Holy Prison

Chapter 1916: Divine War (3)

"The sound of this music has the effect of waking up those angels! How could God Chucheng find such a way to come" Venerable Black Moon said incredibly.

It might not be too difficult to wake up an angel. If Chu Feng and the others did it, Venerable Black Moon would not be surprised, but now this is not one!

With millions of deaths, Black Moon Venerables know that they must have lost a lot of troops because of this music! "Qianmu, how many angels rebel on our side?" Venerable Black Moon asked.

"Elder Black Moon, more than two million, seems to be all the previous angels, and the angels formed by the angel plan did not appear in that situation!" Qianmu said.

"Two million!"

Long anode and many other powerful men all looked down on their faces. With so many angels betraying them, it is not unbelievable that six million deaths occurred on their side!

"Qianmu, what do you mean, our side has lost 6 million troops, not including the rebellious 2 million" Long Yang said in a deep voice.

Qianmu nodded slightly: "Yes, the lord, but there are no more than two million. Of the two million who rebelled, about half a million died!"

"Asshole!" Long Yang yelled out without any image. After he yelled out, many people in the hall exploded with foul language. All acquaintances present were acquaintances. There was no need to pay too much attention to the image to reflect the presence Everyone knows what they are capable of.

Venerable Formation frowned and said: "Hall Lord, we seem to be unable to win this battle! Although we have killed two million billion people in the God Realm, the number of people in the God Realm is in the billions, two hundred Although trillions are a lot, they are not much compared to the total number of people in the gods, not even one percent!"

"There are only so many kills. Our people are actually cut by half! Twelve million, six million of the dead and two million betrayed, only four million, two-thirds. Loss rate! The lord, I suggest to withdraw the four million troops from the God Realm, or let them hide in the God Realm for assassination or guerrilla warfare. After attacking a place, immediately escape and never stay in one place for more than one. Hours!"

A middle-aged man with a faint thunder light on his body said in a deep voice: "Retreat, they can hardly gain much! Many people in the gods were unwilling to leave their homes before, but now the killings have occurred, where are they? Would you still not want to leave? At this moment, many people must have gathered in big cities, and many people have gone to the lower realm. Those of us, it is impossible for them to chase to the mortal realm. That is a huge waste! "

"Assassination or something is not so easy to handle. The God Realm can be said to be Chu Feng's territory. He must have many ways to lock some of our people! You can't kill a lot of people. Killing such a small amount of people will be killed by the God Realm. People find out and kill them. It's too much to pay. We need stronger troops!"

Venerable Ice frowned slightly and said: "Among the holy realms, we still have many people who can go to the lower realms, but we are relatively short of void stones now, and temporarily cannot support too many people to enter the gods."

"My opinion, withdraw it! This time with so many people in the lower realm, the passage in the lower realm will become easier to open in a few years, and the same void stone can make more people in the lower realm! If we can get more than six For Tianxinzi, that would be even better! The problem of angels needs to be solved. In addition, it is not only the problem of angels, but maybe other types also have problems!"

Long Yang took a deep breath: "Everyone, elders, please vote, whether to withdraw or let them continue to kill in the gods."

"If you agree to withdraw, just raise your hand. If you don't agree, don't use it."

"Hall Master!" a Saint King-level expert said. Long Yang looked at the Saint-King-level powerhouse, and the Saint-king-level powerhouse said: "Hall Master, everyone, I think it is necessary for us to withdraw part of it, but there is no need to withdraw it completely. I suggest Just withdraw nine tenths and leave one tenth to assassinate in the gods!"

"Let's withdraw them all, Chu Feng and the others are relieved. We might as well find something to do for them! It's just that hundreds of thousands of deaths are not a big deal!"

Many people in the hall nodded, and Long Yang gave a little thought and nodded: "What the original said is reasonable, and it seems that you agree with the majority. Then just do it, and withdraw ten of them. Ninth, leaving one-tenth in the God Realm, we now discuss who to withdraw!"

"Boss, the latest news!" Wei Shi hurriedly entered the Chu Mansion where Chu Feng was located, "said." Chu Feng drank the tea and looked very calm and authentic, but this was just the calm on the surface, and the Chu in his heart. The peak can't be calm.

In the God Realm, more than two trillion people died in one day, so it's no wonder that he can be calm! Although he didn't know most of the people who died, the number of people who died was too much, and he couldn't be without feeling. If so many people died without feeling at all, then he would be too ruthless!

