Holy Prison

Chapter 2037: Trust issues

As soon as Chu Feng thought, the right Lion King pupil who flew to was fixed in front of him.

"The things are already given to you, don't come to bother me in the future!" The blood infant said solemnly. "Don't worry, as long as you don't cause trouble for me, I won't come to you for a long time!" Chu Feng said quietly. He waved his hand, and the blood infant disappeared in front of him to another little boy. In the space.

"Chu Feng, Blood Infant is a quasi-dominant powerhouse. If you stay in the holy prison space, or there will be some trouble in the future, will it be better if you kill it?" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. Among.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "The quasi-dominant powerhouse may be in trouble if you keep it, but be careful, the trouble is still small. And the benefits may be great! For example, Heiqing, if you kill before Now, it’s impossible to get the pupil of the right lion king so easily now!"

"Yeah!" Miao Xian'er replied, "Chu Feng, should you tell Sister Bing Ning about the news of the right Lion King pupil? If you don't tell it, it's not good. If you tell it, the one-eyed Lion King might also know the news."

Chu Feng said: "I got the news from the right lion king pupil. I didn't intend to keep it from the one-eyed lion king. I now intend to tell the one-eyed lion king this news!"

Miao Xian'er said in surprise: "Chu Feng, what if the one-eyed lion king is no longer loyal to you when he learns the news?"

"He can't talk about loyalty to me, only the difference between doing his best and not doing his best. I believe he will do his best after he knows it!" Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng said that the sage entered into the mask of the lion king, and the one-eyed lion king appeared in front of Chu Feng the next moment.

"Master, something is going on?" The one-eyed lion king stared at Chu Feng a little unhappily. "Lion King, did I disturb your spring dream again?" Chu Feng chuckled.

The one-eyed lion king muffled and said: "You disturbed my imagination, beautiful imagination." "Lion king, then I'm sorry." Chu Feng laughed, "but this time, there is an important thing to call you out! "

"Master, let's talk if you have anything." The one-eyed lion king said, lying on the ground comfortably, but its body is tall, even if it is lying down, it is taller than Chu Feng sitting.

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Lion King, I have got the right Lion King pupil." "What?" The one-eyed Lion King just got down and stood up suddenly when he heard the news.

"Master, where is it?" The one-eyed lion king said with excitement, its power is very strong now, but after the right lion king's pupils merge, its strength will be even stronger!

Chu Feng said: "It's right in front of you."

The pupil of the right lion king was in front of Chu Feng, but was hidden by Chu Feng. The one-eyed lion king in front of him did not see it at this time. As Chu Feng’s voice fell, the small space with the pupil of the right lion king became transparent. The king immediately saw the pupil of the right lion king.

Seeing the pupil of the right lion king, the one-eyed lion king roared excitedly. "Lion King, calm down, I am not going to give you the right Lion King pupil now." Chu Feng said.

When the one-eyed lion king heard what Chu Feng said, he looked at Chu Feng suddenly; "Master, why?"

"Lion King, you are not stupid, you should know the reason." Chu Feng said, as he said that the space barrier around the right Lion King's pupil became opaque again.

"Master, are you worried about me?" The one-eyed lion king said solemnly.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, Lion King, we have also spent a lot of time together, I think we can talk openly and honestly, what do you think?"

Chu Feng said, "Well, that's all right. Lion King, you have helped me a lot, and I am grateful, but honestly, I don't trust you 100% now."

"This feeling of not being 100% trusted is probably not very pleasant, but I think you should understand."

"Back then, you said that your original master is dead and he is a master. Is the master so easy to die? I got information from Big Brother Lin Tian. As far as he knows, the number of masters can be counted with one hand! "Chu Feng said, "Your original master is dead, and I let the left lion king pupil unite with your subject. You have recognized the master for 10 billion years. To be honest, I can't believe it 100%."

The one-eyed lion king lay down again: "Master, my memory is like this. I didn't lie to you in this regard, but I don't know if there is any problem with my memory."

"I just got news again, because you made a lot of trouble back then, and later you were taken by a third-rank master, I don't know if there is such a thing?" Chu Feng said.

The one-eyed lion king looked confused: "Master, there is no such thing in my memory. Are you sure that the news you know is true?"

"Not sure, but there are indeed some problems in it." Chu Feng said. If what the blood baby said is not wrong, then there is a problem with the memory of the one-eyed lion king. If the blood baby is wrong, then why does it have to Pulling out such a panic? Is it just to scare Chu Feng out?

