Holy Prison

Chapter 1803: Harvest time power (1)

"Doppelganger!" Chu Feng tried to use the doppelganger technique, but it was a pity that you couldn't use the doppelganger technique at all! "I can't use a robot if I don't know it?" Chu Feng muttered that a half-human robot appeared next to him. There was no problem with the robot coming out of the treasure space.

"Di di di di"

As soon as it came out, that robot suddenly uttered a fragile cry. This was an abnormal sound, indicating that it could not work in this space!

Chu Feng said that he took the robot and quickly changed some other things. As a result, Chu Feng found that in this space, the machinery was actually unusable.

"Chu Feng, don't try, this space should be forbidden to use any machinery." Miao Xianer's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "Such space has its own rules, and it is estimated that the use of machinery is prohibited. One of the rules! Some strong people don't like machines. It is normal to open up a space to prohibit the use of any machine!"

"Xian'er, is there a problem with people coming out of the sacred prison space?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Do you want people in the sacred prison space to appear outside? The probability of death is 60%. If you exchange for some followers with higher evil values, you can let them appear outside!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng said, "I don't want to... just ask. Although some members of the Baihu clan make me unhappy, but since I have agreed that Huhaihong's ten people are here, it can only be ten people! Xian'er, can you feel it? Bing Ning their position?"

"It is estimated that the distance is quite far apart, no! Don't worry too much, each of them is not low in cultivation, and they all have a lot of disposable treasures!" Miao Xianer said.

"Then start searching. If the Sky Eye scans the power of time, then tell me as soon as possible!" Chu Feng said, and he flew quickly down the mountain as he said.

The mountain is tens of thousands of meters high. When Chu Feng reached the foot of the mountain, Miao Xian'er's voice suddenly rang in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, it seems luck is pretty good. You fly seven kilometers to the left, and there should be There is a ray of time!"

"This has appeared" Chu Feng's eyes lit up and he flew over to that side. Before he arrived, a person suddenly appeared not far from him.

"Great Elder!"

That one was the great elder of the White Tiger clan, and the two were separated by two to three hundred meters. Naturally, each other had seen each other. "Chu Feng, although you have helped the White Tiger clan a little bit, but the millennium time is up, I hope you leave this cave of heaven and blessing immediately, otherwise don't blame the old man for being polite!" Hu Yun said coldly.

Chu Feng's face became cold, and the words of Tiger Luck in front of Hu Haihong were a little better. Now that Hu Haihong is not here, his words are even worse!

"The great elder can rest assured that when the time is up for a thousand years, I will definitely not stay here for even a second." Chu Feng said blankly. He was very unhappy with this tiger luck. This time he moved to the white tiger clan. He's not too busy, I didn't expect him to have such an attitude! "That's good!" Tiger Luck said lightly.

"By the way, City Lord Chu, those of my White Tiger clan who have not been parasitized, basically all get here. City Lord Chu, you can find the power of time to speed up a little bit. Don't leave the power of time when you leave. ."

A jade bottle appeared in Chu Feng's hand. After walking some distance, he bent down to introduce the orange force of time hidden in the cracks of the stone into the jade bottle.

"Elder, I don't need your heart for this, I seem to have gained a ray of time!" Chu Feng raised the jade bottle to Tiger Yun with a smile.

Hu Yun snorted coldly. He didn't expect that Chu Feng had such good luck. He just came in and got a ray of time power without much time, although this ray of time power was only orange.

The seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple have the highest level. The orange power of time. Although it is not the worst level, it is also second to last!

"A wisp of orange power of time, what's the point? I hope you can get more than ten wis of time by then!" Tiger Yun said quickly flying towards the distance and disappeared in just a few seconds. Chu Feng was in sight. "This old guy is really annoying!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng said quietly, "Forget Xian'er, we don't care about him. If you say ten people for a thousand years is ten people for a thousand years, my heavenly eyes can scan, and Bing Ning itself understands the law of time, even if the white tigers let hundreds of people enter. With this, we should also be able to gain a lot of time power for a thousand years!"

