Holy Prison

Chapter 1860: Broken cave

"Puff!" "Boom!"

It’s not too far away from the place where many people gathered in the temple. Chu Feng and the others appeared out of thin air. When they appeared, all five of them spewed out of blood. Hongjun and the others all sat down heavily on the ground. !

With so many powerhouses in the temple shaking the space, Chu Feng and the others opened the door of the space and left that was under tremendous pressure! That is, Hongjun and the others are very strong, and Chu Feng is also protected by the one-eyed lion king, otherwise their defense is weaker, it is not as simple as being injured!

"Master Hong, you all enter my treasure space and use the power of time to recover your injuries!" Chu Feng said hurriedly. He said that Hongjun and the others were put into the sacred prison space as soon as his mind moved.

Bringing Hongjun and the others into the holy prison space, Chu Feng let Yin Xiao appear outside, Yin Xiao was not injured, and his space treasure could contain the holy prison, just to take Chu Feng and the others to the side of the most holy mountain!

"Chu Feng, go quickly, this place is too close to the people of the temple, it's not safe." Yin Xiao said quickly when he came out. "Yeah!" Chu Feng nodded, using the space key to open the space door once again. This time Chu Feng and the others also underwent some pressure, but the pressure was far less than before!

Through the gate of space, Chu Feng and the others went directly to the closest spatial point to the sacred mountain, and at the speed of howling, it took up to two hours from this spatial point to the sacred mountain. People, it takes at least six hours to get to the holy mountain from there!

Six hours minus two hours, Chu Feng and the others have four hours to attack the holy mountain, and within eight hours they must retreat regardless of the result!

"My father-in-law, then you will take us to the side of the Most Sacred Mountain." Chu Feng said. Yin Xiao nodded and immediately put Chu Feng into his own treasure space. As for the one-eyed lion king, Chu Feng collected the one-eyed lion king the moment they got to Chu Feng!

"Sacred Mountain, hum!" Yin Xiao coldly hummed and instantly transformed into his own body. His body was the Yanyan Sacred Dragon. When transformed into the body, he could rush to the side of the Most Holy Mountain as fast as possible. , As for attracting attention, you don't need to care about this at this time. The powerhouse of the temple is now either on the most sacred mountain or on the side of the White Tiger clan. People with lower strength are not likely to find the trace of the saint king Yin Xiao.

Yin Xiao hurried over to the Most Sacred Mountain. On the side of the White Tiger clan, the faces of the powerful men in the temple were very gloomy, and the faces of the dragon anode were gloomy as if it were going to rain. There were cold people near the Ice Venerable. The Saint King-level powerhouses around her have quietly retreated a lot!

"I know, I know that Hongjun and Pangu, these two bastards, are not under control!" Long Yang said coldly, and his eyes fell on Hu Haihong, "Patriarch Tiger, you are fine! The way to enter the space inside has been told to Hongjun and the others!"

"Haha, do you have an opinion?" Hu Haihong laughed. Venerable Zhen said: "It turns out that Feng Chu and the others were there too. No wonder we haven't broken the ban for so long! Brother Longyang, we need to contact the Most Holy Mountain and rush to the Most Holy Mountain. I am worried about Hongjun and the others. Will attack the holy mountain!"

Venerable Black Moon said: "Attack the holy mountain, they can't die?"

"Venerable Black Moon, you must know that there are Hongjun and Pangu among them. They participated in the construction of the Most Sacred Mountain. If they didn't do anything, do you believe it? If the Most Sacred Mountain is destroyed, reconstruction will be necessary There are a lot of difficulties! And there are still many people imprisoned in the Most Sacred Mountain, if they rescue those people," the venerable array said in a deep voice.

"Contact the Most Holy Mountain, let all the people of the Most Holy Mountain be vigilant, and let the people in the Most Holy Mountain pay attention to those with their own bodies, and don't be attacked by those with their own bodies! Hongjun and the others are out of control, the Most Holy Not all the immortal immortal people in the mountain are under control!" Long Andian said.

This cost is huge for sending information beyond the distance, but there is no big problem with the large number of strong people gathered on Longyang's side.

In a short period of time, the three Saint-King-level powerhouses who stayed behind on the side of the holy mountain received the news from the dragon anode and their side.

After receiving information from Longyang, the three Saint King-level powerhouses on the most sacred mountain were shocked and then calmed down. Although the strength on the most sacred mountain was many times weaker than before, it was still extremely powerful. , Three Saint King-level powerhouses, 100 General Immortal-level powerhouses, 1,000 Immortal-level powerhouses, this strength is very terrifying, besides, there are countless formations that can be used on the Sacred Mountain. !

