Holy Prison

Chapter 1969: Core place

Speaking of this, some people may be surprised.

Since the power shrinks after acknowledging the Lord, why does the heart of space still need to recognize Chu Feng as the Lord? This question, between heaven and earth, naturally has some restrictions on the heart of space!

Like the Heart of Space, they cannot use their power casually without acknowledging the Lord, otherwise, the world will not be messed up!

Of course, if you can't use it casually, it doesn't mean you can't use it. If you just use it once, you can't use it again for a long time, otherwise you will suffer punishment from heaven and earth!

"Chu Feng, if they destroy the Devil's Forest, we won't be able to drink and drink by then?" Mo Shu said. Chu Feng chuckled and said, "Why, I'm afraid"

"Of course I'm scared, I have a hard time becoming a real life, but I don't want to die young!" Demon Shu said with a smile. "Don't worry, you don't want to die early, I don't want to die too! Haha! "Chu Feng laughed, "Maybe we can't get much benefit from this side, but the people in the temple want to keep us, there is not much possibility!" "

"Now the Devil Forest has restrictions. I can't directly use the space key to open the space door and leave, but if the temple is destroyed violently, I can definitely leave!"

Mo Shu patted his chest and said, "I'm relieved!" Chu Feng stretched out his hand to pull Mo Shu into his arms and kneaded the towering voice: "Come on, let me touch your heart."

"Wrong pronunciation, right?" Mo Shu gave Chu Feng a white glance. "Hey, almost, almost"

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng was in a very good mood. Outside the Devil Forest, the Dragon Anode and many other powerhouses in the Temple were in a very bad mood at this time!

The source of their extremely bad mood is the sky above the zenith, and the sky above their heads. At this time, it was so dark!

In the beginning, it was just above the Devil Forest, and now a large area of ​​the sky around the Devil Forest is affected. The dark color is secretly shocked even by a strong person like Dragon Anode!

With such a vision of heaven and earth, with such a black sky, Longyang knew that the people of the temple must not die in the devil forest as simple as one or two hundred!

"Everyone, Jade Jane is broken. Send me a message. I want to count how many people have died on this side!" Long Yang said in a deep breath.

"Yes, the Lord!"

Transmission, this does not take much time, and a lot of information in a short time is gathered here at Longyang!

"Asshole!" Longyang's cultivation is still good, and he will maintain his image in front of his subordinates, but at this time, he is cursing without any image.

As a result of the statistics, the number of people who died on this side of the temple has reached six thousand!

The jade slip was broken, and from Longyang's point of view, it was already dead. However, the results of his statistics are actually wrong, and the temple has not killed 6,000 people on this side!

As for the sanctuary, in the Devil Forest, four thousand people really died, and two thousand more. That was because Chu Feng let the Holy Prison shield them from the outside world!

The connection was broken, and their jade slips were naturally broken. There were still more than two thousand people in the holy prison. Chu Feng did not block contact. If too many people died, the people in the temple would dared to attack the devil forest frantically. ! If they know that there are still many people alive in the temple, they will be gentler!

The 4,000 people who really died, the more than 4,000 people who were captured by Chu Feng, and the 13,000 people who entered the Devil’s Forest from the temple side, in just over a day, and now they are in the Devil’s Forest. Only less than five thousand people are left!

Long Yang didn’t know that a large number of powerful men in the temple had been arrested by Chu Feng, and he didn’t know that Black Moon Venerable Lei Zhenzi had been arrested by Chu Feng. Otherwise, he would be angry. Vomit blood!

"Hall Master, how?"

Venerable Jin asked aloud. Long Yang said with a sullen face: "There are six thousand jade slips shattered, and some of them are even strong in immortality. This Devil Forest is not easy!"

Long Yang said that, many people took a breath of cold air. There were six thousand people, even if they were all immortal powerhouses, that was a terrible strength.

Actually, it was ruined in the Devil Forest in just over a day!

You know, it is very difficult for an immortal-level powerhouse to grow up. There are tens of thousands of immortal-level powerhouses in the entire holy world!

Six thousand, this is already one tenth of the immortal powerhouse in the entire holy world! In more than a day, one-tenth of the immortal powerhouse in the entire Holy Realm fell. How terrifying!

Moreover, not only the immortal-level powerhouses have fallen, but also the immortal-level powerhouses have fallen!

"Hall Master, how many people of the immortal rank have fallen?" Venerable Formation said in a deep voice. "Dozens!" Long Yang said. When he said this, the sage Array frowned again.