"Boss, many people in the temple have retreated and returned to the holy world." Wei Shidao, the entire **** world, many people on their side found the people in the temple withdrew to the holy world!

Chu Feng's eyes lit up: "It's all withdrawn." "This, so far, there has not been a complete withdrawal, but most of them should have been withdrawn into the Holy Realm!" Wei Shidao.

"Continue to pay attention!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

After Wei Shi left, Chu Feng showed a rare smile on his face this day. Although their loss was great, the loss in the Holy Realm was not small.

In terms of numbers, the deaths on their side exceed two trillion and far exceed the millions in the temple. However, for the millions in the temple, the lowest strength is four-winged angels and two-winged angels, in the holy world There are many, but the two-winged angels will also have the strength of the gods when they reach the realm of the gods, and consume Void Stones but not much, waste Void Stones!

Most of the two trillion who died in the God Realm are the strength of the God-level King and God-level. Although they are gods, they are the bottom in the God Realm. One hundred million people like that and a lower saint, from In terms of life, it is difficult to compare which life is more precious, but in terms of strength, a person like that of 100 million is absolutely incomparable to a lower saint!

"Chu Feng, it is unlikely that all will be withdrawn." Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "The battle situation is unfavorable. I think they will withdraw most of their troops, but they will leave a little bit for you. Do something to make you sick!"

"Well, this possibility is really not small!" Chu Feng said.

In a blink of an eye, another hour passed, and Chu Feng received the information reported by Wei Shi, "About four to five million?" Chu Feng muttered in his mouth as the cold light flickered in his eyes. The remaining four to five million people were definitely This will cause great damage to the people in the God Realm, "Wei Shi, pass the order, use all means to dig out the remaining mice for me!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Yes, boss, boss, can you still order?" Wei Shidao.

Chu Feng said: "In addition, let this news go out, so that people in the God Realm who have not gathered in the big city can gather in the big city, or enter the mortal realm!"

Wei Ya nodded and instantly disappeared in front of Chu Feng. "Chu Feng, hundreds of thousands of people, it is not easy to dig them all out." Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

"It's not easy, but they want to cause too much killing, and it's not that easy. Now in the entire God Realm and small and medium-sized cities in Bijian, no one gathers foolishly in the city waiting to be killed! Now those guys only Can kill some people in the wilderness, but the entire God Realm, the wilderness is so vast, hundreds of thousands of people, how many people can kill. Moreover, over time, some people in the wilderness must have gathered those super Around the city or simply went to the Mortal Realm!" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er said: "Well, not counting the little mice that have not been cleared out, this war in the God Realm can be said to come quickly and go quickly!"

"Yeah, it's just a mere one day, but in one day, the loss is so heavy!" Chu Feng sighed lightly, "Resolve those little mice, the God Realm should have a period of safety!"

"Well, there is not a shortage of troops in the holy realm, but the void stone is somewhat lacking. It's just that Chu Feng, this time there are a large number of people in the lower realm. A large number of people in the lower realm will reduce the amount of void stones that the lower realm needs to consume. For hundreds of thousands of years, the same void stone is estimated to bring two or three times as many people in the temple to the lower realm!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng frowned slightly: "That's something that can't be helped. Compared to the beginning, the Lower Realm is much easier now! If there are restrictions, I'm not too worried. What I worry about is the temple. If we get more than six Tianxinzi, if we want to make a comeback one day like that, the possibility is extremely small!"

"Then grab four or more Tianxinzi, as long as you grab four Tianxinzi, even if there are five Tianxinzi in the temple, you can't summon a regular Tianxin tablet!" Miao Xianer said, "I already got one. As long as you get three more, the temple will not be able to reestablish the rules between heaven and earth!"

"If you can get six Tianxinzi, you may be able to re-establish the rules between heaven and earth again. Now that your cultivation base is higher and your endurance is higher, you may be able to make rules that are more beneficial to you!" Xianer said.

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Master Hong and the others have a higher level of cultivation. If they get it, it is better to let Master Hong and the others reestablish the rules of heaven and earth. Then can't we make rules that are more beneficial to us?"

"It may be beneficial to re-establish the rules of heaven and earth," Miao Xianer said. Chu Feng shook his head slightly and said, "Xian'er, there is no need to discuss this now. This time I feel that getting Tianxinzi will be many times more difficult than before. Not to mention six, it is estimated that it will not be easy to get four or five! "

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