Holy Prison

Chapter 1740: A lot of doubts

"Master, look at the tree above, is it a bit strange?" Another high-ranking saint said, this high-ranking saint is a female, and her appearance is not bad, but Comrade Chu Feng's eyes.

The old man with top sage strength looked at the tree on the top of the mountain and said solemnly: "This mountain should be a large-scale seal. It is a powerful person who waved it with a palm, and then formed this five-finger mountain!"

"The tree on the top of the mountain should be the key to this seal." The old man with the strength of the top saint said.

"A slap forms a mountain like this?" The faces of the two apprentices of the old man were shocked, Zhu Bajie's shoulders, and Chu Feng's face was solemn. If what the old man said is true, then the fact may be It's a lot more complicated. Monkey King is a powerhouse at the Saint King level, and even a powerhouse at the Saint King level cannot suppress him like that!

"That guy is talking nonsense, I slapped him to death, old pig. With the strength of Brother Monkey, how could it be suppressed like that." Zhu Bajie snorted. "Zhu Bajie, he didn't act rashly. What he said was not impossible. This mountain looks strange, doesn't it?" Chu Feng said.

"If Sun Wukong is at full strength, then it is impossible. If his strength happens to be very low at that time? In that case, he may still be suppressed." Chu Feng said, he knew there was such a possibility, but faintly Yes, Chu Feng had a feeling that perhaps Monkey King was suppressed not when his strength was declining, but when his strength was full!

This feeling shocked Chu Feng. If this is true, then the water behind this is not shallow!

"Chu Feng, do you have a way to break the seal of this mountain?" Zhu Bajie said.


At this moment, a voice rang in Zhu Bajie's mind. "Chu Feng, what do you tell me a idiot?" Zhu Bajie said strangely.

Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment. He didn't call Zhu Bajie a fool just now, "Zhu Bajie, someone called you a fool?"

"Yes... Brother Monkey, it's Brother Monkey, only he would call me like that! Brother Monkey, is that you?" Zhu Bajie said excitedly. Fortunately, he knew restraint at this time, and the voice only appeared in the surrounding enchantment.

"Fool, hurry up and let me go, why is this great saint being pressed under this broken rock mountain" Monkey King's voice rang again, this time he was not a sound transmission, and his voice was heard by Chu Feng!

Chu Feng said in surprise: "Dasheng Sun, with your strength, you can't come out? What happened back then? How did you get suppressed under this rocky mountain? How can we help you?"

"Naughty boy, who is this stupid boy? If the Great Sage can come out, would he still use you to help? Back then," said Monkey King's voice with a look of horror, "Back then, I killed some evil monsters. , A monk appeared and said that the great sage was too strong, and he waved his hand and hit the five-finger stone mountain to suppress the great sage under the stone mountain!"


Chu Feng’s eyes were surprised. He had read Journey to the West. In Journey to the West, poor Comrade Wukong was also crushed under Wuzhi Mountain, but that was only crushed for 500 years. Now this Comrade Wukong is here. That's much pitiful, I don't know how many billions of years I have been suppressed!

"When a rock mountain appears while waving, it will suppress a holy king." Chu Feng secretly took a breath of cold air. Such strength is probably beyond the holy king! When he thought that there might be such a strong man in the Three Realms, Chu Feng felt that it was chill in his heart. If such a strong man would take his holy prison by then.

Sun Wukong spoke again at this time: "How to let the great sage go out, there was no good way before, but now the seal is loosened a lot, just drop or kill the tree on the top of the mountain in the middle! Fool, think of a way to kill it quickly! Let me go out of that tree!"

"Sun Dasheng, it has been so long, and I am not in a hurry. It is estimated that it will take a lot of time to break the seal." Chu Feng said, "Sun Dasheng, that monk, what kind of strength do you think he is? Is the strength much stronger than the Lord? By the way, do you know what his name is?"

"You stupid boy, there are so many problems." Sun Wukong said, "That monk should be more powerful than the Holy Venerable. What is his name is Da Ri Tathagata? He is immortal and has suppressed the Great Saint for so many years!"

"The Great Sun Tathagata."

Chu Feng stayed for a while, this thing, it really became more and more weird, Da Ri Tathagata is a character in Journey to the West, and indeed he suppressed the Monkey King in Journey to the West.

However, now this is not TV, but reality! ! In reality, it's nothing more than Monkey King appeared, and there is a figure like Da Ni Tathagata, and the strength is so terrifying, really.

"Chu Feng, in the dark, there seems to be God's will." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"The meaning of the strong is God's will." Chu Feng muttered in his heart. In such a situation, he is 90% sure that there is a master-level strong doing something!

