Holy Prison

Chapter 1795: Blood Ring Demon Array

The Most Sacred Mountain, Venerable Black Moon, and Venerable Formation have already returned, and some big brothers from the Most Sacred Mountain have gathered again, because of Chu Feng, they have gathered many times!

"Venerable Black Moon, can't this image be clearer?" Long Yang frowned. They looked at the image in the Kunlun Mirror at this time, but the image in the Kunlun Mirror was too blurry to see clearly inside. Who are they?

Venerable Black Moon shook his head slightly: "There is no way, the other side has been strongly interfered, it can only be so clear!" "Hall Master, don't need to be clear, this group of people must be Chu Feng and the others, Feng Clan. More than two hundred people are missing, and here are more than two hundred people! Those from the Feng clan plus some from Shenchucheng, the number is not much different!" A strong man covered in black robes said coldly, "I suggest , Trying to consume more, we also need to locate Chu Feng and the others!"

"Brother Salmon, I am afraid it is not easy to locate Chu Feng now. There are strong people around him, which will definitely affect our positioning!" Long Yang said.

Hongjun said indifferently: "Hall Master, if you don't decide early, then more people will gather around Chu Feng, and it will be even more difficult!"

"Brother Hong is right, the lord, I also feel that we have to do it earlier!" Venerable Ice said lightly. Long Yang frowned and said, "The Most Sacred Mountain is still a little short of completion. Do you really think it's a good time to do it?"

A Saint King-level expert said coldly: "Hall Master, why don't we start the Three Realms War now? Start the war, and we will kill a blood stream!"

"With our current strength, victory is already a certainty. We don't need to be afraid of anything! For those of us in the abyss, fighting is commonplace. How come so many of us are afraid of war? We provoked In the case of war, most of the people in the entire Holy Realm can use it. This way, it will be much easier to catch Chu Feng and the others. Although we can use a lot of people now, there are always some sneaky and not so efficient. !"

"Hall Lord, it’s wrong to start a war now! Brother Donghuang, we know that you have a good relationship with Yin Xiao. Now Yin Xiao has fallen into the hands of Chu Feng. You are upset, but starting a war now is not conducive to our overall situation! Although we are not afraid War, but if there is less damage, then it is better to have less damage!" Another Saint King-level powerhouse retorted, "There are still Saint-level powerhouses in this universe that are not under our control! "

Eastern Emperor Taiyi said coldly: "Even if they wake up, wouldn't we be able to kill them?" "Brother Donghuang, the powerhouse of the holy king, is it so easy to locate? If you don't catch it, then At that time, they secretly hid for assassination. May I ask Donghuang brother, do you think you can block the assassination of the powerful masters? In this universe, Ksitigarbha and Prosius have not been parasitized by our people, their The strength is extremely strong!"

"Tongtian, even though I can't beat the powerhouse at the holy sovereign level, it is not so easy for the powerful person at the holy sovereign level to assassinate me!" Donghuang Taiyi said solemnly.

Tongtian said indifferently: "Yin Xiao was full of confidence before, but as a result, he was actually planted in the hands of some people such as Chu Feng. The possibility of you being planted in the hands of the nobles is not small!"

"Okay, don't fight!" Longzhen said in a deep voice, "The Angel Project and the Steel Project have just begun, and it is indeed not the time to start an all-out war! If an all-out war begins now, then the world and the gods The world is not under our control, which is not conducive to our unifying the three realms!"

Dong Huangtai together: "Hall Lord, I think, as long as we can win the war in the Holy Realm, then the Mortal Realm and the God Realm are easy to talk about!" "Fuzzy, if we can't catch Chu Feng, then it is very difficult to win the War of the Three Realms. Difficult!" Long Ying said, "Don’t forget that Chu Feng separated the Three Realms. He could take some people back to the God Realm. After returning to the God Realm, we have nothing to do with them. Those who follow him to the lower realm The saints are not limited by a hundred years but we are limited by a hundred years!"

"If the war of the Three Realms starts at the same time, the Angel Project and the Steel Project are activated at the same time, then we will have a powerful force in the God Realm and the Mortal Realm! By then, they will have nowhere to escape in the Three Realms! If Chu Feng If they hide in the holy realm, we will arrest all his relatives and friends in the mortal realm of the gods!" Long Yang said.

"Now, we can try to locate and catch Chu Feng. It will be good if we catch it. As long as we catch it, then some people want to lower the bounds, but it's not that easy!"

"Then we will try it!" Venerable Ice said quietly.

"I agree." Hongjun said lightly.

Pangu's voice sounded in Hongjun's mind: "Brother Hong, do you agree to positioning. We will do it later when positioning?" "No, if you don't do it, positioning will definitely fail. I made a statement, just want to ease No more doubts. After expressing their position this time, Long Yang and the others will certainly not doubt that anymore." Hongjun said.

