Holy Prison

Chapter 2016: Shameless plan

"The growth is not small!" There was a look of surprise in Chu Feng's eyes. He has now reached the vicinity of Axi City. Before Axi City was not very big, it couldn't be considered a city at all. Today, Axi City already looks like a city!

Now that the side length of Axi City has reached ten kilometers, with an area of ​​100 square kilometers, it is no problem for Axi City to live with millions of people today.

However, compared with the previous Axi City, the current Axi City is just a small one!

"Everyone, take a break!" Chu Feng's order was passed. As soon as his order was passed, many of the fighting powerhouses around Axi City suddenly sat down to the ground.

Tired, too tired. Over the years, Chu Feng's previous orders have not been lifted. All the Tianwei and those entourages are fighting with all their strength on this side!

For more than a thousand years, they have been fighting continuously, and it is because Miao Xian'er gave them an order before so that they can take a break when they are tired, otherwise, many people are probably tired and get down!

Yin Mei's voice of surprise and annoyance sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Yin Mei, who made you angry?" Chu Feng laughed.

"Bad brother, don't come to see Yin Mei for so long!" Yin Mei snorted.

Chu Feng smiled slightly and entered the city of Axi. Just as he entered the city of Axi, Yin Mei appeared in front of him. Although Axi city was much stronger, Yin Mei was still the same as before!

"Yin Mei, my brother has been very busy for a while!" Chu Feng squeezed Yin Mei's face and said, that tender face felt very good when pinched up!

Yin Mei is a child's temper, and her anger comes and goes quickly, "Brother, I will show you how to see Axi City!" Yin Mei pulled Chu Feng's arm with excitement.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. Although the problem outside was not small, he was not in a hurry at this moment. Moreover, sitting there and thinking, he might not think of a better way than walking like this!

"Yes, not bad!" Following Yin Mei turning around, Chu Feng's eyes showed admiration. This is not a lie. Today's Axi City is indeed very beautiful!

The former Axi City was gloomy, but today's Axi City has no gloomy taste at all. It feels very comfortable! "Yin Mei, very beautiful!" Chu Feng smiled.

"Brother, I will take you to visit the most central area, which is where I usually stay." Yin Mei smiled authentically. "Okay!" Chu Feng said and Yin Mei reached the core place of Axi City. When he reached this place, Chu Feng secretly laughed in his heart. The place where Yin Mei was treated was actually made like a fairy tale kingdom!

"Brother, do you have something unhappy?" Yin Mei stopped suddenly. "Who said that?" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Nothing, Yin Mei, let's continue to visit!"

Yin Mei said: "Brother, who made you unhappy? Yin Mei helped you out. Yin Mei's current power is very powerful! Brother, you must not lie. Although your unhappiness is hidden, Yin Mei can Feel it!"

"Yin Mei, that's an adult's business, you are a child, don't worry about it." Chu Feng said. When he came here before, he was to see if Yin Mei could help, but after he got here It changed her mind. Yin Mei is now just a child, at least it looks like this, and it feels like this to him!

As a child, it's better to let her play happily. Chu Feng doesn't plan to let her know about the annoying things in the temple! It's just that he didn't expect the feeling of Yin Mei to be so sensitive, his emotion was sensed by Yin Mei.

"Brother, Yin Mei is very powerful nowadays!" Yin Mei said authentically, "Brother, you must not look down on me, I am very powerful, compared to the powerful of the holy ones!"

"Really?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up.

Yin Mei said weakly and weakly: "Brother, it's true, but I can't hold on for long. I can burst out with strong power, but the continuity is not enough!"

"Brother, your enemy can't be a Domination-level powerhouse, right? For a Saint-level powerhouse, Yin Mei can help you defeat it!" Yin Mei said.

Chu Feng considered for a while, since Yin Mei has such power, then this matter can be let Yin Mei know. "Yin Mei, do you really want to know? It's not good news." Chu Feng said.

"Of course brother!" Yin Mei nodded earnestly.

"Okay, then I'll let you know!" Chu Feng said. He said some information directly into Yin Mei's mind. "Brother, you are in this situation now" Yin Mei's face was shocked.

Chu Feng sighed and said: "How about it, there is no way? Yin Mei, if there is no way, you can just leave it alone. You can play with your own, brother will take care of it!"

"Brother, who said I can't help it? Although your situation is not so good now, Yin Mei has a way!" Yin Mei confidently said. "Huh?" There was a look of surprise in Chu Feng's eyes, he had no hope at all, but seeing Yin Mei like this, she should really have a way!