"It is true that Sun Wukong is fierce. The Tathagata only suppressed him and did not kill him. This Tathagata may not be Sun Wukong's enemy, it is very likely that it is not my enemy!" Chu Feng thought quickly, "Since There are strong men like the Tathagata, and perhaps, there are others whose strength is similar to that of the Tathagata! Maybe, there are such strong men who are enemies and not friends!"

"A strong man like Tathagata used to be in this universe, and now the three realms are separated. I don’t know if such a strong man is still in this universe. If so, why? Except for Monkey King, other places are simply Without them?"

In many places, Chu Feng felt strange. The three realms were separated. There was such a big thing in this world. If the powerhouse like Tathagata was in this universe, why didn't they come out?

In the myth, Hongjun Pangu and the others don't know how many times stronger than the Tathagata, but now, Da Ri Tathagata is even more powerful than Hongjun Pangu.

If there is such a strong person, the four beast marks appear, why don't they appear, why are there no shadows of them on the Tongtian Tower?

"The Great Sun Tathagata, is it the master?" Chu Feng secretly asked. "Brother Monkey, that Great Sun Tathagata, the strength has surpassed the Lord, has reached another level?" Zhu Bajie said.

Sun Wukong said: "I feel... The Great Sun Tathagata should not reach another level. His strength should be between the Holy Venerable and the other level above the Holy Venerable! The **** jumped out and gave me a palm. Just ran away, don’t let the great sage meet him in the future, otherwise the great sage must fight him!"

"Brother Monkey, you can't beat him." Zhu Bajie grinned. "Fool, still laughing there, don't think of a way, help the great sage to get rid of the tree on the top of the mountain!" Monkey King said.

"Brother Monkey, we don't know how to do it, old pig, I have been around here a lot before, but I didn't find a way." Zhu Bajie said. "Fool, didn't the great saint tell you to find someone with profound merit? Da Ri Tathagata said that people with extremely profound merit can cut down the tree on the top of the mountain and let the saint out!" Sun Wukong said.

Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly. Chu Feng, a man of profound merit, was indeed not as powerful as Monkey King and Zhu Bajie, but his merit was definitely very profound!

"Zhu Bajie, caught those three people and won't kill them!" Chu Feng said.

"Grab? Good!"

Chu Feng is a parent of food and clothing. Zhu Bajie heard that Chu Feng said that and immediately shot it. It was extremely easy to deal with the three people with his sixth-level indestructible strength. With one paw out, the three people were arrested instantly!

"Who are you, let me go, let us go!" the woman among the three screamed authentically.

Chu Feng World Swallowing Gourd appeared in his hands, and the suction power of World Swallowing Gourd was generated. In the blink of an eye, the three saints who had been captured by Zhu Bajie were brought into the world of Swallowing Gourd. If there is no Zhu Bajie in the World Swallowing Gourd, it would be possible with Chu Feng's strength. It's done, but how can it be so easy now!

"Fool, don't froze, hurry up and find someone with deep merit! People with deep strength are basically useless. Da Ri Tathagata's strength is too tyrannical. It is estimated that it will take more than a trillion years to break my seal with strength! "The Monkey King was a little bored and authentic.

"Brother Monkey, stay calm, I will look for the old pig immediately." Zhu Bajie said.

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Pig Bajie, don't worry. Monkey King, the big day Tathagata won't tell you that the person who will let you go is your master?" "How do you know?" Sun Wukong said in surprise.

"Really?" Chu Feng was surprised this time. He just asked like that, really didn't expect it to be true!

"If you want to be the master of this great sage, it depends on whether the person who puts the great sage has that kind of ability!" Monkey King hummed.

Chu Feng thought of Monkey King's curse in Journey to the West and muttered in his heart: "Since Da Ri Tathagata said like that, then I'm afraid that it won't work if it is not called a master."

Under Zhu Bajie's gaze, Chu Feng flew towards Wuzhi Mountain. "Chu Feng, it's useless, I can't get close to the old pig, how can you get close." Zhu Bajie said.

The next moment, Zhu Bajie's eyes widened and his mouth was wide open. Chu Feng actually approached Wuzhi Mountain, and in a very short time he reached the top of the mountain in the middle of Wuzhi Mountain!

"Bonus... Old Pig, I remember, Chu Feng, this fellow is a man with infinite merit!" Zhu Bajie muttered authentically.

At the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, Monkey King exclaimed excitedly: "Um, silly...Little friend Chu Feng, please cut down that tree. I am grateful, grandson! I owe you a favor from grandson. !"

Chu Feng didn't chop the tree right away. He flew down and searched for Monkey King's voice. He really quickly found a head of Monkey King at the foot of the mountain. His body was pressed under the Five Fingers Mountain!

You can't see Monkey King's head if you don't get close to Wuzhi Mountain, but Chu Feng can see clearly now.

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