Holy Prison

Chapter 1961: Fusion benefits

"What's the benefit" Space Heart said slowly, "What's the matter? Your tone of voice just now made me forget the benefits."

Chu Feng rolled his eyes: "Lao Kong, tell me quickly, I just felt like I almost died in pain. After living for so long, it was the first time I had to endure such intense pain!"

"Five aspects of benefits, training, attack, defense, escape, and concealment." The Heart of Space became serious and said, "In terms of training, merge with me, you will practice faster afterwards than before. Several times faster! In terms of attack, if the energy is sufficient, the strongest attack can also damage the power of the Lord! In terms of defense, when there is energy, the attack of the power of the Lord can also be defended. !"

"When the energy is full, you should be able to withstand the continuous attack of a saint-level powerhouse for about three minutes. If you don't have energy, you can dig a hole and jump in to bury yourself, so as to save your life from exposing the corpse to the wilderness. Being able to break through the space in an instant to reach extremely far places, this is also suitable for driving on the road; in terms of hiding, you blend into the space, and if you are farther apart, even the powerhouse at the holy-sovereign level might not be able to find you!"

Chu Feng let out a long sigh. For my benefit, the pain I just endured was not for nothing. The training accelerated, defense, attack, stealth, escape, all aspects were enhanced, and his strength was higher than before. The foundation has improved a lot! With the heart of space and the mask of the lion king, even if it is a strong man at the holy level, Chu Feng's can also be selected!

"Old Kong, what kind of energy do you think energy is?" Chu Feng said. The Heart of Space said: "My body is in your mind, and the energy is the energy stored in my body! Let me tell you the good news, my body energy is only 10% now, you practice, use attack defense or something , All you need to use that energy! If the energy runs out, then I'm sorry, I can't help you!"

Chu Feng frowned, with only 10% energy, which is too little! "Lao Kong, you have recovered for so many years, you only have this little energy?" Chu Feng said.

"Do you think you don't need to consume energy when you just merged with you?" Space Heart said in an irritating manner, "It will take me 900 million years to fully recover the energy!"

For 900 million years, the power of time contained in a ray of silver time power is one billion years. "Old sky, if all is exhausted, wouldn't it take a billion years for you to recover?" Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, this is still within his acceptance range, a billion years is relatively long, but with the acceleration of hundreds of thousands of times, a billion years is one or two thousand years!

A wisp of silver power of time, one or two thousand years, can be exchanged for such a powerful power, which is very good! "Old Kong, there should be some other abilities, right?" Chu Feng said.

"Naturally, there is a little bit. For example, if you fly now, the space will have no resistance or even thrust for you, and your forward speed will be several times faster than before. This ability does not consume much of my energy. , The little energy absorbed at ordinary times is enough to maintain!" The Heart of Space.

"By the way, it will be more convenient for you to enter the underworld now. Before you needed to find the extremely overcast place, now you don’t need it anymore. You can break through the space and enter the underworld at any place, but it takes a little bit of time. China definitely doesn't have that time for you to leave slowly!"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "It sounds good! Old Kong, you have merged with me, and the heart of life still has the heart of wind, what do you do?" "What they need now is time to recover. For the time being, and No matter how much they say, it's useless." Space Heart said, "They will talk about it later!"

Chu Feng nodded and immediately began to practice. At this time, he naturally used the power of the heart of space, and with the help of the power of the heart of space, his training speed can reach six times the previous speed. Chu Feng was delighted, six times the speed, that meant that Chu Feng could reach the immortal level faster!

However, it is a pity that training consumes the power of the Space Heart, and the speed of the Space Heart's replenishment is not as fast as the speed he consumes, so it can't support him for a long time to practice like this!

According to Chu Feng's estimation, under the premise that the Heart of Space is constantly replenished, if he has been practicing this way, it will take about five thousand years to reduce that 10% energy to zero%! In five thousand years, it is estimated that he can reach the immortal level of cultivation, so Chu Feng slightly considers the wailing voice of the heart of space and uses the power of the heart of space to practice!

"Chu Feng, you vampire, can't you let me have enough energy to practice like this?" Space Heart complained that 10% of the energy is already low, and it hurts him to lower it.

"Lao Kong, for the time being, it is more important to ascend to the immortal level as soon as possible!" Chu Feng said in his mind. After this sentence, he ignored the heart of space.