The one-eyed lion king said: "Master, I slept for a long, long time. It has been a long, long time since the two lion king pupils have been separated from the subject. In my memory, there really is no experience of being dominated by the third rank!"

"That's weird." Chu Feng frowned. "The one who told me the news was blood babies. It is easier to verify the truth and falsehood of this news. Just check if it was because of your turmoil that year. If so, It’s discovered that there is a problem with Lion King’s memory, or"

Chu Feng did not go on, and the one-eyed lion king said, "Master, or am I lying to you? Actually, I have a problem. I approached you in order to get the holy prison?"

"Hehe, Lion King, I didn't say that." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Lion King, I can't give you the right Lion King pupil now, can you understand it?"

The one-eyed lion king nodded slightly: "It's still understandable."

"Thank you!" Chu Feng patted the one-eyed lion king lion head and said, "Lion king, we have been fighting together for a long time, now we are friends. I hope that in the future, we will not become enemies."

"Master, don't pat me on the head. I am a war lion, not a pet dog." The one-eyed lion king glared at Chu Feng and said, "I also hope not to be an enemy. The life like this is pretty good now."

Chu Feng nodded: "Lion King, you enter the mask of the Lion King and continue your imagination."

"It is estimated that a lot of time I have no thoughts, no thoughts to sleep, this time I heard too much news that shocked me." The one-eyed lion king said that it turned into a golden light and entered the lion king's mask.

"Chu Feng, do you think what the one-eyed lion king said is true or false?" Miao Xian'er appeared beside Chu Feng and said.

Chu Feng frowned: "It's hard to tell. My feeling tells me that what he said is not a lie. But my feeling also tells me that what the blood baby said before was not a lie."

"Or there is something wrong with my feeling; or the memory of the one-eyed lion king is affected, if it is a consequence, why is the memory of the one-eyed lion king affected, and who affected his memory?"

Miao Xian'er rubbed his temple behind Chu Feng and said, "Husband, the boat will go straight to the bridge head. These troublesome things should be left to the future!"

"Now that the Right Lion King pupil is in hand, the most important thing is to leave the land of Jiuyin. If you are trapped in it for an extremely long time, the problem outside will be big!"

Enjoying Miao Xian'er's massage, Chu Feng said softly, "Xian'er, let the entourage go to the direction Tao Chen and the others are. One of the exit channels is also on the other side. A lot of time has passed and I don't know if he is still there now. Hope is still"

The entourage took the holy prison towards Tao Chen and the others, and the approach speed was not very fast, but after half a month, the distance between the entourage and Tao Chen and them was already relatively close.

Miao Xian'er screamed, just now, Tianyan lost the feeling with Tao Chen and the others! When such a situation arises, one possibility is that they are all dead; the second possibility is that they are trapped in a place with a strong barrier, where the power of the barrier can make the Holy Prison unable to sense them.

The third possibility is that they have left the land of Jiu Yin!

"Losing Tao Chen and the others?" Chu Feng's eyes showed surprise in the domain tower. Before, he had a sense of being far away. At this time, it should be very close to lose sense.

"Xian'er, when the induction was still there, how far was the entourage from Tao Chen and the others? How long would it take if the entourage passed by?" Chu Feng said.

"The distance is not too far, but the entourage used to take about half a day. If the Tianwei appeared outside, it would take about an hour to reach the place where Tao Chen and the others disappeared." Miao Xianer said.

"One hour"

Chu Feng frowned. If he was outside, it would be easy to look through the sky to see what happened in a place in the past hour, but now it is in the land of Jiuyin.

Chu Feng had tried it a long time ago, and in this, the sky's eyes looked through and supported it for at most half an hour, and in some places it could not last for half an hour!

"Xian'er, I have to go, don't tell Bing Ning and the others, don't affect their training, understand? Don't tell even your deity." Chu Feng said, he has returned to the holy prison space at this moment in.

The Sky Eye's cultivation is only Level 2 Immortal, and it can take an hour to get there, but if he appears outside, definitely not half an hour to the place where Tao Chen and the others were just now.

Miao Xian'er quickly refused: "Chu Feng, no, Tao Chen and others, it is not worth your risk to appear outside."

"Xian'er, I am not just worried about Tao Chen and the others. Tao Chen and the others are indeed not worth my risk to appear outside, but what if they found a way to leave?"

"The passage they left was obviously not the one I knew, the one I knew, too long time has passed, it may not allow me to leave the land of Jiuyin. If that one cannot be used, I don’t know how long it will take then. It takes time to find a way to leave." Chu Feng left the holy prison space to the outside in an instant.

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