Holy Prison

Chapter 1765: Surprise

The thunder and lightning turned into Chu Feng's body exploded and turned into a sky full of thunder light and returned to the robbery cloud. Under the gaze of Chu Feng and the others, a little bit of light continued to descend and began to enter Yilian's body!

Feng Bingning and the others were pleasantly surprised. Tang Ming and Zhou Wen both showed surprise in their eyes. They didn't expect that Yilian would be able to burst out with such a powerful strength under such circumstances!

Life curse, spiritual storm, coupled with Tianye's attack, even in the heyday, Tang Ming and Zhou Wen have no confidence to completely block it!

"Boss, congratulations!" Tang Ming and Zhou Wen hurriedly said with joy to Chu Feng.

With a smile on Chu Feng's face, he nodded slightly: "Yilian has finally made a good start for you all. I hope you will successfully survive the Holy Tribulation one by one!"

"Take it all through, Boss, it's not easy!" Tang Ming said with a smile. "Every one of you now has the strength of Tier 10 three-stars, and the chances of getting over it are still relatively high. It's just that some of the other people in our Shenchu ​​City, I am afraid that many will fall!" Chu Feng slightly wrinkled. Frowned.

Zhou Wendao: "Boss, under the sacred calamity, many people have fallen. This is normal! If you become sacred, you will have a long lifespan and you can march towards higher strength; if you are not sanctified, your life will come. I can wait for death! To cross the Holy Tribulation, this is everyone's willing choice, and no one is to blame for death!

"Yeah!" Chu Feng nodded slightly and his eyes fell on Yi Lian again. "Chu Feng, there is one thing, I don't know if you want to try it." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, after becoming sacred, those robbery clouds will turn into energy that can be absorbed. Sister Yilian may not be able to absorb all of them. If they cannot absorb all of them, then the remaining power will be wasted! Do you want to give it a try, let the power of the holy prison suppress those Jieyun powers into sister Yilian's body more?"

"Xian'er, how high is the chance of success like this? If you fail, what are the consequences?" Chu Feng asked quickly. If the chance of success is relatively high and the consequences are not very serious, then this can be a try! If Yilian can succeed, then Feng Bingning and the others will succeed one by one!

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, the chance of success is not small. It looks like 60 to 70%. If you fail, it will affect your cultivation level after sanctification, and death! But sister Yilian has successfully overcome the catastrophe, even if she died, After being resurrected, he will also have the power of a saint!"

"It's okay...but I have to talk to Yilian about this." Chu Feng said. "No, I have already talked to Sister Yilian, she has no opinion." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng pondered for a while and said solemnly in his mind: "Miao Xian'er, if this is the case, then use the power of the holy prison to suppress more thunder tribulation energy into Yilian's body!"

Miao Xian'er immediately used the power of the holy prison. The power of the holy prison was used, and the colorful clouds vibrated. Then, a ball of light the size of a ping-pong ball dropped among the colorful clouds, and the light **** quickly dropped into Yilian's body. Inside, the speed at which Yilian's cultivation base improves is many times faster than before!

First-level lower saint, second-level lower saint, and third-level lower saint.

The time passed by, and for more than ten minutes, Yilian's strength had already reached the ninth-level lower saint. At this time, Yilian's face was already showing a trace of pain.

"Xian'er, be careful, if Yilian can't bear it, then don't force it up!" Chu Feng quickly said in his mind. "Knowing, Sister Yilian can still withstand some strength, there should be no problem with reaching the median saint!"

Two minutes later, a powerful breath erupted from Yilian, the middle saint, relying on the power of thunder robbery, she successfully reached the first-level middle saint!

At this time, the painful color on Yilian's face was already deep, and Miao Xian'er did not dare to let the power of Lei Jie enter Yilian's body. "Chu Feng, do you want to give it a try?" Miao Xian'er's voice echoed in Chu Feng's mind again.

"Try what? Let Jie Yun's power enter my body?" Chu Feng was surprised in his mind. "The power of Tribulation Cloud after crossing the Tribulation is the purest power. If you can absorb it, then your strength can be improved relatively quickly, but the sequelae are probably not small. It is not easy for others to try, you can try it." Miao Xianer said.

