Holy Prison

Chapter 1626: One return

"What else can I do? Just kill it!"

"No, if you kill the clone of Chu Feng directly, Chu Feng's lunatic might still do something. We are fine, but the saints of the lower realm may have big problems!"

"Keep it for now, and wait until we catch Chu Feng. As long as we catch Chu Feng, the deity clone, isn't it at our disposal? Without Chu Feng, Shenchu ​​City wouldn't be too difficult to deal with!"

Many powerful people talked a lot, and Yin Xiao coughed lightly: "Everyone, I don’t think there is any need to discuss this, we may not be able to decide on this! Chu Feng, this clone, can only be sent to the gods. Go in!"

After Yin Xiao said this, many people suddenly showed an unhappy look, "Brother Yin Xiao, why did you say this? Chu Feng played a trick on us, and we still let him clone." A holy king said in a bad tone. Shen said.

"Tongtian Saint King, before reaching the Holy Realm, Chu Feng must have ordered some people in the lower realm to release a message to let us put his clone back into the gods. If we don’t return it, I think some sages in the lower realm can only be forced to Return to the Holy Realm. This makes Chu Feng this clone can immediately verify it when he wakes up!" Yin Xiao said.

"wake up!"

Saint King Tongtian walked to the front of No.1 and slapped it. After receiving that slap, No.1, who had passed out of a coma, immediately woke up!

"You are...Tongtian?" Number One touched his face and said quietly, "It's more painful, Tongtian, this slap, I will definitely return it doubled in the future!"

"Little boy, you're looking for death!" Tongtian Saint King frowned and slapped, but his hand was grabbed by the firstborn with double horns, "Tongtian... calm down, business It matters! Chu Feng, look at me"

No.1 looked at the holy person with double horns, the holy person's eyes lit up, and the confused color in No.1's eyes was instantly controlled: "Chu Feng, do you know about the saint being parasitic in the holy world? , Know what, say it all."

"Knowing a little bit, I suspect that there is a saint in the holy world that has been parasitized." Number One said dumbly. "Feng Chen told you?" Shuangjiao Shengzun said.

The two-horned saint said: "Do you know which saints have been parasitized?"

"I don't know." No.1 Road, he really didn't know, this memory was cleared by the holy prison, and now his memory is just some basic memories, some more confidential memories, that is nothing if double If the Horned Sovereign can spend a lot of time searching, it may restore the memory of No.1, but it will take a very long time!

The Double Horned Lord quickly asked some questions, but what made him a little angry was that he didn't ask anything at all! "Come Qing!" Shuangjiao Shengzun said coldly.

One wakes up and glances at the saints present indifferently: "It seems that you have all been parasitized, and there are so many saints!"

"The saints of the lower realm are basically parasitized, right? Open a void channel to let me go to the lower realm, otherwise some saints will fall. As for the specific saints, I am sorry, I am not sure! You should have the needs of the lower realm, for It’s not worth it that my little clone has affected your lower realm, isn’t it?"

Tongtian said coldly: "Chu Feng, you are still threatening us! If God Chucheng dares to deal with saints in the lower realm at will, there will definitely be countless people buried in the God Realm!"

"Kills at will, boundless cause and effect, please!" Number One said lightly, "If you don't plan to let me go, then just kill me? If you are interested in torturing, please! To remind you, if I die, maybe...some rumors will spread among the Three Realms, which is probably not good for you!"

The two-horned sage said: "Why didn't you tell something about it?" Number One mocked and said: "This senior said it was funny. It was spread out. If it is good for me, the saint who dealt with me will still A little bit less, if it spreads out, countless saints will tear their faces and deal with me!"

"The Three Realms will be messed up immediately. If we don't spread it for the time being, there may be a little bit of change in the future!"

The double-horned sage hit No.1 with a punch in the face and knocked No.1 fainted: "My opinion, erase some of his memories just now, and then let him roll into the gods! For their avatars, The impact on our overall situation is not worth it! As long as Chu Feng's deity is destroyed, no matter how many clones he has, he will have to die!"

"Agree, our main goal now is Chu Feng's deity. Chu Feng estimates that it won't take long for such a clone to create one, no more than one, and a lot less!"

Pangu shook his head: "I have no objection, just do it this way, let's catch Chu Feng's deity as soon as possible, and then, the God Realm must clean up in time!"

