Holy Prison

Chapter 1678: Into the city

"It should be possible, I'll call Xian'er over!" Chu Feng said, calling out in his mind.

Soon, Miao Xian'er rushed over, "Huh" Miao Xian'er cried out in surprise.

"Successful, Feiying, we succeeded!" Miao Xianer said excitedly. "Xian'er, can you exchange it?" Miao Feiying said.

Miao Feiying nodded: "Yes, of course...Chu Feng should have seen this guy, Chu Feng, don't you exchange it?"

"Exchange!" Chu Feng nodded slightly. After spending so much, don't you just wait for the exchange now?

The exchange will cost more than 200 million merit points. If it works, then the previous investment is worth it!

Some brothers might say, isn't Chu Feng only more than 400 million merit points? If the lower saint of the exchange dies, wouldn't the previous investment be ruined? It is true that Yang Feng does not have many points of combat achievements now, but don't forget that Chu Feng still has ninety-nine sky guards. As long as there is no problem, those ninety-nine sky guards can be transformed into living corpses by then!

"Don't have any problems!" Chu Feng prayed in his heart. Normal exchange would definitely not be a problem, but such exchanges really made Chu Feng feel a little bit unsure!

If it is exchanged, but it cannot be controlled, it is of no use!

"The exchange is complete!" Miao Xian'er quickly said, as long as Chu Feng has enough combat points, this exchange is relatively easy!

Chu Feng lifted the imprisonment of the living corpse with a move, "Roar!" The imprisonment was lifted, and the living corpse first roared.


The roar of the living corpse made Chu Feng's heart cold, but soon the voice of the living corpse rang in his heart, and when he looked at him, he was much more docile, but when he looked at Miao Feiying and the others, his eyes were still very cruel!

"Go forward three steps, then, turn left before five steps!" Chu Feng ordered. The living corpse was not very fast, but he strictly followed Chu Feng's order, "Fly, fly forward at the fastest speed. Ten thousand meters, and then fly back." Chu Feng ordered again.

In the blink of an eye, the living corpse flew out 10,000 meters and then returned. It only reacted relatively slowly when receiving orders, and it reacted very quickly when executing orders.

In terms of strength, the strength of the living corpse in front of Chu Feng has dropped a bit, but it still has the strength of a lower saint!

"Chu Feng, it's time to go outside and test it. If it can't be found by the rest of the living corpses, and can be mixed into the rest of the living corpses, then this experiment is considered a success!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. Everything in front was for the latter step. If there is a problem with the latter step, then even if the front is perfect, there is no point in it!

Outside time, it happened to be night, and there were living corpses floating within the scanning range of the Sky Eye.

Chu Feng and the others quickly brought the living corpse into the holy prison space, "Let it go outside." Chu Feng said solemnly.

Miao Xian'er nodded slightly, and the living corpse in front of them appeared outside in an instant.

In the distance, a living corpse flew over quickly when spotting the abnormality on this side.

The living corpse that Chu Feng and the others got out also gave a roar. The living corpse that came over came to the living corpse in front of Chu Feng and the others, and then quickly moved away. It didn't feel the living corpse in front of it. Different, it has no interest in the flesh of living corpses!


Miao Xian'er and Miao Feiying were pleasantly surprised. Chu Feng held Miao Xian'er and Miao Feiying in his arms and smiled and said: "Two wives, you have worked hard!"

"I don't have any hard work, mainly Feiying has worked hard, facing those living corpses for so long!" Miao Xianer said. "I mean, Fei Ying, what reward do you want?" Chu Feng smiled.

Miao Feiying said with a smile: "Little brother Chu Feng, why don't you sing a little song for my sister?"

"I'm sorry... I don't sell art." Chu Feng curled his lips and said, "Xian'er, let the entourage outside move towards Danagas City. Observing carefully, once something goes wrong, he will immediately be admitted to the holy prison space. ."

The dark night is very terrifying to the abyss universe, but with a living corpse entourage, the holy prison is being taken to Danagas city constantly. Of course, there are dangers. Natural disasters occur frequently, but there is a sky eye. With a powerful scan, the living corpse outside successfully reached the vicinity of Danagas.

When the corpse entourage arrived in Nagas City, the sky was already a little bit brighter, but there were so many dead corpses on this side that even the less powerful corpses could move around during the day, not to mention the corpse followers. But has the strength of the lower saint!

"It's terrible!"

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng was shocked, and Danagas City was like the most terrifying hell!

