Holy Prison

Chapter 1939: Catch the Rat King

Not too far from the village, underground, a big golden mouse received the message and screamed. The hair of the whole body was erected out of anger!

The big golden mouse moved, even if it had a terrifying gravitational influence, its speed went out of the ground in a short time and reached a place not too far from the flower in the blood.


The screams of the sky-eating rats in the village came out, and in a short time, many sky-eating rats gathered outside the blood flower. "Look, it's the golden sky-eater!" Liu Jiang said, Feng Bingning and many others saw the golden sky-eater around the flower in the blood from a long distance.

The sky-eater can reach fifteen meters in length, usually about ten meters. The golden sky-eater is the most powerful but only about ten meters in length, but the breath emanating from it is more than other. The sky-eater is much stronger! Among the rats, the golden sky-eater rat had a feeling of standing out from the crowd!

"It must have not yet conquered the entire swarm of rats, if it wants to conquer the entire swarm of rats, first, defeat the leaders of the rest of the rats; second, behave, let some small rats go directly After some small rat groups return, those big rat groups must also return!" Liu Jiang smiled authentically. They have dealt with the Sky-Eater too much, and they know the Sky-Eater very well!

With their much higher wisdom than the Sky-Eater, if the difference in strength weren't too great, those Sky-Eater would have been killed or driven away by them long ago!

"Girl Feng, I'm ready!" He Hao said. One of the key factors in their plan is Feng Bingning. Of course, Lan Wen is also a very critical factor.

Feng Bingning nodded slightly. The plan they had worked out was actually not that complicated. Most of the power spent in blood was secretly gathered here.

Then, Feng Bingning and Lan Wen approached and looked around. A sky-eating rat suddenly emerged from the soil, and the tail curled Feng Bingning and fled outside.

The other people in the village immediately chase after seeing it, but the sky-eater rat jumped out of the defensive position of the blood flower at a rapid speed, just when the sky-eater rat had no distance from the defensive position in the blood. Feng Bingning made a move. She would use a one-time treasure to kill the sky-eater that took her out at once. Before that sky-eater rat died, it would be passed on to others. Biting the rat a little confidence, there is a problem in the blood on this side!

Seeing his own kind being beheaded in front of his eyes, how can the sky-eater rat that has just become the mouse king stand it? Even without Lan Wen's influence, it is estimated that it will immediately kill Xiang Feng Bingning!

The mouse king must be faster than other sky-eating rats. When Feng Bingning escaped, it should be the first to catch up with Feng Bingning. Feng Bingning had long been infected with the secret black corpse poison. , When the Mouse King approached Feng Bingning, the secret black corpse poison on Feng Bingning's body would spread to the Mouse King immediately and then erupt.

The Rat King has the strength of the Saint King level, but the power of the black corpse secret poison will definitely reduce the Rat King's strength a lot. At this time, the blood flower that did not act will immediately act, and the rest of Lan Wen and others will also immediately. Earth actions, such as Xiaobai, it will immediately release the talented dragon roar to slow down the rest of the sky-eaters!

The plan is basically like this. There is a big problem in the middle, that is, will the Rat King be the first to rush out to chase Feng Bingning. If it doesn't chase, then the subsequent plans will naturally not be able to be executed. Without Lan Wen's fate control, the Mouse King might not be able to chase Feng Bingning in the first place, but with Lan Wen's fate control, the Mouse King would definitely chase!

Wisdom is not very high, how high is the ability of the angry Rat King to control himself? With so many subordinates and future subordinates, how can it be weak?

Without the influence of Lan Wen, the probability of success in the execution of this plan is about 70%, and with the influence of Lan Wen, the probability of success in the execution of this plan can reach more than 99%!

If it hits the last 0.9%, then it is God's will. Heaven is about to perish this village. Any method is useless.

"Sister Bing Ning, these guys look so annoying!"


Lan Wen and Feng Bingning were chatting, and the two of them gradually got some distance from Liujiang and them, and they were not far from the defensive circle formed by the blood flower.

The two women said they were happy. At this moment, a change occurred. A small sky-eater suddenly emerged from the ground. The moment it emerged, it became a lot bigger, several meters long. As soon as the tail curled up, Feng Bingning immediately curled up and fled outside! "Sister Bing Ning!" Lan Wen screamed out loud and immediately attacked the sky-eater rat, but her attack was blocked by some distance from the sky-eater rat!

"Heaven Devouring Rat, grab it!" Liu Jiang and the others immediately chased and killed the people who saw this scene change their complexion, but at a distance, when they were approaching, the Rat was already carrying Feng Bingning quickly left the defensive area of ​​the flower in blood to get outside!

