Holy Prison

Chapter 1694: return

"Green Skin, I said you guys, if you want to quarrel, change the place and time, is this place suitable for quarreling at this time?" Cha Gusi said coldly.

Gu Hong said indifferently: "Green Skin, don't affect us all. Fu Hao, didn't you say that the passage is near here? I don't know where it is?"

Fu Hao looked at Chu Feng. The reason why he sent that message was purely because of his trust in Chu Feng!

"Fu Hao, don't tell me, it was this wild species that told you!" Green Skin said coldly, "We believe what you said. What he said of a little middle-ranked troll...Hey, he is actually a higher-ranked troll. With his strength, Xiao Ye kind of luck is pretty good, he actually hit good luck!"

Chu Feng said faintly: "Lu Pi, you are one of the most unskilled people I have ever seen among the indestructible powerhouses. Congratulations!" "Xiao Ye Zhong, you are looking for death!" Lu Pi Han said.

"Greenskin!" The Huoyan Chagu Division simultaneously warned.

Huo Yan looked at Chu Feng and said, "Little friend Chu Jiu, I don't know where the passage is? We have been searching for a long time on this side, but we haven't found anything."

"Everyone, I just know that Daotong may be on this side. A lot of time has passed, is it still waiting for us to verify." Chu Feng said, he proceeded cautiously towards the place where Duan San left at that time.

It didn't take long for Chu Feng to arrive at the place where Duan San left this universe and returned to Chu Feng's one universe. "Xian'er, if the channel is nearby, can I use the space key to return directly?" Chu Feng said in his mind, "If you fail, will your merit points be deducted?"

"Failed to transfer is a deduction of one-tenth of the merit points!" Miao Xianer said, "As for whether you can return directly, it's hard to tell."

"Maybe the channel is here, but it's not near here, or your lack of combat points may cause your teleportation to fail!"

Chu Feng's sage let out a careful sense, and the strength of the upper-ranking saint now feels much clearer than the strength of the middle-ranking saint before!

"Without the breath of our universe, the location of the passage must have changed." Chu Feng said in his mind, his face turned a little ugly at this time. He thought he could return to the original universe immediately, but he didn't expect the passage to be gone. In this situation, God knows when we can return!

"Fifty or sixty years, **** it, fifty to sixty years have passed on this side, if you don't go back, the other side of the world"

They also noticed the change in Chu Feng's face, and the green skin said coldly, "Xiao Yezhong, haven't you noticed it? The passage isn't there, is it?"

"Huoyan, you don't have to speak to this little wild species, because of him, we have fallen into this dangerous place. Granny Demon Wind and many people have died, and your subordinates have also died a lot! Fu Hao, I see you Let's step aside, let us kill this small wild species to sacrifice to the dead!"

Fu Hao didn't speak but just looked at Green Leather coldly. Huoyan and their faces were also unsightly, but they did not speak like Green Leather at this time.

A scream broke the silence. It was a high-ranking troll who screamed. He leaned on a tree, and a small thorn on that tree pierced his tyrannical body.

In just a very short time, the entire body of the screaming high-level troll turned into blood and fertile the soil in the horrified eyes of everyone!

"Kill Chu Jiu, he must die, my brother died here!"

"Yes, kill him, my junior brother died here too!"

"The **** thing caused us to get here. My wife and son died here, Chu Jiu, you have to pay them for your life!"

"Kill him, kill him!"

The death of that high-ranking troll irritated everyone, and the group was indignant. Every strong person looked at Chu Feng with extremely unkind eyes. Even Fu Hao's two subordinates here looked at Chu Feng with unkind eyes. Now, Fu Hao's other two subordinates are not here, they may have died!

Lu Pi sneered: "Fu Hao, are you going to be an enemy of the world and protect this wild species?" Fu Hao looked at Chu Feng and said firmly, "Everyone, the young master himself has also entered this place. He is definitely not deceiving. Everyone, everyone should see this!"

