Holy Prison

Chapter 1988: Sacred Heart of Heaven and Earth

Practicing quietly, Chu Feng did not care about the fighting outside, nor did he care about the war between Miao Xian'er and the invaders in the holy prison.

Chu Feng, who is practicing quietly, has grown extremely slowly in his cultivation base. He has already reached the 9th-level immortal peak. At this time, his cultivation base is growing extremely slowly, and it is possible for him to break through to reach the immortal level at any time. for!

Immortal and immortal, the difference between them is very big. If Chu Feng can reach the immortal level cultivation base, his strength will be greatly improved on the basis of today!

Among other things, if the One-Eyed Lion King is immortal at level 9, he will maintain the strength of the One-Eyed Lion King Sovereign level for three days at most, but if it reaches the Immortal level, then it is not a slight improvement, not three. Five times times, not thirty times and fifty times times. At the immortal level, Chu Feng maintained the one-eyed lion king to fight with the strength of the saintly rank for a year without any problems!

The battle of the strong is sometimes between life and death, but sometimes it may last for decades or even hundreds of thousands of years. However, most battles will not last more than a year!

In other words, if you break through to reach the immortal level cultivation base, Chu Feng will basically not be afraid of the powerhouses of the holy lion level by relying on the one-eyed lion king! Moreover, even if he does not rely on the One-eyed Lion King, as long as he reaches the immortal level cultivation base, the immortal power below level 6 is probably not Chu Feng's opponent. This is still the case without using holy prison heavy artillery and other things!

Two eschatological treasures, three sages, the law of space, and the law of five elements, even without borrowing external force, Chu Feng's strength has reached a very high level unknowingly!

The cultivation base is likely to break through in the next second, but Chu Feng didn't pay attention to that at all at this moment. At this time, he fell into a strange realm.

If life is like death, it seems true that Chu Feng's mind seems to have spread to the entire universe, and everything in the universe seems to be clear to the heart!

The universe seems to be alive. It breathes, it grows, and it feels the growth, growth, and disappearance of life within itself.

Chu Feng breathed blankly with the universe, feeling its joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. At this time, his cultivation base grew much faster, and little elves appeared around his body. Chu Feng danced around in a halo!

"Ok, very good, hahaha!"

A person appeared in Chu Feng's induction. It was a man, but Chu Feng couldn't see his appearance clearly, and he was still at a loss at this moment, and he didn't know the response.

"Sure enough, I am not wrong. This ninth reincarnation of the universe will eventually usher in its true master! This universe was created by me, and then, it does not belong to me, it is destined, it belongs to you! Back then, Nuwa reached heaven and earth The realm of the Sacred Heart, but she has not reached this point, and her life is fatal!"

"Don't let me down, what I did wrong at the beginning, I hope you can help me make it up! Comprehending the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Earth, a destined person, I have not seen your destiny clearly, and no one else can see you clearly. Destiny, hope, you can grasp your own destiny and embark on the right path!"

"The way to practice, there are all the roads, all the roads"

The voice faded, the strong cultivation base of the message must be extremely powerful, but his last words also revealed a hint of helplessness!

At the moment when the voice faded, Chu Feng's mind was slightly shaken and he completely entered the realm of the fourth layer of the heart of heaven and earth.

Indestructible level, level indestructible!

After working hard for countless years, Chu Feng's cultivation level finally reached the first-level immortal realm. The powerful realm of the fourth heaven and earth sacred heart easily made him break the barrier between the ninth-level immortality and the first-level immortality!

This barrier, countless ninth-level immortal-level powerhouses will never be able to break through!

The mood improved, and the cultivation base improved, but Chu Feng did not wake up at this moment, the holy prison was still being upgraded, and Chu Feng, his mind wandered between heaven and earth in a daze.

Chu Feng saw the situation in Ghost City. In Ghost City, countless monsters were constantly rushing toward this side. Those monsters were blocked from the grottoes, but the gate stone of the grottoes was also dropped a lot!

Chu Feng saw the situation in some other places in the Yin Realm, the City of Life and Death, the City of Shenwu, and Shenjiapu, his mind swept a great distance in an instant.

However, Chu Feng just swept across blankly, he didn't do anything, and no one found his mind.

Mortal realm, **** realm, holy realm.

Chu Feng's mind was not only wandering in the underworld, but in the mortal world, he saw the earth, the ordinary people moving in the fields on the earth, and also saw some practitioners with talents for training. Those mountains that are very majestic above the earth, I saw countless rivers flowing quietly.

