Holy Prison

Chapter 1981: Tiger Lion League

There are three major forces in the East City of the Ghost City, namely the Black Dragon Group, the Tiger Lion League, and the Blood Drink Group. Among the three factions, the black dragon group has the largest number of people, with 11 thousand people. According to Liu Ruyan's data, the leader of the black dragon group is a black dragon with extremely high combat power. After becoming the main body, the combat power is even stronger!

The Tiger-Lion League has two leaders, one boss and one pair. The two leaders are friends. One body is the Purple Ching Blood Tiger, and the other is the Black Thunder Wind Lion.

The Tiger Lion League looks like nine thousand people!

The last blood drink faction, with a number of about 8,000 people, the leader of the blood drink faction is a woman, a woman with an extremely vicious shot, and the combat power is estimated to be not below the leader of the black dragon group. If vicious, there are still too many! The blood drink faction has only about 8,000 people, which is the least among the three forces, but the strength is not necessarily stronger than the Black Dragon Group and the Tiger Lion League!

In the East City, conflicts between a group of forces because of food, women, etc. are not once or twice, but major wars rarely occur because everyone has a common enemy!

Liu Ruyan’s force is called Ping’an Village. If you want to live some peaceful days, it’s good for Chu Feng to go to Ping’an Village, but he wants to unify at least half of the entire Ghost Village. Under such circumstances, he goes to Ping’an Village. , Then it is not a good choice.

In the beginning, it is best to control a relatively large power. In this way, you will have the capital to fight against other relatively large powers, so Chu Feng directly aimed at the three most powerful forces in the East City.

The Black Dragon Group, Tiger Lion League, Blood Drink Group, Chu Feng finally decided to be the Tiger Lion League!

Among the three forces, the Black Dragon Group has only one leader, the Blood Drink faction has only one leader, and the Tiger Lion League has two, but in Chu Feng's view, the Tiger Lion League is the best to deal with!

Because there is only one leader, the powers of the Black Dragon Group and the Blood Drink faction are very concentrated, while in the Tiger Lion League, the relative power is not so concentrated, and the atmosphere in the alliance has to be a little loose! There are two chiefs, the two chiefs of the Tiger and Lion League, and they should not be so fancy about power than the leader of the black dragon group and the **** party!

If the two leaders of the Tiger-Lion League were not so fancy about power, it would be easier for Chu Feng to replace them. If not, they will definitely resist frantically. If that happens, Chu Feng alone may have to face the attacks of hundreds of thousands of people!

A low voice rang out, and the watchman of the Tiger Lion League heard Chu Feng's approach, but he hadn't seen Chu Feng because of the distance.

"I think, join the Tiger-Lion League!" Chu Feng said. He said that the figure had appeared within a kilometer of the two guards of the Tiger-Lion League!

"Join us? Come here first. If you don't have certain strength, you are not eligible to join our Tiger-Lion League. Our Tiger-Lion League does not raise idlers!"

The sentinel's words are not too polite, but this is normal. In Ghost City, there is less politeness. Generally speaking, they speak with fists.

The big fist is the boss, because the big fist means that you can live better in it, get more food, and fight against more evil things and enemies!

"I heard someone wants to join us!"

Chu Feng approached the two sentinels, and a fat middle-aged man walked out of the stone cave with a smile. The Tiger-Lion League’s stronghold is in a stone mountain. As long as you guard the opening, you won’t be affected by the evil creatures. Harassment!

Chu Feng looked at that fat man, "master", Chu Feng commented on this fat man in his heart!

Although this fat man does not look like a master, Chu Feng can feel that his combat power must be very strong, "Let me come in." When Chu Feng looked at the fat man, that fat man He was also looking at Chu Feng, he was interested, but at this moment he was a little less interested!

Through induction, the fat man estimated that Chu Feng's combat power should be good, but not particularly powerful. There are many such people in the Tiger Lion League!

Naturally, this fat man's induction was wrong. His combat power was much lower than that of Chu Feng. It was naturally impossible to sense Chu Feng's true combat power!

"You two, watch well, be careful, don't let those disgusting monsters take your heads!" Before entering the grotto, the fat man confessed to the two sentries.

"Siye, don't worry, we take our own fate very seriously!" said one of the two sentries. "Si Ye, this newcomer, if it passes, let him push me, but I haven't made friends with my daughter-in-law for a long time, this is very uncomfortable, you know" another sentry said with a smile.

"Two little brats, guard well. It's a rule for how long a person stays!" The fat man glared at the two sentries.

