Holy Prison

Chapter 2019: Nine Yin Land

"Brother, brother, there seems to be a little mistake" Yin Mei's weak voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "I don't know where we have been, but it seems that we are not in the underworld!"

Axicheng appeared on a desert, and the strange wind was blowing, and the sound of "uuu" sounded a little panic in my heart!

Chu Feng looked at the sky and his face changed slightly. He had never been to this place before, but he had heard of it!

At the beginning, Chu Feng obtained a piece of broken jade slip in the Yin Realm. There was some information in the jade slip, recording some of the experience of the Nine Yin Lands. If Chu Feng had expected it to be true, they were not in the Yin Realm now. It is the land of Jiuyin!

In the Land of Nine Yins, even if it is a powerful person at the holy level, whether it can survive, it depends on luck! Chu Feng knew that the right lion king pupil was probably in the land of Nine Yin, but even if he reached the immortal level of cultivation, he was not prepared to come here. Unexpectedly, he did not reach the realm of De Yin, but reached this ghost place. !

"Brother, are you in trouble?" Yin Mei said.

"No!" Chu Feng shook his head, and when he came, he would settle down. It's better to get to this side than the side with the profound cold waters! Moreover, the pupil of the Right Lion King in the Land of Nine Yin, may also get the pupil of the Right Lion King!

Although it is said that even if you get Chu Feng, you will not immediately give the right lion king's pupil to the one-eyed lion king, but it is always good to get it, and it may be needed in case of emergency in the future!

"Nothing is fine!" Yin Mei's voice sounded very weak, "Brother, I am a little sleepy, let me enter your treasure space!"

A hint of pity flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, and such a powerful force burst out in an instant that brought them to this side, and they must have suffered serious damage!

"Brother, be careful!" Yin Mei said, as she said that Axi City shrank quickly, and in a short time it shrank to the size of a fist. Chu Feng and the others all moved from Axi City to outside Axi City. !

Chu Feng moved Axi City into the sacred prison space instantly. "Chu Feng, tell you a good news." Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "In the place where you are now, if you enter the holy prison space, the chance of death is only a mere percentage point. Ten!"

Chu Feng curled his lips secretly, this is really good news!

"Brother Chu, what the **** is this place?" A sixth-level immortal strong said in a deep voice. In this place, even with his cultivation base, he felt dangerous!

"Everyone, seeing the sky is going to get dark, there is a cave on the other side. I suggest that we go to that cave before talking." Chu Feng said, he said that he was heading to a cave not far away, more than 90 Tianwei still had thousands of followers, naturally following him to the cave immediately.

"What the hell!"

Some people express their dissatisfaction openly, others curse secretly, but with the exception of a few people, the rest followed Chu Feng and the others to get to the cave.

"Chu Feng, we have so many powerful people on this side, can we still be attacked?"

"That is, even if there is something weird in this place, it should not be here if we sense that so many powerful people are on this side!"

"Chu Feng, you can quickly tell me what the **** is this place!"

Those who did not enter the cave shouted loudly. They were not too far away from the cave. If there is danger, they can enter the cave in an instant!

At the entrance of the cave, Chu Feng said faintly: "This place, if I am not mistaken, is the land of nine shades! Look at the top of your head, it looks like a flame, but it is a cloudy sky. There is still light now, indicating that it is daytime. , Cangyan will not show off power during the day, but at night, it will immediately explode!"

"I advise you to enter this cave, because Cangyan will shoot out Cangyan and cold sinks on a cloudy day, and it is not easy to get rid of it! The temperature of Cangyan and cold sinks is extremely high, making people feel the bitterness of extreme freezing. At the same time, it will make people feel the burning pain, that kind of taste, you will definitely not want to taste it!"

Chu Feng looked up, "You have less than three minutes!"

Hearing what Chu Feng said was scary, several people quickly entered the cave, but a few others did not enter the cave. "Brother Chu, which broken cave can protect you? If that broken cave can protect you, with our strength, we can't protect ourselves?" One of the few people who didn't enter the cave sneered.

"Brother Chu, you don't mean to keep us in your hands, do you? Such a trick is too low-level!"

"I guess it's the same. Why is it so terrible? We are so many powerful people who are afraid of a mere gray fire and cloudy day?" Another humanity said.

Next to Chu Feng, a Tianwei had already prepared a chair for him. Chu Feng sat down and thought, he didn't bother to care about the guys outside.

Since he wanted to die, since he did not listen to persuasion, he was not so kind!

"Xian'er, these Heavenly Guards still have entourage. If you enter the sacred prison space, the chance of death is also 10%?" Chu Feng said in his mind, 10%, the probability of death is still too high!

Now there are more than 90 heavenly guards and thousands of followers outside. If all of them are put into the holy prison space, there will be hundreds of deaths!

The other people around, Chu Feng who died hundreds of times didn't care at all. They were not a good thing, and they were not under his control, but the Tianwei and his followers were different!

"Yes, in this place, the chance of death is 10%, and maybe in some places, the chance of death is lower!" Miao Xianer said.

"It should be, but I don't know how many Tianwei and his entourage will die before we get to such a place, or more than one tenth will die!" Chu Feng said helplessly in his mind.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, there is no way. The people around you are not a good thing. If the Tianwei and the followers disappear, your safety cannot be guaranteed. They may Attack you!"

"They dare! Who dares to take action, I kill who!" Chu Feng's eyes flashed with coldness. Among these people, there are powerful masters at the Sovereign level, but Chu Feng is not afraid!

