Holy Prison

Chapter 1619: Holy Tribulation (2)

Chu Feng was injured. Without Chu Feng’s own instructions, Miao Xian'er immediately activated the clinic to treat Chu Feng. Chu Feng is the lord of the holy prison. He is treated by the doctor and borrowed from the power of the holy prison. The power of the robbery has an extra increase, and even the use of the holy prison heavy artillery will not increase the power of the holy robbery.

But the one-time items purchased in the holy prison shop are absolutely unusable. If you use them, it will definitely make the power of holy robbery more terrifying!

The chariot was torn apart. Needless to say, this second thunder calamity just passed. If people are lucky, the two thunder calamities can already be sanctified, but Chu Feng is obviously not so lucky at this time. He didn't want it too much. If the saint robbery was too weak, then it would affect his strength after being sanctified.

Too strong, that’s not what Chu Feng wants. If the Holy Tribulation is too strong, the chance of death will be high. Too weak is not good, not strong or weak. Chu Feng likes five or six thunder tribulations, seven thunder tribulations. But the power of the seven thunder tribulations is definitely already very powerful, and the chance of death is much higher than that of the six thunder tribulations!

As for the Eight Ways and the Nine Ways, Chu Feng didn’t want to run into that kind of holy calamity. Even if he was strong, if there were eight thunder tribulations, then Chu Feng estimated that his hope of survival would not exceed 50%. It would be good to have three achievements. With the legendary nine thunder tribulations, the chance of survival is definitely less than 10%!

The second thunder robbery disappeared, but the third thunder robbery did not immediately fall. This gave Chu Feng a little time to recover from his injuries. Under the treatment of the doctor, it took only a few seconds to destroy it. The injury suffered under the force is completely healed!

"Hey, have you found a problem." Zhou Qing said, "Why is there no causal power? The evil causal power does not appear, nor the good causal power!"

Zhou Qing didn’t say that Tang Ming, they really didn’t notice this. When she said that, everyone thought of it. It’s really such a thing. Two holy thunder tribulations have been passed through, but they haven’t. The power of cause and effect appears. Generally speaking, the power of cause and effect will appear in the first holy calamity!

"In this world, it should be possible for anyone to get involved in causality. It is really strange that there is no power of causation!" Tang Ming thought each and every one of them. They were strange, but they were not too surprised. , Chu Feng has seen too many strange things to them!

Chu Feng himself, at this time, was communicating with Miao Xian'er in his mind, and they were also communicating with this aspect. When the first holy thunder catastrophe, Chu Feng thought it would happen during the second holy thunder catastrophe. Unexpectedly, the second holy thunder robbery did not show the power of causation.

"Chu Feng, don't worry, it is the holy prison that blocks the causal power!" Miao Xian'er smiled in Chu Feng's mind, "You will not have any evil causal power, mainly the good causal power. Among them, if the power of good cause and effect appears prematurely, the power behind will not be so strong. Anyway, you can cope with the first thunder calamity, and there is no need to waste power. If your luck is bad, you will usher in eight ways and nine holy thunder robberies. The power of causality is useful!"

"It's a good thing that the power of causality prevents it from becoming stronger then...but don't let you say it. It's OK if there are seven thunder tribulations, I don't want eight ways and nine ways!" Chu Feng laughed in his mind and listened. Miao Xian'er said that, Chu Feng let go of his heart, it is a good thing that the power of causality did not appear, which is pretty good!

Miao Xian'er hummed: "I'm not so crow's mouth. Even if it appears, it is not because of my attention. The third holy thunder robbery is about to appear. It looks like a soul robbery... Hey, it's actually you who have encountered it. The eyes of the Holy Spirit that have been there, Aro Chijin has passed through at the beginning, don't say you can't pass through."

"Holy Eye!"

There was a faint smile on Chu Feng's face. In the soul tribulation, the Holy Spirit Eye was not a particularly powerful type.

The Holy Spirit’s eyes look straight at the soul, and the person who crosses the calamity will feel that he is extremely small under the eyes of the Holy Spirit. That extremely small feeling will make people have no confidence in the future, and the will will be greatly destroyed. If the will is completely Disintegrate, the person who crosses the calamity will have the flesh and blood under the eyes of the Holy Spirit and then become nothingness!

"Do you think the eyes of the Holy Spirit may have too much effect on me?" Chu Feng chuckles in his mind. His spiritual power is extremely terrifying. In addition, the cultivation of his mood is also very high. People in, have a great threat, but for Chu Feng, it is more difficult to generate a strong threat!

Thousands of tribulation clouds gathered, and a huge eye was formed in the sky in a short time. The huge eye looked at Chu Feng high up, as if a **** and Buddha were watching a poor ant!

There was nothing wrong with Chu Feng, but some people in the outer view of two to three million kilometers were affected, but they were not the ones who crossed the catastrophe. Although they felt very small and desperate in their hearts at that moment, they quickly He recovered!

