Holy Prison

Chapter 2079: Identity of Nikas

"It's okay to talk about it." Bi Feng said indifferently, "Zhong Tao, you missed it before. It's up to you to talk about the distribution of this treasure."

"Yes, boss." Zhong Tao said.

Zhong Tao said and looked at Chu Feng: "Chu Feng, this treasure is distributed like this. It is obtained by joint efforts and distributed according to the amount of effort. What he obtained alone belongs to himself. Is there any problem?"

"A very fair plan." Chu Feng said. From this plan, this team is actually good. Chu Feng believes that in other teams, there must be some plans that are not so fair.

For example, some of the low-strength people in the team may have to pay the high-strength people as a "protection fee." "There is another point. If the team needs to buy what everyone needs, then everyone The points are averaged out. For example, we bought a middle-grade treasure hunting compass before, and one person earned a thousand points." Zhong Tao said.

"We have already purchased, and you don’t need to accumulate them anymore. Next, if you want to buy something, you need to accumulate points." Zhong Tao said, "If you can’t afford to accumulate points for three consecutive times, then you You have to leave our team, of course, I believe you will not get there."

Chu Feng said: "If you are forced to leave a small team, what will be the result?"

"The result...that is to go to the most dangerous lost world and successfully bring back the great treasures, then there is a chance to come back to life, if you fail, you know the consequences." Zhong Tao said.

Chu Feng said: "I have a doubt. In such a world, if we die in it, we can resurrect if we have a resurrection pill. If a master-level power enters this to obtain treasures, can we not be resurrected?"

"Perhaps, but the price is definitely high." Bi Feng said indifferently, his face showing a little self-deprecating color, "Since there are slaves like us that can be used, master-level powerhouses, why enter such a lost world to venture out? Even if it can be resurrected, there will definitely be some decline in strength!"


Chu Feng sighed secretly in his heart. Most of the bases are powerful masters at the Sovereign level, but in the eyes of the powerful masters, perhaps they are really just slaves!

"Bige, I can enter such a lost world as a third-level immortal person, dominating power, why don't you get more people to work for them? In this way, can't you get more treasures?" Chu Feng said .

Bi Feng said quietly: "That's not too cost-effective. We enter such a lost world, it will consume a certain amount of resources of the base, the resources of the base are limited, if a lot of people with a much lower cultivation base come in, it is for resources. It’s a waste. Moreover, the base also has to cultivate strong masters."

"Even if you become a Domination-level powerhouse, you might be someone's subordinate." Kadi sighed lightly, "If I can go back to the past, I will be safer. How good is it to be my Saint-level powerhouse honestly. Running around, and finally getting to such a ghost place, dominating power, how easy it is!"

Zhong Tao smiled and said: "I stayed for a long time when I was at the Sovereign Level, and I wanted to achieve higher strength. After all, we deserve it, only Chu Feng is not like that."

"Chu Feng, how did you get here?"

Chu Feng said, "A person named Nikasi, don't you know if you know each other?"

When Chu Feng said this, Zhong Tao's expressions changed slightly. Obviously, they should know Nikasi. "It seems that you know, who can tell me who Nikasi is?" Chu Feng said.

"A member of the guard, but she still has another identity." Bi Feng took a deep breath and said, "She is the woman of the Base Chief of the Paradise Base!"

Chu Feng cursed in his heart, he was not too afraid of the former identity, but the latter was a bit scary.

"No, since she has such an identity, if she wants to kill me, it's easy, what idea did this woman make?" Chu Feng asked inwardly.

Before Chu Feng was not sure, now Chu Feng is 100% sure that the heart of death was moved by Nikas. He appeared in this ghost place, and he must be inseparable from Nikas.

But, why did Nikas get him here?

After Chu Feng thought about it, he probably didn't disclose the matter of his arrest of the master. He had a master device outside of the holy prison. This should not have been revealed, so the problem should be in the holy prison.

"Perhaps Nikas knows that you can't get the holy prison by killing me directly, so she has to use some means; or, what rules restrict her and her men from killing me directly!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

Chu Feng’s thoughts were guessed at the same time. The reason why he is still alive has something to do with both of them. At the heaven base, Chu Feng died when he was incapable of performing the mission or caused someone to die. No problem, if Nikasi or the master behind her kills Chu Feng, it will be a bogey!

