Holy Prison

Chapter 1645: Hongjun Lower Realm

"Void Stone...Huh?" A jade slip appeared in Hongjun's hand, and this jade slip was also placed in the space ring that Chu Feng gave him.

The sacred consciousness enters the jade slip, and there is a lot of information in the jade slip, such as the information on the separation of the three realms, such as the information on how to use the void stone to enter the lower realm, such as the information for Hongjun to go to the lower realm as soon as possible!

"I have been controlled for the old way, others" Hongjun frowned slightly. Chu Feng didn't say this information, but Hongjun couldn't guess.

"Chu Feng... unexpectedly knows Lin Tian, ​​amazing!" Hongjun's secret body shape disappeared as soon as he flicked. He was controlled. Although he had not opened the channel of the lower realm, many of his people had opened the channel of the lower realm. However, in order to prevent others from doubting anything, Hongjun did not pass through the lower realm of those people's lower realms, but decided to establish a lower realm by himself!

In a blink of an eye, most of the day passed, Tang Ming woke up leisurely in the holy prison space, but his face was still pale at the moment.

"Xiao Mingzi, are you alive?"

Zhou Wen smiled happily, Tang Ming fainted these times, Chu Feng was busy with some things outside, Zhou Wen had been guarding Tang Ming.

Tang Ming spoke weakly. Although he woke up, the pain in his soul occurred at this time, and his face was still pale!

"Where is my wife?" Tang Ming rubbed his temple. Zhou Wen lost a piece of fruit and went over: "You have something to eat... You didn't notify Han Xiang. You told her to come when you fainted. Didn't you worry about her? The boss decided to let you get better before you notify Han Xiang!"

After taking a bite of the fruit, Tang Ming nodded slightly, Chu Feng smiled slightly at this moment: "Xiao Mingzi, it looks a lot better than before."

"Boss, do you think you have used something for me, otherwise the situation should be much more serious than this!" Tang Ming said, "Boss, there was no failure before, but it succeeded at the last moment. I successfully contacted Master, but just contacted. I can’t hold on anymore, alas!"

"Don't worry, we know!" Chu Feng smiled, and he waved his hand and showed the scene in the altar at that time. "Boss, if the master is in the lower realm, can you be sure if he is parasitic." Tang Ming's eyes first showed joy and then frowned slightly.

"If Master is parasitized, and then we trust Master very much, then it will be a lot of trouble!"

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Relax, Feng Chen was also tested back then. Although Master Hong is stronger, as long as he is equipped, there is no problem in testing. If he does not cooperate, then he can basically be judged. It has been parasitic! Hey, Cao Cao is here, Xiao Mingzi, it seems that you have gone outside, your master will come!"

"Really?" Tang Ming said with joy and nervousness. Although he is familiar with Hongjun, it was just a piece of knowledge of Hongjun before. Tang Ming, Hongjun's deity, had never seen him, just like Zhou Wen had seen Pangu. , I was a little worried about not getting the approval of my master.

"Really, don't worry!" Chu Feng smiled and Tang Ming and Zhou Wen both appeared outside.

Outside, in the Chu Mansion, Hong Jun has already arrived. He didn't use his original appearance. At this moment, the steward of the Chu Mansion had just been introduced into the mansion to the living room!

"Master! Tang Erye, Lord Wednesday!"

Chu Feng and Tang Ming appeared, and the steward of Chu Feng said quickly. Chu Feng waved his hand: "There is nothing to do with you here, so go back."

As soon as the steward retired, the three of them hurriedly saluted after Chu Feng set up a barrier. "No courtesy and no courtesy, Chu Feng, find a place and have a good chat!" Hongjun said, his eyes stayed on Tang Ming for a while, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Tang Ming's current state. Although Ming's current state is not good, it is much better than he estimated!

"Yes, Master Hong!"

Chu Feng led the way, and soon the four of them arrived in a small reception room. Without the maid serving tea, Chu Feng personally made a few cups.

"Master Hong, do you have some understanding of the situation?" Chu Feng said. Old Hongjun's face blushed slightly: "Chu Feng, I would like to thank you very much this time. If it weren't for your reminder, I am still under control at the moment. Although the control level is not deep, it is possible to get out after a long time. Some problems."

Chu Feng was secretly surprised in their hearts, but they didn't expect Hong Jun to be under control too! "Master Hong, for the sake of safety, the kid has to be bold and conduct some tests on Master Hong. Would you like Master Hong?" Chu Feng said.


