Holy Prison

Chapter 2010: Level upgrade conditions

Chu Feng reluctantly said: "Xian'er, hurry up. It's better if you don't say it. As soon as you say, the conditions for the upgrade of the holy prison, I want to know now."

"Well, look at your pitiful appearance, I'll tell you." Miao Xian'er smiled and said, "Listen, the first condition for the upgrade of the holy prison, all the layers of all domain towers, all open!"

"The second condition is that your cultivation base has reached the immortal level. You can ignore this condition! The third condition is to complete twenty 4S-level tasks, and one 5S-level task can be used for ten 4S-level tasks. !"

Chu Feng said: "Nothing?"

Miao Xian'er nodded: "Well, there are three conditions, no. The second condition is no. If the first condition, you have a lot of domain tower values. As long as it takes some time, there is nothing to complete. The problem is mainly the third task! The third task is extremely difficult, but you are lucky and have completed more than half!"

"It's really lucky." Chu Feng smiled.

Twenty 4S-level tasks, this is definitely not easy to complete, but before in the underworld, he has completed a 5S-level task, which can offset ten, so there are only ten 4S-level tasks left!

The Heart of Wind, the Heart of Life, these are all 4S-level tasks, and it is only a matter of time before these two 4S-level tasks are completed! In addition, Chu Feng also accepted three 4S-level missions: Heart of Death, Heart of Darkness, and Heart of Time. If these three are completed, and 20 4S-level missions, only five are left!

At that time, if you are lucky enough to complete another 5S level mission, as long as the first mission is completed, the holy prison can be upgraded immediately!

"Chu Feng, you previously instigated a 4S-level mission, a 3S-level mission, when you were fighting, I didn't tell you." Miao Xianer said.

"A 4S-level mission, to catch or kill Hono, successfully reward one trillion battle points, reward three Tianwei resurrection places; failure, deduct one trillion battle points; the mission time is 100 million years!"

"For a 3S-level mission, leave the profound waters alive and successfully reward 100 billion battle points and 1 billion domain tower values; if failures deduct 100 billion battle points and 1 billion domain tower values, the mission time is also 100 million years!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly: "Catch or kill Hono is actually a 4S level mission. It seems that it is extremely difficult for me to catch him or kill him!"

"Yes!" Miao Xian'er nodded.

3S-level tasks are extremely difficult, not to mention 4S-level tasks, although Chu Feng has completed 4S-level tasks, and even 5S-level tasks!

"Chu Feng, there is such a task, it's not bad, this is an extra reward! You were originally going to escape, and when that time comes, you are going to deal with Hono!" Miao Xian'er said, "I think it is. In this case, don't rush to complete the Hono mission, you can just escape with all your strength!"

"Escaped, and if the strength is strengthened by the time, it should not be too difficult to catch or kill the hono! After a while, the Shenger's heavy artillery can be fully charged, and now the holy prison heavy artillery has no energy!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, catching or catching Huonu alive, this task is indeed too difficult for him to complete now!

If Huonu were just a Saint-level powerhouse, Chu Feng would have the confidence to handle him, but his strength was much stronger than that of a Saint-level powerhouse!

Obviously, Huo can no longer be attributed to the Holy Exalted level, and he has not reached the Dominant level!

The God Realm has the level of Quasi-Holy and Hono. If you locate it, Quasi-Domination is more suitable. If he can go further, he can reach the master-level cultivation base!

"Chu Feng, what are your plans now?" Miao Xian'er said, "It is estimated that if you go outside, it won't take long for a large number of temple experts on this side to locate your position! If the position is determined, the temple If the strong one is tight, your living space will get smaller and smaller!"

Chu Feng said, "I will go out later and continue down!"

"In the profound waters of the profound cold, people with relatively low cultivation levels in the depths simply can't bear it. I want to see, Longyang and several of the holy-level powerhouses dare to keep chasing them!"

Miao Xian'er nodded: "This is a way, but there is a problem to be considered. This is the Xuanhan heavy waters, the territory of the Xuanwu clan, and the powerhouses of the Xuanwu clan will definitely reach a very deep level, if they carry the temple. If there are many strong players in the depths, they may still trap you!"

"Moreover, maybe you don't need the help of other people. Below, the strong of the Xuanwu clan may be able to get you into the siege and catch you!"

"In addition, when you go down, how will you get out? It is estimated that there is no passage from the bottom. You can only pass through the top when you leave the profound cold waters!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Which can control so much, let's go down first, the Xuanwu clan is not easy to provoke, is it easy for me? If luck is good, or I can catch some strong Xuanwu clan, luck If it’s better, or if they even catch the dragon anode, then the merits will be fulfilled!"

