Holy Prison

Chapter 2043: Tianwei Selection

"Mokaza, recognize the treasure of the Lord, is it not going to be given to me?" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Mokaza stared at Chu Feng with cold eyes, and Chu Feng pointed to the measuring ruler: "The black engine ruler has even given out the measuring ruler. Are you still reluctant to recognize some of the master’s things. If you are reluctant, I don’t recommend putting you Kill, and then explode your treasures. For me, that’s okay!"

"Chu Feng, in the future, you will definitely not survive or die! You will die terribly miserable, none of your relatives and friends will be better off!" Mokaza said in a cold voice.

Chu Feng said quietly: "If I were polite, you would give me a way to survive? I am not polite, there is still a ray of life, if you are polite, you will definitely die!"

"Mokaza, give you ten seconds to think about it. After ten seconds, if you recognize that some of the Lord's treasures are not in front of me, you will die for me!"

Mokaza was furious, but he knew that he couldn't help Chu Feng now!

Five seconds later, a mouthful of blood spurted out the two innate sacred artifacts that Mokaza had used to recognize the lord. He unlocked the two congenital artifacts and recognized the lord as a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse. Let the two congenital treasures recognize lord. Did it.

However, there are also quasi-dominant-level powerhouses who will not do this, because the two masters may affect each other, and the power they exert is relatively low!

"Thanks!" Chu Feng put the two innate sacred artifacts away and said with a smile. These two innate sacred artifacts are difficult to recognize the master now, but it is not impossible to recognize the master again in the future.

Moreover, if you really can't recognize the Lord again, you can still treat them as a pawnshop in the holy prison, innate sacred artifacts, which can improve Chu Feng a lot!

"Chu Feng, the Mokaza Space Token has been checked. There are many treasures inside." Miao Xian'er's grinning voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Four Innate Treasures and Two Last Days Treasures. In addition, there are several treasures at the level of Innate Treasures! There are even more treasures below the Innate Treasures!"

There are six innate treasures and last-day treasures, this is definitely a lot, but Chu Feng is not very excited. Compared with the 81 innate treasures and last-day treasures that Abs has obtained, six are really nothing!

Outside, even the powerhouses at the Saint-sovereign level would definitely be very excited to get one of the innate treasures. If they knew that Chu Feng had received six innate treasures and several treasures of this level, that one would appear to be indifferent. This one will definitely be stunned!

"The Congenital Treasures and the Last Treasures, the total number exceeds 110!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart with a faint smile on his face, "Xian'er, let all the Congenital Treasures and the Last Treasures and other powerful treasures to heaven. The guards choose, as long as they are suitable, the Tian guards choose theirs!"

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, this, I think it would be better for you to come out in person! Although the heaven guards completely obey your orders, if you give them some treasures, they will be more devoted and give the treasures personally. Their words are the best! Chu Feng, what are you sure they choose and give them?"

"Yes, but it must be appropriate." Chu Feng said.

Of all the heavenly guards, ninety-four of them were second-level immortal cultivation bases, and five were later resurrected, and are now only first-level immortal cultivation bases. There is also a heavenly guard with a relatively large sacrifice and has been in a state of living corpse. It has consciousness, can also practice, can strengthen, but the speed of practice is a little bit slower, and now it is only a nine-level immortal cultivation base.

"I'll talk to them myself!" Chu Feng said as he appeared in another small space, in that small space, a whole hundred heaven guards gathered!

Chu Feng appeared, all the heaven guards saluted in unison, Chu Feng nodded slightly and smiled: "Don't be so serious, today is a good day for you!"

"Boss, what's a good day?" A Tianwei asked with a smile. After spending so many years with Chu Feng, they all knew Chu Feng's temper better.

Usually they are more serious, like soldiers one by one, when Chu Feng tells them not to be so serious, they can communicate with Chu Feng like friends.

"A good day for your equipment to be upgraded!" Chu Feng smiled, as he said that a large number of treasures appeared above his head, including more than one hundred innate treasures and last days, including two hundred pieces and innate treasures. Treasures of similar value, including many treasures that even Saint King-level powerhouses are jealous!

With so many treasures appearing above their heads, all the heaven guards raised their heads, and when they saw the many treasures, they all stayed slightly.

There are a total of thousands of treasures, each of which is very precious. With so many treasures hanging overhead, even a quasi-dominant powerhouse like Mokaza will be taken aback!

