Holy Prison

Chapter 1662: Serious matter

Dodge was excited and authentic when he took the Yu Ling. He recognized the Yu Ling, and it would definitely not be fake. The person in front of him was no doubt Chu Feng!

"Go! There are still many people here waiting for your rescue!" Chu Feng waved his hand.

"Yes, City Lord!" Dodge said silently in his heart and returned to the God Realm. After just ten seconds, he had disappeared in front of Chu Feng and returned to the God Realm!

"Sage Chu Feng!"

"Please have mercy from the saint!"

Quite a few people said, they wanted to kneel down, but found that they couldn't kneel down at all!

"Everyone, those who have the ability to leave by themselves and retreat to the side." Chu Feng said, his voice fell, and suddenly many people retreated to the side. As soon as Chu Feng's mind moved, all the people who hadn't retreated to the side near this void spot were collected into the holy prison space.

"Chu Feng, if you save yourself, you can't save many people. Finding out the reason is the key!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng said in his mind: "Xian'er, I naturally know that it is only the person in front of me that I can still be saved!"

"You...retreat quickly!"

Chu Feng glanced at those who retreated, and his voice disappeared instantly.

"This person is really City Lord Chu? I heard that the Shenchu ​​City founded by City Lord Chu dominates the God Realm, and he has become a saint now!"

"Sure people, ordinary people, even if they pretend to be City Lord Chu, they don’t have that kind of temperament! Senior Dodge is a person from Shenchu ​​City. He can definitely tell. If City Lord Chu is here, things on this side may be OK. solve!"

"It's hard to say that the three realms are separated. Even if City Lord Chu is a saint, he is only a Platinum Dzogchen cultivation base in the God Realm. The number of those bugs is too much! Ten trillion, I heard that it is more than ten trillion. Platinum-level insects are terrible!"

"Indeed, even if it is a ten trillion black iron level bug, it is extremely terrifying, not to mention a ten trillion platinum level bug, there may not be so many powerful lower realms in the gods! But there are many. People of the gods in the lower realm may not risk killing insects!"

"Oh...it's a catastrophe on earth!"

"The technique of stigmata, hide!" Chu Feng's jade knife was in his hand, and a lot of stigmas were carved on a piece of jade in a short time. Of course, these stigmas were not as powerful as those in the holy world, but fortunately It can also be used in the mortal world, and the effect is good!

Holding the stigmatized jade, Chu Feng hurriedly approached in the direction of the insect nest.

"What a terrible ferocity!"

As he got closer and closer to the insect nest, Chu Feng's color changed slightly. Each of those insects was ferocious. If there were only a few insects, then those fierce might not be worth mentioning to Chu Feng.

But on the Worm Nest side, there are too many zergs, ten trillion, one hundred billion, one trillion, or more worms gathered on this side, the terrible ferocity is full of worms. Everywhere near the nest!

"Xian'er, I shouldn't be affected and become crazy, am I?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"You? It should be impossible. If the holy prison can't even protect this point, it's too useless. In this regard, don't worry. If something happens, you will enter the holy prison space as soon as possible. I'm afraid that it won't be cured if I have the treatment ability?" Miao Xian'er smiled authentically.

Chu Feng said in his mind: "Xian'er, don't be careless, there is a strange treasure like the holy prison between heaven and earth, there may not be other strange treasures, you should not be careless at any time!"

"I know, I know, I will be careful, Chu Feng, do you want to enter the holy prison space and let the entourage go outside and take the holy prison forward?" Miao Xian'er suggested.

Chu Feng shook his head: "With my ability, I can ensure that the breath is extremely convergent, and the insects can't be found even when they are very close, but if you follow outside, you will be found far away! "

"If there is a danger, I will enter the holy prison space as soon as possible!" Chu Feng said, entering the holy prison space, he is a middle-ranked saint, Yin Qianqian is also a middle-ranked saint, Feng Bingning and the others are also strong. Very high, the overflow damage that the holy prison can withstand is huge!

"You must remember that if there is danger, enter the holy prison space as soon as possible, otherwise Sister Bing Ning and the others will not be able to spare you one by one!" Miao Xian'er lightly hummed.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "How about you?"

"Hmph, I can't forgive you. If you don't pay attention to protecting yourself, I won't bother to help you in the future!" Miao Xianer said.

"All right, Xian'er, don't worry, I won't make fun of my life!"

