Holy Prison

Chapter 1735: Zhu Bajie

"City Lord, enter the Holy Realm with you?" Monkey King said in surprise. Chu Feng nodded: "Well, is there any problem?"

Sun Wukong shook his head: "There are no other problems. It's just that I am at Huaguoshan, which means that my strength is higher. If I leave, the children in Huaguoshan will be bullied."

"I will send an exalted god-level powerhouse to guard the side of Huaguo Mountain." Chu Feng said that an exalted god-level entourage appeared next to him. This exalted god-level entourage had long been exchanged. Following him to the Holy Realm will not be effective, but it is not bad on the side of the God Realm.

"I'm relieved!" Monkey King nodded, "Thank you, Lord Sun!"

"Heh... you are from the beginning of the city of my God, and they are also regarded as persons of the beginning of the city of my God, why are you thanking me?" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Well, just tell me these few days, yes, you Send a message, let Zhu Bajie come over here!"

Sun Wukong said in surprise: "City Lord, Ba Jie, that idiot, wouldn't he be the same as me, is he a clone of Saint Cannian?"

"Yes, when you send it to him, don't let him know for now." Chu Feng said.

"This idiot is actually a clone of the saint Cannian." Monkey King shook his head in disbelief, "After eating and sleeping, after sleeping, I don't know if his deity is the same."

Monkey King said that a message jade talisman appeared in his hand, and the message jade talisman disappeared in the blink of an eye and flew to Zhu Bajie, who likes to stay far away from Huaguo Mountain, Gaolaozhuang.

A few days later.

"Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey!" Zhu Bajie shouted in a loud voice, as he came with a nail rake into the clouds.

"Hey, where's the female fairy, eat my old pig!" Zhu Bajie saw Miao Feiying's rake from a distance and raised it up, but soon he recognized Shan Xiao in Miao Feiying's hand. The nail rake was quickly put down.

"Mistakes, mistakes, old pig, I rushed all the way, did not sleep well, my eyes were dazzled, my eyes dazzled." Zhu Bajie said in a cold sweat, he also joined Shenchu ​​City, naturally knowing that Miao Feiying is great, Miao Feiying's poison can make people "wish to die"!

"Fool, roll over!" Monkey King screamed outside the Shuiliandong.

"Well, Fairy Miao, I'm confused, Old Pig. Fairy Miao, you have a lot." Zhu Bajie said a word and went outside of Shuiliandong. "My children don't recognize Fairy Miao and the others. You lazy pig, you didn't recognize it either." Monkey King just kicked Zhu Bajie.

"Go in, the city lord is inside!" Monkey King said.

Zhu Bajie was shocked and quickly entered the water curtain cave. Aside from his deity, now Chu Feng’s identity is not known how much taller he is. Chu Feng is a saint, but he just respected God, Chu Feng. He is the City Lord of Shenchu ​​City, he is just one of the countless members of Shenchu ​​City!

"Old pig, see the city lord! City lord, how come you come to this broken place that doesn't even have a house?" Zhu Bajie quickly saluted.

"Bah, if you don't come to me, why don't you go to your Gao Laozhuang?" Monkey King stared at Zhu Bajie.

Chu Feng smiled a message directly into Zhu Bajie's mind. After receiving Chu Feng's message, Zhu Bajie's mouth was wide open and his face was full of shock.

"The saint, my old pig's deity is actually a saint." After half of the time, Zhu Bajie is a little unbelievable.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, your deity is a saint, Zhu Bajie, you try to call in your heart, and see if you can get in touch with your deity. Your deity probably hasn't recovered at this moment."

"Oh, okay, old pig, let me try it." Zhu Bajie said, and he immediately called out in his heart.


Just in the blink of an eye, a powerful breath erupted from Zhu Bajie, "Pop!" "Pop!"

What shocked Chu Feng and the others was that Zhu Bajie hit him with his hands at this moment.

"Let you disturb my pig's sleep, let you disturb my pig's sleep, it won't kill you!" Zhu Bajie made a sound while tapping his mouth. The sound he made at this time was a little different from his own.

"The city lord, it seems that this foolish deity has woken up." Monkey King spoke to Chu Feng. "Well, don't talk nonsense, do you understand?" Chu Feng said through voice transmission.

"You two, who are you? Uh... Monkey, Brother Monkey, it turned out to be your old man, what is your old man doing? Hey, no, you are not Monkey Brother, you are just the Cannian clone of Monkey Brother! And you, Who are you young?" Zhu Bajie looked at Monkey King and then at Chu Feng.

Young... Chu Feng rolled his eyes secretly. He was already a long-lived person, and seemed not to be young anymore, but compared to Monkey King Pig Bajie and his deity, he was still relatively young.