Those ordinary people and practitioners didn't feel the coming of Chu Feng's mind, but those mountains and water seemed to feel the coming of Chu Feng's mind.

"Hello," in a daze, Chu Feng spread out a little consciousness and then he left. What he doesn't know now is that after receiving a little consciousness from him, a mountain above the earth is growing rapidly, for a minute Time is growing up to thousands of meters high, and in just a short time it has reached tens of thousands of meters high and crushed all the rest of the mountains above the earth!

After turning the mortal realm, Chu Feng's mind reached the God Realm. He saw Tang Ming and the others, and saw the powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City. His mind didn't stay in the God Realm for long, and it didn't take long for Chu Feng's mind to arrive. Got in the holy world.

The holy realm is huge, but for Chu Feng at this time, his heart fits with the heart of the entire universe, and his mind can reach any place in the holy realm in an instant.

At this time, Chu Feng was already a little awake, and he felt that he could not maintain it for long in this state, and his mind was instantly on the side of the Most Sacred Mountain.

Among the most sacred mountains, Longyang and many other powerful people didn't even know that there was a mysterious guest on the most sacred mountain! In the Most Sacred Mountain, Long Yang is talking with people at this moment.

"Venerable Formation, decades have passed, Shen Chucheng did not pay attention to Yin Xiao at all, I am afraid that we want to obtain a Tianxinzi through Yin Xiao, it is impossible!"

Opposite the dragon anode, the venerable array nodded slightly: "Well, nine out of ten, Chu Feng still has a resurrection quota in his hand. Even if Yin Xiao died, he can be resurrected. Otherwise, I don't think he would be so calm! Brother Yang, now in our temple, I and you each have a heavenly heart, which is a bit bad."

"Hehe, it's not just us!" Long Yang said with a faint smile, "Venerable Ice, in fact, she also got a Tianxinzi, but she didn't say it."

"Brother Longyang, is this sure?" Venerable Formation said.

Long Yang drank a sip of tea and said quietly: "Yes, but with her one, it's only three! If my estimate is good, Shenchucheng should have got three too!"

"Brother Longyang, isn't the news we got only two?" Venerable Formation frowned. "There is a 31% chance that there are two Tianxinzi in Shenchu ​​City, 31%, the probability of three Tianxinzi, more than 50%, Venerable Formation, how many Tianxinzi do you think there are in Shenchucheng now? "Long anode said.

Venerable Jin’s eyes showed a look of surprise, but when he saw that Long Yang didn’t go on, he didn’t ask any more, asking about other people’s secrets at will. It was a taboo thing!


Chu Feng's mind trembled and immediately broke away from that state. As soon as he left that state, Chu Feng's mind wandering between heaven and earth returned to his body in a very short time.

Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, not that of Mo Shu but Miao Xian'er. There were still some dazed colors in Chu Feng's eyes. After hearing Miao Xian'er's voice, those dazed colors finally disappeared quickly!

"Xian'er, is the upgrade finished?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and there were no apertures in front of him, and Miao Xian'er's voice sounded, it should be the upgrade!

"Don't you know how to watch it yourself?" Miao Xian'er said with a charming smile, she was in a very good mood right now! Chu Feng didn't rush to see the situation in the holy prison space but called out his own information first.

"The first level is immortal."

"Mental cultivation base, heaven and earth Sacred Heart!"

There was a faint smile on Chu Feng's face. He didn't surprise him. He had been wandering around the world before, and he knew that his mental state cultivation level must have improved a lot this time, and if his mental state cultivation base was greatly improved, it would stimulate his cultivation to reach one level. This is normal if the level is not extinguished!

The improvement of the cultivation base and the improvement of the state of mind cultivation did not surprise Chu Feng much, but Chu Feng's mind penetrated into the holy prison space, but his face was shocked.

In the sacred prison space, it is now a big change. The sacred prison has reached seventeen levels. The sacred prison space is divided into four layers. Each layer is the lowest level. The sacred prison sky prison, torture chamber and other buildings are on this floor. The area of ​​this layer has increased tenfold from the original foundation!

The original hope constitutes the second layer, but the area of ​​hope has increased by no less than a hundred times from the previous foundation! Compared with the first floor, the scenery on the second floor is undoubtedly much more beautiful!

The third layer is changed from the original one that can be accelerated. The area used to be smaller than hoped, but now the area is no more than half a point smaller than hope!

There are domain towers on the fourth floor. The area of ​​this floor is much larger than that of the second and third floors, and it is ten times larger than the second and third floors!

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