Holy Prison

Chapter 1635: Lingyuanzong

"Hey!" Tang Ming sighed and nodded slightly, "Sister-in-law, I will order the intelligence team to conduct investigations, and the news will be sent immediately as soon as it becomes available!"

Zhou Wen said solemnly: "I will mobilize personnel. As soon as there is news from Xiao Mingzi, I will retaliate immediately... Sansao, if you find out and take revenge action, you should not participate in it. It is estimated that there will be some blood!"

Miao Feiying said indifferently: "Zhou Wen, do you think I am a weak woman who can't see blood?" "Uh" Zhou Wen was taken aback. If Miao Feiying was still a weak woman, there would be too many weak women under that day. Back then, Miao Feiying was called a demon by many people, making many people famous and discouraged!

"Dong Xiang'er, I must take part in the revenge action. All people involved will have to receive my revenge!" Miao Feiying said coldly. Although she didn't show much murderous aura, Zhou Wen and the others seemed to be able to Hearing that violent murderous intent crazily impacted Miao Feiying's body!

Feng Bing said: "Zhou Wen, Fei Ying will definitely participate. This time it will be a big action of our Shenchu ​​City. The meaning of the peak is very clear. With thunder means, it will shock all those who dare to hand out their claws to our Shenchu ​​City. Power! Just as Feiying said, this, all the people involved, all have to receive the crazy revenge of our God Chucheng!"

"Sister-in-law, the order has been issued. With our current intelligence capabilities in Shenchucheng, if we desperately investigate with all our strength, I believe there will be results in less than a month!" Tang Ming said.

Feng Bingning nodded slightly: "Tang Ming, our sisters want to talk" "Well, sister-in-law, let's withdraw first!" Tang Ming and Zhou Wen left quickly.

"Han'er, go and talk to your younger brother and sister, Xiner Shier and Xiaoyu are forbidden to leave Shenguang City, you and Xiaoyun are not forbidden to leave Shenguang City, but you are absolutely forbidden to leave Shenguang secretly. Cheng, if you leave secretly, Shen Chu Cheng will not compromise with those who catch you!" Feng Bing said solemnly.

"Yes, mother!" Chu Han gave a salute and left quickly. Feng Bingning and the others were very angry. It is not a wise choice to stay here now.

When Chu Yun left, Feng Bing stared at Miao Feiying. "Feiying, Feng's handling like this, don't you have any ideas. If Han'er and Yun'er have this situation, they will definitely deal with the same situation. Feng will definitely find a way to bring Xiang'er back to life." Feng Bing Ning quietly and authentically.

"Bing Ning, I know, don't worry!" Miao Feiying nodded slightly, "Xiang'er is still impulsive in doing things at a young age, so he should be taught some lessons! And the occurrence of such things will definitely affect her husband. , Let people pass the jade down, it is impossible not to pay a certain price!"

"Sister Bing Ning, let's prepare a piece of jade slip first, and then seal it and let the person return to the Holy Realm. Brother Feng must be waiting for our reply!" Lan Wen said.

"Um...it is estimated that no results will come out in a short period of time. You can write in the information first, and you will get it from Shi'er and the others later. They may also write some information in and finally let Han'er use the power of blood Seal it and take it back to the God Realm!" Feng Bing condensed.

After half a day, Chu Feng in the holy realm had already obtained the jade slips that Feng Bingning and the others had sent up.

"Chu Feng, the jade slip has been given to you. Where is my stuff?" Mano chuckled quietly, but within a few days, he received a few good treasures. This is quite satisfactory to him. In his heart this time and that It is praying that Feng Bingning and the others will do more!

Chu Feng threw four treasures past. Some of these four treasures were worse than the one taken out earlier, some were better, and overall they were similar to those four treasures!

"Satisfied, haha!" Mano laughed and put away all the four treasures. "Chu Feng, if there is news in this regard in the future, do you want it?"


Chu Feng said solemnly, he didn't want to have such news again, but if it really appeared, he still wanted to know. "Okay... you practice slowly and strive to reach the middle sage as soon as possible, haha!" Mano laughed and left. He didn't stop Chu Feng from practicing. Chu Feng's current level of cultivation is too low for him. Now, this kind of cultivation is impossible to escape from his hands!

"damn thing!"

Chu Feng secretly cursed in his heart and put the jade slip into the holy prison space, and then let a drop of blood enter the holy prison space into the jade slip.

There is a lot of information stored in the jade slips. Feng Bingning and the women have stored a lot of information one by one. In addition, Chu Han and Tang Ming also stored a lot of information!

"Xiao Yu is several hundred years old, alas" Chu Feng sighed slightly. Xiao Yu was born of Chu Yu, Qin Ying. She was not born when Chu Feng entered the Holy Realm. Now more than a thousand years have passed. Naturally, Chu Yu was already born. Chu Yu is a girl, and Chu Feng had already named her well before entering the holy realm!