Chu Feng saw this in his eyes, and the relationship within the Tiger-Lion League was indeed more harmonious. Otherwise, the two sentries would definitely not dare to talk like this.

"You, follow me, follow me, there are so many divergences in it, you can go wrong if you are not careful, if you go wrong, you may die!" The fat man walked in front of him and said in a deep voice. Every step he took was tens of meters away, and the distance he took every step was exactly the same!

"My name is Jin Sihai. In the Tigers and Lions League, most people call me Fourth Master. If you can't beat me, you can also call me like that. If you can beat me, don't call me Fourth Master. , Even if I call you Lord, that’s okay. By the way, I don’t know which force you were originally from. It seems that you are relatively strange! What’s your name?” Jin Sihai said.

Chu Feng directly reported his real name, anyway, in this ghost city, the name Chu Feng did not have any popularity at all! "Chu Feng, I have never heard of it!" Jin Sihai frowned.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "I used to act alone!"

"In these days, there are still Lone Rangers?" Jin Sihai didn't believe it very much, but he didn't bother with this question at this time. Chu Feng had just arrived in Ghost City. Liu Ruyan could see that he did not belong to Ghost City. But now, the Dark Chaos Lotus has adapted to this place, and his aura is completely isolated as in the outer underworld!

The breath was cut off. Naturally, Jin Sihai and the two sentinels did not know that Chu Feng was originally a foreigner! If you know it, it's not so ordinary treatment!

The migrant population means a lot of resources or even a lot of resources, if they are robbed.

"Can't it?" Chu Feng asked, "Brother Jin, the cave inside was opened artificially, right?" Jin Sihai shook his head slightly: "Some are yes, but most of them are not. The stones here are. It is surprisingly hard. If all were to be developed, our Tiger Lion League would not choose this place!"

"Even if we started some work on the original foundation, it took us countless years to achieve this step! You can enjoy it directly, luck is good, but you need to prove your own ability before you can stay in the tiger. Lion League, otherwise, go back wherever you came from!" Jin Sihaidao.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "The Tiger Lion League does not raise idlers, does it?"

"It's good for you to know this! If you are kind to the Tiger-Lion League, even if you get seriously injured one day, you can get the best care, but without kindness, you won't be able to enjoy that kind of treatment."

"Okay, here we are!"

Jin Sihai said that Chu Feng and the others had arrived in front of a huge stone gate. There were also two guards in front of the stone gate. They quickly saluted when they saw Jin Sihai.

"Four Lord!"

Jin Sihai nodded his head and waved an energy palm print on the huge stone gate. The stone gate was half a meter thick and as high as ten meters, but the speed of removal was very fast, less than a second. The huge stone gate has been opened!

Before Shimen opened, Chu Feng couldn't hear much. As soon as Shimen opened, a lively sound came into Chu Feng's ears.

Inside Shimen is a huge space. In that huge space thousands of people are doing their own things, some are practicing, some are gambling, some are talking loudly about women, and some are talking about it. What kind of people will join this time!

"Man? Bad luck, I am not interested in men! Lao Yu, your food is here!"

"A handsome guy with a pretty good length. It's best if you have a stronger combat power, otherwise, you will definitely be handed over to Lao Yu to be destroyed by Lao Yu Jie Jie Jie!"

"This kid looks stranger, wouldn't it be a spy who got in by other forces? Fourth Master, let me go with him first, and try what he came from!"

Chu Feng and the others entered the huge stone cave, and suddenly many people gathered. One of the bald-headed men's eyes flashed with excitement. He felt that the bald-headed man's eyes Chu Feng had the urge to punch him immediately. The bald-headed man should be the old man in those people's mouths, who are in the party!

"Chu Feng, the people inside, you can pick a fight at will, as long as you win, you can stay! However, if you want better treatment, you have to challenge the people on the strength list!" Jin Sihai Pointed in one direction.

Chu Feng looked in the direction of Jin Sihai, and there was a huge stone stele about a hundred meters away. There were a total of fifty names on the stele from top to bottom.

Zi Tiannan ranked first, Feng Congyun ranked second, and Jin Sihai's name ranked fourth! Everyone is called Jin Sihai Siye. Not only does he have a four-character in his name, but more importantly, he ranks fourth in the strength of the Tiger and Lion League!

There are only 9,000 people in the Tiger-Lion League, or some people think that it is not a big deal to rank fourth. If you think this way, it is very wrong.

Although Jin Sihai only ranked fourth in the Tiger-Lion League's strength list, his combat strength would definitely not be worse than the Tang Jian when Chu Feng first encountered Tang Jian!

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