Holy Prison

Chapter 1871: Darkness swallows

"Come here, very good, Master Chu won't kill you!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart.

Chu Feng and the others fled, the Ice Venerable and the others hurriedly pursued, and soon the Ice Venerable and the others chased them a lot of distance.

"Damn things, they're just afraid that they haven't left at all, but stayed here waiting for the people who attacked us." A Saint King-level expert said angrily.

"It's true that it is safer to use people on this side than to do it to the Most Sacred Mountain, but Chu Feng and the others are so powerful," said another Saint King-level expert.

"In all likelihood, what insidious means was used!"

After chasing it out for a minute, Venerable Zhenzhen's face changed slightly: "No! Venerable Ice, they may deliberately lead us away until the time comes!"

"Why should they be like this? If this is the case, they are not afraid of being sealed in it again? That space is no better than before!" Venerable Ice said.

"The power of time!" Said the venerable array solemnly, "I guess they will return and completely destroy the space with the power of time. Before, we had a lot of people guarding it, and leaving safely is the most important thing. There is no one on that side now, and destroying it has become the most important thing!"

Venerable Ice's face changed slightly: "Go, let's return immediately! Damn, Chu Feng clearly has more powerful means to leave a long distance at once!"

In an instant, the Ice Venerables stopped chasing and rushed to the heaven and blessed land of the White Tiger Clan, but they had already left for more than three minutes!

"Are you awake? It's late!" With a faint smile on Chu Feng's face, Hongjun and the others stopped immediately, the space key broke the space, and Chu Feng and the others appeared directly at the exit.

Venerable Tianhen had placed some restrictions before, but those restrictions would not block Chu Feng and the others. In just a few seconds, Chu Feng and the others had entered that cave world!

"Come out!" Chu Feng said softly. In the blink of an eye, nearly four hundred immortal experts appeared outside in the holy prison space. "Everyone, the target pool is still around, attack with all your strength, and strive to destroy that pool in the shortest time, and let this space shatter!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"I'm good at sabotaging, haha!" A fifth-level immortal strong laughed, and as he said, he immediately slapped the water pool with his palm!

The attacking power of the fifth-level immortal-level powerhouse is great, a huge explosion sounded, and water splashed in the pool. At the same time, a water arrow quickly attacked the fifth-level immortal-level powerhouse. come!

The water arrows are coming fiercely, and the fifth-level immortal level powerhouse may not be able to stop it, but there are many strong people here, Hongjun waved his hand, and a purple light curtain blocked the fifth-level immortality level. In front of the strong. The water arrows hit the light curtain and made the light curtain tremble, but it did not break the light curtain!

"Be careful, this water pool can rebound attacks! But the rebound must have its limits, everyone strengthen the attack!" Hongjun said solemnly.

Before, it was only an Indestructible-level powerhouse who made the shot, and the second time it was shot by ten Indestructible-level powerhouses, the water pool withstood the attack, but some cracks clearly appeared on the edge of the water pool!

More people joined the attack, and the damage to the water pool continued to increase during the terrifying attack, and the space where Chu Feng and the others were trembling violently!

Space fragmentation may be involved in space turbulence, but no one in the room is worried about it. It would be terrible to face the space turbulence alone, but so many strong people face the space turbulence, as long as the space turbulence is not extremely abnormal. It is impossible for anything to go wrong. Many of the strong here have a deep understanding of space!

Shuitan was under the attack and counterattacked Chu Feng and the others, but Chu Feng and the others were strong, and Shuitan's counterattack had no problem for them next.

"Everyone, work harder. Outside, the Ice Venerables will appear on this side in two minutes. It is not suitable for us to face them now. After one minute and forty seconds, regardless of the outcome on this side, if we have to retreat!" Chu Feng Shen said.

"One minute and forty seconds, that's enough!" Pangu said, he said that the Pangu axe in his hand flew high and became very big, and severely chopped down at the pool.

The water pool was violent, and Chu Feng and the others shook violently in this space, "Eat the old grandson!" Monkey King laughed at the pool and drew it down!

The attacks of Hongjun, Ye Qingcheng, Yin Xiao, Feng Yao, Su Han, and Shi Han fell crazily on that pool. The defense of this pool was extremely high, but they were suffering from the madness of Chu Feng. One minute after his attack, a series of huge cracks appeared in the surrounding pool. The water quickly passed by!

"Boom!" "Crack!"

