Holy Prison

Chapter 1774: Strong enemy arrives

"The sixth level is immortal, it seems that Yin Xiao and the others are here!" Chu Feng said with a light smile. Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, the vanguard sent by Yin Xiao has arrived. Yin Xiao has not yet come."

"Do not."

Chu Feng shook his head, "Yin Xiao, I must have already come here! Then the one who came here is only Yin Xiao's clone, or it was transformed by another strong person!"

"Catch me, there are so many benefits. How can Yin Xiao be behind and let other people take the lead? Although I don't have a lot of dealings, I also know that he is not that kind of person!"

On a peak near Huoyan Mountain, Yin Xiao stood on the top of the mountain, and the wind was strong on the top, but he did not blow his clothes at all! "Chu Feng, Feng Clan!" Yin Xiao said with a cold light flashing in his eyes, "I only had this opportunity to come here by Yin Xiao secretly serving the Lord Longyang. I hope you can make me the position of the Lord!"

"Report the situation!"

Yin Xiao's thoughts immediately sent out three messages. These three messages were sent to the three indestructible powerhouses who followed him. The three indestructible powerhouses are now in the other three directions of Huoyan Mountain.

"Holy King, nothing was found outside the Eastern Flaming Mountain! The periphery of the Flaming Mountain is normal, and the area where the core Phoenix Clan is located is surrounded by a large formation. If you don't enter it, you will know nothing!"

"Holy King, there is no movement in the west. The area where the core Feng Clan is located is enveloped in flames. We can break it together without a problem, but entering quietly, I am afraid it is impossible!"

"Holy King, North"

The East, the West, and the North, the three indestructible powerhouses immediately spread the message. "Pay attention to concealment and don't let anyone discover you. If there is a change, report it immediately! I don't want you to hide anything from me. If something like that happens, be careful that your lives are not guaranteed!" Yin Xiao spread the message.

"Yes, Holy King!"

The other three immediately preached that they were more afraid of Yin Xiao. When they were on the other side of the abyss, Yin Xiao was the lord of the world. Now that they are on this side, Yin Xiao is also a powerful Saint King level. They are only six. Level of immortal strength! Although the sixth-level immortality is not very far from the seventh-level, and the sixth-level immortality of Monkey King also has the strength of the Saint King-level, but the sixth and seventh levels are a barrier, and they do not have the power of the Monkey King!

The most important thing is that they know very well which world master is parasitizing Yin Xiao. That world master is a cruel person. If they disobey, Yin Xiao will definitely find a way to take their lives!

"Sacrificing more people from the Phoenix race should be able to make Han Hong's cultivation level reach the immortal level. By combining Han Hong and Qianqian, this king can absorb the power to reach the holy sovereign level. If you can get a doomsday from Chu Feng Zhibao, then, the world is so big, one day, one day, the king will be the king, hahahaha, hahahaha!" Yin Xiao laughed wildly, the voice was loud, but it did not spread too far, around the mountain where he is now There is a barrier!

"Chu Feng, the strong man outside hasn't moved. It is estimated that he is just waiting for him." Miao Xianer said. Chu Feng smiled in his mind: "On the other three sides, it is estimated that there are strong guards at this moment. Among the four parties, it is very likely that one of the parties is Yin Xiao himself. This guy is very interested in me."

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "Of course, you abducted his daughter. He is not interested in you, who is he interested in?" "Who is interested in?" Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment, "Xian'er, You reminded me that he is afraid that on the one hand he is interested in me, on the other hand, he is also interested in Qianqian!"

"You mean, this old guy wants a second parasite?"

"Khan, where did you think of it, Yin Xiao's male, Qianqian's female, why did he parasitize Qianqian for the second time. I mean, this guy wouldn't like Qianqian's bloodline?" Chu Feng said.

"Qianqian is Yin Xiao's daughter. Although Yin Xiao has been parasitized now, his bloodline is still that bloodline. No one in Qianqian's contemporaries can appreciate it. The talent is extremely high. Such a talent and such a powerful bloodline, Yin Xiao sees It's not impossible, God knows what evil sacred art he can do!" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "Don't think too much about Yin Xiao. He comes here this time, and he will be caught by the time. Isn't he letting you kill?"

"Oh, that's true!"

After Chu Feng finished speaking in his mind, he quickly said a few words to Tang Ming and the others before leaving. Yin Xiao and the others didn't seem to be moving for the time being. At this time, it would be better for him to fight on the side of Azurite City. Time goes by day by day, and if the mission can't reach the SSS level, then it will be a problem!