Chu Feng said in his mind that his complexion changed slightly, and he found two people in front of him. They looked at them pretending that they were from the same force, but now they were fighting frantically with red eyes. The huge planet and huge mountains were destroyed, and the water in the huge lake was instantly evaporated to dryness!

Both of these people have the power of Platinum Dzogchen, but it is obvious that both of them are now controlled!

"Chu Feng, leave it alone, if you do, you may be spotted by bugs. It's not far from the nest!" Miao Xianer said.

"Take care of them, catch them, Miao Xian'er, please study them to see why they are controlled!"

Chu Feng's voice sounded in his mind and he reached the inside of that planet in an instant.

There is terrible gravity inside the planet. This planet is dense, and it is such a planet that can withstand the battle of the platinum Dzogchen for a short time without breaking!


Chu Feng used the space confinement technique in front of two desperate powerhouses, and at the moment the space confinement technique fixed them, Heavenly Hand grabbed the two of them into the holy prison space.

"Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!"

There is no air in the void of the universe, but a lot of bugs come quickly to make a terrible sound of breaking through the sky.

"These guys, they were probably watching the excitement before!" Chu Feng frowned in the holy prison space, and at the moment he received two people, Chu Feng entered the holy prison space.

Yilian nodded slightly and said, "Even if they are not watching the excitement, they are also paying attention to this side, otherwise they can't come so fast! Husband, if you have to go out later, you must be careful. There must be many. The bugs are feeling around!"

"These guys are really ferocious!" Qin Ying frowned. Outside, those bugs attacked frantically. In a short time, the planet Chu Feng was just on was exploded by them, and the explosion of the planet caused one of the bugs. Injured, I did not expect to be swallowed by the rest of the bugs in a short time!

The holy prison is on the outer planet. At this time, the planet explosion, the holy prison is also under pressure, but the pressure is no problem for the holy prison to bear!

Chu Feng's eyes fell on Miao Xian'er, and Miao Xian'er was staring at the two people who had been in the Holy Prison space.

"Xian'er, what's the situation?" Chu Feng said. He turned his eyes to the two people and looked at them carefully. Now there is a stronger aura from these two people. They are not people from the mortal world but from the gods. People, who came to the Mortal Realm at this time also came to help!

"It's very strange." Miao Xian'er frowned, "Chu Feng, they can recover their original strength when they get here, but look at them, they still haven't waken up, they are still affected!"

"Is there no treatment?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er shook his head: "Not yet, I think they should be able to recover immediately with their Emperor God level cultivation base!" "The effects in the mortal world... are still affected. It seems that those powers, It's not just the power of the ordinary world!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Yeah!" Miao Xian'er nodded, "Those powers should also be suppressed in the mortal world. If they break out in the gods, then at least the powerhouses of the Emperor God level will be crazy!"

"There are a lot of people infected, it's really scary!" Feng Bingning frowned slightly, "What kind of evil aura is it that can cause such a big movement?"

"The problem... is more serious than previously estimated!" Chu Feng said solemnly, "Xian'er, you are treating here, I will go to talk with Bai Qi, although it is just a piece of knowledge, but his knowledge is not Less, or can you know something!"

After Chu Feng finished speaking, he disappeared in front of Miao Xian'er and the others. "This fellow ran away without waiting for us to answer!" Miao Xian'er hummed softly.

"Xian'er, you don't understand Feng's character, so don't blame him. Let's study and see if we can find anything!" Feng Bingning smiled authentically.

"Boy Chu, seeing me looking for me with a depressed face, there must be nothing good! Let's talk, what bad things happened again, what to do before speaking, you know!" Bai Qi said.

Chu Feng's thoughtful wine appeared outside and had a few drinks with Bai Qi.

"Lao Bai, in the mortal world, there is a big problem now." Chu Feng said, getting familiar, Chu Feng's name for Bai Qi has changed, and he has no opinion on his name, Bai Qi. .

Bai Qi didn't care about the truth: "There are many creatures in the mortal realm, and it doesn't matter if some die are in the mortal realm. You also trouble me with things in the mortal realm?"

"Lao Bai, if things are not handled well this time, the Mortal Realm will definitely be destroyed! Even the Three Realms will be greatly affected!" Chu Feng said solemnly, "I don't dare to trouble you with little things!"

Bai Qi's face also showed a solemn color. He knew that Chu Feng was the lord of God's First City, and he also knew that Chu Feng had become a saint now. Chu Feng said that the Three Realms could be greatly affected, so there would be no falsehood!

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