Holy Prison

Chapter 1793: Upgrade surprise (1)

"Destiny...fate is uncertain, I don't believe there is a destined destiny!" Chu Feng said coldly, "The idea of ​​hitting Shaoye will definitely let him catch the water with the bamboo basket at that time!"

Miao Xian'er hesitated for a while and said: "Chu Feng, this is just our guess, the real situation may not be like this, maybe there are other possibilities."

"No matter what the possibility is, I believe that Song Ye doesn't know. If she knows, then the Holy Prison can definitely detect that she is lying." Chu Feng said.

"Um...Chu Feng, what do you plan to do with Song Ye?" Miao Xian'er said, "The abnormal information continues to appear. Although the possibility of the Holy Prison being taken away is much smaller now, with the strength of Song Ye Constantly improving, I still threaten my control over the Holy Prison when I think about it!"

Chu Feng thought about it briefly: "Let’s just wait and see the changes. If our guess is true, then I think that in the next time, the speed of the growth of the sill leaf will be faster, the holy prison will be upgraded very quickly, and the sill will be parasitic in secret. Ye's people would definitely not want the Holy Prison to miss him! Destiny is something he wants to fight for. Once he fights for it, we will find a little sign!"

"Chu Feng, what should I do if it is confirmed that the leaf is indeed parasitized?" Miao Xian'er said. "What else can I do? Find a way to save her." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Miao Xian'er blanked Chu Feng and said, "I mean how to save her, really...saving her is probably not an easy task. The level of the parasitism of those who shot is higher than the level of the others. Many. The merit orb is the natal weapon of the failed leaf, and it is together with the failed leaf. Even if the failed leaf is resurrected by suicide, it is impossible to get rid of it. When the fragile leaf is resurrected, the merit orb will definitely recover in the same way! If it does, it may not be effective, because it is very likely that the person has parasitized to the depths of the soul of the leaf!"

"There is no good way for the time being, let's talk about it!" Chu Feng frowned slightly, "There are many wonderful things in the universe, and there must be a way to the sky, there must be a way! Xian'er, have you checked the body of Song Ye? Did you find anything unusual?"

Miao Xian'er shook her head: "No, no abnormalities are found! Seventeenth-level Tianyan and seventeenth-level medical institutions have found no abnormalities. It is amazing!"

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Let's talk about the benefits of this upgrade!" Chu Feng said, he was looking forward to it, but his excitement about learning about the Song Ye is now a lot less. .

Miao Xian'er nodded slightly: "The three abilities of the sky eye, the sky hand, the sky guard, and the clinic have been greatly enhanced from the original foundation. The sky eye scanning distance has been expanded, and the sensing distance of the sky eye lock has been greatly expanded, even for high-level saints. Can directly find out if there is a parasite! Heavenly hand can directly capture the upper saint into the holy prison space, to this level, it is very powerful!"

"Tianhu can defend up to the full blow of a seven-level high-ranking saint. The defense can be used on the tower master, and now it can also be used on the non-tower master! The total of eight tower masters can have up to three defenses per day. The rest of the people add up, and there are at most three times a day. This defense was used very little before, but now it is very powerful! The clinic still does not have the ability to resurrect people, but there is good news to tell you that it is not too strong. Strong, if the deep control of the abyss is not deep, the medical clinic can already be restored, but now you know the level of the medical clinic, the cost of recovery is enormous!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and other things were in his expectation. The medical clinic was a little bit beyond his expectation. It could actually restore people who were not too deeply parasitic. This was very good!

"Xian'er, let people recover. On the one hand, it enhances the power of the soul, and on the other hand, it reduces the power to control the devil soul. I don't know what is going on in the medical clinic?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er said with a smile: "It is two simultaneous processes, transforming the power of the demon soul into the power of the soul, which can increase the strength of the parasitized person, and at the same time make the power of the demon soul weaker! The treatment is similar to that, but after all, it is not the original soul's initiative and it is not in a deep sleep, and it cannot be completely swallowed!"

"There will be some power of the demon soul that cannot be absorbed by the soul, and that part of the power can be derived. After refining, such power can be absorbed by other people. However, after absorption, there will be sequelae. It takes a long time to absorb a little bit, not frequently! This is the same for you, the holy prison is at its present level, it may take a long time to upgrade, which means that it takes a long time for your body to be adjusted. ."