The three saint-level powerhouses have all agreed, and the rest of the saints in the hall will naturally not object. "Everyone, we can move some hands and feet on this clone. At that time...maybe this clone can bring us some surprises!" An immortal saint said with a smile.

"That's good!"

"Let’s do it, everyone. If you want to commemorate him, just keep some!"

The saints worked one by one, and soon there were a lot of things left on No.1, but it didn't seem to have any problems, and even the divine consciousness scan itself estimated that it was difficult to find!

A few minutes later, No.1 was pushed into a void channel and sent to the lower realm. He had just arrived in the sacred realm, and he hadn’t been in the lower realm. Naturally, the lower realm would be no problem. The second lower realm, then it's time to test it, after all, Number One is not Chu Feng's deity but a clone!

"Everyone, next, let's catch Chu Feng according to what you can do, and catch Chu Feng, I hope you will hand over Chu Feng to discuss the disposition!" The Double Horned Lord said solemnly.


All the lower-strength people responded respectfully, and Pangu's other saints and those saint kings nodded slightly. On the surface, they all agreed well, but if they caught Chu Feng secretly, would they? This is really a problem to hand over! The abyssal powerhouses are also divided into factions. In the past, everyone had a common goal to occupy this universe, so they were much united. Now, this universe is basically controlled, and some contradictions and conflicts of interest are slowly emerging!

As the city owner of Shenchu ​​City, these people here know that if Chu Feng is caught, then it is very likely that he will control Shenchu ​​City!

As the most powerful force in the lower realm, Shenchu ​​City has a lot of benefits if it can be controlled. Apart from other things, the treasures controlled by some powerful people in Shenchu ​​City make these saints here coveted!

"Everyone, let’s go and try to catch Chu Feng as quickly as possible... Chu Feng was the best to catch when he first arrived in the holy world. His strength is relatively low, and he doesn’t understand the holy world. If time passes for a long time, If Feng Chen merges, then it will be much harder to catch Chu Feng!" The Double Horned Lord said solemnly.

One by one the saints retreated, and in a short time, there was no saint in the entire hall!

Thousands of saints, plus many saints who have not arrived in the hall, are all involved in the arrest of Chu Feng. I don’t know about these Chu Fengs. At this moment, there is a faint smile on his face. Yes, Tianwei actually encountered a moving sacred mountain. When flying over that sacred mountain, the holy prison left Tianwei and fell onto the sacred mountain thousands of meters high!

"Chu Feng, this sacred mountain is not bad, it has a strong weakening effect on the sacred consciousness, even if there is a saint near this sacred mountain, it is not so easy to find the holy prison!" Miao Xian'er smiled. typical.

Chu Feng let out a long sigh, Tianwei left, this sacred mountain is moving, it will also leave a relatively long distance, then the chance of a saint finding it will be much lower!

"Miao Xian'er, can Heavenly Eye scan the entire sacred mountain? Does this sage have no master?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er shook her head: "You can't scan the entire holy mountain. Of course, the scanning range of the sky eye is more than that small, but there are some places in this holy mountain that interfere with the sky eye so seriously that it can't be scanned!"

"Master, I don't know, it should not be there. No saint likes a holy mountain that moves like this. God knows if it will float to extremely dangerous places!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. Indeed, such a holy mountain-like saint would really not choose. There are also extremely powerful evil creatures in the holy realm. Some of the evil creatures are no less powerful than the indestructible powers. If the holy mountain floats into the territory of such a fierce thing, it is a huge cup!

"Miao Xian'er, I have become a holy now. The conditions for holy prison upgrade should have been released? Tell me, I hope I can upgrade holy prison as soon as possible, otherwise it is too dangerous to mix in the holy realm!" Chu Feng I feel a little nervous in my heart, whether the holy prison can be upgraded quickly, the impact is huge!

"Miao Xian'er, hurry up and talk!" Yin Qianqian also looked forward to authentically. Miao Xian'er smiled and nodded: "Chu Feng, there are four conditions for the upgrade of the holy prison this time!"

"The first one is that you have reached the middle-ranked saint. This condition was originally difficult to achieve, but you are already a middle-ranked saint as soon as you arrive in the holy realm, so this one has become the simplest condition! "

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