"If someone insists on killing the young master, step on my Fu Hao's body first!"

Fire Rock frowned and said: "Since there is no passage here, let's get out of this Broken Blade first. Those living corpses are trapped by our formation, but they won't be trapped for long. If those trapped by us It would be extremely difficult for us to survive if all the living corpses that live in break through the formation and besieged!"

"Blade Broken Realm, it's easy to get in, but hard to get out!" Green Skin said, "The people we have survived today, if we go out, they will die at least 80%!

Those people were clamoring, Chu Feng was walking quietly without reason. As he walked, Chu Feng felt carefully. He felt that even if the passage had shifted, it should not have shifted far.

When he walked to the edge of a water pool, Chu Feng was shocked. He seemed to sense a little familiar breath, and that familiar breath came from under the water pool.

"Young Master, be careful!"

Fu Hao reminded him that he appeared next to Chu Feng in an instant. At this moment, a crocodile-like beast that looked many times more ferocious than a crocodile sprang out of the pool fiercely!

Fu Hao shot, the tyrannical energy pressed the beast into the water again, but what shocked Chu Feng was that under Fu Hao's attack, the beast was not injured!

"Young Master, step back, there seems to be more than one evil dragon beast in this pool!" Fu Hao said, and Chu Feng nodded slightly and immediately stepped back.

The familiar voice of the living corpse rang, and within a short period of time, the roar of the living corpse became a piece of sound. Even Fu Hao and several immortal-level powerhouses became difficult to look at this time. Listen to the voice. , They could clearly know that among the living corpses that came over there were thirty or forty immortal!

Thirty or forty immortal corpses, this is the first batch. It is not one batch but ten or twenty batches that are trapped. It is estimated that the remaining corpses will arrive in less time!

"Hurry up, the living corpse is here!"

"Damn, actually entered this ghost place!"

In a short period of time, many people left quickly. Fu Hao looked at Chu Feng a little anxiously. Chu Feng said in a voice transmission: "Fu Hao, later you will take me to hide in that pool and go straight to the bottom!"

"Young Master, the water pool is extremely dangerous. The number of evil dragon beasts in it will not be less than ten times. Even with my strength, it can't last a minute!" Fu Hao said.

"Fu Hao, do you believe me?" Chu Feng looked into Fu Hao's eyes.

Fu Hao hesitated for a while and nodded slightly. He said, "Young Master, I owe Master Realm Master. Protect Young Master. Even if I die, I have no regrets!"

Lu Pi smiled, his mind moved and a baby was thrown to a place not far from Chu Feng and Fu Hao. Two rays of light were shot from the baby, one of which fell on Chu Feng and the other was by Fu Hao. Block it!

"The ring of imprisonment!"

Fu Hao's face sank, and Huoyan and other strong men who had not left their faces also changed slightly. This confinement ring had only one small function, that is, it kept a small number of people from leaving a certain area within a certain period of time.

The time of imprisonment is generally no more than one minute. For such a little time, the imprisonment ring is basically useless, but in such a place, it is extremely suitable to use it!

"Fu Hao, aren't you loyal? Don't you want to protect this little wild species? You stay here and protect him, hahaha!" Green Skin smiled wildly and instantly moved away.

"Brother Fu Hao, leave, he is not worthy of your protection!"

"This confinement ring looks very advanced. Chu Jiu can't leave the kilometer range for at least three minutes, Fu Hao, let him fend for himself!"

Huoyan left, and within ten seconds, Guhong and the others were left clean! The roar of the living corpses can already be heard very clearly, they are very close to here!

Chu Feng whispered. Fu Hao nodded slightly, just when the living corpses were only ten thousand meters away from them, Fu Hao grabbed Chu Feng's arm and plunged into that pool in an instant!

Quite a few living corpses came to the edge of the pool, and some of them plunged directly into the pool!

In the pool, Chu Feng and Fu Hao sank extremely fast, and in a short time they had reached the bottom of the pool. At the bottom of the pool, the breath of the original world was stronger, even Fu Hao felt it at this time The breath is different here!

