Holy Prison

Chapter 1760: acting

In the Flame Mountain, Feng Yao was dealing with some things. When she received the first induction, her eyes lit up slightly, and her face showed a solemn expression after receiving the second induction.

The third sensed that Feng Yao's expression changed and immediately said to Feng Zhi next to him: "Xiao Zhi, order to go down and defend with all my strength. I'm going out for a few days. It may take a month!"

"Patriarch, this time to go out?" Feng Zhi said in a daze. It's really not a good time to go out at this time. It would be okay if only the strong one who came before came back, if the strong one has his companions coming together. If so, then the Feng Clan would be difficult to hold without Feng Yao here!

Feng Yao frowned and said, "Xiao Zhi, I have to leave for important things. I will leave it to you here in the clan. When I return, I don't want another person here!"

"Yes, the patriarch!" Feng Zhi nodded.

In the blink of an eye, Feng Yao had disappeared in front of Feng Zhi, disappeared in the Flame Mountain, and hurried towards the direction of Chu Feng and the others!

In the valley.

Chu Feng said: "Feng Chen, Zhu Bajie, you can compete here... Zhu Bajie, your strength is relatively high, and your shots are slightly lighter, but you must take care of Feng Chen."

Feng Chen's eyes lit up and said, "Make the illusion that I have encountered danger here?" Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "Well, you encountered danger here, and then you flee all the way, Zhu Bajie chased and killed you all the way, finally you Is there any problem in escaping into the space we determined?"

"Master, I have!" Zhu Bajie said while chewing on a roast leg of lamb. This guy doesn't eat leg of lamb, but he likes lamb leg and beef leg.


Zhu Bajie said: "Master, you can't be too fake in acting. I have to hurt Feng Chen a little. Feng Yao won't believe it until this side, right?" "There is no problem with some injuries," Feng Chen said.

"Master, will anyone pay attention?" Monkey King said.

Chu Feng chuckled and said: "When they fight, the energy fluctuation caused by you to prevent them from fighting affects too far! This task should be no problem for you? If there is no problem, then I , If you still have Zhu Bajie, clean up the traces and then exit."

"Master, acting in such a little drama, it's a trivial thing! I suppressed the old pig to the fourth level, and I really beat it!" Zhu Bajie said with a smile, "Feng Chen, I will be injured by then, no wonder!"

Feng Chen said quietly, "As long as I can help the ancestor Feng Yao by then, not to mention not being seriously injured at all, there is nothing serious about it!"

Chu Feng said: "Feng Chen, remember, after a while, you feel that you can't beat it, and you immediately flee with all your strength, understand? There are any treasures, don't bear it, just use it to escape! You can't treat this as acting. It should be regarded as a real chase! Feng Yao's strength has reached the level of a holy king. If she can see that it is fake, then she will definitely be alert. At that time, it will be difficult for us to let her enter that space. !"

"Understood! Zhu Bajie, you will use the fifth-level immortal strength later, and I will use the Phoenix Transformation! If you only use the fourth-level immortal strength, I am not necessarily weaker than you under the Phoenix Transformation!" Feng Chen said.

Zhu Bajie, a pig head: "No problem, Master, it will be successful at that time, the wine and meat one" "You are a foodie, you know how to eat!" Chu Feng scolded with a smile, "Don't worry, if the task is completed well, your wine and meat will be indispensable. If it’s not done well, prepare yourself to bake and eat for a long time!"

"In order to eat well by the time, old pig, I will fight!" Zhu Bajie said as the fierce light flashed in his eyes, he was already in a certain state.

Clearing the traces, this holy prison is a good leader, Chu Feng and the others quickly retreated. The traces and aura left by them in the valley were all cleaned up, and the same was true for certain areas near the valley.

"Zhu Bajie, how to attack, don't we need to teach you?" Chu Feng said through voice transmission. "Master, don't worry, old pig, I will enter quietly, let's make a sneak attack!" Zhu Bajie laughed.

Soon Zhu Ba Jie's aura converged and approached the valley, "Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding!" As soon as he entered the valley, the whole valley immediately alarmed!

"Whoever enters my valley without permission!" Feng Chen took Fengman into the treasure space and said, she was completely in the state at this time, she did not treat this as an act at all, and only in this way could she fool Feng Yao Such a strong man!


Zhu Bajie launched an attack as soon as he heard a strange laugh, "Bang!" The nine-tooth nail rake collided with the soft sword in Feng Chen's hand, and suddenly Feng Chen's face turned pale and was knocked back hundreds of meters.

At this time, both of them tried their best to prevent the attack energy from leaking, but the attack energy still caused some damage to the surrounding environment.

