Holy Prison

Chapter 1649: Strong like clouds

I was sure that Hongjun was not with Chu Feng, and Yin Xiao left after a short time. Now he has a lot of things, but there is not much time left here.

"Master Hong, Saint King Yin Xiao is under control, he suspects that I am Chu Feng." Chu Feng said in his mind. "Some people suspect that this is normal." Hongjun's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind. "After Yin Xiao came to check, if there were some wind noises from him, he would encounter fewer such people in the future!"

"That is!"

The encounter with Yin Xiao did not disrupt Chu Feng and the others. Chu Feng and the others continued to travel, often walking through the sea of ​​clouds and setting foot in the mountains.

Sometimes, Chu Feng and the others will go to a place where more saints gather. In such a place, saints actually only account for a very small part. Most of them are people and creatures created by some saints, such as angels. Some arhats are like arhats, some are cultivated arhats, and some are created by saints!

There are only 20 million saints in the holy realm, but in addition to many other lives created, the holy realm is actually quite lively. Of course, it can’t be the same as the lower realm. Any larger city can cost hundreds of millions. s population!

"Biyun Auction, I haven't heard of it!"

"Of course you haven't heard of it. There are many auctions in the Lower Realm, and there are very few such auctions in the Holy Realm. The Biyun Auction, this is the first auction held in the Holy City!"

"It was held in Tiansheng City? It seems that the scale of this Biyun auction will not be so small!"

"Of course, Tiansheng City is now one of the three largest cities in the Holy Realm. How can the scale of the auction held be small? It is estimated that a lot of treasures have appeared!"

"It is necessary. I have heard of the Tower of Tongtian. I heard that fragments of Tower of the Tower will appear in this auction."

"What is Tongtian Tower?"

Chu Feng and the others moved forward, some voices passed into Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng had no interest in the auction at first, but the three words "Tongtian Tower" passed into Chu Feng's mind, Chu Feng The interest came up.

The fragments of the Tongtian Tower are nonsense. Where could the Tongtian Tower be broken? The fragments of the Tongtian Tower mentioned by those people are probably the fragments of the Jade Talisman controlled by the Tongtian Tower!

The control Yufu Chu Feng of the first floor of the Tongtian Pagoda has been assembled, but the control Yufu Chu Feng of the base level of the Tongtian Pagoda has not all been obtained!

Chu Feng is naturally very interested in the control jade at the grassroots level, and Chu Feng is also interested in the broken control jade at the top. If such a control jade is obtained, then other people will be missing a piece and it will not be able to form a complete control jade. Fu, in such a situation now, harming others is gaining!

"Master Hong, Biyun auction, how about let's see in the past?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Why, are you looking at the auction control jade charm?" Hongjun said.

"Hey, Master Hong who knows me... Master Hong, if we really control the sale of jade charms, we will get it, which is of great benefit to us!"

Hongjun nodded slightly: "Control the jade symbols, it's really best to get some good ones! It's still a few years away, and we will take a look at it!"

During my travels, sometimes it takes some time to enlighten myself when I reach a place, and time passes relatively quickly, and a few years have passed in a blink of an eye.

There are relatively few cities in the Holy Realm, and most of the cities are relatively small. The Heavenly Holy City, the Demon Spirit City, and the Evil King City are the three largest cities in the Holy Realm and the three most prosperous in the Holy Realm. City, trade some things, many saints are still willing to come to these three cities.

Among them, Tiansheng City is the closest to Hongjun’s sacred mountain, but it is only relatively speaking. The actual distance is still relatively long. Chu Feng and the others have left Hongjun’s sacred mountain long ago, and they were leisurely and leisurely when the auction was approaching. Dangling to the vicinity of Tiansheng City.

Tiansheng City is a floating city, a holy mountain was cut off most of it, and then the Tiansheng City was built on it. There are many cranes and colorful birds created by the saints flying around the Tiansheng City. Among the three cities in the Holy Realm, Tiansheng City has the most beautiful scenery. The Demon Spirit City focuses on a demon, a very strange city.

As for the Evil King City, Chu Feng has also learned something about it now. It is a very mixed city where you can buy some things that you can't buy elsewhere, but there, you may just buy a good thing in a blink of an eye. He was robbed by someone and then left with a dead body, where most people would not dare to go, but there are many bold people in the Holy Realm, so there are still many people who go to the Evil King City!

"Brother Hong!"

"Brother Pan!"

"Brother Longyang!"

Chu Feng honestly led the Blue Bull, and above the Blue Bull, Hongjun greeted each and every strong person, and there were really many strong people on this side.

