Holy Prison

Chapter 1957: Ultimate Treasure

"Blast yourself, I have no opinion, really!" Chu Feng smiled authentically. If he blew himself up, the indestructible powerhouse could choose whether to resurrect at that time. Normal blew up would not cause the heart of life and the heart of wind to burst. Come out, but death completely can definitely make the Heart of Life and the Heart of Wind burst!

As for the self-destruction described in Long Jiang Shu that destroys the Heart of Wind and the Heart of Life, that is just a confession. How can the Heart of Life and the Heart of Wind be destroyed so easily!

After taking a sip of tea, Long Jiang Shu still didn't make any moves. Chu Feng smiled and said: "Long Jiang Shu, you burst! I want to see if you can destroy the Heart of Wind and Heart of Life!"

"Chu Feng, you got something like this too!" Long Jiangshu said in a deep voice. Chu Feng said indifferently, "Do you think that only you **** can get it?"

"Humph!" Long Jiang Shu coldly snorted, "Did you know from Long Ting that I have the Heart of Wind? This one!"

A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes: "It seems that the pain is not enough for you! I'll add something to you!" Chu Feng said that another small bottle appeared in his hand.

"Longjiang Book, the things in it are good things, especially when you feel comfortable using it, it can double your perception!" Chu Feng said.

After the words fell, Chu Feng let some of the liquid in the bottle turned into aerosol and floated on Longjiang Shu's body, "Ah!"

Chu Feng's hands are indeed good things, but this good thing is now used on Longjiang Shu, it is not a good thing for Longjiang Shu, it is itchy to the bones, now it is even more itchy!

"Long Jiang Shu, isn't this good? I have a lot of such good things!" Chu Feng said with a light smile. "You devil...you must die!" Long Jiangshu roared.

Chu Feng drank the wine with a faint smile, and it didn't take long for him to grab forty to fifty percent of the flesh and blood of Long Jiangshu's whole body. By this time, the itch had passed quickly!

After the strange itch, Long Jiangshu panted quickly. At this time, he looked more terrifying than the evil spirits coming out of hell. "Long Jiangshu, you have the heart of life, and the power of the heart of life can make you fast Recovered, in addition, in this treasure space of mine, there is also a recovery effect!" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

The power of the heart of life combined with the power of the medical clinic, only a few minutes later, Long Jiangshu's body has recovered, the strength of the newly born body may not be as strong as before, but if it is cut with a knife, then It still hurts the same as before!

"I'll just say that the recovery is faster. This is already recovered, not bad!" Chu Feng smiled, "In this case, you can have one round in about a quarter of an hour, four rounds in an hour, and one hundred rounds a day. , Long Jiang Shu, I can feel that you will have a very fulfilling life in the coming days!"

Long Jiangshu's heart is terrible, and that kind of pain is enough for one time. If you suffer hundreds of times a day, you may be tortured crazy!

"Wait, Chu Feng, how can you let me go?" Long Jiangshu took a deep breath and said solemnly. "Leave you alone, do you think it is possible?" Chu Feng smiled quietly.

"If you surrender the Heart of Life and the Heart of Wind, I will promise not to kill you in a million years. Within a million years, if the temple kills me, you will have a little bit of it. A chance to survive! Of course, if you want to die faster, I am a good-hearted person, and you can agree!"

"Bah, you have a good heart!" Long Jiangshu cursed this in his heart, and now he is only cursing in his heart! "You will not kill me in a million years? You must promise that you will not torture me within a million years. In that case, I can give you the heart of life and the heart of wind!" Long Jiang Shu said in a deep voice. .

Chu Feng shook his head: "There is no guarantee, but I can guarantee that the time to torture you will not exceed a thousand years!" "A thousand years, no!" Long Jiangshu flatly refused, the pain was too intense, he Don't want to endure thousands of years!

"Longjiang Shu, you have one minute to think about it. After one minute, on the basis of that, every additional second of consideration, plus ten years!" Chu Feng said flatly, "Long Jiang Shu, trust me, this is a condition It is already very good for you. If you bargain with me, it will not be a thousand years but a hundred thousand years!"

"Timing begins!"

After finishing the four words, Chu Feng was drinking tea quietly, and Long Jiangshu’s face was constantly changing. When the time was fifty-five seconds, Long Jiangshu said solemnly: "You must use your own Shengge vowed not to kill me in a million years, and the time to tortured me cannot exceed a thousand years! In addition, the time to tortured me in every 100,000 years cannot exceed one and a half years!"