"Chu Feng, if all the hundreds of people have entered here, then Hu Haihong will be a little bit conniving! Generally speaking, ten people in a thousand years will not get too much, and if many people are allowed to enter it. , Then you will get less power of time!" Miao Xianer said.

"The Baihu clan did not promise these people not to let other people enter it. Even if those people enter, we can't say anything." Chu Feng said in his mind, "Xian'er, the green in the holy prison space Has the power of time moved to the side of the holy prison heavy artillery? What was the result?"

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "I thought you didn't ask about this. The power of time moved to that side. The power of time can only cover a bottle of holy prison heavy artillery. Now a bottle of holy prison heavy artillery with fast charging speed. Under the shroud of that ray of time, at a speed of more than 3,000 times, that bottle of Holy Prison cannon can be charged for 100,000 years!"

"Only one bottle!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly. The fast charging speed of the holy prison heavy artillery can take 10 million years to recharge. In this case, it takes a hundred strands of green time to charge a holy prison heavy artillery. If it is blue For the power of time, then a ray of the power of time is enough!

As for the power of purple time, a single strand can make ten holy prison heavy cannons full!

"Chu Feng, it's not bad. If you know those sacred prison heavy artillery, if the charge is full, even a general immortal level powerhouse can be killed with one shot, and it can be killed at a long distance, which can kill people. I don't know where the attack came from. It is so difficult for a person to cultivate to the immortal level!" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Holy Prison's heavy artillery is so time-consuming, so I can see that for a thousand years, I will have to spend more time to do it, otherwise the holy prison's heavy artillery will not be able to be used at all! Xian'er , The orange power of time that I just got, let Feiying use it! Although her energy is lower, she has a hundred times of time acceleration, which is not bad! Her cultivation base is improved quickly, and she is a hundred times faster. Reaching the upper saint is just around the corner!"

Miao Xian'er quickly appeared in front of Miao Feiying in response to the jade bottle containing the orange power of time in the sacred prison space. Knowing the magical effect of the power of time, Miao Feiying was a surprise!

"Power of Time, Uncle Chu is here, wait for Uncle Chu to collect it, hahaha!" Chu Feng laughed in his heart and moved forward quickly.

The first ray of time was discovered by the eyes of heaven, and it didn’t take long after entering the cave heaven. The second ray of time was discovered after an hour, and the second ray of time was not discovered by the eyes of the sky but by Chu Feng I found it!

The second ray of time is the power of green time. It is like a small insect covering a green leaf. At a distance of more than 10,000 meters, Chu Feng's eyes faintly saw what seemed to be a ray of time. Looking closer, it turned out to be a ray of time power, the green power of time, that is much better than the orange power of time discovered by the eyes of the sky before!

The power of orange time contains one thousand years of time (note: it means that one thousand years can pass under acceleration, not one thousand years of normal time!), while the power of green time contains one hundred thousand years of time. A hundred times apart!

"Xian'er, it seems that the efficiency of the sky eye is not high!" Chu Feng said in his mind, "I have traveled a lot in one hour, and the sky eye is only a ray of time, not as good as what my eyes have found. , This is not okay! If this is the case, then it will be a thousand years, I am afraid that it will not have much time!"

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, it is estimated that the place is not good. I have already met a lot of people from the white tiger clan at this hour and hour. I am afraid that I can get here, mainly in the area where you are! If the white tiger clan People who enter it mainly appear in this area. If you want to have a good income in this area, it’s not enough. I suggest you look for a direction and look straight down. You can always find the power of time. In many areas, in such an area, the advantage of the Sky Eye can be revealed!"

"Well, it can only be this way, don't get as much time power as Bing Ning and the others get, then some faces will be dull." Chu Feng said in his mind.

