Holy Prison

Chapter 1654: Mystery treasure

It has been an hour since the Liantianding auction, Hongjun sighed slightly, and the price of Liantianding was indeed very high. Now, he estimates that even if he participates in the auction, the successful auction will reach Liantian. The possibility of the device is also extremely low!

"Master Hong...it's time to find a way to get it!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Master Hong, who do you think might be the one who got the Heavenly Cauldron?"

At this time, the participants did not hide, they all directly shouted that they had obtained things like Lian Tianding, and then they would let other powerful people know!

After a lot of competition, there are only three saints who are still competing, namely, the Longyang Sovereign, the Formation Sovereign, and the Black Moon Sovereign. Pangu participated in some before and then withdrew, and the Ice Sovereign, she What she understood was ice, and refining Tianding was a fire attribute, so she was not very interested in refining Tianding.

"The chances of the Lord Longyang getting the Tianding Cauldron are relatively high!" Hongjun said, "He is the first to awaken, and he has collected the most resources, and what he understands is fire. It's just right, he is definitely going to get it! Venerable Formation possesses many treasures, but he doesn't have the aura of the Sage Longyang."

"As for Venerable Black Moon, she probably won’t be able to hold on for long. Her financial resources are estimated to be about the same as mine. If I participate, unless I take out some things that I don’t want to take out, it’s almost impossible to support it at the moment. Up!"

Hongjun's guess was normal. As expected, it didn't take long for Venerable Black Moon to withdraw.

"Venerable Formation, how about giving this seat a face? This Tianding Refining is very suitable for this seat. Even if the family is ruined, this seat will definitely stick to it!" Longyang Sovereign murmured, saying like this. In auctions, there are relatively bad rules, but the rules are not made by the strong.

For a strong man like Longyang, there are some rules that he obeys when he wants to obey them, and when he doesn't want to obey them, no one can say more if he steps on them!

A hint of hesitation flashed in the eyes of Venerable Formation, and he also had to think of refining the celestial cauldron, but fighting against the Sovereign Longyang might not be able to get it. If he didn't get it, he would end up with the Sovereign Longyang. This is not a good thing. , Although he is not afraid of Longyang Sovereign, but if he can avoid enmity, it is naturally good not to enmity!

"Since Longyang brother said so, then, this one Tianding Ding Refining, let it belong to Longyang Brother!" Venerable Formation considered for a moment and said, he has the innate treasure, this Tianding Ding Refining is not necessary.

"Hahaha, Venerable Formation, thank you, I will visit you another day, haha!" Venerable Long Yang said with a laugh.

In the VIP room, Hongjun said softly and quietly: "Chu Feng, do you know which power was owned by the powerhouse before Lian Tianding?"

"Which one?" Chu Feng asked quickly.


Chu Feng's face changed slightly, "This Heavenly Cauldron Refining the Heavenly Cauldron can exert the strongest power in the Phoenix Fire of the Feng Clan powerhouse. Isn't your wife Feng Bingning from the Feng Clan? If you have the ability in the future, you can She has a very high bloodline concentration in winning this Tianding Refinement. If her strength reaches a relatively high level and possessing Tianding Refinement, the strength that can be exerted will be extremely strong!" Hongjun said.

"Master Hong, aren't you planning to win the Tianding Ding with Master Pan?" Chu Feng said. Hongjun smiled and said: "I'm just talking about how easy it is to take the Tianding Cauldron in the hands of a strong man like Longyang Sovereign. Moreover, if it is taken, I don't want to have another innate holy artifact. Pangu won't want it either."

"If you contribute more, Feng Bingning can also let Lian Tianding recognize the Lord, Lian Tianding will naturally belong to her. If Feng Clan, such as Feng Chen, give more effort, if Lian Tianding can get it, It's her!" Hongjun said with a light smile, "I don't know Feng Chen very well, it's best to get it from your wife Feng Bingning!"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "If Bing Ning can get it, it will be good, but Bing Ning is still only a quasi-sage level cultivation base, and it will take a long time for the strength to rise by then!"

"This problem is not big. It is definitely not a short time to achieve Tianding Refinement. Okay, it's over, let's go!" Hongjun said.

Chu Feng and the others directly teleported out from the VIP room, Hongjun and some powerful chatters and then summoned the blue bull. Chu Feng led the blue bull, and the two left the heavenly city without delay. .

The sacred realm is very big. Chu Feng and the others are constantly traveling. In a blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed. On that day, Chu Feng and the others were in a sacred mountain, and Miao Xian'er's voice suddenly sounded in Chu Feng's mind. Among.

"Chu Feng, congratulations, the SS-level mission is completed!"

Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment and then his face showed joy. These days he wandered around the mountains and rivers to enlighten the way, but he didn't think about this aspect. Unexpectedly, that SS-level mission was actually completed!

As soon as his mind moved, Chu Feng called out his own information in his mind, "Heh, this battle achievement point and domain tower value, it is really good to look at!" Chu Feng smiled in his mind.

Merit points: 11,825.41 million; domain tower value: 10,044 million!

With more than 11.8 billion combat points and more than 100 million domain tower values, Chu Feng felt that he was so comfortable in his heart that he had never been so rich before!

"Xian'er, I remember that there was a mysterious treasure in that SS-level mission. What about that mysterious treasure?" Chu Feng endured excitement in his mind and said, the treasure rewarded by the SS-level mission, and the mysterious II was added. Words, Chu Feng believes that such a treasure will definitely not go to rubbish!

"Chu Feng, the mysterious treasure is the key to space!" Miao Xian'er said with a smile.

Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment, the key of space, what is this.

"Xian'er, what is the key to this space?" Chu Feng asked if he didn't understand. "The key of space can be used to open the door of space, allowing you to travel through space from one place and appear directly in another place. For example, the human emperor appears directly in the earth demon and the god, and the **** appears directly from the holy realm. In the world!" Miao Xian'er explained.

A smile appeared on Chu Feng’s face. If Hongjun were not around, he would have laughed three times to vent his excitement. Now what he wants most is not something like the innate treasure, but something like the key of space. With such a thing, he could easily visit Feng Bingning and the others in the Lower Realm!

"Chu Feng, don't be too happy. The opening of the space key first requires the consumption of spar energy, second requires a certain amount of void stone, and third requires a certain amount of combat merit! The specific need depends on the distance and the opening of the space. The difficulty of the door, if you want to go from the holy realm to the **** realm, the cost is not small!" Miao Xian'er said.

Miao Xian'er said: "You don’t need much sacred spar. In terms of Void Stone, it takes about 10 billion catties of Void Stone from a place in the Holy Realm to the God Realm. If you are imprisoned in a place where it is difficult to escape , The need for Void Stone has greatly increased. For example, in the different space of Zhenye, the consumption of Void Stone will reach trillions of catties!"

"In terms of merit points, it takes a hundred thousand merit points to return from the holy realm to the gods normally. If you escape from one place, the cost of combat merit points will increase greatly. Why do you need to escape? That is because you are not enough. Strong, you are not strong enough, this is your reason, so you will deduct a lot of merit points! It is possible to deduct tens of millions of merit points at a time. It is not surprising that you deduct hundreds of millions of merit points. Click, you won’t know until you successfully leave!"

Chu Feng thought about it for a moment. The space key can be used to escape when it is critical, but apparently the space key does not encourage the behavior of escape.

If it is used to travel through one place, it is very good, the normal lower realm has 100,000 points of void stone, which is not too much!

"There are ten space points in the space key. You can set the space point. Only after you set the space point, you can turn on the space key to get to the distance! Now you don't have space points in the **** realm, the lower realm still needs the lower realm. Channel, when you return, you can open the key of space and return to the holy realm. Returning to the holy realm is easy and consumes very little! If you set up a space point in the realm of God, then it will be convenient to return to the realm of God. Up!"

Chu Feng said in his mind that if a space point is set in Shenguang City, then he can go directly to De Shenguang City from the Holy Realm. This is really convenient!

"Chu Feng, is there a happy event?" Hongjun smiled softly, but he saw the joy on Chu Feng's face. "Yeah, it's a little happy event!" Chu Feng chuckled softly. At this moment, Hongjun formed an enchantment around him, so he didn't worry about being heard!

"Master Hong, it's been over a hundred years since I came out, let's go back first, I have something in the next time." Chu Feng said. "Return? It's okay, after more than a hundred years, it's time to go back and have a look." Hongjun nodded slightly. He didn't ask what was the happy event for Chu Feng. Such things are likely to be related to Chu Feng's privacy. If you are willing to say that you don't need to ask Chu Feng, he may say it, if you don't want to say it, it will be embarrassing to ask.

When they left, they went around everywhere. It took a hundred years to get out and go far. It was easy to come back. They hurried on the road without stopping. In just a few days, Chu Feng and the others returned to the sacred mountain occupied by Hongjun.

"Chu Feng, are you training in my sacred mountain, or are you going to the lower realm?" Hongjun smiled authentically.

"Master Hong, I am in the lower realm for a period of time. In the next time, there should be Master Hong and Master Pan in the holy realm. Master Hong, you should try to gather some people who are not controlled. At that time, they will be frozen. Lead into the holy realm." Chu Feng said, "Master Hong, don't know what you can explain?"

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