The sky is gray, and there is a lot of black death on the ground, and the living corpses are wandering. In some places, the living corpses are gathered into pieces. There are more than 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands of living corpses. Many, densely packed, make people feel terrified when they see it!

There are countless living corpses on the ground. There are also many living corpses in the sky. Those flying demons can fly, and there are many other flying creatures. Things like bone dragons are not uncommon here. !

"Chu Feng, what's the outside look like?" Miao Feiying asked anxiously. At this moment, the sky eye was not opened. Chu Feng knew the situation outside through the eyes of the corpse entourage outside, so Chu Feng knew about the outside. Miao Feiying still doesn't know the situation.

"Hell Feiying, are you sure you want to watch?" Chu Feng said. Miao Feiying nodded: "Of course!"

Chu Feng connected with Miao Feiying's mind and consciousness, allowing her to share the vision of the living corpse outside.

Miao Feiying's face changed slightly, and the sight outside scared her. A conservative estimate is that the number of living corpses outside will not be less than 10 billion, and the aura from some of them is extremely terrifying!

Tens of billions of living corpses completely surrounded the city of Danagas, and from time to time there were living corpses attacking. It was daytime and there were not many living corpses attacking. At night, this side must be terrifying!

"Chu Feng, let's not enter Danagas City, and go directly to Yinming Mountain." Miao Feiying said, the living corpses on this side are too terrifying, and there are powerful living corpses crossing the void!

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "I've reached this side, so it's better to try to enter! Although the portal is destroyed, it may be repaired. The Yinmingshan side may not be safe! If this side is teleported If the formation cannot be repaired, it will not be too late to head to Yinming Mountain!"

"Xian'er, if the Thunder Tiger outside is close to the city wall of Danagas, it should be possible for me to appear directly in Danagas, right?" Chu Feng said. "This should be fine, but you can go out by yourself? Let a Tianwei appear outside!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "The sky guard is not suitable. There are four reasons. First, the sky guard appeared outside, which caused more fluctuations in space than when I appeared outside; second, the sky guard entered Danagas City. , With the influence of the defensive cover, control will be a big problem at that time."

"Third, even if Tianwei goes in, is it possible to repair the portal? My ability in this area is still much higher!"

"Fourth, that identity card can only be used by me. No. 1 will not work, let alone Tianwei! The identity card should have some effect in Danagas City. There is Fu Hao in Danagas City, which is for Bohe. As a loyal person, my safety is guaranteed!"

Miao Feiying frowned and said, "If Fu Hao knows that you are a counterfeit, then you will be in trouble!"

"This token has been recovered after I recognized the lord, there is no problem, he should be impossible to recognize it! At most, I have some doubts about how Boas has an immediate family member! Let Boas take advantage of it, I Just pretend to be his illegitimate son. Even if Fu Hao is always by Boas, how many illegitimate children he is outside can still know?" Chu Feng chuckled.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, it's still too dangerous for you to go in like this." "Xian'er, is there safety in the abyss universe? Even staying in the holy prison space is dangerous, we are here. The longer one stays on one side, the more dangerous it is, and the more dangerous our universe!" Chu Feng said.

"Xian'er, let him go out, he has already decided, no matter how much you say, it is useless." Miao Feiying said.

"Okay!" Miao Xian'er nodded slightly. Outside, Thunder Tiger was swimming like other living corpses. As time passed by, it was getting closer and closer to the kilometer-high wall of Danagas.

At the head of Danagas city, some people also noticed Thunder Tiger, a living corpse approaching, but they did not attack. Day is the time to rest, and night is the time to fight. If power is wasted during the day, the night is crazy. It will be more difficult to get there!

Moreover, even if it is an attack, it may not be effective. If they attack the living corpses outside, a large amount of corpse energy will gather in an instant to block their attack.

It's not impossible to kill Thunder Tiger, it just consumes too much energy, there is no need!

"Look at that corpse man, he should have the strength of a lower-level troll, running so close, it seems that he wants to attack and waste some power!"

"It's good to waste power. There are not many living corpses that attack during the day. It is impossible for them to break the defense. They waste a little more power, and it happens that the pressure at night can be less!"

"Hey Danagas City, I guess we won't be able to hold on for long, and we are probably happily coming to an end!"

At the top of the city, many people were talking about it. At this moment, Chu Feng's figure suddenly appeared on the top of the city.

"Who!" There was a sharp shout, and many eyes fell on Chu Feng instantly.

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