Chu Feng was pleasantly surprised: "Xian'er, this is the surprise you mentioned. It can directly transform the power of the demon soul, and it can also allow me and other people to absorb the power of the demon soul. Not bad, I like this surprise! It can also be improved, but the side effects of Thunder Tribulation's power are too great. If it weren't for the upgrade of the Holy Prison before my eyes, I would really not dare!"

"No, this one is not the surprise I said before. You can get benefits, and other people can get benefits too. How can it be your surprise?" Miao Xian'er smiled and said, "In the store, you can now buy top-quality saints. After I’m incarnate, I can have the strength of a ninth-level top saint, Xiao Chuzi, my palace will cover you from now on!"

"Top sacred artifact, not bad!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Xian'er, your strength is now better than mine, but don't be proud. If the holy prison is not upgraded, your strength will increase very slowly. I don’t know when the holy prison leveled up. We may surpass you one by one."

Miao Xian'er said: "Hmph, you can quickly upgrade the Holy Prison when the time comes. If the Holy Prison is upgraded, then I will have immortal strength, and I will still have the strength of ninth level immortal!"

"By the way, Chu Feng, I have to remind you that the top sacred artifacts cannot be purchased with money points. The purchase of top sacred artifacts requires merit points! Different top sacred artifacts require different merit points. It takes hundreds of thousands of combat merit points. If there are more, it will require hundreds of millions of merit points, and this is a change. If you buy more of an item, then not only that item requires more money, but also the required combat merit points. More." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng frowned slightly. Although he now has more than 800 billion battle points, it can't be counted as much. I didn't expect that there is such a requirement to buy top-level sacrificial artifacts!

One hundred thousand merit points are not many, but there are a lot of merit points of hundreds of millions, and Chu Feng estimates that some good things need merit points.

"There was such a request. Fortunately, the previous mission earned a lot of merit points. Otherwise, it is estimated that you will not be able to buy some good things! No wonder some of the masters of the previous holy prison died. The requirement of relying solely on the Holy Prison to fight and fight will not work." Chu Feng said.

For a long time, Chu Feng had some questions, why must there be several tower owners? Why did the former master of the holy prison feel that there are too few combat points? Why do many powerful men have died one after another with treasures like the holy prison? After the holy prison is upgraded to a higher level, many people can be killed by hitting treasures in the holy prison space!

The previous question, why there must be several tower owners and the opposite sex, and the relationship between them, Chu Feng still has not been answered.

The latter two questions are now clear to Chu Feng. Battle points are hard to come by, and there are still a lot of places needed. Now it is necessary to buy top treasures. At that time, it will be necessary to buy immortal treasures. There must be more points. The Lord of the Holy Prison can get a lot of treasures by fighting to raise the war, but if there are many things, you can't buy a lot of good things from the Holy Prison shop!

The two questions have basically been answered, but now a new question has emerged in Chu Feng's mind, the creator of the holy prison, why should such a restriction be imposed.

There are a lot of conditions for the upgrade of the holy prison, which has reached a certain level of tempering effect, why is there such a restriction? This will make battle points very scarce, and it will not help the master of the holy prison to reach a relatively high level. Unless Chu Feng thinks of a possibility, perhaps at this level, there will be some special tasks appearing, and those special tasks are very likely. One by one can make the master of the holy prison earn a lot of merit points!

"The makers of the holy prison do this, on the one hand, it is hardening, and the more important thing is to guide the master of the holy prison to do something. After all, the makers of the holy prison will not be too busy to make things like the holy prison! "Chu Feng said inwardly.

"Chu Feng, what do you think?" Miao Xian'er said. Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "It's nothing, Xian'er, you can go on, Tianwei, cafeteria, sky prison, torture room, exchange table, pawnshop, holy prison heavy artillery, you haven't said yet, and see through the lower bounds. Seeing the past, holy pond, and my surprise!"

Miao Xian'er nodded and said: "There is nothing to say about the sky prison and the torture chamber, but you can now build a seventeen-level sky prison and a torture chamber. The sky prison can hold high-level saints, if it is a soul-like life. If it is, even the strong immortal can be imprisoned. The 17th-level sky prison and torture chamber are expensive to build, but you still have to build a lot. Some strong are imprisoned in the holy prison space and not locked in the sky. Being in prison is not the solution."

"Yeah!" Chu Feng nodded. The sky prison can confine people, and the small spaces in the holy prison space can also confine people, but the small spaces cannot replace the sky prison!

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