Holy Prison

Chapter 1783: Huge task.

Time flies, and five thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye. For mortals, five thousand years is extremely long. The history of civilization may be only that long, but for practitioners like Chu Feng, five thousand years , That's just a very short and very short period of time in a long life, just a moment!

Five thousand years ago, Chu Feng threatened Yin Xiao and the others. Some news was received. Among them was the news that those holy kings wanted to wait until the construction of the holy mountain was completed before they started the war. Knowing this Chu Feng, I can practice with peace of mind!

It is worth mentioning that under the threat of Chu Feng, Yin Xiao and the others handed over their own treasures one by one. One Saint King-level powerhouse, five sixth-level immortal powerhouses and five fifth-level immortality. The strong, that adds up to be very generous, and Chu Feng's pockets bulged a lot!

Domain Tower No. 3, outside Azurite City.

"No one is on?" Chu Feng looked around and laughed wildly, "Three on one, no one was on, really ridiculous, ridiculous, the three of them joined hands, and they didn't hold on for more than a quarter of an hour in the hands of Master Chu! "

With a frantic smile on his mouth, Chu Feng was a little nervous at this moment, more than 9.8 million, as long as more than 100,000 points of combat merit, then he can make that mission reach the SSS level, if those People continue to get on, so more than one day or even less time can be obtained!

"Chu Madman, if you raise your quota to four people, you must raise it to four people, someone must fight you!" a voice shouted authentically.

Chu Feng's face showed disdain: "Which guy speaks to Master Chu, one can't be so shameless! Master Chu takes the initiative to promote it is one thing, you ask Master Chu to increase the number of people, that's another thing. If you are promoted to four people, why don't you directly promote to ten people? In that case, Master Chu might lose out all at once!"

"Is there anyone? Another 10,000 people will come to play with Master Chu. Master Chu will raise the number of people to four, but even if you raise the number of people to four, you cannot be the opponent of Master Chu, haha!" Feng laughed authentically.

"Hugh is crazy!"

A cold snort rang, and in the blink of an eye, three strong men appeared on the Wudou platform. Chu Feng glanced at it. These three have also been on stage many times. They are all high-ranking saints with strength and cooperation. Very tacit! The three of them have made a lot of progress on this side over the years. Without taking out the World Swallowing Gourd and using the Dark Chaos Lotus, the three of them can hold on for ten minutes in his hands, which is pretty good!

Chu Feng smiled sincerely, as long as there are people on it, it’s good if there are people on it. There is no need for 10,000 people. Just over a thousand people can make his battle points exceed 100 billion and reach the standard of SSS-level missions. At that time, he You can do your best, and even if you die at that time, that SSS-level task will be considered complete!

However, if you die, the mission can't go on. The more mission points, the more rewards you will get.

For SSS-level missions, the mission point is 100 billion to one trillion (not included). It has just reached one hundred billion and almost reached one trillion. The difference must be huge!


In the blink of an eye, the three strong players set up a formation, that is, a formation. With the power of the formation, they can hold on to Chu Feng for ten minutes!

There was no accident for more than five thousand years, and no accident at this time. After ten minutes, the three strong players on the field were defeated by Chu Feng! One-to-three misses a lot of time, but likewise, they get more combat points. The three of them together give 1,200 points, which is pretty good!

"Our three brothers learned Chu's brilliant tricks!" The three of them were immediately on the stage when they went down. They didn't want to be on the stage at this time, but they were stimulated by what Chu Feng just said. With 10,000 players on the field, they can rise to four players when they challenge.

Although only one person is promoted, there is a big difference between three and four! After so many years of failure, those people are extremely looking forward to defeating Chu Feng!

Chu Feng glanced at the three people on stage. Two of these three were not Yin Qianqian’s suitors, and one of them was Yin Qianqian’s appearance many times over the years. With more and more people here, Yin Qianqian’s The suitors are also rising, and the boats are constantly increasing. Some strong people who didn't have much interest in Yin Qianqian are also enthusiastically joining the ranks of Chu Feng's rivals!

Obviously, in the current situation, whoever defeated Chu Feng and who got Yin Qianqian, it was all about showing his face in front of countless people! There are many people who don’t care about false names, but among so many people, there are also many who care about false names. Moreover, Yin Qianqian is extremely talented, and she is indeed a stunning beauty. If such a woman can marry, she would be a third life. Fortunately!

"I hope you can support for a few more seconds this time, haha!" Chu Feng laughed and immediately attacked the three powerful men on stage.

One hour, two hours, three hours a day was finally over in Chu Feng’s a little nervousness, Miao Xian'er’s wonderful voice finally sounded when Chu Feng defeated a group of people in the day’s time. In Chu Feng's mind.

"Husband, congratulations, the battle points have reached 100 billion!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up and he said with emotion in his mind: "It's not easy, it's been almost six thousand years. After all these years, most of the time in this martial arts arena, finally reached 100 billion points! In addition, Miao Xian Son, it's not easy for you to call my husband at this time, don't you usually call me in bed? Hey!"

"Hmph, see you work hard to complete the task, reward you." Miao Xian'er said softly, "has reached the standard of SSS level, do you still stick to it? I'm afraid I will be very tired after persisting for so many years!"

Five thousand years and nearly six thousand years, if you meditate, then it will pass all at once.

But these five to six thousand years were not so easy for Chu Feng to survive. The majority of the five to six thousand years were in battle. The difference between this and meditation is extremely great! Although Chu Feng had never complained, Miao Xian'er and the others still knew that Chu Feng had not had an easy time.

"What do you mean? Naturally, you have to stick to it." Chu Feng said in his mind, that A-level mission, the establishment of a faction, had already been completed, and he had obtained more than 70 billion battle points and a domain tower value of about 700 million. In addition, he had more than 60 billion combat merit points, even if he handed in the task now, Chu Feng's merit points would be enough to exchange for a top saint.

But how much does Chu Summit dislike?

"Husband... the frequency of the abnormal information is getting higher and higher. I have calculated that according to the current situation, I will hold on for another 5,000 years at most! If the situation deteriorates more than I expected by then, it is estimated that three Within four thousand years, the holy prison will be controlled by those who secretly shoot!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng's heart sank slightly, and the joy of having just reached 100 billion combat points was suddenly suppressed. Over the years, he, Feng Bingning and others have made some progress, but the situation in the holy prison has also deteriorated a lot. !

"Xian'er, if this is the case, then I will take action without any scruples. In the last time, I will try to get more points!" A new opponent came on the field, and Chu Feng said in his mind while fighting.

Miao Xian'er replied, Chu Feng's mind moved the defense of the Dark Chaos Lotus to fully open, and when the defense of the Dark Chaos Lotus was fully opened, some strong people felt a little breath of the Dark Chaos Lotus.

"What is it, so strong!"

"The Dragon Sword in this seat is trembling, is it the innate treasure?"

Nowadays, there are a lot of strong people gathered on the side of Azurite City. Thousands of immortal-level experts have come over, and the eyes of those immortal-level experts are bright.

"Give me defeat!" With the full defense of the Dark Chaos Lotus, Chu Feng rushed to three opponents arbitrarily, and in less than a minute, his three opponents were defeated by him!

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