Holy Prison

Chapter 1631: Mano

"Holy King's supernatural power!"

Yin Xiao changed back to his body, and the strong one by one said in unison. Yin Xiao waved his hand: "It's just a small matter. Let's go away. What should I do?"

"Yes, Lord Saint King!"

One by one left, Mano did not leave immediately but went to Yin Xiao and bowed respectfully: "Thank you, Lord Saint King, if it weren't Lord Saint King, those wicked obstacles were hiding. It would be difficult to kill them. Lord Saint King, another day is free, Mano will come to thank you!"

"Master Mano don't have to be polite, it's just a handy effort. In the future, Yin Xiao may also trouble you Master Mano." Yin Xiao smiled and said, Mano is only immortal-level strength, but a relatively high-strength immortal-level powerhouse. The possibility of an immortal powerhouse is also relatively high.

Yin Xiao is more polite at this time. One more friend is naturally better than one more enemy. Although his strength is stronger than Zhenye, but in some aspects, it is not necessarily as good as Zhenye. The sage is different, even the powers of the holy realm are inferior to those whose strength is much lower than them in many aspects!

"Master Saint King is serious. When Master Saint King is useful to Mano, let people tell him that Lord Saint King, three disciples and three grandchildren die, Mano will leave first!" Mano respectfully said.


Yin Xiao chuckles authentically, Zhenye fell on his mount Tongxuan, and Tongxuan moved his four hooves, disappearing into the distant clouds in a short time.

"Poor fellow." Yin Xiao said in his heart. He knew that Mano must have come to look for Chu Feng, but such a cup unexpectedly appeared!

Yin Xiao didn't know that Zhen Ye had already put Chu Feng into his holy prison space. If he knew that, he would not say that Zhen Ye was pitiful, and of course, he would not let him leave!

Mano's own sacred mountain is far away, but with his seven-level immortal strength, two days later, he returned to a sacred mountain that he had occupied!

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng was very worried at first. If Zhenye handed him over, it would be a big trouble. Time passed slowly, Chu Feng calmed down, and if Zhenye wanted to hand him over. , It has already been handed over at this moment, and if it has not been handed over, it means that Mano wants to benefit from him in private!

Returning to the sacred mountain, Mano did not immediately meet Chu Feng. He knew that it was a risky period for many people to look for Chu Feng, and it would be better to miss this period.

Moreover, three apprentices and three grandchildren died this time, and it must be done ceremoniously, otherwise there will definitely be some people who doubt something, Zhenye doesn't want people to doubt that Chu Feng is in his hands!

In the sacred mountain, the sound of chanting sounded, and it lasted for seven or seventy-nine days before it was over. In these seven or seventy-nine days, a large number of people in the holy world were looking for Chu Feng, and those people naturally I didn’t find it. After so long, some saints gave up. They estimated that Chu Feng must have been arrested by a certain saint at this time. As for who arrested Chu Feng, there was not a single saint outside of the real world. People know!

Because of Chu Feng's affairs, the gap between some saints has deepened. You think I caught it. I think you caught it. Everyone doesn't recognize this account. It's normal for some gaps to occur!

Mano made Chu Feng appear in a pagoda. As soon as Chu Feng appeared, Mano hit Chu Feng with a punch. At this moment, Chu Feng's strength of the middle saint was hidden, but the lower saint The strength of Mano's punch was quite heavy, and as a result, Chu Feng was hit by Mano's punch directly onto the tower wall!

Chu Feng spouted a mouthful of blood, "Come here!" Mano said, raising his hand and inhaling Chu Feng involuntarily came to him again, "Bang!" Mano slammed an old fist on Chu Feng's face again, Chu Feng Flew out for the second time!

"Old stuff, is that enough?"

Chu Feng cursed, and Zhenye said with a gloomy expression: "Enough, how can this be done? You killed my three apprentices and three grandchildren. This is just a small punishment!"

Zhenye kept making shots, and he stopped after dozens of punches. At this moment, the blood spurting out of Chu Feng's mouth was already ten or twenty!

"Why didn't you fight anymore?" Chu Feng spit out the blood in his mouth and said coldly. He had lived for so long, and it was the first time he had been beaten up like this. He could only be beaten, and he had no power to fight back! Even if he showed the strength of a middle saint, even if the ninety-nine sky guards still alive appeared outside at the same time, it could not be Mano's opponent.

