Holy Prison

Chapter 1829: Chaos Wasteland

"Master, Catherine didn't have a treasure before, it seems she has a treasure now!" Sun Wukong said. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, she does have a treasure now! I don't know whether the innate treasure or the ultimate treasure in the last days!"

Catherine and Han Xiang talked for a long time. Chu Feng and the others also chatted easily for a while. During their chat, Tang Ming and Monkey King and the power of time they used were moved to the side of the holy prison heavy artillery, but they would not let those A waste of time!

"Chu Feng, thank you!"

Catherine thanked Chu Feng again when she saw Chu Feng again. "Senior, what kind of thanks do you have?" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Catherine chuckled and said: "Didn't you call me by my name before? Why did you call me senior? If you call me senior, I am afraid that Sun Dasheng will give me the golden hoop when the time comes. You should just call the name directly, or Just like Bai Wanli and the others, the eldest sister shouted. Thank you, that's because you brought Han Xiang back to life!"

"Don't thank you, Han Xiang and I are friends." Chu Feng smiled. "It's not good to call my name directly. Then I will be the same big sister as Bai Wanli and the others. It sounds a bit like a bullshit, haha! "

"Big sister, do you mind telling us why you are in the underworld?" Chu Feng asked. Catherine thought that a white jade scepter appeared in her hand, and a deep chill came out from the scepter: "Because of this treasure! Back then, I entered the Chaos Wasteland and obtained this innate treasure! I am! At that time, I didn’t know that this innate treasure was a treasure that the strong in the Yin world could possess. I got it and my strength increased a lot, but I did not return to the Yang world when I left the chaotic wasteland but I got to the Yin world!"

"When I arrived in the Yin Realm, my strength was suppressed and I encountered a lot of trouble. Fortunately, I was saved by the previous generation of City Lord of Life and Death City. The Yang Qi in my body gradually increased. I was interested in duels. I played a few times just as a woman dressed as a man, but I didn't expect to have some reputation." Catherine said.

"The previous generation of the city of life and death died, and the city of life and death was passed on to his daughter, which is Hua Ling. You should know Chu Feng."

A look of shock appeared in Chu Feng's eyes, Hua Ling, he certainly knew that she was also one of the top figures on the list of Kings of Life and Death. "The eldest sister is big, you must have taught Hua Ling's combat power so strong." Chu Feng said.

Catherine nodded slightly: "Well, she was basically taught by me, but to achieve this level, it is inseparable from her talent in this area. Han Xiang, speaking of Hualing, that is your senior sister. You can see you then!"

Chu Feng said, "Big sister, you haven't been back to the Yang Realm in these years?" "I have been back...but at that time, the fit with the Nether Rod was not high. It was very painful to go to the Yang Realm. Every time I just arrived there. Just return, and now the degree of fit with the Nether Rod has improved a lot. It shouldn't be a big problem on the side of the Yang Realm, but it will definitely be suppressed on the other side." Catherine said.

"Eldest sister...Do you want to stay in the Yin Realm in the future, or go to the Yang Realm with us?" Chu Feng said. Catherine frowned slightly and said: "I need me on this side of the City of Life and Death, and the situation on the side of the Yang Realm is also very critical. It really makes me a little embarrassed. After the Ghost City, let's make a decision after the Ghost City!"

"Okay!" Chu Feng nodded slightly. It would be great if Catherine could follow to the side of the Yang Realm. In the sacred prison space, Catherine was able to fully exert her strength. In the prison space, that is a lot of strength enhancement! "Big sister, just now you talked about the Chaos Wasteland, where is that?"

Catherine chuckled and said: "The Chaos Wasteland, that is a magical place. You know Hongjun and the others, haven't they told you about the Chaos Wasteland?"

"No." Chu Feng shook his head.

"It's also normal... The Chaos Wasteland, that place is too dangerous for your cultivation base, I can tell you, but you must not venture into the Chaos Wasteland. That place is full of magic, and I am even there. One side saw the Temple of Resurrection, but the other side was too dangerous!" Catherine said.

Chu Feng nodded and said, "Don't worry, we won't make fun of our own life." "Every universe will have a center. The center of our universe was Origin Star, and Origin Star was born in the chaotic wasteland. With the birth of Origin Star, the Chaos Wasteland has returned to the Chaos!" Catherine said.

Chu Feng and Tang Ming looked at each other. Origin star, isn't that the earth? "The Chaos Wasteland is returned to the chaos, and you can get to the Chaos Wasteland by breaking through the vast chaotic energy. In addition, I heard that you can also get to the Chaos Wasteland from the center of the source star. Above, but not many people have been there. I used to go to Genesis without success."

