Holy Prison

Chapter 1963: Strength gathering

"Chu Feng, it must be the power of the master-level powerhouse that affected the Wood Heart Crystal!" Mo Shu said. "Is it right? It depends on whether the other side is the Heart of Wood!" Chu Feng said in his mind.

Thinking of the Devil Forest, Chu Feng frowned secretly.

Bai Qi is in the direction of the Devil Forest. If something like this happens on that side, the temple will definitely send a strong person to it!

"I don't know how many powerhouses will come to that side. If there are fewer, then I will swallow them all without hesitation!" The cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes.

Time passed quickly, when Chu Feng was closer to the Devil Forest, the powerhouse of the temple was not far from the Devil Forest!

"Brother Bai, did you admit your mistake?"

Chu Feng asked after entering the ring in his hand. "The distance is very close, there must be no mistake, it is the front!" Bai Qi replied. "Ahead, that is the Devil Forest!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

Converging their breath, Chu Feng and Monkey King shifted carefully, "Brother Bai, what about now?" After turning around the Devil Forest, Chu Feng asked again.


There was a look of helplessness on Chu Feng's face. Bai Qi really found a good place to sleep. The place where he slept was the Devil Forest. Today's Devil Forest, even Chu Feng dare not enter at will!

At the beginning, the heart crystal of the earth fell asleep after encountering it. Although it is now stronger, if it encounters something that should not be touched, it may also cause big problems!

"Master, look ahead!" Monkey King said through a voice transmission.

Chu Feng looked forward, and his eyes condensed at this look. In front of him, he saw a big willow tree. There were hundreds of heads on top of that big willow tree!

There are hundreds of heads, many of which are the heads of saints, and some are the heads of some beasts, each of which seems to grow on the tree body is very scary!

"Good fellow, this plant is aggressive, and it's not much worse than animals." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, he felt tyrannical strength from the big willow tree, and the strength of the big willow tree was more powerful than that of him. It's worse, but it shouldn't be much worse. If you give it some more time, it is estimated that it can reach the immortal level!

However, Chu Feng believes that such an abnormally raised cultivation base is absolutely impossible to continue. Maybe it won't take too long before that big willow tree will be wiped out!

"I don't know how many such things are in the Devil's Deep Forest today!"

Chu Feng analyzed in his heart, at this moment, the voice of Demon Shu suddenly sounded in his mind: "Chu Feng, in an emergency, there are strong people approaching, there are a lot of them, it is very likely that they are from the temple!"

Chu Feng's mind moved into the holy prison space, and the natural Sun Wukong also immediately followed him into the holy prison space. The powerhouse of the temple is here, just to show him what is amazing about the devil forest!

"Magic, are those people locked in before?" Chu Feng said. "No, but if you let go of the eyes of the sky, you can quickly lock in some!" Mo Shu said.

If the hands can no longer be used today, but fortunately, the sky eye can still be used, the holy prison heavy artillery can still be used, and the sky guards are still under control!

"Magic Shu, wait a minute, in their treasure space, there are definitely some people hidden, let those people come out and talk about it, scanning like that will be more effective!"

Those who came to this side were the Black Moon Sovereign and Lei Zhenzi, together with them there were ten Saint King-level powerhouses and three thousand Indestructible level powerhouses!

In addition, there are ten thousand immortal powerhouses who can get to this side!

Since suffering a big loss in the hands of Chu Feng before, the people in the temple have been much more cautious than before. There are two saints, ten saint kings, three thousand ordinary immortal-level powerhouses, and ten thousand immortal-level powerhouses. Of course, this strength is terrible!

Many people stayed here among the space items of Venerable Black Moon. Five hundred indestructible powerhouses appeared outside, and a lot of strength was hidden in Venerable Black Moon Lei Zhenzi. And among the ten Saint King-level powerhouse space items!

"Turn it on! After locking some important targets, turn it off immediately!" Chu Feng said.

The sixteenth-level sacred prison, the seventeenth-level sky eye, the level is still relatively high, scanning will make the strong people of the temple sense, but it is extremely difficult to determine his position!

Moreover, this place is so weird now, they suspect that the chance of seeing Chu Feng is not high, sensing such a scan, it is very likely that they just think that there are plants watching them!

Plants generally do not have eyes. Observing the surrounding area through such scanning is normal!

The magic boy responded, and the sky-eye scan opened instantly!

The invisible scanning power immediately enveloped a relatively large distance, and those powerhouses who were not among the space items in the temple all appeared within the scanning of Sky Eye!

Venerable Black Moon still has some people sensed it, but it is one thing to sense that the sky eye is scanned, and it is another matter to locate the sky eye!

After three seconds passed, the Skyeye scan was interrupted instantly!