In Azurite City, Chu Feng was constantly fighting with a group of people. Although he was fighting, his heart was quiet; outside the Flame Mountain, Yin Xiao stood motionless on the top of the mountain, but As time passed by day by day, his heart was really restless, and more and more restless!

As a Saint King-level powerhouse, Yin Xiao shouldn't have been so impatient, but he knew the preciousness of this opportunity. If he couldn't catch Chu Feng and the others this time, it would be difficult in the future! If Chu Feng was caught by him, he would definitely get a lot of benefits, and if he was jointly obtained by a few Saint-class powerhouses, he would get less benefits.

Moreover, if that's the case, it is still a question whether you can get Yin Qianqian at that time. Some sages such as Longyangyang don't want to have more sages in the holy world!

It is precisely because of the precious opportunity that Yin Xiao appears impatient this time. "There is nothing unusual yet. Didn't Chu Feng receive the news? Or maybe he did receive the news, but didn't tell Feng Chen and the others? If Feng and the others knew, it wouldn't be too late!" Yin Xiao said inwardly. .

"Hmph, even if you don't receive the news at this time, I will always let you receive the news when the time comes. I want to see if there is a big crisis in the Feng Clan, you will not appear!"

One day, two days... ten days, twenty days.

In a blink of an eye, three months passed. Although Yin Xiao and the team on their faces walked a little bit slower, after three months, they finally reached the side of Flame Mountain!

"Chu Feng, there is a situation!" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, who was fighting in the fighting arena. "Ten energy fluctuations were newly sensed, but there are only seven strong newcomers, three of them. This should be just a clone!"

"It seems that the people behind have finally caught up! Xian'er, can you roughly judge the strength of those people?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "The last seven, two of them should be immortal at level 6, and the other five are a little lower, and should be immortal at level 5!" Miao Xianer said.

"The strength is really not weak. The people who followed Yin Xiao must be the sixth-level immortal strong. Even if only three followed them, they are also five sixth-level immortal strong, five fifth-level strong. An indestructible powerhouse, plus Yin Xiao, a holy king, is cautious!" Chu Feng smiled in his mind.

The more people Yin Xiao brought over this time, the happier Chu Feng would be. He caught them, and if he recovers at that time, they will belong to their side! If there is one more Saint King, five sixth-level indestructible powerhouses and five fifth-level indestructible powerhouses, then the pressure on Chu Feng and the others will be much less!

"This time, you can only succeed, not fail!" Chu Feng said in his heart, he made a lot of weight instantly, and in a short time he defeated the two opponents who had already suffered some injuries!

The two people defeated by Chu Feng screamed and left the competition venue in the blink of an eye. "The next group, don't worry, Master Chu is going to take a rest!" Chu Feng said quietly.

After speaking, Chu Feng disappeared instantly and entered the holy prison space.

"Chu Feng, look, they are in this place." Miao Xian'er pointed to a map in front of him. In front of Chu Feng and the others was a map of the Flaming Mountain area. The mountains and rivers were clearly displayed. , The few powerhouses who came from above just showed them with a few red dots, and it didn't let Chu Feng know which powerhouses were coming over!

"It's really close to us." Chu Feng said softly. The place where the holy prison is now is only tens of kilometers away from the place where the strong people gather. This little bit of distance is naturally not far from the strong people like Chu Feng. , You know, many peaks on this side of Flaming Mountain are tens of thousands of meters high, that is, dozens of kilometers!

"Hey, this one is moving." Miao Xianer said, and one of the eight red dots quickly disappeared within the holy prison's sensing range. However, another red dot appeared in the holy prison in just a few minutes. Within the sensing range, in the holy prison sensing, this red dot was obviously larger than the other red dots.

The bigger the red dot, the higher the strength. Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "The person who came here should be Yin Xiao. The one who left before is estimated to have replaced him in the past. From this point of view, Yin Xiao was a leader Three powerhouses of the immortal rank are here. When everyone arrives, there should be action immediately."

Not unexpectedly from Chu Feng's expectation, a sixth-level immortal strong behind quickly walked towards Huoyan Mountain, and in a short time he was out of the holy prison's sensing range.

"Xian'er, just receive any image around the criminals locked by Skyeye on the periphery of Huoyan Mountain." Chu Feng said with a light smile. In the Holy Realm, Skyeye Lock was also affected. However, there is no problem with locking a hundred people. Among them, there are many people locked in by the eyes of the sky!

The indestructible powerhouse that Yin Xiao sent out became a giant python, a black giant python, exactly the same as the black giant python that Monkey King turned into before!

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