Holy Prison

Chapter 1719: Ghost City

"Named disciple." Tang Jian and Bu Jingxun showed a disappointment in his eyes. There was a lot of difference between the named disciple and the formal one.

Speaking of it, a named disciple is not a real disciple, just put a name on it, and will help you solve your doubts, but will not pass on the mantle.

To Master Tianhen, Chu Feng was just a named disciple!

"Tang Jian, Bu Jingxian, if you don't want to, then forget it." Chu Feng said quietly. "No, no, yes, I do!" Tang Jian said hastily.

"I am willing too!" Bu Jing said, Chu Feng just said, depending on his performance, he can become an official disciple by then, which is not bad!

Tang Jian and Bu knelt down in shock and knocked Chu Feng a head, named the disciple, and knocked one head is enough. If you become a formal disciple, the general ceremony will be much more formal!

Chu Feng said quietly, "Yes, Master!" Tang Jian and Bu said in shock. Chu Feng frowned slightly and said, "Tang Jian, you can call me Master Chu now!"

"Master, in public, let's call you Master Chu. In private, it is better to call you Master." Tang Jian smiled.

Luo He smiled and said: "Master, the so-called first learner is the older one. Am I their senior?" "Naturally yes, it's just that your master's cultivation level is now too low." Chu Feng smiled authentically. , "Tang Jian, Bu Jingxun, do you recognize this brother with a relatively low cultivation base?"

"Brother!" Tang Jian and Bu Jingxiu hesitated for a moment and both opened their mouths. The first to learn is the best, and they also know this rule.

Since he wants to become Chu Feng's apprentice, Luohe is naturally their brother!

"Haha, the two juniors don't need to be polite." Luohe said, Bu Jingxun is a high-ranking saint, and Tang Jian is a high-ranking saint. He is a god-respecting little person, and there are two juniors like this. He is really It feels weird! "Brother, please give some pointers when the time comes." Tang Jian said with a smile.

Bu Xianxun clenched his fists and said: "Tang Jian, wait in line behind you, I will be able to discuss with the seniors soon!" "Master, you guys, scare, they are the scare of Chi Guoguo" Luo He Helplessly authentic.

Chu Feng coughed slightly: "Tang Jian, Bu is shocked, Luohe is my third disciple, so you still have two brothers, those two brothers, I will introduce you to you when I have the opportunity! You are not allowed to spread the matter of your registered disciples, do you understand?"

"Yes, Master!" Tang Jian and Bu Jingxun said in the same voice, this was just being taken as a named disciple, and it was a little bit unpleasant to spread out!

"The time is coming, Luohe, Horror, you go out and try it out, do your best, your strength is not much different, you should be able to play a lot of time, Horror, taking advantage of this time, I can also check your ability Understand." Chu Feng said.

Bu Jingxuan nodded slightly: "Yes, Master!"

Outside, many people were already waiting impatiently at this time, the biggest fighting arena in the city of life and death, at this time there are already many people from the sea!

"Luohe and Bu Jingxian, I don't know which one will win."

"It's estimated to be Fright Bu, but he stayed on the fourth throne for a long time. Luohe had a strong strength when he fought Ziyan before, but the battle with Fright Bu must last a long time. If there is a problem with the stamina, it will definitely be defeated by Bu Jing!"

"As a man, he should last, haha!"

Countless people in the martial arts arena talked about it. Chu Feng and Tang Jian flew to the martial arts arena at this time. Step Fright and Luohe fell directly on the ring, while Chu Feng and Tang Jian entered the vicinity of the ring. A VIP room, the VIP room has large floor-to-ceiling windows, in which you can clearly see the battle on the ring!

"Brother Tang!"

There were already several people in the VIP room at this time. All these people belonged to the Warlord of the City of Life and Death. As soon as Chu Feng and the others arrived, they quickly saluted.

"Don't be polite." Chu Feng said and sat down. After he sat down, Tang Jian and the others naturally sat down one by one. "Chu Feng, do you think they will win?" A little girl who looked 13 or 14 years old smiled and said, this little girl looked very cute and there was baby fat on her face that made people see the urge to pinch .

But no one in the room dared to pinch it. This little girl, Chu Feng, saw it for the first time, but he knew that this little girl was the fifth-ranked warlord Hualing in the city of life and death, and the fifth-ranked warlord. , A powerful saint, such a fierce man, Tang Jian can stabilize her here!