"Yin Mei, what method do you have?" Chu Feng said.

Yin Mei said: "Brother, it also depends on whether there is a chance. If there is no chance, Yin Mei can't help." "Yin Mei, talk about your plan." Chu Feng said.

Yin Mei nodded and sat down on a swing, "Brother, can you help me?" "Haha, okay!" Chu Feng smiled and pushed the swing, and then the swing went high.

"Oh" Yin Mei exclaimed excitedly, "Brother, in such a situation now, there is no possibility of trickery, only force to break the game!"

"Brother, you are in the city of Axi, and then we all go outside together, give Yin Mei a little time, and Yin Mei can take you brother to break through the space and leave for the underworld!"

"Axi City has more feminine power. There must be a lot of feminine power on the side of Xuanhan Heavy Waters. Axi City can absorb a lot of feminine power in a very short time to open a channel!"

Chu Feng said, "Yin Mei, how long does it take?"

"Five seconds, at least five seconds! Within five seconds, Axicheng can't withstand too strong an attack, otherwise it will break through!" Yin Mei said while swinging.

Chu Feng frowned slightly, five seconds was not long, or even short, but, under the attack of so many powerful people in the temple, Chu Feng had no confidence to last for five seconds!

Those people in the temple, although they can't stay here too much, there are always people guarding the Xuanhan Heavy Waters, and there are many guarding them!

Tens of thousands of strong men, as long as one in ten finds a strange attack, Axi City may not be able to hold it! Moreover, there is another question, if, Yin Mei is just pretending? If she appeared outside and just wanted to escape, she didn't even think about really helping Chu Feng and the others escape.

When Yin Mei was in the sacred prison space, Chu Feng could not think about it like this, just as if she was a cute little girl, but if Yin Mei's approach was followed, Chu Feng had to think about it. This is not only related to him. , It also concerns Feng Bingning and many others!

"Yin Mei, if you are stronger, can the time be shorter?" Chu Feng said. Yin Mei nodded: "Brother, this is natural, but in a short time, Yin Mei's power cannot be increased too much!"

"Yin Mei, I will increase your strength a lot! Five seconds, this is still too long and will kill a lot of people!" Chu Feng said.

To buy five seconds for Yin Mei, Chu Feng still has such a certainty, but that is based on a large number of deaths, and Chu Feng does not want to have a large number of deaths!

"Good brother!" Yin Mei said.

Soon, Chu Feng mobilized many people and many monsters! The hundreds of thousands of people who came out of Ghost City were all gathered here by Chu Feng, and the tens of thousands of monsters caught in Ghost City were also gathered here by Chu Feng!

"Everyone, what the situation is like, everyone already knows, I won't say more nonsense, let's fight!" Chu Feng said solemnly, his words fell, hundreds of thousands of people from the ghost city and that Thousands of monsters caught from the ghost city fought. Those monsters' strength was suppressed to a god-level level, and those people's strength was only suppressed to the lower saints!

Hundreds of thousands vs. tens of millions, the number disparity, but the strength is superior, and soon those hundreds of thousands of people and the ten million monsters are inextricably beaten! With their battles, strands of power flew out and were continuously absorbed by Axi City. Each strand of power was relatively small, but the victory was more numerous!

"Xian'er, the Holy Prison can bear it?" Chu Feng said in his mind with some worry. As those people fight, as the master of the Holy Prison, Chu Feng can feel that the Holy Prison space is slightly Trembling. Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, don't worry, they are still within the tolerance range. Although they have a large number, they are not strong!

"That's good, that's good, Xian'er, if you can't bear it, tell me the first time!" Chu Feng said. "Brother, a lot of power, my growth rate is many times faster than before." Yin Mei said excitedly at this time.

Chu Feng looked at Yin Mei: "Yin Mei, such a rapid improvement, is there any harm to you?" "This... brother, it's a little bit, but it's okay, you can recover later." Yin Mei grinned and said. Brother, so many people are fighting together, I feel that the space is a little unbearable, brother, you have to be careful!"

"Well, Yin Mei, you should ascend first." Chu Feng said, as he said, he disappeared to Yin Mei's side. "Chu Feng, you are gambling." Just when they arrived in the small space where Feng Bingning and the others were, Miao Xian'er was a little worried about being authentic. A part of her mind was in control of the holy prison, and she naturally knew that of Axi City. The situation on one side!

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