"Then, give it a try!" Chu Feng said that she appeared next to Yi Lian as soon as she flicked. At this time, Yi Lian had successfully crossed the Tribulation and appeared next to her and it would not affect her.

"What is the boss doing?" Zhou Wen said in surprise. The next moment, in their shocked gaze, a large group of colorful clouds formed a basketball-sized ball of light toward Chu Feng.

The ball of light seems to be extremely repulsive to entering Chu Feng’s body, but the pressure in the holy prison space is extremely high. In the end, the light ball could not resist the pressure of the holy prison space and was forcibly pressed into Chu Feng’s body. .

The ball of light entered his body, and Chu Feng's brows frowned. The power of the ball of light was indeed extremely pure and genuine, but when it entered his body, it was abnormally violent!

"Brother cultivated an improved version of Infinite Divine Art, so I don't believe that I can't absorb you!" Chu Feng's thoughts moved, and the infinite Divine Art instantly started to operate!

The power of Jie Lei was indeed extremely disobedient, but... soon Chu Feng discovered a problem. If the power of Jie Lei merged with the light of merit, then he would become much safer.

"Miao Xian'er, continue to get some thunder-robbing power for me to absorb!" Discovering the magical effect of the light of merit, Chu Feng said in his mind with great joy.

The second ball of light immediately fell down and entered Chu Feng’s body. Chu Feng absorbed the thunder power, and at the same time a light of merit entered Yilian’s body, receiving the light of his merit. The painful color on Yilian's face has obviously disappeared. "Miao Xian'er, if I give Yilian the light of merit, can Yilian still absorb it?" Chu Feng said in surprise in his mind.

"seems like it!"

Miao Xian'er responded, and immediately another thunder-robbing power descended and entered Yilian’s body. This was originally Yilian’s holy calamity. Yilian absorbed the thunder-thunder power much faster. Entering her body is immediately absorbed by her!

"Xian'er, give priority to Yilian's absorption. If she can absorb them all, then let her absorb them all." Chu Feng said that the light of merit was continuously injected into Yilian's body.

Time passed by, and in Tang Ming's surprised eyes, the colorful clouds above Chu Feng and their heads kept shrinking. Originally, if there was no power of the Holy Tribulation, then Yilian could only absorb a small part of the power of the Seven Tribulations, but now, the power of the Tribulation Cloud has been absorbed by Yilian, and her strength has also risen to the fourth level. A saint!

Even with the light of merit, Yilian's face also showed a relatively strong painful color when he reached the fourth-level mid-level saint, "Chu Feng, Yilian can no longer absorb the power. You can absorb the remaining power! "Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Since Yilian couldn't absorb it, Chu Feng naturally wouldn't let her reluctantly absorb it. The remaining Thunder Tribulation power began to enter Chu Feng's body continuously and was refined by him.

The power of Thunder Tribulation is very pure. The absorption of a lot of the power of Thunder Tribulation makes Chu Feng feel that his own mind is sober a lot. Some things that seemed to understand but not understand before are all understood at this time. Needless to say, his cultivation level It has improved a bit, but until all the Thunder Tribulation power is absorbed, Chu Feng is still at the second-level high-ranking saint and has not reached the third-level high-ranking saint.

If Yilian can still absorb the power of those thunder tribulations, then all of them will definitely allow her to reach the fifth-level mid-level saint's strength, but Chu Feng is a high-ranking saint, and the high-ranking saint is advanced, so the power needed is much stronger. Bai, Chu Feng estimated in his heart that to achieve the cultivation base of a third-level high-ranking saint, it is estimated that it will absorb the extra Thunder Tribulation power of ten or twenty people! Moreover, if he absorbs it, he still needs some training to reach the cultivation base of the third-level upper saint.

After several hours passed, Chu Feng let out a long sigh, and the Jieyun power that entered his body finally stabilized. "Feng, how are you?" Chu Feng opened his eyes and Feng Bingdan said with concern.

Chu Feng smiled quietly, "I didn't expect that the light of merit would allow the people who crossed the Tribulation to absorb more power from the Tribulation Cloud. This is a very good discovery."