Chu Feng had originally expected that he would return to the God Realm in a short time after entering the Holy Realm. In that case, Xiao Yu would be able to be born when he was born. I can't watch my child grow up when I caught it. I have to say that this is a great regret!

"Chu Feng...The situation like this will pass now, and then you will accompany Chu Yu more!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"If it can pass, it will be fine!" Chu Feng stopped his mind and began to practice. Although he wanted to be in the realm of the gods, he can only imagine that it is impossible to achieve it for the time being!

In the realm of the gods, Shenchu ​​City has been warned since its full investigation. If it continues to investigate with all its strength, Chu Xiang will have to die, but the warning is naturally useless.

"Several sisters-in-law, someone sent this!" Tang Ming took a space ring with an ugly expression and placed it on the coffee table in front of him.

Feng Bingning and the other goddesses had realized that their expressions changed drastically.

"Okay, very good!!" Miao Feiying gritted her teeth, there is a hand in the space ring, and that hand Feng Bingning is very familiar to them, and it belongs to Chu Xiang!

"Tang Ming, continue to investigate, and do my best. I want to know who made the shot in the shortest time!" Miao Feiying said coldly. "I'm investigating with all my strength." Tang Ming said lightly, "The other party seems to be a little nervous. The possibility of being a lone ranger is relatively low. It shouldn't take long to find out the results!"

Several days passed in a blink of an eye. A silver-clad old man at the headquarters of the Human Sovereign had a gloomy expression. He asked himself that his actions were extremely careful and there should be no clues left, but as time passed, he Some are not confident anymore, Shenchucheng's intelligence ability in the God Realm is indeed extremely powerful!

"Old ancestor, what do you do now?" A middle-aged man in front of the silver-clothed old man was a little nervous and uneasy. When he first caught Chu Xiang, he was quite excited. If he could strike a fortune and let Shenchucheng eat a big one. Unfortunately, that is a very beautiful thing!

Originally, Shenchucheng was also preparing to pay for the redemption, but in a blink of an eye, Shenchucheng's attitude changed, and he desperately tried to find Chu Xiang's movements!

Now that the Void Stone has not received a pound, he has to risk being found by God Chu City. It is really depressing! "Shenchucheng I'm afraid it's ignoring Chu Xiang's life." The silver-clothed old man said solemnly.

"Ancestor, then" the middle-aged man said and made a head-cutting motion. The silver-clothed old man shook his head slightly: "Not for the time being. If Shenchu ​​City can really find it, then, with Chu Xiang as a hostage in his hand, it may be possible to escape you and some people. This time, it is a miscalculation. Unexpectedly, Shenchucheng would ignore Chu Xiang’s life and death!"

"People from the Spirit Source Sect, get out of my grandma!"

At this moment, a sound of killing came into the ears of the silver-clothed old man and the middle-aged man. "Who would dare to be presumptuous in the Spirit Source Sect?" An angry voice rang out in the Spirit Source Sect. In the blink of an eye, the spirit source sect strong for decades flew out of the sacred mountain where the sect lived and appeared in the sky outside the mountain .


"Here, you can deal with it!" The silver-clothed old man said in a voice transmission and took out a space ring. "People are here, how to deal with it, you can figure it out!"

"Ancestor, this"

"What is this, as the Sect Master of the Spirit Source, you should handle this matter!" The silver-clothed old man disappeared into the **** realm and headed to the holy realm as he said!

When the silver-clothed old man left, the middle-aged man's face was pale. After taking a deep breath, he quickly recovered his face and went beyond the sacred mountain where the sect was.

"It turns out to be some friends from Shenchu ​​City, a few friends, I don't know where my Spirit Source Sect can be offended?" The Spirit Source Sect Sect Master who appeared outside frowned slightly, "The tribute I should pay, my spirit There is no shortage of Yuanzong, and, for a long time, my Spirit Yuanzong has a good relationship with Shenchu ​​City!"

Miao Feiying is here, and Tang Ming and Zhou Wen are also here. In addition, Feng Bingning and their daughters are here one by one, and there are many strong people from the Shenchu ​​City who are coming with them! In the beginning, it was just Miao Feiying, Zhou Wen and others who were waiting for some people to come over. So some people in the Spirit Source Sect were still a little aggressive. Now a large number of strong people in Shenchu ​​City have appeared outside. Those guys who were aggressive before are all here. It was standing upright and uneasy.

"Enclose the Spirit Source Sect for me!" Miao Feiying said solemnly. "Yes!" A large number of powerful people in Shenchu ​​City responded, and the Spirit Source Sect was completely surrounded in the blink of an eye. If Shenchu ​​City does not let it go, it is absolutely impossible for one person to escape!

"Master Qingyun, where are people?" Miao Feiying said indifferently, "Hand over people, there are some people in the Spirit Source Sect who can survive. If you don't hand them over, even an ant in the Spirit Source Sect cannot survive!"

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