Holy Prison

Chapter 1992: Melosha

Having made an agreement with Zi Tiannan and the others, Chu Feng entered the holy prison space to check the results of this holy prison upgrade.

"Lion King, make a full blow!"

In the sacred prison space, or in the sacred prison world, Chu Feng said solemnly, he tried it for a while before, and punched with all his strength, and there was no fluctuation in the space at all!

The one-eyed lion king roared and slapped the front right palm fiercely towards the void. The full blow of the saint-level powerhouse was not unbelievable, but it only made the space tremble and did not break the space!

"Master, the stability of this holy prison space is now extremely high!" The one-eyed lion king's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Hehe, it seems not bad!" Chu Feng said with a light smile. He is very satisfied with the stability of the holy prison space. The one-eyed lion king can't break the space with a full blow. That means that other saints want to break through. It is also extremely difficult to open space!

Before, Chu Feng caught some strong men in the holy prison space, and he was a little frightened. If many strong men make trouble at the same time, the holy prison space may collapse.

But now, the holy prison reaches the seventeenth level, even if there are many indestructible powerhouses at the same time, it is difficult for the holy prison space to collapse!

"Lion King, you should rest first!" Chu Feng said, he put the one-eyed lion king into the lion king mask in an instant. "Master, you are already relatively strong. It's best to find the Right Lion King Eye earlier. Now there is no strong person above the Saint-Sovereign level to take action, but you may encounter such a strong person, Master! "The one-eyed lion king sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng thought of the Great Sun Tathagata that Sun Wukong said before. It seems that the Great Sun Tathagata is not an enemy, but he has that kind of strength. Other people may also have that kind of strength!

Moreover, if strong men like Hongjun and the others borrow the power in the chaos, their strength may surpass the Lord!

Although certainly not able to reach the strength of the master class, after borrowing the power, a strong like Hongjun is definitely not a normal saint-level strong can resist!

Chu Feng has Hongjun on their side, Pangu, and Master Tianshen, and on the side of the temple, Chu Feng believes that they will also be there!

No one wants to borrow the power in the chaos. It has not yet reached that level, but if things develop, it is very possible to reach that level!

"Lion King...Can I completely trust you" Chu Feng muttered in his heart, right Lion King pupil, this is what Chu Feng wanted, but even if he got it, he wouldn't use it until the point was reached!

Since getting the left lion king pupil, the one-eyed lion king has helped him a lot, but if Chu Feng completely believes in the one-eyed lion king in this way, then he would be too idiotic!

Holy Prison, this thing, people below the dominance level want to get it, and the dominance level powerhouse may not want to get it, if the one-eyed lion king is just a means of dominating the power level.

Of course Chu Feng didn't want that result, but he had to guard against it! "In the store, I don't know what kind of good things are there anymore." Chu Feng connected with the Saint Prison Store, and suddenly a lot of information appeared in Chu Feng's mind, and Chu Feng could check the goods in it at will. .

Without the assistance of Miao Xian'er or Mo Shu, it would not be so convenient to check, but Chu Feng could check, there is no doubt about it.

"Good things, there are so many!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, holy prison seventeenth level, the holy prison shop sells the immortal level treasures.

Some things have terrifying combat power and can defeat the average immortal powerhouse; some things are extremely powerful, like some bombs, which can directly kill the immortal powerhouse!

Precious sacred artifacts and rare materials are all sold in the holy prison shop, but what makes Chu Feng a little helpless is that those things not only require money, but also a lot of combat points! Fortunately, the completion of the three 4S-level missions gave him a lot of merit points. Otherwise, he would be powerless even if he wanted to buy something!

After checking the situation of the holy prison store, Chu Feng checked other things, such as looking through it. Sure enough, using that ability, you can see what happened in a place in the past hundred hours. Of course, this is not disturbed. Under the circumstances, if it is disturbed, the time will definitely be shortened!

Turning around in the holy realm space, Chu Feng went to Feiye, Feng Bingning and the other women also gathered on Feiye's side, Chu Feng appeared, Feng Bingning and the others hurriedly shouted.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and his eyes fell into the icicles enclosing the flail leaves.

Among the transparent icicles, Shao Ye did not move. She had been treated by the doctor for three days, but her face was still a little pale at the moment!

