. "People in the yang world can practice, but people in the yin world can't practice, so the exercises still reject people in the yin world, why?"

Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, I think it may be a reason." "Xian'er, what is it, you say." Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and he thought about it. They are all a little big.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, you know too little about the underworld. Your current modifications, this, to be honest, some are built on the basis of taking it for granted! I think you can walk around in the underworld. , And then catch some criminals to learn some skills in the underworld, then maybe you will know where there is a problem!"

"Not bad!"

Chu Feng stood up: "It should be the problem in this respect. I still don't know much about the Yin Realm. It should be that there is a problem with the combination of the cultivation method and the Yin Realm. Xian'er, you are awakening the dreamer. It."

"I'm the bystander Qing!" Miao Xian'er smiled softly.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. Chu Jiu appeared outside in the holy prison space, and talked to Luo He and the others. Luo He must follow Chu Feng, and Luo Tong followed Chu on the grounds of Chu Feng’s safety. Feng and they left the buried sand city.

Rivers and lakes, famous mountains and rivers, Chu Feng, the trio of Chu Feng, and Luo Tong's bodyguard Huo Lao traveled many places in the underworld in the next few days.

There were many places to travel, and naturally, many people with high crime values ​​were encountered along the way. Tianshou grabbed some of them from a distance, Luo Tong, and they didn't notice.

The criminal was caught, and Chu Feng also exchanged some skills. He can also exchange the skills of the strong in the Yin world. The use of those skills consumes Chu Feng's physical strength, so even if Chu Feng is a person from the sun, those skills can be used, but Basically, the effect of using it has a big discount!

"This mountain and water" Chu Feng looked at the mountains and rivers in front of him with a sense of understanding. There were peaks in the distance, and below the peaks was a huge lake.

The wind was blowing, the water was rippling, and the trees above the mountain were shaking gently. Chu Feng watched as he gradually let himself into the state of harmony between man and nature.

As time passed by, Luo He whispered. "Luohe, don't disturb your master, your master seems to have thought of something." Huo Lao said.

"It would be great if the problem of the exercise method can be solved!" Luo Tong said with bright eyes.

In Yang Jie, Shenguang City, a figure appeared in the teleportation formation of Shenguang City. As soon as that person appeared, many people's eyes fell on that person.

The person who appeared was about two meters tall, with scattered black hair, very well-developed muscles, and his skin was yellow-brown as if it exuded a little metallic light.

The eyes are like bronze bells, and a big axe is on his shoulders. Although he tried his best to converge, the overbearing breath still made the surrounding person feel a little uncomfortable breathing.


A low voice sounded from the mouth of the person who appeared, and the voice passed to the entire Shenguang City. Zhou Wen and Tang Ming were talking about something right now, when they heard that voice, Zhou Wen suddenly stood up.

"Xiao Mingzi, Master is here, you have to help me stay Master in the God Realm for a few more days!" Zhou Wen said that he disappeared in an instant, and Tang Ming's figure also disappeared in place.

The next moment the figures of Zhou Wen and Tang Ming appeared in front of the strong man who appeared. This seemingly domineering strong man was not Pangu and who was it.

"Master Pan!"

Tang Ming is also respectful and authentic. The two of them saluted the eyes of those who saw them. Zhou Wen and Tang Ming, one was the leader of the law enforcement team of Shenchu ​​City, the other was the leader of the intelligence team, and the two People are all high and powerful, and they salute this respectfully.

"Who is that person?"

Many people have such doubts in their hearts, but Tang Ming and the others didn't explain to those people, "Master, let's move to speak." Zhou Wen respectfully said, Pangu nodded and the three of them disappeared in an instant.

"Master, are you drinking or tea?" Zhou Wen quickly said after Pangu sat down. Pangu waved his hand: "No, I'm afraid I'm not used to drinking wine and tea in the God Realm. Disciple, your weapon is a teacher. There are a lot of things on the Holy Realm side. I will return to the Holy Realm soon!"