The fusion of Miao Xian'er and Mo Shu can not be completed in a short time. Time flies, and three thousand years and three thousand years have passed in an instant. This is extremely long for a mortal, but for a cultivator with such strength as Chu Feng For practitioners, it is really short, and it takes tens of thousands of years to practice just casually!

If it weren't for something like the power of time, maybe you could just practice it and it would be tens of millions of years, and the progress would not be much!

Chu Feng was awakened by surprise. The holy prison space was originally very calm, but at this moment there was lightning and thunder, and the electric lights flickered in the holy prison space!

"Chu Feng, the fusion is successful, and we are fighting against the controlling power!" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "That power is stronger than we estimated, and it was estimated to last five thousand years. In fact, if we slow down for a few hundred years, perhaps the control of the holy prison will be completely taken away!"

Chu Feng's holy knowledge spread to every corner of the holy prison space. There were many people in the holy prison space. At this time, many people looked at the sky in a little panic.

"Xian'er, let Bing Ning and the others come out of the domain tower, I will let them all go out first." Chu Feng said. "Okay!" Miao Xian'er responded, and soon Feng Bingning and the others appeared in front of Chu Feng.

"There is a little problem in the sacred prison space, let's all go out first." Chu Feng said solemnly. He didn't say much. After saying this, Feng Bingning and the women all appeared outside.

Feng Bingning and the others all left, and the natural shackles were among them. Once she left, the control power of the holy prison suddenly weakened a lot. "Chu Feng, we have the upper hand, but we still can't completely prevent the other party's invasion! Tianshou has lost control, the cafeteria has lost control, the exchange counter has lost control, and the store has lost control." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng frowned; "Xian'er, the store is out of control, so the other party can spend my money in the store to buy things at will?" "Don't worry, this won't be out of control, but the other party can't control it now! Sky eyes, holy prison heavy artillery, all the sky guards are still under our control!" Miao Xianer said.

"How much time is there?" Chu Feng asked this question that he most cares about. According to their estimation, it should be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years after success, but now it definitely doesn't have that long time. ! "Ten thousand years, at most ten thousand years, the Holy Prison will definitely be controlled if it is not upgraded within ten thousand years!" Miao Xian'er said.

"At least?"

Miao Xian'er said: "At least, seven thousand years, we are still sure of seven thousand years. Chu Feng, the next time, you will be assisted by the magic Shu, I need to strengthen the control of the holy prison with all my strength, otherwise If the seven thousand years of time will not be able to last! I hope that the Holy Prison will not be controlled by then!"

"Master, Mo Shu is here for you." Miao Xian'er's voice fell silent, and soon Mo Shu's alluring voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "Miao Xian'er has gone to fight the invader with all his strength. !"

"Magic Shu, how do you feel?" Chu Feng sat on the sofa and recovered his face. The situation is a bit dangerous, but there is still a possibility to solve it. As long as the holy prison is upgraded within seven thousand years, the intruder will have to Helpless, the holy prison ability after the upgrade is definitely much stronger than before!

"Very good!" A **** magic figure appeared beside Chu Feng and said softly, "How about, do you like me calling your master?"

"up to you!"

Chu Feng stretched his hand to Mo Shu's chest, grasped one of the white rabbits and kneaded it. After a while, Chu Feng retracted his hand and pressed it on Mo Shu's head and slowly pressed her head down.


The magic Shu raised his head and blanched with a coquettish look. Chu Feng lowered his head to serve Chu Feng. "A man doesn't look good, is he still called a man?" Chu Feng said with a smile. He never thought that he was a righteous person with a clear heart, and his sexual interest in this aspect was not small.

For three thousand years, with the power of time and the help of the heart of space, Chu Feng has reached the ninth-level immortal peak. At this time, blind cultivating has no effect.

After enjoying the service of Mo Shu Xiaozui and enjoying Mo Shu's newly born body, Chu Feng left the holy prison space. In the next time, it was time to start some other things.

Tianxinzi, Tongtian Tower controls the jade talisman fragments, and things like the Heart of Time, Chu Feng needs!

Before Long Jiang Shu had obtained the Heart of Wind and Heart of Life, this clearly shows that such things are not available to others who belong to him, Chu Feng, if they fall into the hands of people on his side. Fortunately, if it falls into the hands of people on the other side of the temple, the consequences will be serious!

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