Holy Prison

Chapter 1934: Great God Lin Tian doesn't work anymore

Chu Feng responded with a thought in his mind and moved the Dark Chaos Lotus to use it. With this use, Chu Feng immediately felt that the pressure was lighter but not too much.

"Daddy, that's the treasure of the last days, just this little effect!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart. With the blessing of the Dark Chaos Lotus, Chu Feng supported him to a place only six meters away from the Heart of Earth. At this time, he Became Alexander again.

"Old-fashioned, do you remember Lin Tian?"

At six meters, Chu Feng knew that he couldn't get past, but the voice passed through and it was not a big problem. Chu Feng spoke softly, and a very faint voice sounded. He believed that the heart of the earth should be able to hear it, and Liushan should be listening. No, the sound is affected by gravity here!

The Heart of the Earth did not move, and Chu Feng's eyes were surprised. He was sure that the Heart of the Earth could hear his voice, but why didn't he respond?

Wasn't the heart of space reacting before, why didn't this heart crystal of earth know the great **** Lin Tian?

Chu Feng also thought that he could easily obtain the Heart of Time in the name of a great god, but he did not expect that the Heart of Space could be obtained. The Heart of Earth Crystal is not a bird!

"Old-fashioned, do you really recognize Lin Tian?" Chu Feng said again, the heart of the earth still doesn't like him. "Xian'er, call Lao Kong and ask what is going on." Chu Feng said in his mind.

Miao Xian'er asked immediately, and Space Heart naturally responded to Miao Xian'er. "Chu Feng, I asked, the heart of the space answered in three words, can you guess it?" Miao Xianer said.

"I don't know!" Chu Feng showed a little helpless expression on his face. "Congratulations, the answer is correct, but unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any reward." Miao Xian'er said with a smile.

"Xian'er, try it with your heavenly hands and see if you can directly capture the heart crystal of the earth into the holy prison space." Chu Feng said. "Okay." Miao Xian'er said and tried immediately.

Tianshou appeared outside, and then...there was no more. After appearing outside, Tianshou was turned into energy by the terrifying gravity and sucked into the ground!

"Chu Feng, no, I think you retreat first. It's only six meters away. If you adjust to this side, you can get closer!" Miao Xianer said, "This time I see you directly touch The chance of getting to the Heart Crystal of Earth is extremely low, so it's better to get used to the gravity on this side before continuing!"

Chu Feng responded in his mind. If he spelled it out, he believed he could reach five meters, but there is a bird used to reach five meters?

If you can only reach five meters, even if you use climbing, it is estimated that you will be able to advance one meter or more. That way, it is still more than three meters, more than three meters, this is not in such an environment. In such an environment, at a distance of more than three meters, it is simply not possible to pass by luck!

Turning around with difficulty, Chu Feng saw that many people had come to this side. Before, it was only Liu Shan who waited for some people to reach this side. Now there are one or two hundred people who have gathered here!

Liujiang and the others hurried over when they received the information from Liushan and others. When they received the information, Chu Feng had just broken through ten meters, but now he reached six meters!

Backward step by step, every step back takes a lot of ease, every step back, as if the heart spreads around a lot, that kind of feeling is really wonderful!

Chu Feng's state of mind is at the third level of infinite heart. The first level is divided into three levels. It was initially reached, reached, and completed. It was achieved before, but now it is slowly moving towards the level of Consummation. Ascending to the level of Consummation is not something that can be done in a short time. There is still a long way to go!

"Quit." Chu Feng held Lan Wen and Feng Bingning's hands with a smile. Although he did not get the Heart Crystal of Earth this time, Chu Feng is already quite satisfied. Lan Wen has reached the first level from the ninth level of immortality. Indestructible, this is a big surprise!

At the first level of immortality, Lan Wen's combat power is much improved, and his ability to survive is also much improved. The immortal-level powerhouse and the immortal-level powerhouse are two different concepts!

"Friend Chu Daoist, great, great!"