"The Chaos Wasteland, there are many rare treasures there, but that place is also very dangerous, especially for people below the Holy King!"

"There are quite a few saint-level powerhouses missing in the holy realm. You should be aware of this one. Of those people, most of them have entered the Chaos Wasteland."

Chu Feng's face changed slightly: "They died in the Chaos Wasteland?" "No, not necessarily dead, it is possible that they have passed through the Chaos Wasteland to another world! People who have cultivated to a certain level will seek breakthroughs, many Sovereign-level powerhouses will reach the Chaos Wasteland after they have not made any progress, and there can be said to be the home of many Sovereign-level powerhouses!" Catherine said.

Tang Ming chuckled and said, "Many of the Saint-class powerhouses have gone to the other side, and there must be a lot of treasures left from that place." "There are indeed some treasures. My ghost rod used to belong to a sage. Senior powerhouse, that one Saint powerhouse is very long from our time, it seems... he lives longer than this universe." Catherine said.

Chu Feng's heart moved, if he really lived longer than this universe, then there is only one possibility, the chaotic wasteland does not reincarnate with the world!

Or, certain places in the Chaos Wasteland do not reincarnate with heaven and earth!

"Sun Dasheng, don't you know this? You still entered the Chaos Wasteland." Catherine chuckled. Sun Wukong said with a smile: "Old Sun, I came back dingy not long after I entered the Chaos Wasteland. I'm ashamed to say that, besides, the masters used to have very low strength, knowing such things is no good."

"Wukong, what kind of strength were you back then? What did you encounter and come back so badly?" Chu Feng said. Monkey King said: "Back then, I was a little bit close to the Saint King level strength. I thought I would break through to the Saint King level strength. I didn't expect to encounter a Saint King level strange snake when I entered there!"

"The snake grows only as a chopstick, but its strength is really terrifying. The old grandson's golden cudgel can't hurt it even if it hits it. Fortunately, grandson I escaped fast, otherwise I would be buried in the chaotic wasteland. "Sun Wukong has some fears, "Master, in that place, it is best not to enter without the strength of the holy class. Even if you have the strength of the holy class, it is best not to enter there if there is no need. I estimate that the holy place is. There are not a few monsters with level strength!"

Chu Feng said in amazement, "I didn't expect that there is such a weird place in this universe. I can't go now. I will be stronger in the future, but I can go and stroll around!"

"Master, why did you go to the Chaos Wasteland? That place is so dangerous." Han Xiang said.

Capelin sighed and said: "Back then, a person who was very important to being a teacher died. The teacher thought of the chaos wasteland to try his luck to see if he could find the Resurrection Temple and enter the Resurrection Temple. As a result, the Resurrection Temple was discovered as a teacher, but We did not find the Resurrection Chapter around the Temple of Resurrection and it was impossible to enter the Temple of Resurrection. However, the luck of the teacher was not bad, but I found the Nether Scepter, an innate treasure. It would be better if it can be used by people in the sun world. Up!"

"Chu Feng, now that I've said it, you just need to understand this chaotic wasteland. Don't venture into it. There is a thing in it that is more terrifying than you think, and some places in it are even immortal. Level-one powerhouses cannot be easily resurrected even if they die. In some places, death is real death!"

Chu Feng and the others nodded. This Chaos Wasteland did arouse some interest in Chu Feng and the others, but they would definitely not go to the Chaos Wasteland to find death without problems!

"Xiao Mingzi, you go to practice first, strength is the most important thing!" Chu Feng said. He said that Sun Wukong, Tang Ming and their husband and wife disappeared.

"Chu Feng, do you own the holy prison?" Tang Ming and the others disappeared. Catherine's words made Chu Feng almost jump up. "It seems that you do have the Holy Prison." Catherine chuckled.

Chu Feng let out a long sigh: "Yes, I own the Holy Prison. Big Sister, did you know there is such a thing as the Holy Prison in the Primal Wasteland?"

Catherine nodded: "There are many strange things in the Chaos Wasteland. I knew that there is a holy prison on a stone wall." "Above the stone wall? Isn't it true that many people know that there is a holy prison? "Chu Feng's expression is gloomy and authentic. If many people know that there is a holy prison, and know that he has a holy prison, then it is not a good thing!

If only a few people knew about the holy prison, in order to get the holy prison, they would be less likely to spread it out, and Chu Feng would have less trouble.

If many powerhouses knew that even if one of them had a big mouth, they had not spread the news that he had the Holy Prison, then it would be a big problem if only a few powerhouses wanted to grab the Holy Prison!

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