"Your Excellency, attack me so far?" Feng Chen said solemnly. "Jie Jie, follow me obediently, or die!" Zhu Ba Jie blamed with a smile and launched an attack frantically. With his five-level immortal strength, Feng Chen suffered serious damage in a short time.

"The Phoenix has changed!"

A pale golden flame emerged from Feng Chen's body, and in the blink of an eye she had turned into a fire phoenix about ten meters long. "Phoenix Fire!" Phoenix opened his mouth and spit out, and suddenly a flame of terrifying temperature burned towards Zhu Bajie. !

"It's useless!"

Zhu Bajie danced with a rake in his hand, the flame that shot at him did not hurt him, but the surrounding ground left a lot of marks. "Let's catch it!" Zhu Bajie laughed and rushed forward frantically. At the beginning, Feng Chen could hold on after Fenghuang changed, but it didn't take long for him to hold on.

Struggling to get more injured, Feng Chen used the top-notch escape technique. Under her top-notch escape technique, she fled the valley all at once. Behind her, Zhu Bajie followed closely!

"Very good!" Chu Feng showed a smile on his face. Looking through the sky-eye scan, he found that Zhu Bajie's performance was perfect!

"Wukong, let's follow along, be careful, don't let Feng Yao who will follow you find out your breath!" Chu Feng exhorted. "Master, rest assured!" Monkey King said.

Feng Chen fled all the way, and it didn't take long for her to reach the huge canyon. Here, she and Zhu Bajie had a little confrontation. After a little confrontation, Feng Chen escaped again. This time, she was "escape." "Into the different space that Chu Feng had previously selected.

After Feng Chen, Zhu Bajie quickly entered that alien space. Chu Feng and Monkey King got here. They didn't enter there but entered the holy prison space.

"The net is already open, just waiting for the fish to come in." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Wukong, Feng Yao's strength is estimated to be not much lower than yours. Are you sure?"

"Hehe...Master, if I was the only one, it would be really unsure, but aren't there still Bajie and Fengchen? In addition, the people from the Feng clan that you received earlier, Master, they can also help. If so many people still can’t get a Feng Yao, then let’s commit suicide!” Sun Wukong said, “According to what you said, Master, Feng Yao is probably in a state of semi-control now. If she pays it back by then Make trouble for the abyssal powerhouse. It shouldn't be difficult to catch her. After catching her, what shall we do?"

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "After catching it, naturally there are ways to deal with it. I now have three control jade charms. If Feng Yao has one, then it will be four. Hongshi has one, totaling five. Chung, the Tongtian Pagoda has not been opened yet. At that time, try to find a way to open the Tongtian Pagoda. If you don’t have a deep control like Feng Yao, you can definitely solve it easily! In a situation like Feng Yao, maybe you can think of ways to fix it without entering the Tongtian Pagoda. !"

"Those are things for the future, let Feng Yao be caught first! Feng Zhi may not be under control. After you have caught Feng Yao, try to find a way to determine whether Feng Zhi is under control. If you can be sure, then the Feng clan's side will be better. It's done. Get the Feng Clan side, and then be quiet for a while!"

Sun Wukong shook his head and said, "Master, you can consider this. I am too lazy to think about it, grandson. I will call grandson when I'm going to fight!"

"You... Wukong, a person with high strength can only be said to be strong, with high strength and profound wisdom, then it can be said to be strong, understand?" Chu Feng said.

"Your strength is very high, but in many cases, you don't think too much! Don't look at him eating and drinking as a stupid pig, it's just appearance, that guy is smarter than you!" Chu Feng said.

If Sun Wukong has realized something: "Strong, powerful Master, what you said is very true, I have written it down. For a long time, I have always believed that in the face of absolute strength, any wisdom is useless. Sun I was wrong." "No, you are not wrong." Chu Feng shook his head and said, "You think there is nothing wrong with this. In the face of absolute strength, indeed any wisdom is useless! But what is it? Absolute strength, is your current strength absolute strength?"

"Even the strength of Da Ri Tathagata cannot be said to be absolute strength. You are still far from absolute strength, so you can't be complacent!" Chu Feng exhorted, although Monkey King didn't know how much he was, his strength was also high. There are many, but in some aspects, Monkey King is really inferior to Chu Feng.

"Master, I understand!" Monkey King nodded.

Ten days passed in an instant, and Feng Yao first reached the valley where Feng Chen and Zhu Bajie had fought. "Phoenix Transformation." Feng Yao's expression changed slightly. With her eyesight, she naturally recognized Feng Chen using Phoenix Transformation on this side, "Five-level immortal strength, bad!"

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