Hongjun was stunned for a moment: "Chu boy, can you detect it?" "This...if Hongshi you fully cooperate, there should be no problem in this **** realm!" Chu Feng said.

Hongjun nodded: "If you can detect it, this is the best! How to detect, how can I cooperate with the old way"

"Master Hong, you don't have to resist." Chu Feng said that the divine consciousness entered Hongjun's body, and at the same time, the scan of the holy prison also entered Hongjun's body.

Time passed by, Chu Feng and the others were chatting, half an hour passed without knowing it. "Chu Feng, Hong Jun is under control!" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"What" Chu Feng said in horror in his mind, they were chatting with Hongjun happily here, if Hongjun was there, then.

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "Don't be so shocked, I haven't finished my words yet, Hongjun is controlled, but at this moment, he has regained control of the body!"

"Show you something."

Many images appeared in Chu Feng's mind. "Chu Feng, Hongjun regards the brain as the holy grail. Testing found that Hongjun's brain has a large number of black threads entangled, but now all those black threads are covered with a faint golden light, Hongjun found that he was controlled. So the control was temporarily suppressed! Every place was scanned, and everything was like this. The conclusion is that Hongjun was controlled before, but now Hongjun is not controlled. With Hongjun’s ability, since he was found Control, the chance of being controlled by the other party is still relatively small!" Miao Xianer said.

"Hu Xian'er, you scared me to death, can't you finish talking at once, and pause for a while, you definitely did it on purpose." Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Hehe, it was on purpose, what do you think of me?"

Chu Feng rolled his eyes secretly, his wife, and she still has a lot of helpers, what can he do with her.

"Master Hong, it came out!" Chu Feng said with a light smile. Hongjun smiled slightly: "Chu boy, tell me what the result is?"

Chu Feng said: "Master Hong, you were indeed controlled before, and now you have temporarily suppressed the soul of the abyss powerhouse. Master Hong, do you know the information of those controlled abyss powerhouses?" Chu Feng and the others didn't talk about this aspect. Now that they have confirmed that Hongjun is not under control, they naturally want to talk about some important things.

"I know a little bit, but I don't know much. That kind of information, the abyss powerhouse who controlled me before probably knows a lot, and that aspect of memory is mainly controlled by him." Hongjun frowned slightly. "Chu boy, there is one thing that is very strange to me, how do you know Lin Tian?"

Chu Feng ran his fingers across the table in front of him, and a small pattern suddenly appeared on the table. It was the appearance of this small pattern. Tang Ming and the others felt that the strength of the table in front of him had suddenly increased a lot!


Zhou Wen knocked: "Boss, how did you do this? This table seems to have changed a lot!" "The sky-scarred demon? This old demon actually passed the stigmata art to you, he Will you be accepted as an apprentice?" Hongjun said in surprise.

"Named disciple." Chu Feng said.

Hongjun nodded slightly: "It is also very good to be his named disciple. This old demon is a lot smaller than me and Pangu, it can be said that it is not of the same era, but the art of stigmata is shocking the ancients. Today, even Lin Tian is full of praise. This old demon has a weird temper. He did not expect to accept you as his registered brother. You must be very talented in this area. Work hard, if you can become a The peak Stigma Master, that is very good!"

"Master Hong, you all talked about Lin Tian, ​​who is Lin Tian?" Chu Feng said in a puzzled way. In the myth, there is no Lin Tian at all, and Nuwa Baiqi, they have never mentioned Lin Tian. , Apparently did not know the existence of Lin Tian.

Hongjun smiled slightly: "Lin Tian...that is an extremely remarkable character. You don't need to know now. If you can achieve my cultivation level, maybe you may know Lin Tian by then."

Speaking of this, Hongjun frowned secretly. If something like this happened in this universe, something might have happened on it, but this, he can only guess. Even if something happened on it, his strength is now helping. Don't be busy, let this universe return to normal is what should be done!

"Master Hong, how come Master is like this, so are you" Chu Feng said helplessly. "Heh...This shows that you are really not suitable to know now. Knowing it is no good, Chu Feng, since you have seen the old demon Tianhen, has he given you anything that will wake Pangu?" Hongjun said .


Chu Feng said that a small mirror appeared in his hand, "This is the mirror. Master said that as long as he takes a picture of Pan Master, if Pan Master is not controlled too deeply, he should be able to recover."

"It's actually this thing, that should be fine." Hongjun chuckled. "Master Hong, what is this?" Chu Feng asked curiously. He didn't ask about this at the time of Master Tianhen. Master Tianhen had a weird temper. He might be annoyed if there were too many questions. Feng can only ask some important questions first.

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