Holy Prison

Chapter 1967: Tianxinzi

Three thousand kilometers, without the invisibility brought by the heart of space, it would be difficult for Chu Feng to pass. Even if it can pass, it will take longer.

However, with the help of the power of the Heart of Space, Chu Feng traveled three thousand kilometers to reach the core of the Devil Forest in only about ten minutes.

"Magic Shu, Venerable Black Moon and their direction, are you clear?"

Chu Feng asked in his mind, and Mo Shu quickly responded: "They are still near the core place, but they don't know the direction!"

"Magic Shu, then give Lei Zhenzi a shot!"

The magical Shu smiled authentically, and soon a holy prison heavy artillery shot in the holy prison space!

At a place not too far away from Chu Feng, Lei Zhenzi resisted that shot. This shot did not cause Lei Zhenzi any damage, but Lei Zhenzi cursed!

Vaguely, Chu Feng heard Lei Zhenzi's voice, "It should be, this way!" Chu Feng immediately sneaked in the direction where Lei Zhenzi's voice sounded.

Lei Zhenzi dealt with the attacks of those plants with all his strength. The shot just now did not hurt him, but those plants were not that smart. They thought that thunder and lightning would make Lei Zhenzi much weaker than before. When thunder and lightning appeared, they attacked Lei Zhenzi with all their strength!

As a result, the purple lightning did not cause Lei Zhenzi to suffer any injuries, but the attacks of those plants made his injuries a lot deeper than before!

"Brother Thunder, silence!"

Venerable Black Moon suddenly thought of something and quickly said. "Mute, why?" Lei Zhenzi said solemnly, his heart was full of fire at this time.

He was injured at first, but was molested by that thunder light. The injury was much heavier than before!

"Chu Feng may have arrived nearby, he just attacked, or just to determine our direction!" Venerable Black Moon said. "Venerable Black Moon is really smart!" Chu Feng's vague voice came into the ears of Venerable Black Moon.

Venerable Black Moon, Lei Zhenzi, and the Heavenly King's complexion all changed. If Chu Feng arrived, it was not just Chu Feng who had arrived, it was very likely that many of the powerful people on Chu Feng's side had arrived!

"Venerable Black Moon, long time no see!"

"Lei Zhenzi, hehe!"

"Tongtian, will I have another fight with my grandson?"

Hongjun, Pangu, Monkey King, and Ye Qingcheng on the Chu Feng side, instantly hundreds of powerful men appeared on this side and surrounded the Black Moon Venerables!

Venerable Black Moon and their faces sank. This time they had the heart to guard against Chu Feng, but they did not expect to have fallen to this point now. In such a ghost place now, it is hard to escape!

"Chu Feng, let me leave, otherwise, your little secret will spread throughout the Three Realms!" Venerable Black Moon's voice echoed in Chu Feng's mind, "What little secret, you should know it! Even if you kill now It’s useless if I die. If I die, your little secret will immediately be known to all three realms!"

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, Venerable Black Moon's little secret, it must be a holy prison! "Venerable Black Moon, you have to recognize the situation! Now you have two choices. The first one is captured by me; the second one is killed by me immediately! You should know that I will kill you completely. The strength!" Chu Feng said.

"Choose the first one, you may be rescued at that time, after all, the temple is strong; if you choose the second one, if you want to die, I will fulfill you! As for the secrets, you think that my strength is still Are you so afraid of leaking out, Venerable Black Moon, open your eyes and take a good look!"

Chu Feng summoned the one-eyed lion king with his thoughts. With a sound of the one-eyed lion king, from its body, the aura that can only be found in the power of the saints!

"Venerable Black Moon, you should be able to judge what kind of strength it is! With my current cultivation base, it is enough to support it to fight for a few days with the strength of the noble class!"

"If there is no abyss invasion, my little secret will be spread out, and maybe many people will move me, but in this situation, who can move, who dares to move my God Chucheng, now has tens of thousands of immortal powers. Sorry, I can display the strength of the noble class by myself. Venerable Black Moon, you are the best, think about it clearly!"

Chu Feng said a lot, but he said it through the sound transmission, these words actually only took a little time!

"Venerable Black Moon, Lei Zhenzi, Heavenly King, catch it with your hands!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "An indestructible powerhouse can come back to life after death!"

"But, I believe that if you die in front of us, you will never be resurrected! The temple is powerful, and surrender at this time. At that time, you still have the hope of living freely. Don’t surrender, no Sorry, your life, that has come to an end!"

"I will give you ten seconds to think about it. After ten seconds, those who are not bound to be a surrender, die!"