Outside, the eyes of many Sky Devouring Rats showed excitement and ferocity. At the moment, most of them were thinking about how to tear Feng Bing into pieces!

"Die to me!"

Feng Bingning yelled in "horror" at this time. A small sword appeared in her hand. The small sword contained terrifying power. The small sword shot the sky-eater that was leading her forward. Decrease the speed of the rat!

The strength of the small sword was extremely high, and the Level 4 immortal Sky-Eater died only after a second cry. At this time, Feng Bingning got rid of the entanglement of the Sky-Eater's tail and flew towards the village quickly.

The Mouse King was angry, and its small universe broke out completely at this time, without much consideration, it rushed out all of a sudden, the strength of the Saint King class made it much faster than some of the sky-eaters around him!

Just when Feng Bingning was about to reach the attack area of ​​the flower in the blood, the Mouse King caught up with Feng Bingning. Instead of killing Feng Bingning at once, he was ready to torture the dead Feng Bingning well later. When it grabbed Feng Bingning with its paws, the secret poison of the black corpse in Feng Bingning's body moved, and the secret poison of the black corpse suddenly entered the mouse king's body and burst out!

The sound of the dragon chant sounded. This was Xiaobai’s talented dragon chant. It yelled out, and suddenly the Sky Devouring Rat, including the Rat King, paused slightly.

The secret poison of the black corpse broke out in the mouse king, and its strength was naturally affected. At this moment, He Hao still had some terrifying suction from some powerful people acting on the mouse king.

The Rat King is only the strength of the Saint King class, Feng Bingning and the others are one holy king and three Saint Kings, and there are also many indestructible powerhouses. The suction power appears, and the Rat King is sucked into the blood in an instant. Within the attack range! Many blood flowers were waiting long ago, and as soon as the mouse king entered, the blossoming blood flowers launched an attack.

He Hao and the others immediately used it to restrain it. When the restraint came out, the barrier also appeared, and the barrier could ensure that the sky-eaters outside could not see the situation inside.

The restriction fell on the mouse king. Even if the mouse king didn't have the secret poison of the black corpse, he couldn't resist the restriction of so many people like He Hao. What's more, it couldn't even display the strength of the Saint King at this time!

In a very short period of time, the power of that mouse king was suppressed to the level of only a lower saint. When the lower saint was just suppressed, the suction of the holy prison appeared, Lan Wen and the mouse king were all at once. In the holy prison space, Lan Wen can control it more conveniently!

"Taiwu Tower!"

Lan Wen's thoughts moved, and the Taiwu Tower phantom appeared in an instant, and the Mouse King who was suppressed to the strength of the lower saint was instantly included in the Taiwu Tower.

The Sky Devouring Rat Taiwu Tower with the strength of the lower saints is not to be appreciated, but Taiwu Tower knows that the strength of the rat king is not only the lower saint but the saint king!

"Lan Wen, come on!"

Miao Xian'er appeared in front of Lan Wen, and immediately after she finished speaking, she moved Lan Wen the power of an acceleration of one million times! With such a high power of time, a few minutes is more than ten years!

Time is accelerating for more than ten years, Lan Wen is confident to get that rat king!

In the holy prison space, Lan Wen quickly conquered the mouse king, not to mention it, outside, Feng Bingning and the others encountered a lot of trouble, the mouse king was caught, and the sky-eaters outside were angry!

In less than half a minute, tens of thousands of sky-eaters had gathered outside the village, and those sky-eaters were staring inside fiercely.

If there is no flower in the blood, it is estimated that the sky-eaters will immediately rush over, but even with the flower in the blood, He Hao and the others will not be able to support it for long!

"What are they waiting for?" Feng Bing condensed.

Liu Jiang said quietly: "Waiting for the rest of the sky-eaters to gather, now the number of sky-eaters gathered here is still a little less. If the number is higher, they can break the defense of the flower in the blood and enter this place relatively safely. Inside! It is estimated that the attack will start when the number reaches 100,000. The blood flowers on this side are all fully mature forms, and there are also a lot of formations on this side, but there are too many sky-eaters, and we can't stop much. time!"

The Mouse King was captured for a minute, and there were already about 100,000 Sky-Eat Rats gathered outside, and about 100,000 Sky-Eat Rats launched attacks from one direction at the same time!

The relatively high-strength Sky-Eater pressed into the formation, and many of the lower-strength Sky-Eater rushed into the attack range of the blood flower madly!

At the beginning of the attack, the energy was immediately overflowing with blood and flesh, because it was in the gravity domain, and there was no shocking feeling of attacking anything, but there was a different kind of violent beauty. Of course, only those who appreciate such violence Violent beauty can only be seen in the eyes of people, and in the eyes of Feng Bingning and others, the current situation can be indifferent to beauty!

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