"Don't you know me?" Chu Feng said in surprise. If Zhu Bajie's deity awakens, he should know Chu Feng. In the Holy Realm, if he wakes up now, there are not many who don't know Chu Feng!

Zhu Bajie glared: "Are you famous? Old pig, I must know you? I haven't seen it! Old pig, I just woke up and just not long after falling asleep, I was woken up. You should sign up. Old pig, I want to find your theory!"

"You... won't wake up and fall asleep again?" Chu Feng's mouth twitched. If this is the case, Zhu Bajie is too powerful. He woke up after sleeping for hundreds of millions of years.

"Can't the old pig sleep? The previous night, it was a good night's sleep. When I slept the old pig, my skills improved, and if I sleep again, I might have the power to be a king by then, hahaha!" Zhu Bajie laughed. typical.

"Great progress?"

There was joy in Chu Feng's eyes. From Hongjun, he knew that Zhu Bajie was only a three-level immortal cultivation base and strength. Now that Zhu Bajie said that, his strength seemed to have improved a lot.

"Zhu Bajie, how high are you now? Do you have seven-level indestructible strength?" Chu Feng asked with a smile.

Zhu Bajie coughed lightly: "Seventh-level immortality, almost, almost, just six-level immortality! If you sleep again, you may be able to reach the seventh-level immortality strength, and you woke up soon after sleeping. , Really outrageous! Boy, what is your name?"

"Idiot, do you want to trouble us?" Sun Wukong stared, "Would you like to let my deity go and talk to you?"

"Ah... Brother Monkey, I don't trouble you, I only trouble him." Zhu Bajie hurriedly said, even if his strength improved, he was afraid of Monkey King even though the current Monkey King is just a clone of Cannian.

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Pig Bajie, not now, you are welcome to trouble me in the future! You should know that the abyss is now more dangerous in the holy realm. The lower realm you hurry up is very important."

"Yes, idiot, the lord is not joking with you, immediately go to the realm." Sun Wukong added.

As Chu Feng said, a spatial ring appeared: "Pig Bajie, there is a jade slip in it. After you receive this thing, you will know how to do it by reading the information in the jade slip. Lower bounds as quickly as possible!"

"What else is needed in the lower realm." Zhu Bajie muttered, but he still took the spatial ring.

"Brother Monkey, I'm going to the next realm right away." Zhu Bajie said and instantly a ray of light curled up that spatial ring and disappeared.

The ray of light left, and Zhu Bajie shook his head to wake up, and said: "Brother Monkey, what happened just now? I feel like a ghost on the upper body. It hurts. Who hit me."

"Assassin's upper body, it's your deity! You, it's your deity who beat you, it's none of our business." Monkey King cursed.

Zhu Bajie was stunned for a moment: "Is my deity awakened, so why, haven't contacted me?"

"Your deity, woke up and fell asleep again" Chu Feng shook his head slightly, and the pig in front of him was delicious and sleepy. His deity might be even more powerful. The three realms were separated. He should feel that the place where he slept was different. Actually ignored him and continued to sleep!

Monkey King said: "City Lord, this idiot is in the lower realm, I don't know where it will appear, when the time comes."

"Don't worry, the information in the jade slip I gave him allows him to go to any larger city. With the intelligence capabilities of my God Chu City, as long as he goes to any larger city, I can receive the message." Chu Feng said.

Zhu Bajie stretched out and sat up, "Eat first, sleep second, disturb the old pig and I sleep, after seeing the old pig, I will not let you look good!" Zhu Bajie muttered and opened his hand, which was in his hand. The spatial ring that Chu Feng gave before.

There was a jade slip in the space ring, and Zhu Bajie immediately took it out and read it.

Soon Zhu Bajie screamed and his face changed slightly. "The three realms are separated, the guys in the abyss are actually in the holy realm, **** it, no wonder this is different from before they fell asleep, I thought that after sleeping for a long time, there have been some changes here." Zhu Bajie's heart is dark, if he sleeps It would be too sad to let the abyssal powerhouse discover him while here, and then kill him.

"Wake up the old pig, it is regarded as saving the old pig, and disturbing the old pig my sleep, the old pig I will not care about you."

Zhu Bajie murmured and left the sacred mountain where he was staying. The sacred mountain he was staying now had a strong interference and was not suitable for arranging the lower boundary passage.

Several days passed in a blink of an eye, "Report to the king, the envoy of the first city of God is visiting." Chu Feng, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie were chatting, and a little monkey rushed over quickly.

"finally come!"

Chu Feng smiled and disappeared instantly. "Master City Lord." Outside Huaguo Mountain, a young man hurriedly saluted when he saw Chu Feng appear. "My Lord City Lord, a strong man who claims to be Zhu Bajie is now in Shenchu ​​City. He is waiting for you from Shenchu ​​City! "

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