In the pool, more than a dozen evil dragon beasts were angry. First Chu Feng and the others broke in, and then the living corpses also broke in!

Most of the dragon beasts pounced on the living corpses, and the three dragon beasts pounced on Chu Feng and the others!

Fu Hao's heart was slightly loose, but if he was just three evil dragon beasts, although he could not defeat it, there was no problem with resisting it for some time.

"Young Master, I will block them, you will find the exact location of the passage as soon as possible!" Fu Hao's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng nodded slightly, the holy knowledge spread out, and now he can get here, just ten seconds By the time of the clock, Chu Feng knew the point where the two universes are most closely connected!

"This point seems to be unlocked only by the top experts who are extremely good at opening space." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, he thought that the space key appeared in his hand, even with his strength, even if he had a deeper understanding of space. It is possible to open the channel, but there is still great hope with the key to space!

With the key of space in hand, Chu Feng swiped with the key of space, and suddenly a circular space door came out, and the side of the space door was very familiar to Chu Feng.

"Let Fu Hao be together?"

Such a thought flashed in Chu Feng's mind. This thought just flashed forward. Chu Feng immediately transmitted the voice to Fu Hao. Although it might be a lot of trouble to bring Fu Hao over, Fu Hao saved him a lot. Back, without Fu Hao, it would be impossible for him to stand here at this time!

Fu Hao retreated the three-headed dragon beast and came to Chu Feng in the blink of an eye. "Go all together!" Chu Feng put his hand on Fu Hao's shoulder, and the two of them passed the circular space door in no time.

When Chu Feng and the others passed, the door of space was immediately closed, and the three evil dragon beasts rushed to this side and they all hit the hard rock wall!

Passing through the gate of space, Fu Hao screamed, he felt that his indestructible strength was suppressed to an extremely low level in an instant!

Chu Feng took a long breath and showed ecstasy on his face. He came back. He finally came back. This time, Feng Bingning and the others did not die, and all nine of them came back safely. The SS-level task that I received has been completed!

SS-level mission, returning alive, none of the nine people died, the reward is 100 billion battle points, 500 million domain tower value! Although there are no other rewards, these two rewards are also extremely rich!

"Fu Hao, don't be surprised!" Chu Feng said. He scanned his surroundings. He is now in the Mortal Realm, not too far away from the Worm Nest. A space point was set here and the door of space opened. Chu Feng sent this space point as the target!

"Young Master!" Fu Hao frowned slightly, the feeling of such extremely low strength made him quite uncomfortable, as if there were countless ropes **** on his body!

"Fu Hao, I have something to tell you!" Chu Feng said. He said two chairs appeared at a table, "General Fu Hao, please sit down!"

"Young Master, don't be so polite!"

Fu Hao said, he sat down opposite Chu Feng. "Drinking?" Chu Feng said a jar of good wine and two bowls appeared. Chu Feng poured a large bowl for himself and Fu Hao.

"General Fu Hao, to you a bowl!" Chu Feng raised his bowl. Fu Hao frowned and said, "Young Master, I don’t understand what you mean. If it weren’t for Young Master, I wouldn’t be here right now. Why are you being polite to me? Although the strength of this place is suppressed, It feels much safer!"

"Drink first!"

Chu Feng said, Fu Hao nodded and the two of them touched the bowl and then both drank a big bowl. "General Fu Hao, I want to explain one thing to you, I am not your young master, not Boas's son! I belong to this world, because for some reason, I strayed into your universe!" Chu Feng Shen said.

Fu Hao's face changed drastically: "Are you serious?"

"Really, there is no lie." Chu Feng looked into Fu Hao's eyes and said, "General Fu Hao, you are a very good person. I really don't want you to be my enemy, but if you leave, when the time comes You may become my enemy, and we will fight each other in the future!"

"General Fu Hao, how about you entering my treasure space? If something ends, we may become good friends!"

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