"Guys, don't be in a daze, choose! If there is something suitable for the Innate Treasure, the Last Days Treasure, give priority to this; if not, you can also like other things very much, if you don't like it very much, then don't shoot!"

"There are a lot of innate treasures here, and there are many treasures in the last days. At that time, it is very likely that you will get some. If you do not choose the one you are satisfied with this time, you will have a chance at that time!" Chu Feng smiled.

All the sky guards are excited in their hearts. They all have their own consciousness. They are not robots. There are so many treasures in front of you that you can choose at will. It is strange if you are not excited!

"Boss, can we really choose whatever we want?" A Tianwei said incredibly, but they knew the preciousness of the innate treasure!

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Of course, I still lied to you? You have powerful treasures. By then, the attack defense can be greatly improved, and my benefits will be great!"

A hundred heavenly guards, if everyone is a congenital or apocalyptic treasure, then their strength will definitely be greatly improved, they can exert more powerful strength, and they are less likely to die!

"Boss, but the innate treasure, the last days treasure, too precious!" Another Tianwei said.

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "Although many people I know are stronger than you, I can trust you more. Moreover, after the Holy Prison is upgraded again, your strength will definitely increase again. At that time, maybe you Everyone can fight against the powerhouses of the Saint King and Sovereign level!"

"Boss, mistress and them"

Chu Feng said: "Some of them have already obtained the innate treasure, now it's your turn. Okay, don't talk nonsense, and choose quickly! Remember, you must choose the right one and choose the strong one! The innate treasure, don’t fail. Choosing, those things are a pile of **** if no one uses them!"

"Yes, boss!" All the sky guards said in unison, and they flew up one by one and looked closely at the treasures.

Chu Feng smiled and watched the selections of the heavenly guards. The heavenly guards will get great treasures, but he will be the ones who will benefit. As long as most of them can have treasures like the Innate Treasures and the Last Days Treasures, their strength will continue to improve. , It's just that these hundred sky guards are extremely terrifying strength!

There is a Devouring Platform in the Holy Prison space, and the Heaven Guards can increase their strength in the Devouring Stage. When the Holy Prison is upgraded, then the Heaven Guards can also improve!

The combat power of the heavenly guards is relatively high. As long as the heavenly guards reach the sixth-level indestructible cultivation base, they will definitely have the strength of the Saint King-level with the high innate power.

If they reach the seventh level of immortality, it is estimated that each of the sky guards will have the strength of the noble class, and there are a hundred strong men of the noble class, Chu Feng is excited when he thinks about it!

"Hey, guys, priority is given to the innate treasures, have you heard it?" Chu Feng said loudly, and many Tianwei were not going to see those innate treasures the first time!

"I caught Abs, Heiqing, Blood Infant, and Mokato and got so many treasures. I will definitely get a lot of treasures next. Don’t leave me deliberately keeping innate treasures and choose not! I have them. Holy Prison, some people will definitely take action to **** the Holy Prison at that time. You need to be strong, do you understand?"

The heavenly guards responded loudly. All the heavenly guards were observing those innate treasures, the last days, and more than one hundred innate treasures, and they should be satisfied with many of them.

Time passed slowly, and Tianwei continued to choose, but after the selection, it was still a question of whether the selected congenital treasure could recognize the master.

After an hour passed, all the sky guards had made a choice. Among them, more than 70 sky guards chose a congenital treasure, and the remaining sky guards chose some special treasures and did not choose to attack or defend. Treasures, if selected at this time, then it will be difficult to get the innate treasure and the last days treasure!

"Very good, now give me all those treasures immediately!" Chu Feng said, he quickly mobilized a hundred strands of time!

The heavenly guards have immortal level cultivation bases, and there is no problem with bearing a million-fold time acceleration. The power of time mobilized by Chu Feng is accelerated by more than a million times every time!

With a million times acceleration, a day’s time is three thousand years. If there is such a chance, they have chosen the innate treasure and the last days, and they should be able to recognize the Lord within a few days!

After ten days, if you have not succeeded in acknowledging the Lord, then there is basically no hope that the acknowledgment will be unsuccessful. The chances are relatively small.

Chu Han and the others selected the Innate Treasures and the Treasures of the Last Days. They all successfully recognized the Lord one by one. However, it is one thing to recognize the Lord successfully, and it is another thing to be able to exert a strong power!

After the master is successfully recognized, there is a problem of fit. If the fit is very low, then the power that an innate treasure can exert will make the master very painful!

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