The holy prison heavy artillery, previously used eight hundred bottles, and there are 20 holy prison heavy artillery is full of energy, those 20 holy prison heavy artillery shots at the saint-level powerhouse, enough to kill a saint-level powerhouse By!

After the kill, if Chu Feng used a lot of power to destroy the world on the corpse, the power of the saintly class would also completely fall down the twenty bottles of holy prison heavy artillery, just to deter them!

"Master, three minutes, it's almost here!" A Tianwei next to Chu Feng reminded in a low voice. He is usually called Boss Chu Feng, but at this time, obviously calling Chu Feng Master will make the rest of the people more shocked. startle!

Chu Feng just lowered his head to think, and now he raised his head and looked at the few strong men who had not entered the cave. There were originally five people outside. One person entered the cave within just three minutes, and four others did not enter at this time. However, they were not particularly stupid. At this time, they all added a strong defense!

"Chu Feng, look at it, we will definitely not have an accident!"

"Only the defense of the broken cave can be compared to the powerful defense that we formed ourselves? If that's the case, it would be ridiculous!"

Chu Feng looked towards the sky. At this moment, Cang Yan Yin Sun suddenly brightened, and in an instant, four black rays of light shot from Cang Yan Yin Sun onto the heads of the four powerhouses!

The four powerhouses let out a deep cry. They all raised their defenses to a higher level in an instant, but the black light ignoring their defenses fell directly on their bodies.

A huge scream rang, the sound came from the mouths of four people, but because it was the same time, it sounded only one!

Inside the cave, Chu Feng and the others saw a pale flame ignited on the four people. In the pale flame, the bodies of the four people seemed to be freezing and burning!

"Didn't I tell you that Cang Yan is ignoring defense when it falls?" Chu Feng said flatly. "Brother Chu, you haven't said it!" a person beside Chu Feng said solemnly.

Chu Feng said quietly: "Really? When people are old, their memory is really bad. I thought I had said it. It seems that the four of them have died a little bit!"

"Chu Feng, you bastard!" Outside the cave, an immortal-level expert said angrily, "If you want to die, everyone will die together!" The immortal-level expert said a powerful attack directly towards Chu Feng They came in this cave!

An ordinary cave would definitely not be able to withstand the attack of an indestructible powerhouse. If the attack fell on the cave, the cave would be shattered instantly!

There was no need for Chu Feng to make a move. Several experts at the entrance of the cave made a move. The attack of the indestructible expert was blocked. Then, under the gaze of many people, the indestructible expert was directly bombarded by a terrifying attack. Kill it!

One died, three more, and the other three. One of them showed the courage of the strong man to break his wrist. With a single knife, he slashed off his left arm, which was braving the blue flames!

However, it was useless, Cang Yan Bingyan had already entered the body of that strong man, his left arm was cut down, and Cang Yan Bingyan immediately appeared from the chest of that strong man!

"Help, Brother Chu, save me! I was wrong, I shouldn't scold you just now!" The three powerhouses screamed for help. Chu Feng still has the ability to save them. Holy Prison Store You can buy something like that, but Chu Feng didn't move!

The things that can save these three people are not cheap. Why did Chu Feng save them just now, they still questioned and mocked!

If they are saved, Chu Feng is sure that they will not be grateful for Dade, but will deeply hate Chu Feng, and will take action to destroy Chu Feng as long as they have the opportunity!

"Save us quickly, otherwise, we will blew ourselves up, and then we will be over!" One of the immortal powerhouses screamed and threatened.

"You blew yourself up!" Chu Feng said quietly. There are so many powerful men in the cave where he is now. Knowing that the guy might blew himself up at this time, why wouldn't he make preparations?

With so many powerhouses making preparations, the three outside would blew up and destroyed the cave.

"Master Chu, please, save me! From now on, I will listen to you, and all of you! If there is any violation, let me break the sage and never exceed my life!" One of the three strong men knelt suddenly Go on!

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "It's late, you are dead. By the way, let me tell you one thing. In this, even if you are an immortal powerhouse, it is very likely that you will not be able to resurrect if you die! If you are resurrected, you must be resurrected within one day, otherwise, you will lose your chance!"

Chu Feng's voice fell, and the three people outside the cave broke out terrible screams. In the screams, all three people's bodies were enveloped in pale flames.

The screams continued for five minutes. The screams of the three people disappeared, and their bodies disappeared in the same way.

"I seem to have forgotten a little more...If the blue flames envelop the whole body, you must kill yourself within ten seconds, otherwise you will lose the ability to kill yourself and you can only die in endless pain." Chu Feng Muttering authentically.

The people around them felt cold when they heard Chu Feng's muttering. Chu Feng could have made the death of those people easier, but they all died in pain!

"Chu Feng, although a little inhumane, the effect of killing chickens and monkeys is good." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng glanced, and sure enough, there was a little awe in the eyes of many people around him.

This time, the group of strong men from the extraterritorial towers are not good people. Some of them can't describe them with the word "villain".

Such a group of people cannot make them obedient by talking to them in a good voice. That way, it will only make them feel that you are bullied. At that time, there may be some people who make ideas to Chu Feng. After all, Chu Feng has Many treasures!

The effect of speaking like this now is very good. Those who are disobedient can see clearly that they have died outside the cave, and they have died in pain!

"Brother Chu, what shall we do next?" A strong man politely said, this strong man, that is one of the two saint-level strong men Chu Feng made!

"Brother Chu, if you take us away safely, then we will have a good return!"

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