"Husband, Song Ye must know her current situation, and if she recovers from her injuries by then," Yilian said with a little worry.

The cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes: "Bing Ning, you guys step back!"

"Feng, what are you going to do?" Feng Bing condensed. Chu Feng said solemnly: "I want to have a good chat with our guests, you guys step back first!"

"Sisters, step back," Feng Bing said, as she stepped back a bit, and Yilian and the others also stepped back a bit. "Drink!" Chu Feng slapped the icicle with a palm. As he slapped it, some fire attribute energy quickly penetrated into the icicle and gathered near the eyes of the icicle.

"Friend, let's talk!" Chu Feng retracted his hand and said in a deep voice, "I know you should be able to hear me. Now that you want to control the holy prison, there is no hope at all!"

Feiye's eyes trembled slightly, and after ten seconds passed, Feiye's eyes opened. "She is not Song Ye!" Miao Feiying frowned.

Having lived together for so many years, Miao Feiying and the others are naturally very familiar with Feiye, and they know the expression in Feiye's eyes clearly, and her eyes are not as evil as they are now!

"Your last name?" Chu Feng said quietly.

"Melosa Coleman!" A voice rang, not the voice of Shaoye, but another voice, the voice of a woman, it sounds like the voice of a woman in her 20s and 30s!

Chu Feng searched for this name in his mind, but he didn't get any results. He knew many news about the abyss, but he didn't know who Melosha was!

"Venerable Black Moon, they might know that." Chu Feng immediately asked Venerable Black Moon and the others. However, the results obtained from Venerable Black Moon disappointed Chu Feng. They didn't even know that Melosha!

Chu Feng frowned and said, "Melosa, you are not from the abyss?" Venerable Black Moon didn't even know Melosha, which is really strange!

"This one, I'm not interested in telling you." Melosha said disdainfully. Chu Feng said solemnly: "Melosa, it seems that you still haven't figured out the situation!"

"The Holy Prison is at level 17. You, I believe you have no ability to take away the control of the Holy Prison, at least it is not possible now!"

"If you cooperate obediently, then maybe I can kill you. If you don't cooperate, then don't blame me for being polite!"

Melosha laughed strangely: "You're welcome? Chu Feng, you're not welcome to me, or I will tell you a way, you cut off the hands of Shaoye, hands, feet, etc. , All cut down?"

"Melosa, do you think I can't do anything with you? I don't want you to be in the body of Shao Ye again, so I am willing to talk to you. You'd better cooperate with me!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"What if I don't cooperate?"

Chu Feng frowned: "Melosa, if you don't cooperate, it won't be good for us! You parasitize the shackles for the control of the holy prison. It is rare that you calculated it so long ago! Now it has failed, I I think it's better for you to admit defeat! If you quit, I can promise not to kill you, but I have to limit your freedom for a period of time!"

"Not interested!" Melosha said.

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Really not interested? If you are not interested, you will not come out Melosha, so you still have a certain interest. Let's talk about the conditions for you to leave Feiye's body."

"It's inseparable. I used to merge with the merit beads, but now I merge with the soul of the leaf!" Melosa said, "I came out to have a discussion with you!"

Melosha said: "You let me go, I will give you a certain return when the time comes! Don't worry, the return I give will definitely make you satisfied!"

"Whimsical!" Chu Feng sneered, "Melosa, my patience is limited, don't you think that I have no means to deal with you!"

"Then there is nothing to say!" Melosha said, her eyes closed suddenly. "Melosa, the Holy Prison has been upgraded and has some new features, so I will take Feiye to experience it!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Swallowing Taiwan, this Chu Feng can build ten, but now Chu Feng has only built one, this thing has a lot of merit points to build!

Chu Feng's thoughts moved, and instantly he and Feng Bingning, as well as the icicles holding the shackles, arrived on the edge of the devouring platform.

"Melosa, I know you're still listening. Open your eyes and see, the Devouring Platform is in front of you." Chu Feng said solemnly, his voice sounded, and Ji Ye's eyes opened again.

"The Devouring Platform can swallow up a person's cultivation base, and completely swallow up a person's cultivation base. A saint-level powerhouse might be swallowed to become a mortal!" Chu Feng said.

Shaoye's eyes were shocked, "Swallowing Platform... God knows if this thing is as powerful as you said." Melosha said indifferently.

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