"Husband, thank you." Yilian smiled softly beside Chu Feng. She felt more painful when she just finished the energy absorption, and the pain has disappeared now.

As for the previous injury, naturally under the power of heaven and earth, it has been completely repaired, and Yilian, who has become a saint, is better than before.

"Yilian, why do you thank me?" Chu Feng looked at Yilian with a light smile, "Fourth-level mid-level saint, very good! Yilian, don't hang around here, your sage has just condensed, go to cultivate and stabilize Let's fix it."

Yilian practiced in two directions, one is the law of soul and the other is the law of life. Both of these need to have strong spiritual power, so she naturally takes the brain as the sanctity! Different from Chu Feng, there are three sages. She only has one sage. People with three sages are extremely rare!

"Okay!" The reason why Yilian hasn't left is to wait for Chu Feng to wake up. At this time Chu Feng wakes up, she naturally wants to stabilize her cultivation!

When Yilian left, Chu Feng and the others gathered in a living room in the holy prison space.

"Boss, what's going on before, why the absorption of Sisao is so fast at once, and in the end it continues to absorb to reach the fourth-level median saint." Just sitting down, Zhou Wen quickly said.

Chu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Yilian's absorption speed has increased because the power of my treasure space to suppress the cloud has accelerated her absorption. As for the rest, don't you already know? The effect of the light of merit, merit The light can help absorb the power of the cloud of Tribulation. Your luck is good, and methods have been tested out. If you successfully overcome the Tribulation by then, your cultivation base should not be too weak!"

"Jiejie, this is really good news!" Zhou Wenle said, Tang Ming and the others also showed smiles on their faces. If they can directly reach the middle saint, then the time saved is a lot!

"Feng, I wonder if there are any side effects?" Feng Bing condensed. Chu Feng said: "For Yilian, there should not be any side effects. However, I forcibly absorbed some of the power of thunder, and there will be some side effects at that time. I can bring out the light of merit, and there should be no side effects. Big relationship."

Tang Ming said: "Boss, if you absorb the power of Thunder Tribulation, can you improve your cultivation?" "Almost, but after you absorb it, you still need to work hard to achieve it!" Chu Feng chuckles, "Xiao Mingzi, If you can't absorb enough energy by then, I will be all-inclusive, haha!"

A fifth-level high-ranking saint, Chu Feng originally estimated that this goal would take a long time to reach. Now that the power absorbed by thunder can increase, Chu Feng estimates that it may be achieved in tens of thousands of years!

There are not too many people who want to cross the catastrophe in the holy prison space, but there are still many people who want to cross the catastrophe in the gods. Then enter the gods and release a message. All those who cross the catastrophe rush to the gods. Although the city said that the success rate of crossing the catastrophe is not high, there are more people crossing the catastrophe, and there should still be many people successfully crossing the catastrophe!

As long as someone successfully overcomes the catastrophe, then there will be a world energy that can be absorbed by him! "Chu Feng, it is not the right way to absorb Thunder Tribulation to increase the power." Miao Xian'er's reminding voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. If Chu Feng valued these and ignored the importance of his own training, it would not be beautiful. Up.

"Xian'er, rest assured, I understand that by absorbing the power of thunder tribulation, it will be enough for me to reach the fifth-level high-ranking saint! If I reach the fifth-level high-ranking saint, then the holy prison may be able to be upgraded to a higher level relatively quickly. Reaching the sixteenth level of the holy prison, then the seventeenth level of Tianshou and Tianyan is much easier to deal with even if you face the powerhouse of the immortal level!" Chu Feng said in his mind.

When the holy prison is upgraded to one level, the impact will be really great. At the fifteenth level of the holy prison, the indestructible powerhouses in the holy prison space are not good for them to enter, otherwise their holy knowledge can pass through the barriers of space, and if they reach the 16th holy prison, even the holy ones It's impossible for the noble immortal level powerhouse to have that kind of ability in the holy prison.

Moreover, at that time, even the powerhouse of the Holy Prison level would not be able to completely collapse the Holy Prison Space in the Holy Prison Space! Sky Eye or something, it is not so easy to be found on the body of the general immortal level powerhouse!

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