Holy Prison

Chapter 1777: Arrested

"Chu Feng!" Yin Xiao looked at Chu Feng with a gloomy expression. This time he came here with the intention of catching Chu Feng. He didn't expect that Chu Feng hadn't caught him, and his party was trapped!

Chu Feng smiled faintly: "Sage King Yin Xiao, who knows the affairs of the times is a handsome man. This must be known to Saint King Yin Xiao. I won't say more. If you seal your cultivation base within a minute, if you don't seal it within a minute, Wukong will do it. It will launch an attack immediately. It’s not easy to die from the power of immortality, but the samsara karma and Wukong’s golden cudgel can still make you feel the taste of death!"

"The countdown begins, Goku, prepare to attack!"

Sun Wukong laughed and said: "Yes, Master. Yin Xiao, you must not seal the cultivation base. Although I have killed many immortal-level powerhouses, old grandson, I really haven’t beaten the indestructible-level powerhouses at the Saint King level. If you died, let the old grandson beat you to death today and open a card called old grandson and grandson monkey. You are very courageous. Don't be afraid at this time!"

Yin Xiao's face was blue, and the other ten immortal-level powerhouses had extremely ugly faces at this time. With so many people coming this time, it was already a very strong lineup, but I didn't expect to end up like this!

"Brother Yin Xiao, is this reincarnation of karma really that powerful?" asked a sixth-level immortal powerhouse beside Yin Xiao, his name changed a bit in front of Chu Feng and the others.

Yin Xiao's mind moved a sword and appeared in his hand. This is a somewhat damaged sword, but its material is top-notch! As soon as Yin Xiao stretched out his hand, the sword hit the fire of reincarnation. In Yin Xiao and the horrified eyes of the other ten immortal-level strong, the sword with the top material was silently melted away!

Several powerful men took a breath of cold air, and the reincarnation karma is so terrible. If they want to go through, they will have no problem turning their bodies into nothingness!

If other flames turned their bodies into nothingness, they might be able to resurrect them, but if they were cremated into nothingness by reincarnation karma, don't even think about resurrecting them!

"Yin Xiao, there are still thirty seconds!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "You can bet on one, and see if I dare to kill you!"

Chu Feng dared not yin, and their expressions changed slightly. They knew the result without betting, and there were many strong men killed by Chu Feng!

"Chu Feng, if we seal, you won't kill us?" Yin Xiao said solemnly. Chu Feng said quietly: "Sage King Yin Xiao, if I want to kill you now, why should I talk nonsense with you? Obediently sealed my own cultivation base, I guarantee you are fine for the time being, but in the future, then I don't guarantee it!"

"Seal it!" Yin Xiao glanced at the ten immortal powerhouses who followed him. "Brother Yin Xiao, we" a sixth-level immortal strong frowned.

Yin Xiao said: "Being burned to death by the fire of reincarnation, we cannot be resurrected!"

The person who knows the current affairs is a handsome, and soon, Yin Xiao named himself his cultivation base, he took the lead, and the other ten immortal powerhouses also named themselves cultivation base in a short time!

Chu Feng said to Sun Wukong that even though Yin Xiao and the others had proclaimed their cultivation bases, they could restore their cultivation bases in a short time!

In addition, Monkey King's seal is different. With Monkey King's seal, it will take some time for them to recover, and they will definitely be discovered before they recover!

Monkey King said that he added seals to Yin Xiao and them one by one. He was not very good at this aspect, but he was a powerhouse at the Saint King level, and the seal he added was still very strong!

"Monkey Sun, when did Chu Feng become your master?" Yin Xiao said.

Sun Wukong stared at Yin Xiao: "Yin Xiao, you are called Sun Monkey again. Old Sun will hit you directly on the head with a stick! Old Sun thinks who calls the Master the Old Sun, can you be in control of the old white face? "

"I'm willing to be lowly!" Yin Xiao said lightly.

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Sage King Yin Xiao said, Chu Feng is a lowly person!" "In my eyes, you are nothing but an ant." Yin Xiao said quietly.

"Oh...that's really a pity, you guys who are aloof are caught by my ants!" Chu Feng said. Yin Xiao laughed and said, "Chu Feng, don't put gold on your own face. If it's not the reincarnation karma of the Feng Clan, if it's not the grandson monkey, can you catch us with this little thing?"

"It's not that this king looks down on you, even if this king stands still here, can you hurt this king?"

Chu Feng chuckled: "Sage King Yin Xiao, I didn't expect you to be quite talkative and good. We will definitely have a lot of time to chat in the future!"