"I want to be beautiful!" Miao Xian'er said with a charming smile. Chu Feng said: "Xian'er, you should recover first. After I continue down a few distances, I will enter it. I will complete the first condition of the holy prison upgrade first! After completion, I will go to the Devouring Platform to practice. For a while, let the people in the temple work first."

"I will recover after you get below safely." Miaoxian said.

It is necessary for Chu Feng to go deeper. The strong man in the temple will definitely not do nothing when he gets to this side. If he goes to the depths at this time, he can do it. If he practices in the holy prison first at this time, It is estimated that it will be difficult to think deeper at that time!

In the past, Chu Feng suffered a long-distance imprisonment halo from the temple. God knows if the strong from the temple will get one on this side! If you get one, Chu Feng won't go deeper at the moment, and will be trapped by the imprisoned halo at that time or as soon as he comes out of the holy prison space and cannot leave!

Chu Feng appeared outside the holy prison space in an instant. Of course, there was also the one-eyed lion king who appeared outside with him. There is no one-eyed lion king. Chu Feng is in such a deep place. Pressed into mash!

"Lion King, go down at full speed and avoid danger!" Chu Feng's command sounded in the head of the one-eyed lion king. Upon receiving his order, the one-eyed lion king immediately sank downward!

It is not too far away from Chu Feng.

Something in the hands of a strong man made a dripping sound. The strong man was taken aback for a moment and then his face showed joy. This instrument rang, that means that Chu Feng is nearby!

There are many capable people in the temple, and the strong in the temple knows Chu Feng's soul aura. It is not too difficult to develop such an instrument!

In other places, sacred knowledge is better to use, but in places like Xuanhan heavy waters, such instruments will work better, the sacred knowledge extends, and it may be directly frozen by the profound cold water! Even if luck is not frozen, the sacred consciousness can't extend long distance here!

"Report No. 87, report No. 87, the target was found in the 1386 area, and the target dived downward!" The strong man brought the instrument close to his mouth.

"Received on the 1st, you continue to stay in the original area!" Soon there was a voice from the instrument, the voice was the voice of the lord of the dragon anode!

"Chu Feng, the other party actually found a suitable tracking instrument in a short time!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, and at the same time, some images also appeared in Chu Feng's mind.

"It's normal!" Chu Feng is not surprised, so many powerful people, so many capable people, more than ten days have passed, it is not strange to create such a thing.

And it's possible that those things have already been made out, after all, the temple had to deal with the strong people of the Xuanwu clan before!

The one-eyed lion king carried Chu Feng down quickly. In the temple, many strong men waiting on the water were also dispatched, and one by one the strong men fell on the huge mysterious tortoise.

Those black tortoises are the main body of the powerful Xuanwu clan. The area above the small tortoise shell reaches tens of thousands of square meters, and the area above the large tortoise shell reaches hundreds of square kilometers!

"Everyone, Chu Feng has reached the profound waters of the profound cold, that is heaven has a way, he won't go, he has no way to hell, he broke in, I want this place to become Chu Feng's burial place!" Long Yang said in a deep voice.

"Dead here, even if it is resurrected, it must be resurrected here. I don't want him to leave this place alive, knowing that there is no ""Yes!"

A large number of powerful people in the temple responded, and the clues Long Yin received, Chu Feng was 100% in this area, so this time, he mobilized a large number of powerful people to this side!

Of course, there were people guarding the most sacred mountain, but only the basic people were left. Most of the power of the temple was mobilized to this side!

"The powerhouse of the Xuanwu clan, this is your turf. On this side, it's up to you! If you can kill Chu Feng, you will have great benefits, and your status in the temple can be greatly improved! Treasures or something, You are absolutely indispensable!" Long anode said.

A mysterious tortoise vomited: "Hall Master, can Chu Feng's woman give me one or two at that time? Jie Jie!" "You color blank...no problem, as long as Chu Feng is dead, everything It's all easy to say!" Long Yang said loudly, "Everyone, everyone, work harder, in this place, kill Chu Feng!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Hundreds of mysterious tortoises sank quickly, and the powerhouses on the backs of those mysterious tortoises were naturally brought into the profound cold water. Some of their cultivation bases are worse than those of Chu Feng, but they have that The protection of black tortoises, they will be affected very little, and they can definitely reach a deep level!

Chu Feng and the one-eyed lion king quickly sank, and the mysterious tortoises were chasing Chu Feng and the others at a faster speed. This is their territory. Here, even if they don’t have the strength of the holy sovereign, their The speed will not be slower than the one-eyed lion king!

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