"Chu Feng, it's done, because time is limited, so only 20 targets are locked, but it should be fine!" Mo Shu said. "Yeah!" Chu Feng nodded.

In the distance, Venerable Black Moon narrowed his eyes slightly, "This feeling is a scan of the Sky Eye? Is Chu Feng on this side? If he can be caught" Venerable Black Moon's eyes lit up and he came out this time. She was just here to see if the excitement was not very caring, but if Chu Feng was on this side, she would be extremely interested!

Venerable Black Moon is of course not interested in Chu Feng’s people, but the holy prison owned by Chu Feng, but to get the holy prison, you must first catch Chu Feng or kill Chu Feng!

"If I can get the holy prison, how can a treasure like the holy prison be in the hands of a kid like Chu Feng!" Venerable Black Moon snorted coldly in his heart.

He glanced at Lei Zhenzi, Venerable Black Moon didn't want Lei Zhenzi to know about the holy prison, but she would still remind them of the news that Chu Feng might be on this side.

"Venerable Black Moon, Chu Feng is on this side? Knowing the news on this side, we rushed over immediately, but Chu Feng is in the realm of the gods, didn't he come over so quickly?" Lei Zhenzi said to Venerable Black Moon. He did not agree, "The scan fluctuation just now, it should be something in the Devil Forest watching us!"

"Be careful not to make a big mistake!" Venerable Black Moon said indifferently, she was too lazy to say anything, anyway, this place is more dangerous, Lei Zhenzi and others will be more vigilant!

As for calling for reinforcements, such thoughts disappeared without a trace after turning around in my mind. There are so many powerful people in the temple who call for reinforcements, which is ridiculous!

If Chu Feng really surrounds Chu Feng on this side and finally kills Chu Feng, if many other powerful people in the temple rush to this side and rush to the side, she will have some face of Venerable Black Moon. Lost too much!

"Two saints, ten saint kings, three thousand immortal-level powerhouses, 10,000 immortal-level powerhouses, such strength, even if all the gods are dispatched, there should be no!" Black Moon Venerable said in his heart.

On Chu Feng's side, there are now more than two Sovereign-level powerhouses, but there are not ten Saint-king-level powerhouses. As far as Venerable Black Moon knows, there are a total of two thousand people. , The total of immortal level powerhouses is seven to eight thousand people. With such strength, it is impossible to eat them.

However, Venerable Black Moon made some mistakes in the estimation of Chu Feng's strength on their side. As for the indestructible powerhouse, Chu Feng's side was indeed only two thousand people, a little more than two thousand, less than two thousand!

However, the immortal-level powerhouses are no longer the 7,000 they used to be. In these years, many people in the gods first city have reached the immortal level. Chu Feng and his side have 13 thousand immortal-level powerhouses. Looks like! If it was just this kind of strength, Chu Feng's strength would not threaten Venerable Black Moon and them.

However, there is one more thing. Lan Wen controls the Mouse King, and in the Chu Feng Sacred Prison Space, there are now 7,000 Sky-Eater rats with indestructible strength!

Over the years, Lan Wen’s Witch Beast and Mouse King had “educated” the seven thousand indestructible sky-eaters. If they appeared outside, they would be more obedient!

In Chu Feng’s sacred prison space, there are now 2,000 immortal-level powerhouses gathered on their side, and 13,000 immortal-level powerhouses are basically in the sacred prison space, plus those seven thousand. If you come to the sky-eater, the power has already surpassed the power of the temple on this side, and it is much more!

"Magic Shu, give me a vision!" Chu Feng said quietly, Mo Shu nodded slightly, she waved her hand, and some images suddenly appeared in front of Chu Feng.

In the sacred prison space, after the Sky Eye was locked, Chu Feng could see an image of several tens of meters around the locked person. Venerable Black Moon and Lei Zhenzi all appeared in the displayed image.

"Venerable Black Moon!"

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. He previously estimated that Venerable Black Moon probably knew the existence of the Holy Prison, "Since I'm here, it's better to leave my life here!"

"Venerable Black Moon, Lei Zhenzi, ten saint king-level powerhouses, can ordinary immortal-level powerhouses just come over here? Absolutely impossible!"

Chu Feng judged in his heart that he estimated that at least 2,000 immortal-level powerhouses came from the temple this time, maybe 3,000 immortal-level powerhouses came to this side!

For the immortal powerhouse, there must be a lot of them here!

"Chu Feng, there are a lot of people coming from the temple, if you can take them all," Mo Shu said with excitement. Chu Feng said quietly: "Let's watch it first, and we can't act rashly. God knows how many people are hidden in the treasure space from the temple. If there are too many people, we are just like snakes!"

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