"I haven't seen step shock fighting, it's hard to tell." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "The reaction battle will begin immediately, and we will know when we look at it."

"Brother Tang, what do you say? Who will win? You have a better understanding of the combat effectiveness of Luohe and Bu Jingxun." Hua Ling said. Tang Jian smiled slightly: "It should be Luohe. This time, I am afraid that the fourth throne is gone. I don't know how long I can sit on the third throne!"

"Luohe is so powerful?" Hua Ling said with excitement, "We have not joined the King of Life and Death for a long time. If his combat power can be higher, when the ten cities compete, we can obtain the City of Life and Death. Better grades, if you can enter the Ghost City"

When Hua Ling talked about Ghost City, Tang Jian's eyes lit up. The information about the Ghost City flashed in Chu Feng's mind. There was no one in this Ghost City. It was a city left over from the ancient times, and it was unclear how far away those indestructible powerhouses in the Underworld were.

It takes a long time for the ghost city to open once. It is attractive because there are a lot of treasures in it. People who enter it rarely return empty-handed!

A long time ago, when Ghost City appeared, a large number of people entered it, but a huge number of people died in it. If there were more people dead, some people knew the law. In Ghost City, the combat power was high. People have a high chance of surviving. People with low combat power have a low chance of surviving; in addition, if there are more people inside, the chance of all people dying will increase!

In the Underworld, duels were not so popular, because of the existence of Ghost City, and the wind of duel was flourishing, and slowly there were many fighting cities!

Because more people entering it will increase the chance of death, so there is a competition of Death City, and the number of people who enter each Battle City will be determined according to the results of the competition!

"Master Chu, if you join our City of Life and Death, then our ranking will definitely be better." Hua Ling said. Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "Luohe can join the City of Life and Death. I am not very interested in joining the City of Life and Death."

If possible, Chu Feng would really choose to enter the Ghost City, but the people of the Yang world in the Ghost City cannot enter it. It is strange that the mystery of the Ghost City is not sensed on the other side!

"That's a pity!" Hua Ling sighed, "Master Chu, your level of teaching is very high, how about teaching us? We will pay you enough!"

"Yes, Master Chu, Luohe's combat power has increased so quickly, it must be because Master Chu you taught well, Master Chu taught us how."

"Master Chu"

Everyone in the room spoke, and Chu Feng shook his head slightly and said: "Everyone, I'm sorry, I don't have much time to stay here, Luohe is over here, and I will leave in a short time! If you want to Upgrade, find Luohe, he should be able to give you some pointers!"

"Quiet, let's start!" Tang Jian said in a deep voice. Outside, at this time, the battle between Haohe and Bu Jingxun had already begun. Right from the beginning, the confrontation between the two was already extremely fierce!

The room became quiet, and the entire martial arts arena was quiet at this time. Everyone was staring at the ring with wide eyes!

In another room not very far from Chu Feng and the others, several immortal powerhouses gathered here. "The combat power is really high, if we suppress the strength to the god-level level"

"If the strength is suppressed to the god-exalted level, it is definitely not their opponent, as long as they are given time, it will be a matter of time for them to surpass us!"

"For them, fighting is almost artistic. In contrast, our fight is superficial, beast, alas!"

The immortal powerhouses sighed with emotion. They were talking, but their eyes did not leave Luohe for a second. Although Luohe and the others are relatively low in strength, watching their battles carefully, it is also possible. Not a small gain!

"This Luohe must die!" In another room, a woman in a bright red dress said coldly, "His progress is extremely fast. If he lives, it will definitely affect our ranking by then! I don't want to be there. Only one or two people in Hongyan City can enter Ghost City!"

"Sister, if you kill him, the old guys behind the city of life and death will not agree. If we are found out, we will definitely be in trouble!"

The woman in red frowned tightly: "Think of a way, just think about it, there will always be a way. It's not just our city that doesn't want him to live."

"Sister, it's not just that we don't want him to live, let's not do it, let others do it, so we won't have trouble!"

"We don't do it, and in other cities, there may not be people doing it!" The woman in red said quietly, "No matter, there is still a lot of time before entering the Yinhun Mountain. This matter should be considered for a long time. !"

The woman in red said that while the strange light flashed in her eyes, she received a little bit of news from a secret channel. This time entering Yinhun Mountain is different from entering Yinhun Mountain before. No matter what, she must ensure that she can enter Yinhun Mountain. In!

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