"Fuck off, it's useless to me!"

Chu Feng raised his head and looked at the huge eyes indifferently. His holy spirit eyes were many times more terrifying than the holy spirit eyes that appeared in Aluo Chijin that day. Chu Feng was also affected by the holy spirit, and Chu Feng also felt his own Insignificant, but the state of mind cultivation was mentioned in a very short time to the infinite state of the mind, that feeling of insignificance disappeared!

Although it is small now, the heart is infinitely big and has a tenacious heart. As long as it is immortal, it can reach a very high level sooner or later. With such a belief, the power of the Holy Spirit's eyes is difficult to work. Of course, this looks simple, the facts The above is not so simple. If the faith is not so firm, the power of the Holy Spirit's eyes is extremely strong. If the faith is very low, and the power of the Holy Spirit's eyes is fully exerted, the person who crosses the catastrophe under such a Holy Spirit will definitely be finished!

Chu Feng's words may have angered the eyes of the Holy Spirit a little. The eyes of the Holy Spirit radiated light and the power was even more powerful, but in the eyes of the Holy Spirit, Chu Feng's proud and confident eyes were full of confidence, and there was no despair at all!

One second, two seconds, three seconds and ten seconds passed, the huge holy spirit eyes in the sky slowly closed. After the holy spirit eyes were closed, the huge holy spirit eyes were transformed into ten thousand in a short time. Qian Caiyun.

"Strong!" Menghao praised. They are more aware of the power of the Holy Spirit Eyes. If they encounter such a degree of Holy Spirit Eyes when they cross the Tribulation, the chance of hanging up exceeds 80%, but the Holy Spirit Eyes are actually complete. The ground did not hurt Chu Feng. The holy calamity has passed, and the holy calamity has passed three ways!

"Mother, Dad should be able to survive the holy robbery? The three holy robberies have passed, and Dad has not suffered any injuries." Chu Xin smiled softly while holding Lan Wen's arm.

Lan Wen smiled slightly: "Your dad can naturally go through the holy calamity. If your dad can't go through the calamity smoothly, there will be few people in the entire God Realm who can go through the calamity smoothly!"

"Haha, second sister-in-law, you are really not humble!" Zhou Wen laughed and said, Feng Bingning is the eldest sister, Lan Wen is second, then Miao Feiying is third, Yilian is fourth, and Songye is fifth. Yin Qianqian is sixth, Qin Ying and Miao Xianer are seventh and eighth.

Lan Wen smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth and said, "Everyone is your own person, so what are you doing hypocritically? The same is the tenth-order three-star. Do you think other tenth-order three-star powers can win Brother Feng? In the entire God Realm, Brother Feng Even if his strength is not the first, it is also the top three. Remove the element of luck, if Brother Feng can't be sanctified, who can do it?"

"The strength of the boss is the first in the absolute **** realm! As long as you don't encounter more than seven thunder tribulations, there is no problem with being sanctified." Tang Mingdao, he secretly added a word in his heart, after being sanctified, he will go to the holy realm. There are probably some problems in it, most of those saints are parasitic!

The time passed every second, and Chu Feng was not allowed to wait for long. Amidst the rolling colorful clouds, the fourth thunder robbery quickly formed, and the fourth thunder robbery was actually a huge fist.

The fist appeared from the colorful clouds and slammed it towards Chu Feng with violent power. This fist passed, and the space behind it was completely broken!

Chu Feng's face changed slightly. The first three thunder tribulations were just appetizing dishes. This fourth thunder tribulation was really moving. Although it was just a punch, the strength gathered in this punch was really unbelievable. Dare to look down!

Under this punch, Chu Feng is sure that a tenth-tier two-star powerhouse will definitely be blasted into scum cleanly. Even if he has the strength of a tenth-tier three-star strength, he will be injured if he doesn’t handle it well. Not light!


When Chu Feng's mind moved on top of his head, a barrier of hundreds of layers was formed instantly, but under the terrifying power of that fist, the barrier of hundreds of layers was instantly broken!

"Another Dimensional Space Seal!"

The enchantment of hundreds of layers only blocked a very short and short time, but that little time was enough for Chu Feng to use the different-dimensional space seal. With his current cultivation base, the speed of using the different-dimensional space seal is definitely not At the previous level, you need to work hard, and it will take a long time to use it, and it will be exhausted when used!

The imprint of the different dimension space is small. When the imprint of the different dimension space is on the huge fist, the distance between the huge fist and the top of Chu Feng's head is only about three meters.

Even if he did not do his best, the different-dimensional space seal used by Chu Feng was extremely powerful, but the different-dimensional space seal was crushed under that fist, but the power of the fist that crushed the different-dimensional space seal was already Lowered a lot, Chu Feng punched, his small fist and that huge fist smashed together!

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