The eyes of the Black Moon Venerable Lei Zhenzi and the Heavenly Sage King flashed fiercely, but at this time they knew that they had no chance to escape. As for defeating Chu Feng and the others, it was even more a joke!

"Ten, nine, eight" Chu Feng counted casually, some plants around attacked, but with Chu Feng and his group's attacks, it was no problem to block a little time!

There was a faint smile on Chu Feng's face. He was not afraid that Venerable Black Moon would not surrender. In this situation, there is absolutely no possibility of them coming back!

It is possible to survive if you surrender. If you don't surrender, you will die here right away. Venerable Black Moon are smart people and they naturally know how to choose!

"you win!"

Venerable Black Moon snorted coldly. She said that her cultivation base was quickly imprisoned, and it didn't take long for his cultivation base at the holy level to be designated as just a middle saint!

Seeing that Venerable Black Moon had sealed his cultivation base, Lei Zhenzi and Tongtian Sage King immediately sealed their own cultivation base! "Don't resist!" Chu Feng said. Soon, Hongjun and the others disappeared, and the natural Venerable Black Moon also disappeared. Chu Feng himself entered the holy prison space at this time!

Chu Feng and the others disappeared, and a large number of attacks fell on the area where Chu Feng and the others were just now. Chu Feng suffered some overflow damage in the holy prison space, but the overflow damage was not enough to hurt him!

Entering the sacred prison space, there is no need to say from Chu Feng, Hongjun and the others went out and quickly added some seals to Lei Zhenzi and others. Under those seals, it was not so easy for Lei Zhen and the others to restore their strength on their own!

"Two saints, one saint king, boss, this time I have gained a lot!" Looking at Venerable Black Moon and the others, Zhou Wen smiled happily, Chu Feng and the others also showed smiles on their faces. One harvest, it is really not small!

Among the four thousand people captured before, there were eight or nine hundred immortal-level powerhouses, and now they have actually captured two saint-level powerhouses and one saint king-level powerhouse!

If there are two saint-level powerhouses missing from the temple, Chu Feng and the others are not weaker than the temple's side in terms of cutting-edge combat power!

Hongjun, Pangu, Ye Qingcheng, Master Tianhen, Chu Feng, and Chu Feng, on their side, can display a lot of the strength of the Lords! The Ksitigarbha King who has not awakened is also the cultivation base of the Sovereign level, and he has not been parasitic. Among the dragon clan, the patriarch of the blue dragon and the patriarch of the golden dragon are both the strength of the saintly class!

On the side of the temple, there are at least five of Dragon Anode, Ice Venerable, Salmon Venerable, Reunion Heavenly Emperor, and Proseus. There are only these five on the bright side, even if there are secretly. The quantity is also limited! There are no more saint-level powerhouses in the temple than on Chu Feng's side!

Moreover, this is still the situation in which the Black Moon Venerables have not awakened. If their souls awaken and recover, there will be more sage-level experts on Chu Feng's side!

"Lei Zhenzi, are you taking the initiative, or in front of so many people, I will torture you, and you will hand over the Tianxinzi you got?" Chu Feng said calmly.

Lei Zhenzi coldly hummed a Tianxinzi appeared in his hand. "Sure enough, he is a wise man." A smile appeared on Chu Feng's face. As soon as he waved his hand, the Tianxinzi in Lei Zhenzi's hand had fallen into his hands.

"Lei Zhenzi, Venerable Black Moon, Heavenly King, I don’t want the weapons that you recognize the Lord for the time being, but you don’t have any treasures that recognize the Lord. You have to give them all! Remember, it’s all things, don’t have any Left behind? Later, you will all give me a small oath!" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Venerable Black Moon said solemnly: "Chu Feng, don't go too far, otherwise everyone's faces won't look good!"

"Venerable Black Moon, I didn't let you get all the weapons and defense treasures. I think this is already magnanimous, don't know what it is!" Chu Feng said coldly.

"Old rules, give you ten seconds, ten seconds later, swear! Those who don't swear, die!"

"Bastard stuff!"

Venerable Black Moon, they all cursed in their hearts, but they didn't make a sound of cursing in their mouths. They cursed at Chu Feng's site. That was to find themselves uncomfortable!

"I'll count, ten, nine, eight, seven" Zhou Wen smiled and counted. When he counted to one, Venerable Black Moon threw out a space ring.

"Swear, if there are any residues, you won't be able to make progress in the future!" Chu Feng said lightly. "Huh!" Lei Zhenzi snorted coldly. He was the first to swear, and then the Heavenly King and the Black Moon Venerable also swear!

Chu Feng glanced at Hongjun and the others: "Everyone, let's go away first. We have caught a lot of people. There should be a lot of good things by then. If there is something suitable for everyone, I will give it to everyone!"

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