When the words fell, the world-swallowing gourd appeared in Chu Feng's hands. Chu Feng shook the world-swallowing gourd. In an instant, the world-swallowing gourd came out with terrible suction. Under the suction of the world-swallowing gourd, Saint King Yin Xiao still had ten others. The Destroyer Powerful was included in the World Swallowing Gourd in the blink of an eye!

Yin Xiao and the others were put away, Feng Chen and Fengzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In general, it was relatively smooth to catch Yin Xiao and the others!

"Chu Feng, the reincarnation karmic fire hasn't used much, so I can use it when I return to the formation!" Feng Zhi said. Chu Feng nodded slightly, this is good news for them.

"Feng Zhi, Feng Chen, those of you Feng Clan, whether they are parasitized or not, let them enter my treasure space first! On the side of the Flame Mountain, the Feng Clan can only give up temporarily!" Chu Feng said.

Feng Chen and Feng Zhi showed reluctance on their faces, but they both nodded slightly, and now the Feng Clan side can really only abandon them. Yin Xiao and the others were arrested. In this short time, the side of the Most Sacred Mountain will not know, and it will take a while to get there. However, as long as you know, the side of the Most Sacred Mountain will definitely send someone over.

Moreover, the next time the team comes over, it will be even stronger, and there will definitely be a strong person at the holy level. If the Feng clan stays behind, the possibility of death is very high!

Chu Feng thought, Feng Bingning appeared outside, "Two ancestors!" "Bing Ning, there will be a safe time on this side. Try to see if you can get the Fire Heart Crystal, Feng Chen, Feng Zhi, You can also stay outside for some time, no matter what the result is, we will leave in half a month!" Chu Feng said.

"So fast?" Feng Chen said in surprise.

Chu Feng pointed slightly to the right: "Well, it must be so fast. If you stay for more than half a month, it will be dangerous. Wukong can come from the side of the Most Sacred Mountain in ten days. For those who are fast or who have the ability to understand the space and have the treasure of space, it is estimated that they can get from the side of the holy mountain to the flame mountain in just three or four days!"

Without saying more, Feng Bingning and the others quickly put themselves in the flames and kept calling in their hearts.

At this time, Chu Feng did not rush into the holy prison space. On the edge of Feng Bingning, he put himself in the flames. "The heart of fire, the treasure is alive, can you feel my call?

"The Feng clan is about to completely evacuate from the Flame Mountain, the flame mountain side, maybe for a long time the people of the Feng clan will not come to the flame mountain side again. You are on this side, the Feng Clan’s neighbor, the Feng Clan’s partner, Are you willing to leave with the Feng Clan? You have witnessed the glory and decline of the Feng Clan, but are you willing to merge with the people around me and recast the glory of the Feng Clan?"

"The universe is very big. Staying here, you will always be just a frog on the top of the well. You don’t know what the outside world is like. Can you hear me? If you can, you think about it! What's there? You can also mention the same request to me. If it can be done, I will definitely promise you!"

Chu Feng called in his heart. He connected his spirit with the surrounding flames so that his thoughts could be received by the surrounding flames, but he called again without any response.

Not discouraged, Chu Feng called again and again, and nearly half a month passed in the blink of an eye. "Little guy, it seems that you can't receive my call. Even so, I still say goodbye to you. We must go. You take care and goodbye!" Chu Feng said in his heart. He stood up after saying this. Then, Feng Bingning and Feng Chen Fengzhi felt that Chu Feng stood up and ended the call completely.

"I am not a little guy, you are a little guy, I am much older than you!" Just when Chu Feng was about to leave the flame, a sound suddenly rang in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment and then his face showed ecstasy, the heart of fire, this must be the heart of fire talking to him. "Bing Ning, you first enter my treasure space." Chu Feng said.

Without waiting for Feng Bingning and the others to speak, Chu Feng's mind moved the holy prison suction, and in the blink of an eye all three of them entered the holy prison space.

"You are not a little guy, so do you have a name?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Huh, my name is Yanyan, you said the outside world is beautiful, and I have the conditions to mention it?" Fire Heart Crystal, that is, Yan Yan said.

"Yanyan, a good name. Yanyan, the scenery in many places in the outside world is indeed beautiful, but I don’t lie to you, there are also many ugly phenomena. The beauty of the scenery may exceed your imagination, and at the same time, the evil of people’s hearts may It’s also beyond your imagination. Of course, there are wicked people and good people.” Chu Feng smiled in his mind and said, “If you leave with me, you can mention some conditions, but, Yanyan, if I can’t manage it. Conditions, there is no way."

"Hmph, although I have never left Huoyan Mountain, but people have good and evil hearts. I have seen a lot. I feel that you are still a good person. If you agree to some of my conditions, I will follow you to leave." Yan Yan said .

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