At the same time, at a place relatively far away from the location of Chu Feng, Feng Bingning filled the jade bottle with a smile on her face.

"It's the seventh thread. I don't know how much the peak has already got. With the sky-eye scan, it should be more than what I got." Feng Bingning secretly said in her heart. She who understands the law of time has a great advantage in this respect. ! Others need to look slowly with their eyes. Feng Bingning can sense it several kilometers away. Moreover, she can sense the power of time at a depth of a hundred meters underground. In this regard, Feng Bingning’s sense of Skyeye scan is easy to use!

Seven strands of the power of time, four of which are obtained above the ground, and three of them are obtained from the ground. Among the seven strands, the worst is a red ray of time. The best is Feng Bingning. It's got a ray of time power!

If Hu Haihong and the others knew that Feng Bing could afford the power of time to be so cruel, then they would definitely be willing to directly give them the power of ten thousand wisps of time!

One hour, just one hour, Feng Bingning has actually gained seven wisps of time power. If at this rate, she can get a hundred wisps of time power in one day, and three hundred days a year. More than ten thousand strands of time, one thousand years, that is 30 million strands of time!

If there has been such a speed, if Feng Bingning tells Hu Haihong how much time she has gained, Hu Haihong and the others are afraid they will vomit blood in depression!

Let's turn the camera to Tang Ming and the others, Tang Mingling, Zhou Wenling, Monkey King, Lan Wenling, Yilian zero, Song Ye zero, Miao Xianer zero, Qin Ying zero, one hour's time, except for Chu Except for Feng and Feng Bingning, the others didn't gain anything. Don't look at Feng Bingning's gains, this time power is not so easy to get!

Earlier, Hu Haihong said that the ten of Chu Feng and the others could only get a few hundred Dao, a few thousand Dao, tens of thousands Dao, and tens of thousands of Dao with a thousand years of luck. It is estimated that Hu Haihong comforted them. Qiandao must be lucky. In other words, even if Feng Bingning didn't get one, even if we didn't add the one that Chu Feng got through the eyes of the sky, in one hour, the ten of Chu Feng and the others got the power of time. That was pretty good!

Choosing a direction, Chu Feng moved forward at a speed of two kilometers per second. In this space, flying at a speed of more than one kilometer can feel the pressure, and flying at a speed of two kilometers per second. It's not small anymore, ordinary people can't hold on for too long, but Chu Feng has three sages, for him, flying at this speed is completely no problem!

Even if the speed is faster, Chu Feng can persist for a long time, but Chu Feng and Miao Xian'er have discovered a problem. If the speed exceeds two kilometers, the scanning will be affected, even if the force of time appears within the scanning range. It may not be able to be scanned, this was discovered by Chu Feng when a strong person of the White Tiger clan discovered a ray of time.

The Sky Eye scanned the white tiger clan and took out the jade bottle, but it didn't scan the power of time at first, and it took a while before the power of time was scanned!

"Flying at such a fast speed, the power of time can't be seen clearly. It's strange how much time power can be obtained."

Chu Feng met a lot of powerful white tiger tribes. Those powerful white tiger tribes found that Chu Feng was flying so fast and shook their heads secretly. Before they entered, Tiger Fortune told them. Here, the speed is certain. To slow down, it is not fast to get more time!

If the eyesight is not affected, then flying at a high speed can indeed find more power of time, but the eyesight is greatly affected here!

What those people don't know is that Chu Feng has the sky-eye scanning, even if he is flying at a speed of two kilometers per second, he can find the power of time appearing in the scanning range!

One day, two days, three days, and one month passed in the blink of an eye. In the first twenty days of this month, Chu Feng didn’t get much time. On average, four or five wisps of time per day. With the power of a hundred wisps of time, with the scanning of the eyes of the sky, this record can be said to be very poor.

In the next ten days, the power of time that Chu Feng has gained will increase. When it is small, he can get dozens of wisps a day, and when it is large, he can get more than a hundred wisps!

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