"Uh, what if the positioning is successful?" Pan Gu said. Hongjun said with a smile: "Even if the positioning is successful, what? Chu Feng and the others won't move? As long as they move, they have to reposition it! If the positioning is successful and they have a critical situation, we will not be too late. I must have left the Most Holy Mountain by then!"

"Well, it's true, we have a lower chance of leaving in the Most Sacred Mountain, and a higher chance of leaving the Most Sacred Mountain!" Pan Gu said.

Hongjun said: "If the positioning is successful, then we will leave the clear and help Chu Feng and the others at that time. If the positioning is not successful, we will still hide temporarily. There are strong people around Chu Feng now. We stay here. In the hall, perhaps it can play a big role!" "Listen to you, listen to you, your brain is better than me!" Pan Gu said.

There was no compass on the top of the Most Sacred Mountain, but now there is a very huge compass on the top of the Most Sacred Mountain. Long Jiyang and the others left the main hall and quickly reached the top of the Most Sacred Mountain!

There were round stone platforms around the compass, and the dragon anode flew up and down onto the stone platforms. "You guys, positioning is estimated to be very laborious. Everyone has to do everything, understand?" Long Yang said in a deep voice, "If someone deliberately fails to contribute or engages in ghosts, then I have reason to believe that that person is no longer our own!"

"Brother Pan, there is something wrong with this compass." Hongjun's voice resounded in Pangu's mind. "Brother Hong, what's the matter?" Pangu asked quickly.

"Behind the compass is passive, now this compass seems to have another function." Hongjun said.

"What function?"

"It won't be seen for a while, the function is hidden, but there are other functions for sure!" Hongjun said. "Brother Hong, are we still doing our best? If we locate Chu Feng and the others so that Chu Feng and the others can't escape, then this is not good!" Pangu said.

"Do we have a choice? If we don't try our best, you and I will be thrown into the prison of the sacred mountain immediately!" Hongjun said in a voice transmission, "Let's see it again, if the situation is critical, borrow it and store it in Tiandi The forces in the reincarnation must also protect Chu Feng and the others. Chu Feng has an important influence on the structure of the Three Realms War!"

For ten seconds or so, Long Yang gave an order. Suddenly, several of their god-level powerhouses, as well as twenty or so saint king-level powerhouses, and two hundred five- or six-level immortal-level powerhouses at the same time. Shot!

The stone platform where the strong men were sitting quickly lit up, and after the stone platform lit up, the huge compass also gradually lit up!

One minute, two minutes, more than two hundred indestructible powers are continuously injected into the compass. In the past half an hour, the compass has already emitted a strong light, and the sacred mountain and the long distance around it are filled with one. Strong coercion!

The power of the immortal level is very powerful, but as the compass continues to absorb their power and disperse between the heavens and the earth, those five-level immortal powerhouses can't bear it at first, and then, the sixth-level immortal Level-one powerhouses are also a little unbearable. At this time, the big pointer on the compass will move!

"Everyone worked harder and caught Chu Feng. Basically, we were half of the victory!" Long Yang said in a deep voice. As he said, everyone's strength increased a lot. As everyone's strength increased, the compass The pointer above turned golden in a short period of time! "Very well, everyone, hold on for a little longer!" When Longyang's eyes lit up, he pinched the magic tricks. At the speed of the dragon's anode, he played countless tricks in a very short time!

A phantom on the compass rose slowly with the Dragon Anode's technique. It was a big blood-colored circle. From the blood-colored circle, Hongjun and the others could feel terrifying power.

"Blood ring devil formation, go!"

With a sound of the dragon's anode, the blood-colored ring took the initiative to absorb the power of Hongjun and the others, and then disappeared in front of Hongjun and the others.

Some of them have reached their limit. When sucked by the circle, many powerful people on the stone platform spouted a mouthful of blood. Even the powerful people of the Saint King level like Tongtian are pale, Hong Jun The situation where they waited for a few masters of the holy class was much better.

"Everyone, immediately organize manpower. Let's go and see our Chu Feng children, hahaha!" Long Yang said with a big smile, "Blood Ring Heavenly Demon Array will break through the air and land directly near Chu Feng where they are. This In a moment, I think our Chu Feng child has been trapped by the Blood Ring Heavenly Demon Formation."

"Appearing on Chu Feng's side in a very short time will consume most of the energy of the blood ring demon formation, but even if only a small part is left, it should be able to trap our Chu Feng children for a long time! If the formation is not broken, he should have left the Holy Realm. We will be able to catch him soon.” Long Yang said and glanced at Hongjun and the others. This blood ring Heavenly Demon Formation was added by him. , No one else knows!

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