"Brother Chu, how did you do it? You can actually break ten meters, and you can get close to the orb just six meters away!"

"Friend Chu, your mental state cultivation base must be extremely high. I don't know what level your mental state cultivation base has reached?"

When Chu Feng and the others just came out, many people asked immediately, if Chu Feng hadn’t seen him, Lan Wen and Feng Bingning’s achievements would have attracted everyone’s attention, but now, their brilliance has been completely captured by Chu Feng. The ground is over! Their success is good, but compared with Chu Feng, it is still much worse.

Ten meters, in the whole village for hundreds of millions of years, no one has approached the heart crystal of the earth ten meters, and the peak of Chu has reached ten meters, and even six meters!

"Everyone, this one is nothing. What's the difference between my distance and more than ten meters? They can't be completely close to the beads." Chu Feng spread his hands.

Liu Jiang smiled and said: "There are still some benefits. If you persist at that distance, your mood will increase faster, and it can make people feel calm! There is no possibility of getting that one for more than ten meters. A bead, six meters, it will still be possible at that time!"

"After all, you just got here, so you can't adapt to the gravity on this side at all. In this case, you can get close to six meters, which is very, very good!"

"Brother Chu, this bead is definitely a gem. If you have the ability to take it away, then you are someone who is predestined, so take it away! We won’t have any opinions. It is also a kind of thing for us. Freedom! Although many babies in our village are born with the strength of saints, there are more below the saints!"

Speaking of this, Liu Jiang's eyes showed a sad color. For countless years, many babies died tragically under the terrible gravity at birth. This has to be said to be a very sad thing.

"Lao Liu, I will try my best." Chu Feng said solemnly, whether it is for himself or for this village, this earth heart crystal must be taken away!

"Okay!" Liu Jiang nodded, "Brother Chu, I heard that there are many maids in your treasure space" "This, yes." Chu Feng nodded.

"Brother Chu, I don’t know if we can let them come out earlier? It’s basically impossible for us to leave the Chaos Wasteland. In the Chaos Wasteland, this is already a very safe place. When we go to other places, although the people in our village are strong Not low, but it is estimated that it will not be long before death." Liu Jiang said.

Liu Jiang was a little worried. If classmate Chu Feng hangs in the gravity zone, if the people in Chu Feng's treasure space don't come out, then they won't be able to get out.

After thinking about it, Chu Feng understood Liu Jiang's worry. His worries were probably also the worries of everyone in the entire village. Women are very important to this village where yang and yin are out of balance and disconnected from the outside world.

"Lao Liu, is it really that difficult for you to leave this chaotic wasteland?" Chu Feng said. "Difficult, extremely difficult! After more than ten years, it will be very difficult. The longer we stay, the more difficult it will be. Many of us have stayed here since we were born." Liu Jiang said, "This is our home."


Chu Feng said softly and authentically. Although it is not absolutely safe inside, it may be safer than the outside world. If the temple wins in the outside world, they can only escape. Yes, they may die directly in the war with the people of the temple!

"Lao Liu, the outside world is not very peaceful. Since you don't want to leave, then I will let my maids come out. I hope they can live a happier life on your side." Chu Feng said, "You guys. There is a difference of two hundred men and women on this side, how about I just let two hundred maids appear outside?"

"Okay, okay, Brother Chu, don't worry, they will definitely not suffer and suffer on our side. On our side, it is safe to have those **** flowers in terms of safety! On our side, we will also help them Their cultivation level will be improved!" Liu Jiang said joyfully, if women's problems can be solved, then this village will be much more harmonious.

Over the years, although there have been no major conflicts because of women, there have been a lot of small conflicts among some people. There is no way, there are more monks and less porridge, competition, some gunpowder smell is normal!

Two hundred women are a very simple matter for Chu Feng. There are eight domain towers, and in each domain tower there are many women with the strength of the lower saints.

With the other half, Chu Feng would naturally not separate them. Without the other half, it would be a good thing for them to let them live outside by some women who were unhappy inside.