Zhou Wen hesitated and said: "This... Master, these days are relatively busy, so the bricks have not yet begun to untie the master, Master, can't it be done without untie? If it is untie, then it will be better to re-fit. Difficulty." "Have you not solved the master?" Pangu said, frowning.

"Master Pan, don't blame you for being fat. Master Pan, there are a lot of things in the holy world, so don't worry about it at this moment. Master Pan, you can stay in the gods for a while. The boss is not here now. Shenguang City, when the time comes, the boss will come back, let him also pay a visit to Master Pan!" Tang Ming said with a smile.

Pangu sighed slightly and said, "Teacher, you are a little disappointed as a teacher. The teacher has notified you in advance, but I didn't expect that you still haven't prepared things. There are many things in the holy world. , How can a teacher inform you in advance? It’s okay to stay in the gods for a while."

"Master, please punish you!" Zhou Wen quickly knelt down. "It's nothing more. Since it is not unlocked, what is the use of chasing you? Hurry up and unlock it. Your weapon must be unlocked and re-trained. Now it is no problem to use it, but when you have a high cultivation level, use it. There will be problems. Refining now is better than you need to refining in the future." Pangu said solemnly, "Get up."

Zhou Wen breathed a sigh of relief and stood up: "Master, I will take the time to untie it. It will take five days. Master, you can stay in Shenguang City for a few days!"

Pan Gu nodded: "Try to hurry up. By the way, do you have Void Stones? I need some Void Stones, which will be useful in the Holy Realm by then!"

"Master, most of the void stones are with the boss, but we also have some. Master, you need it. We can collect some for you in the five days. It should be a lot. I don’t know Master. How much do you need?" Zhou Wendao.

"The more the better!" Pan Gu said.

Tang Ming asked respectfully, "Master Pan, I don't know how my Master is now? Has Master regained consciousness?" "Brother Hong hasn't heard from him yet, so he probably hasn't regained consciousness yet!" Pangu chuckled. , "I will try my best to find Brother Hong in the holy world, so that he won't be hurt before he wakes up!"

"Master Pan, then I will thank Master Pan on behalf of Master." Tang Ming said with a smile. "You kid...I have been with Brother Hong for countless billions of years, so do you still use you to thank me on his behalf?" Pangu smiled, "Where is Chu Feng? Where did this kid go, even if he was elsewhere, for five days Should I be able to rush back within?"

Tang Ming said: "Before beheading Satan, about 100 million innocent people were affected and the souls of the earth entered the underworld, so the boss has gone to the underworld. He has been there for more than a hundred days. I am afraid that I will not be able to return in five days ."

"Yin realm...What is this kid doing in the Yin realm? Don't you want to die? When entering the Yin realm, his strength will be greatly suppressed!" Pangu frowned, "You have to persuade you to persuade such a thing in the future. He is a little bit! He is the City Lord of God Chu City, how can he easily put himself in a dangerous situation?"

"Master, you don't know the character of the boss. We can still persuade him if he hasn't completely decided. We can't do anything about the completely decided thing." Zhou Wen said helplessly, his face a little bit at this time. It is whitish and has already begun to untie the fit with the brick. It is normal for the body to suffer some injuries.

Pan Gu nodded: "It's the two of you. You have to work harder. Chu Feng does not have a master like me and Brother Hong, but his cultivation base is much better than you! Although Chu Feng is not an outsider, you are like this. Make me and Brother Hong’s faces dull!" "Master, the boss is a pervert. We are uncomfortable compared to him." Zhou Wen curled his lips and said a few words, worrying in his heart. Let it go, Zhou Wen can let go.

Pangu glared at Zhou Wen: "Find a reason for yourself. You want to give you a special training for the teacher when the time comes, right, that is, there is no time now, otherwise, I will give you a hundred-year special training immediately. !"

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