Dozens, that's a lot, that's an indestructible powerhouse, not a cat or a dog!

"Hall Master, give the order, we must act quickly, otherwise, our people in the Devil Forest will die a lot!" said the venerable array.

The dragon anode nodded slightly: "Attention everyone, we, we will go directly into the depths of the Devil Forest! Destroying the ghostly things in the depths of the Devil Forest, here should be able to return to normal!"

Fifteen thousand immortal-level powerhouses shot together, the situation is spectacular! The dragon anode and the others are advancing into the devil forest, and large tracts of forest are quickly destroyed by them!

The Devil Forest is very powerful, but there is no army that can stop the temple. It didn't take long for the army of the temple to advance to the core area of ​​the Devil Forest!

"It's amazing. It's extremely scary if the number of ants reaches a certain point. The number of this indestructible powerhouse has reached a certain point. It's really, tusk!"

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng sighed with emotion. The people in the sacred temple actually advanced to the core area of ​​the Devil Forest in half an hour with such a brutal attitude!

"Chu Feng, it is estimated that it will not be long before the non-core areas of the Devil Forest will be cleared!" Mo Shu said.

Chu Feng nodded. As they expected, three hours later, the non-core area of ​​the Devil Forest was completely cleared, and the temple saved two thousand people in it!

There are still two thousand people who have not died. Most of those two thousand people are indestructible powerhouses, and they have all entered the core area of ​​the Devil Forest!

What kind of situation the people in the core area are like, this Chu Feng doesn't know. There are locked people inside, but the sky's eyes cannot sense the images around the people inside!

"Everyone, be careful, next, maybe there will be some danger!" Long Yang said, he is a strong man of the holy sovereign, but at this moment, a little dangerous feeling is also in his heart!

Venerable Formation said: "Hall Master, we might as well enclose this area, and then continue to burst into it, in this case, there are no treasures inside!"

"It's a good idea, everyone, everyone will follow the idea of ​​Venerable Formation!"

"Everyone, pay attention to your left and right. Whoever has problems with left and right will be punished!" Long Yang glanced at the 15,000 immortal-level powerhouses in front of him and said in a deep voice that the two thousand are immortal. Level powerhouse, now he went to rest in the Dragon Anode Treasure Space. There were more than two thousand of them, and none of them were uninjured!

Like a bulldozer, 15,000 immortal-level powerhouses burst into it, and the holy prison that fell on the ground and turned into dust was not discovered by those people.

"Chu Feng, the heart of the wood is still white" Mo Shu said.

Chu Feng frowned slightly and said: "The method of the temple is very domineering, but it is also very effective! The wood heart crystal is still white, and it is probably impossible to succeed!"

"Wait for some time on this side and see if Wood Heart Crystal can give us a surprise. If it can, maybe there is still a little hope!" Chu Feng said.

"Hmm! Anyway, we are outside the encirclement now, there is no danger at all!" Mo Shu said.

Time passed by, and the advancement of the temple was relatively fast at first. After half an hour, there was finally a problem. An immortal powerhouse discovered that the person on his left had lost a lot of weight!

The indestructible powerhouse wants to make himself look thinner. This is normal. However, it didn’t take long for the indestructible powerhouse to discover that this shouldn’t be a normal phenomenon. The powerhouse on his left is constantly changing. He lost weight, and it seemed that he didn't feel anything at all!


Scarba replied, his own voice was shocked, his own voice has changed a lot from usual. "Ah!" Scarba finally noticed his abnormal scream at this moment. His arms have lost a lot of weight, and the amount of meat lost on his body is probably 20 or 30 catties!

If he had such a situation in his body in other places, Scaraba would have discovered it a long time ago, but on the side of the Devil Forest, his attention had not been on himself!

"Scarba, there seems to be something on your back!" The two immortal powerhouses on the left and right of Scarba gathered quickly. "Is there something? No!" Scarba Sage scanned it.

"There is something." said another immortal powerhouse. As he said, he carefully lifted the clothes behind Scaraba. There were many small green things on Scaraba's back!

Those things looked like strips of insects, but the two immortal powerhouses who saw it knew that it was not a bug but a kind of plant!

"I said, didn't you two fool me? Scanning my holy consciousness, I didn't find anything at all." Scaraba said. "Take a look at yourself!" One of the immortal-level powerhouses got out a mirror. From the mirror, Scarba could clearly see that on his back, he was actually crawling on twenty or thirty green hairs like that. Something like a worm!

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