Mano sat down on a throne in the tower: "Chu Feng, you are a smart man, you should know that cooperation is better than non-cooperation!"

"Who is your excellency?" Chu Feng said solemnly. Although many experts called Mano's name before, he didn't hear it in the Mano Treasure Space at that time.

"My true wild strength is immortal, so don’t think about getting out of my hands. If you cooperate, then we will get along more happily. If you don’t cooperate, I will tell you to survive. Please die!" Mano said indifferently, "Chu Feng, first hand over a treasure that will make this seat attractive. You only have one chance. If you are not satisfied with this seat, then you will be in the next period of time. It will be more painful!"

As soon as Chu Feng moved a chair, he appeared and sat down on his own: "Mano, don't put on a tall look. If you want to benefit from me, then be polite to me! I promise you to torture me. If you do, it is absolutely impossible to get any good things from me!"

"I wrote down the fists just now. There are a total of sixty-three punches. With these sixty-three punches, don't think about getting benefits from me in sixty-three years!" Chu Feng said lightly.

Mano smiled coldly and said: "Chu Feng, I think you want me to hand you over at that time. If I hand you over, do you know what it will be like?"

"You yourself will suffer endless suffering. Your wife, your son, and your friends will all have to be affected. At that time, Shenchu ​​City may collapse. They may be caught in front of you one by one. Some people do more evil things. I believe you will never want to have that day!"

The cold light flashing in Chu Feng's eyes rose to kill intent. He had experienced such pain in the illusion when he was in the holy robbery. At this moment, Mano talked about it and hooked the killing intent in his heart.

"Want to kill me?" Mano smiled and said, "This is not the realm of the gods. Although you have the power of a lower saint, you are no more than an ant in my eyes!"

Chu Feng took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Mao, I have infinite merits. You should know this. I don't believe you will hand me over. If you hand me over, then I promise, I I will curse you once with my countless merits and my life, and it is estimated that I will not be able to kill you, but it should stop your cultivation from now on!"

Zhen Ye suddenly appeared in front of Chu Feng and took out a slap in the face. "Bah" Chu Feng vomited some blood, "Jin Ye, add ten years, seventy-three years!"

"You dare to threaten this seat with lowly things, since you don't want to say it properly, this seat has directly controlled you!" Mano said that the powerful sage immediately attacked Chu Feng's heart.

Chu Feng sneered at Mano and wanted to control him. This was not so easy, even if Mano had immortal strength!

Zhenye frowned secretly. He realized that it was very difficult for him to control Chu Feng's sage. Chu Feng's sage seemed to have some power to protect it.

"Mao, don't waste your efforts." Chu Feng said indifferently, "My sage is protected by natal weapons. It takes a lot of time for you to control me. Before you can completely control me, I have the ability to destroy my own sage. Grid, if I die, my natal weapon will leave, and you will get nothing at that time."

"Oh no, that's wrong, you can still get a gift from me, a gift that will make your cultivation level extremely difficult and difficult to improve in the future!" Chu Feng chuckled.

Benye withdrew from his own sage knowledge and helped Chu Feng arrange his clothes: "Chu Feng, I think it’s better for us to talk well. If we get along well, it will be good to you and me! Let’s take out one first. When the treasure comes, I don’t blame you for being rude! You can stay in a better environment in the future!"

"I want to give you something, let's talk about it after seventy-three years." Chu Feng said quietly. Zhenye shook his head: "Chu Feng, your attitude is a bit bad, and this is not good for you!"

"Manano, sorry, my attitude will not change!"

"not necessarily!"

As Mano said, a hand was suddenly printed on Chu Feng's chest, severe pain appeared, Chu Feng involuntarily let out a cry of pain and then immediately held back.

"Ma Ye, remind you, the more you torture me, the longer it will take you to get the treasure from me. If you are interested, please feel free to torture!" Chu Feng's face twitched, dripping sweat. Zhu appeared from Chu Feng, and the pain he was suffering at this time was extremely terrifying.

If it hadn't been the kind of bone-stirring pain experienced in the fantasy world during the time of the holy robbery, Chu Feng would have been a little unbearable at the moment. Now, he can still bear such pain.

Mano was secretly frightened. Even the upper saints might not be able to endure this kind of pain, but Chu Feng actually endured it, "I don't believe it!" The secret path in Zhenye's heart continued to intensify the pain, as the pain grew more and more. Strong, Chu Feng's skin shattered in some places, and his entire body was about to collapse!

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