Amid the explosion, the sound of space shattering appeared, and huge space cracks appeared in the space where Chu Feng and the others were located. When those space cracks appeared, Chu Feng and the others felt a dangerous aura.

"No, let's go quickly, this space is shattered, I'm afraid the power of space swallowing is huge!" Chu Feng said loudly, his voice fell to four hundred immortal level powerhouses suddenly moved.

In a very short time, Chu Feng and the others reached the exit and left this space quickly, "Don't resist the suction." Chu Feng said that the suction of the holy prison space appeared in the blink of an eye, and most of the people were accepted into the holy. Only Hongjun Pangu and Monkey King remained outside in the prison space.

Hongjun and the others took Chu Feng forward, and Chu Feng left a long distance in a very short time. Venerable Ice and Venerable Formation reached this side in less than fifty seconds after Chu Feng left them.

"Can't enter!" Venerable Bing said with an ugly expression. Master Skymark had already moved his hands and feet. They hadn't had any problems when they came out before, but there was a problem when they went in now!

"Chu Feng and the others must have been here, maybe they are still inside right now!" Venerable Formation said in a deep voice, as he said that a large number of powerful people in the temple appeared outside the space items.

When Venerable Ice saw that Venerable Formation did so, he also released many powerful men among his own space treasures. "Everyone listens to the order, and immediately breaks through the prohibition here!" Venerable Ice said coldly, gaining some power of time, her previous anger was much smaller, and now her anger has appeared again. Come!

When the Ice Venerable and the others broke the restriction there, the sound inside that space was almost completely broken by the side of the pool.

It was the bomb that rang out that hurried sound. Before the departure of Student Chu Feng, there were thousands of bombs left behind! If after they leave, the water pool is not completely destroyed and the space is not completely destroyed, then the timed thousands of bombs will explode after one minute and twenty seconds, and one minute and twenty seconds will be enough for the Ice Master to arrive. This side!

"Not good, everyone retreat!" The venerable array shouted, danger, he felt the danger, the danger should come from the space they want to enter!

Venerable Formation sensed danger in advance, but the time for sensing in advance was too short. When he shouted, the bombs left by Chu Feng in the space they wanted to enter had already exploded!

The bomb exploded, and the water pool that had almost completely collapsed suddenly completely collapsed, the water pool completely collapsed, and the cave heaven and blessed land also completely collapsed!

As soon as Venerable Formation's voice fell, a small black spot appeared in front of them, and that small black spot quickly swallowed away toward the surroundings!

There is a reminder from the venerable that many people retreat a lot in the first time, but there are also many people who did not retreat in the first time. Small black spots appeared, and it expanded in a very short and short time. At a diameter of one hundred meters, there are hundreds of immortal-level powerhouses and several immortal-level powerhouses within a hundred meters of being swallowed by darkness!

Retire! Retire! Retire!

Venerable Formation and the others tried their best to retreat, and as they retreated, the darkness that appeared quickly spread to the surroundings, "Ah!"


The screams continued to sound, and the darkness expanded extremely fast. Many immortal powers could not keep up and were immediately swallowed by the darkness. The screams could be heard in the first one or two seconds. After two seconds, no one who entered the darkness made any more sounds!



Some immortal-level powerhouses screamed in horror, and the speed of an immortal-level powerhouse who helped them can be compared to the speed of the dark expansion. No, the speed is rarely faster than that of the dark expansion!

If the speed is slow, it will be swallowed. Once swallowed, the consequences will... just look at the sky! The sky was still cloudless just now. In this short period of time, the sky was already covered with blood clouds, and those blood clouds were red and black. In the terrifying blood clouds, the lightning rushed across and proclaimed Many strong men have fallen on this side!

"All the immortal-level powerhouses follow the orders and give their full help, otherwise they will be severely punished!" The enraged voice of the venerable array rang out. He said that he was flying with more immortal-level powerhouses, so the speed would be greatly affected. , But his speed can still be faster than the speed of the dark expansion!

Some sages released such words. At this time, some immortal-level powerhouses are doing their best to help those immortal-level powerhouses. Many immortal-level powerhouses who are about to be swallowed immediately increase their speed a lot. Swallowed fate!

Everything happened in a short period of time, only five seconds passed, the darkness stopped expanding, and the black area shrank rapidly under the gaze of many of the venerable arrays!

Darkness shrinks faster, and it takes five seconds to diffuse. It only takes two seconds to shrink and disappear completely. At the same time as the darkness disappears, the strong people who have been swallowed by the darkness also disappear one by one. , No one survived after being swallowed by the darkness!

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