"Long Jiang Shu, you are quite good at yourself! Every 100,000 years can't exceed one and a half years. If I die sooner, you will be less tortured!" Chu Feng said lightly.

"How? I'm just such a condition. If you don't agree, I'm willing to blew myself up, and then you will have no good!" Long Jiangshu said in a deep voice.

Chu Feng nodded: "I will fulfill this condition. I will swear by Shengge that the next million years will not kill you, and the time to torment you will not exceed a thousand years."

The oath was quickly finished. Long Jiang Shu took a deep breath. A fist-sized cyan stone appeared in his hand. The stone looked very beautiful. There were small whirlwinds around the stone. Needless to say, this stone is the heart of the wind. Crystal!


Long Jiang Shu suddenly cut off the connection with the Heart of Wind with a deep sigh, and a mouthful of blood poured into his mouth but he forcibly swallowed it!

"This is the Heart of Wind!" Long Jiang Shu threw the Heart of Wind to Chu Feng. Chu Feng held the heart of the wind with a faint smile on his face. As long as one of the heart of the wind and the heart of life can identify with him, he can complete a 4S-level task, and then the holy prison can do it. upgrade!

The seventeenth-level sacred prison, thinking about it, makes Chu Feng a little excited, the power of the seventeenth-level sacred prison is not comparable to the sixteenth-level sacred prison!

After the upgrade, even if there is no new ability to appear, the strength that the old ability has increased is already extremely impressive!

Long Jiang Shu had endured the blood before, but the second gulp of blood came out without holding back, "This is the heart of life!" Long Jiang Shu gritted his teeth and said with nostalgia looking at the life in his hand. Zhixin glanced at it and threw it to Chu Feng. This thing has the power of resurrection, how he is willing to give it away, but how can he not give it.

"Long Jiang Shu, Long Ting wants to'chat' with you, so you can'chat' with her!" Chu Feng said that he disappeared, and Long Ting appeared in front of Long Jiang Shu.

Soon, the painful and angry voice of Long Jiangshu resounded in the small space where Long Jiangshu was located. Long Ting loved deeply before, but now the same hatred is deep. At this time, all the previous love has been transformed into Thick hatred!

Leaving from Longjiang Shu, Chu Feng talked with the Heart of Wind and the Heart of Life, but it is a pity that the Heart of Wind and Heart of Life had just left the confession and accepted his heart-to-heart talk. low!

At the time of the heart of space, Chu Feng pulled out the "Lin Tian" banner, and naturally used it at this time. There was a little effect, but the effect was very low. Miao Xian'er did not remind him to complete 4S level. task!

"Chu Feng, it is better to bring them to the side of the heart of space and let the heart of space enlighten them!" Miao Xianer said. "It can only be so! Xian'er, remember to use the power of time for them to recover earlier." Chu Feng said, he said that the heart of life and the heart of wind disappeared in front of him.

"Hurry up!" Chu Feng sighed softly in his heart. If the third 4S level mission has not been completed within four thousand years, Chu Feng will have to deal with Fang Ye!

In that way, Feiye would know that she had problems, and Chu Feng would not worry about others, and Chu Feng would be afraid that Feiye would do something extreme then!

Over the years, Song Ye has naturally left the sacred prison space. When she left, Miao Xian'er could also monitor the abnormal information, but in that case, the abnormal information was not so active. Probably only Song Ye was in the sacred prison space. Two-thirds of the time. If Feiye knew about her own problems, she might commit suicide by then!

Leaving the sacred prison space cannot eliminate the abnormal information. Suicide is like that. The possibility of Feiye adopting that approach is not low!

"Chu Feng, in the next few years, should we all practice outside? In this way, we can buy some time!" Miao Xian'er said.

"Is there any other way to buy some time?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er said: "Yes, I think of a way to buy some time!"

"What method?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly. If you stay outside, you can't just stay outside. If Feng Bingning and the others stay outside for thousands of years, it will have a great impact on their strength. So long in the domain tower can improve the fit between himself and the domain tower a lot!

Miao Xian'er said: "The method is to increase my strength! Chu Feng, you shouldn't forget Mo Shu. Mo Shu's power is much stronger than before. If she is also under the control of the Holy Prison, it can be controlled. Strength becomes stronger, so you can gain a lot of time!"

"What's the disadvantage of this?" Chu Feng said. Of course, Moshu hadn't forgotten. He had visited the City of Innocence many times over the years, and he had enjoyed the fiery passion of Moshu a lot.

Miao Xian'er said: "If the fusion fails, the harm will be great. In that case, the control will be reduced. Perhaps it will be controlled in the Holy Prison within five thousand years!"

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