"Even if someone comes here, that is, Hongjun and the others, as well as some from the Feng Clan, and some from the Divine Chucheng, it's not a big deal." Three Saint King-level powerhouses gathered together and one of the Saint-King-level powerhouses said.

"Hall Masters are making a fuss. Now in the entire Holy Realm, except for our Most Holy Mountain, which force can find a hundred immortal powerhouses?" Another Holy King laughed, "But we still have to be careful, if If something really happened, then we will be ashamed, and maybe we might be ashamed then!"

"Well, the order goes on, everyone is on guard!"

"Venerable Formation, Venerable Ice, you choose ten saint kings and a thousand immortal-level powerhouses and ten thousand immortal-level powerhouses to stay here. This restriction must be broken to make sure that the Baihu clan is indeed already Leave, don't both of us leave. As a result, they didn't leave in fact and let them play!" Long Yang said in a deep voice.

Venerable Formation and Venerable Ice nodded slightly. In a short period of time, they selected more than 10,000 strong people. After they selected, the rest quickly disappeared and rushed to the side of the Most Holy Mountain. past!

"Everyone listens to the order, continue to break the prohibition, and try their best to break the prohibition!" Venerable Formation said solemnly.

Time slowly passed, and there was no stronger restriction by Master Tianhen, and more than 10,000 of them, Venerable Formation, had already opened the restriction in just over an hour!

"Everyone go in, be careful!" Venerable Formation said, and Venerable Icefall was the first to rush into the blessed world inside before he said anything.

It used to be the cave of heaven and blessing, but the Ice Venerable and they saw a mess when they entered it!

The explosion only appeared in the real Dongtianfudi, but the outside was also affected. Many mountains were cracked, some big trees were broken, all the landscapes were basically destroyed, and the ground was covered with huge strips. Cracks, smoke billowing in the sky. This is because many places are burned!

"How can there be any treasure, there is nothing in this broken place!" A Saint King-level expert said. Before, the sacred consciousness could not be scanned for a long distance, but now their sacred knowledge can cover the whole Under the scanning of the sacred consciousness, it is very clear whether there are treasures in the outer space of.

"The Baihu clan must have withdrawn."

"Not necessarily, maybe they hid in Chu Feng's treasure space, Chu Feng's treasure space is very powerful!"

A lot of people talked about it, and Venerable Zhenzhen looked towards the direction of the pool. "Let's take a look." Venerable Bing said quietly, and she also felt that there was something different from other places.

When he got to the edge of the water pool, Venerable Formation frowned secretly looking at the turbid water. The water in this pool was very pure before, and it was already so dirty now!

"You, jump in and take a look!" Venerable Formation pointed to a strong immortal grade, and the strong immortal grade hesitated for a while and jumped into the pool.

Although the water is turbid, its function is still there. The immortal powerhouse jumped into it and immediately disappeared and was sucked into the real heaven and blessed land.

"Don't have a cave inside!" Venerable Formation's eyes lit up. "It's estimated that they didn't leave. The reason for making the outside like this is to make us give up and leave." An immortal powerhouse said that no one would pay attention to him at all when he said this. If this is the case, this side of the pool will not Up.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

The water splashes aroused, and the Venerable Formation quickly entered the water pool one by one and appeared in the real "dongtian blessed land"!

If it is broken on the outside, it is really good compared to the inside! The outside was not affected by the explosion. Every place inside was strongly affected by the explosion. When Venerable Formation entered it one by one, it fell directly into the thick dust!

"Bah!" Flew into the sky, spitting out some of the dust in his mouth and letting out the sages of the sage.

"The sacred knowledge in this is actually affected so strongly." Venerable Formation frowned. Now the influence is far less powerful than before, but Venerable Formation and their sacred knowledge can also scan a hundred kilometers!

"It's really possible that Chu Feng and the others haven't left!" Venerable Bing said, the person they came in appeared in the same place, and the ability that had appeared in it randomly before has obviously disappeared! "Venerable Formation, people must be guarded outside, and in addition, they must also be checked carefully inside!"

Soon the sages of the array began to scatter and search, the sacred consciousness can scan a hundred kilometers, and the search speed is still very good. "Huh" flew out hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the venerable array eyes lit up, and his sacred consciousness scanned a touch of green for the first time, "This is...the power of time!"

When that touch of green edged the venerable face, there was a shocked expression on his face, the power of time, he hadn't seen this thing, but he had read this information!

"It seems that the power of time can only be contained in a jade bottle. I don't know if that's the case." A jade bottle appeared in the hands of Venerable Formation, and he soon filled the jade bottle with the power of time.

"Sixty times the power of time...There is actually the power of time in it, no wonder Chu Feng and the others have appeared here, no wonder there hasn't been any movement in these years! This ray of time is accelerated sixty times. Maybe there is the power of time with higher acceleration!" Venerable Zhen said in his heart.

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