Chu Feng looked at some powerful men with a few corners. The double-horned Sovereign is called Long Yang, and those with the same strength are generally called Brother Longyang, and those with a lower strength are generally called Longyang Sovereign. If the strength is one level lower, then you can only call the Lord Sovereign obediently!

The scale of the auction this time is really not small. In addition to the three saints Pangu, Hongjun, and Longyang, there are also powerful saints arriving. An old woman in her 50s and 60s, Chu Feng thought she was just one. Ordinary saints, I didn’t expect Hongjun to greet the old woman. That old woman was actually a strong man at the Holy Venerable. He was revered as the Black Moon Venerable. He seldom made any moves. It was a very mysterious saint. Strong, but since she is revered as a holy lord, her strength must be extremely high!

There is also an old man who seems to be relatively ordinary. He is taking a very biased path. He is actually proving the Dao in an array. What is rare is that he succeeded in proving the Dao and became the Lord. This old man was directly respected by others. Venerable Formation, as for his own name, not many people called it.

"Venerable Ice is here!"

A sound rang, and Chu Feng followed many people around. Eight snow-white Saints horses hurriedly arrived in a snow-white car. The curtains of the car were pulled up, and a beautiful woman came out of the car. A woman has a beautiful face with snow-white skin, but her expression is too cold and arrogant. Such a woman Chu Feng doesn’t like it. This cold arrogance is different from Yin Qianqian’s previous indifference. Such cold arrogance is like life in the world. In front of her are just ants!

"Master Hong, is this also a general saint?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Yes, Bing Venerable Leng Yueru, this woman, if you provoke her in the future, you'd better be careful! She is heart-hearted and ruthless to everyone, even her junior! Back then, this was The former Ice Venerable, now I don't know if it is controlled, but even if it is not controlled, this person is not easy to be drawn into our camp!" Hongjun said.

"Master Hong, you and Master Pan, Lord Longyang, Lord Formation, Lord Black Moon, Lord Ice, there are also many powerful people at the holy level in the holy world!" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"A universe has existed for so many years. After countless epochs, it is normal for some powerful people at the holy level to leave. Otherwise, there must be more than so many. This universe is still Relatively young, but this cycle also exists for tens of thousands of eras!"

"Master Hong, I have heard from you many times, what kind of unit is this era?"

Hongjun said with patience: "One era is one trillion years. This time the cycle of this universe has existed for tens of thousands of epochs, which is hundreds of millions of billions of years! For such a long time, there are some sages. The emergence of the strong, do you think it is normal." "Hundreds of millions of years." Chu Feng secretly took a breath of cold air. His current age is really not worth mentioning compared to the age of this universe. What's more, this universe has reincarnated many times!

"Master Hong, some strong men have disappeared, where did they go?"

At this moment Hongjun didn't say hello much. Chu Feng rushed to ask some questions. Over the years, he spent a lot of time with Hongjun, but he didn't really ask these questions.

"They...you don't need to know this for the time being, and I am not particularly clear about it. If you can reach the holy noble level cultivation base, you will know about it!"

Chu Feng murmured in his heart, if he couldn't reach the cultivation base of the sage level, there was no need to know such things.

Asking some questions in his heart, Chu Feng's eyes kept gazing at the powerhouses one by one. There were several powerful people at the Saint-sovereign level, and the number of powerhouses at the king level naturally came to be more!

Paying attention to the powerhouses, Chu Feng sneered in his heart. Most of these powerhouses have been controlled, but now they behave the same as before.

Two words, hypocrisy.

Of course, he is also hypocritical now, and some saints want to slap him in their hearts, but when Hongjun greets them, Chu Feng still has to salute them one by one.

"Yin Xiao, Yuanyuan, Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Monkey King, Tongtian, Yunmei" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that he had known the image of some people for a long time, but it was only the first time I saw it at this time, and it was an eye-opener.

The saint, saint king, and some powerful immortal-level powerhouses, Hongjun, who Chu Feng didn’t know, also introduced to Chu Feng. This time Chu Feng knew a lot of powerhouses. Here, he is deep. Deeply aware of the low and low strength of his current strength, most of the people here are more powerful than him!

"Chu Feng, look at your appearance, have you been hit?" Hongjun saw Chu Feng's expression chuckle in Chu Feng's mind. "I'm really hit...but, the time I practiced is still short. Give me time, not to mention that I can surpass everyone here. I think I can surpass most people here." Chu Feng said in a deep voice in his mind. .

"It's good to be confident! Okay, let's go in. Today, we are not here to recognize people, but to see if there are any treasures worth coming out!" Hong Jun said.

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