Miao Xian'er had already selected people, and two hundred women with pretty good looks appeared outside at the moment of Chu Feng's thoughts. "Master!" Naturally, these women walked towards Chu Feng as soon as they appeared. A gift.

Seeing those women appearing, many people in Liushan and the others were excited. Now they are like a long-hungry wolf seeing a group of fat little sheep!

"Ah! Pay attention to your demeanor, don't let people watch the jokes." Liu Jiang coughed lightly. With this light cough, Liu Shan and the others immediately put away their brother pigs. The two hundred women also have some differences. Yes, if you put on a picture of Brother Pig, then it is very likely that the woman you like will become someone else's wife.

"Attention, everyone, don't use strong, you can only impress others with sincerity, understand? If someone uses strong, never be merciful!" Liu Jiang added.

"Second uncle, don't worry."

"Second uncle, let your old family rest a hundred hearts, will we be that kind of people? See you when you look up and bow your heads. I don't want to be mixed up like that? Hehe!"

Chu Feng chuckled and said: "Lao Liu, I have already explained to my maids. Don't worry, there is absolutely no improper relationship between me and my maids!"

This Chu Feng knew it well, otherwise, some people might have some thoughts in their hearts.

"Don't believe me, because I have eight wives, but the other six are not here." Chu Feng said with a light smile. If it was just Feng Bingning and Lan Wen, those people thought that Chu Feng still had It might steal fishery, but if there are six, the possibility is much lower.

"Brother Feng, we can prove it for him." Lan Wen smiled. She knew that Chu Feng definitely did not steal the fishy. If he did, she could not hide it from Miao Xian'er.

"Well, Brother Chu, we must have trusted you. With such a beautiful wife, there is no need to steal fishy. Besides, even if you steal fishy, ​​good rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of their nests, haha!" The old man Liu Jiang was a bit disrespectful. Chu Feng rolled his eyes. Fortunately, Feng Bingning and the others believed him very much, otherwise he would have some trouble immediately.

Chu Feng curled his lips and said, "Lao Liu, they, you take them back to the village! I still want to get used to it a little bit more on this side. Within ten years, we have to leave."

"Okay, then we won't bother you." Liu Jiang said. He heard Chu Feng say that he must leave within ten years. Although he doesn't believe that Chu Feng can leave, he is not afraid of ten thousand and is afraid of the accident. They will get rid of the bead within ten years. They don't want another baby in the village to be born and die!

Liu Jiang left. Liu Jiang and others who had followed Chu Feng before left happily. Only Chu Feng and the three of them remained near the gravity field.

"Wen, how do you feel after breaking through?" Chu Feng chuckled. Lan Wen smiled and said: "It feels very relaxed. Before, more than a dozen witch beasts in the Taiwu Tower were more stressed. Now there is no pressure. My power can easily support them to stay in the Taiwu Tower, but If you are fighting, it might be difficult to support them together to fight outside!"

Lan Wen said that the mouse that came in with No. 4 before appeared outside, "It used to be under pressure outside, but now it’s just one outside, there’s basically no pressure." Lan Wen said, she said More witch beasts appeared outside where they were, surrounded by mountains, and they couldn't see the Liujiang River.

One head, two heads, and three heads. Lan Wen quickly made the seven-headed witch beast appear outside. The seven-headed witch beast, one of which is immortal at level five, two ends is immortal at level four, and three heads are immortal at level three, and That alien.

"There is no problem maintaining such seven witch beasts fighting outside for half an hour. If it exceeds half an hour, it will be a little difficult." Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "You are already very powerful. After all, you are still an immortal cultivation base now! Wen'er, I didn't expect a few of us, but you were the first to reach the immortal level."

"It's all because of the teacher." Lan Wen said softly, she now remembered that the old man was no longer so sad, but she was also a little bit sad.

"Peak, ten years, can we win it? Maybe we haven't ten years yet, because we still have to leave this gravity zone. In this gravity zone, we can't directly return to the holy realm!" Feng Bingning said a little bit Worry about the authenticity, ten years, this time is really short!

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