Killing Chu Feng has a big impact on Lin Tian. Some people want to get rid of Chu Feng, and more importantly, they want to get rid of Lin Tian. Lin Tian has a controller as a backer. In this situation, there are certain rules. People can shoot, but hands that exceed a certain rule will be cut if they are messed up!

Nikas worked on the heart of death, just to get Chu Feng to this heaven base. She finally succeeded, and what happens next depends on Chu Feng's life!

If fate is good, in this base, there may be benefits; if fate is not good, in this base, it is possible to starve to death.

Even if Chu Feng is not dead, as long as they don’t leave this base for a long time, it will be a win for Nikasi. Lin Tian has been separated for a long time. Shannian and evil thoughts have been separated for a long time. Good thoughts and evil thoughts may never merge again!

As long as Lin Tian's thoughts of good and evil can no longer merge, and he wants to become the master, that is basically impossible!

"Bige, how does Nikasi's strength compare to yours?" Chu Feng said.

Bi Feng said quietly; "I rank about two hundred on the strength list, and Nikas can rank in the top 20 on the strength list. She is the quasi-dominant strong!"

Speaking of this, there was a hint of disdain in Bi Feng's eyes. Nikas had the strength of a quasi-dominant level, and it was probably because she had a master-level man!

"Chu Feng, are you friend or foe with Nikas?" Zhang Long said solemnly. Chu Feng frowned slightly: "Zhang Long, in your tone, are you asking your teammates or questioning the prisoner?"

"It's very important for our team to be friends or foes with Nikas," Zhang Longdao, his tone of voice has improved a lot, but the murderous intent in his heart has become stronger, if there is a chance. , He would not mind sending Chu Feng a ride to the team, Zhang Long felt a little too insecure!

"Enemy, but she shouldn't take action against me. If so, I can't explain that I am still alive." Chu Feng said.

When Chu Feng said this, Bi Feng and the others generally thought of what the situation was like, "Chu Feng, it seems that you also have a backstage." Kadi was somewhat meaningful and authentic. Those who did not have a backstage were executed directly, and there was a backstage, but The backstage is not too hard, and it is normal for people to be thrown into it.

In the final analysis, it is a training base. People who are thrown into it will not tear their skin. If you have the ability, you can become the master. If you don't have the ability, you will die, and the people behind the dead will not say much. what!

"Is there a backstage? It doesn't matter if you get to a place like this." Chu Feng said quietly, "When you get to a place like this, you can only rely on yourself!"

"That's good." Bi Feng nodded slightly, "Okay, let's set off. The compass has a sense. It seems that we won't leave empty-handed this time!"

Ten minutes later, Chu Feng and the others did not meet the treasure, but encountered dozens of indigenous people in this world. The strength was a little worse than them but not much worse than the bone demons.

Chu Feng had encountered a bone demon, that was when he was in the abyss, but the bone demon he encountered at this time was not the same as the bone demon he encountered at that time. The Bone Demon that Chu Feng encountered at that time was quite scary. However, compared with the Bone Demon that Chu Feng encountered at that time, the Bone Demon that Chu Feng encountered at that time was simply cute.

There were dozens of bone demons, each one looked terrible and abnormal, and each eye was staring at Chu Feng and the group of uninvited guests with a brutal light.

The host is not very welcome to such uninvited guests as Chu Feng, dozens of bone demons roared towards Chu Feng and they immediately rushed towards them!

A strong killing intent erupted from Chu Feng and the six of them. One minute later, dozens of bone demons all lay on the ground. Among them, Bi Feng killed 13 of them, Zhao Ling killed 8 of them, and Chu Feng had some reservations just to kill. Seven bone demons were dropped, lower than Bi Feng and Zhao Ling, but higher than all three of Cardi.

"Lost World, it's not easy to mix up." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, this time they only met dozens of bone demons and they solved it relatively easily. If they encountered hundreds, thousands of them.

In the Lost World, their strength will not be much stronger than in the base. Fortunately, the strength of the creatures in the Lost World is also affected.

Dominate death, generally a world also perishes, the lost world does not follow it, but every lost world is definitely affected by dominating death.

One of the effects is that the strength of all the strong in the Lost World is suppressed. The higher the strength, the stronger the suppression. The lower the strength, the less the suppression. The mortals in the Lost World are basically Will not be suppressed.

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